Esempio n. 1
 public function run($arguments, CLImaxController $cliController)
     // Set up options for search
     $config = GitPlanbox_Config::get();
     $statuses = array('completed', 'delivered', 'accepted');
     $opts = array('productid' => $config->productid(), 'timeframe' => $timeframe, 'status' => $statuses);
     // Pull in timeframe(s) if they've been specified
     if (isset($arguments[0])) {
         $opts['timeframe'] = explode(',', $arguments[0]);
     } else {
         $opts['timeframe'] = array('last', 'current', 'next');
     // Create a session so we can run commands
     $session = GitPlanbox_Session::create();
     // Get a list of stories
     $stories = GitPlanbox_Search::search($session, $opts);
     if (count($stories) == 0) {
         print "There are no stories in status: " . implode(', ', $statuses) . ".\n";
         return 0;
     // Format stories nicely
     print "Stories that are ready for release:\n";
     foreach ($stories as $story) {
         printf("%8s %10s - %-50s\n", "#{$story->id}", $story->status, $story->name);
     print "\nHint: use `git-planbox status <storyId>` to find out what branch the story is on.\n\n";
     return 0;
Esempio n. 2
 public static function create()
     // Pull out config vars
     $config = GitPlanbox_Config::get();
     // Call out to planbox to start a session
     return new self($config);
Esempio n. 3
 private function _stopRunningTimers($session)
     $config = GitPlanbox_Config::get();
     // Don't change any timers unless they're managed by this user
     if (!$config->resourceid()) {
     // Fetch stories
     $postData = array('product_id' => $config->productid(), 'resource_id' => $config->resourceid());
     $stories = $session->post('get_stories', $postData);
     // Find tasks that are in progress
     $inProgress = array();
     foreach ($stories as $story) {
         $storyHasTasksInProgress = false;
         foreach ($story->tasks as $task) {
             if ($task->status == 'inprogress') {
                 $storyHasTasksInProgress = true;
         if ($storyHasTasksInProgress) {
             array_push($inProgress, $story);
     // Ask the user if they'd like to pause the running timers
     if (count($inProgress) > 0) {
         print "The following stories have one or more tasks in progress:\n";
         foreach ($inProgress as $story) {
             printf("%8s %10s - %-50s\n", "#{$story->id}", $story->status, $story->name);
         $response = GitPlanbox_Util::readline("Pause (p), finish (f), or ignore (i) these tasks? [P/f/i] ");
         if ($response == '' || strtolower($response) == 'p' || strtolower($response) == 'pause') {
             foreach ($inProgress as $story) {
                 foreach ($story->tasks as $task) {
                     if ($task->status != 'inprogress') {
                     // Stop the timer
                     $postData = array('story_id' => $story->id, 'task_id' => $task->id, 'status' => 'pending');
                     $session->post('update_task', $postData);
             print "Paused timers for " . count($inProgress) . " stories.\n";
         } else {
             if (strtolower($response) == 'f' || strtolower($response) == 'finish') {
                 foreach ($inProgress as $story) {
                     foreach ($story->tasks as $task) {
                         if ($task->status != 'inprogress') {
                         // Stop the timer
                         $postData = array('story_id' => $story->id, 'task_id' => $task->id, 'status' => 'completed');
                         $session->post('update_task', $postData);
                 print "Finished " . count($inProgress) . " stories.\n";
Esempio n. 4
 public function run($arguments, CLImaxController $cliController)
     // Pull in iterations if they've been specified, otherwise
     // use current as default
     $timeframe = 'current';
     if (isset($arguments[0])) {
         $timeframe = explode(',', $arguments[0]);
     // Create a session so we can run commands
     $session = GitPlanbox_Session::create();
     // Get a list of stories
     $config = GitPlanbox_Config::get();
     $postData = array('product_id' => $config->productid(), 'timeframe' => $timeframe);
     if ($config->resourceid()) {
         $postData['resource_id'] = array($config->resourceid());
     // Restrict list to the current user if they have specified a planbox.resourceid in gitconfig
     $stories = $session->post('get_stories', $postData);
     // Format stories nicely
     $skippedStoriesByStatus = array();
     foreach ($stories as $story) {
         // Skip stories that are done
         $statusesToSkip = array('completed', 'delivered', 'accepted', 'rejected', 'released', 'blocked');
         if (in_array($story->status, $statusesToSkip)) {
             if (!isset($skippedStoriesByStatus[$story->status])) {
                 $skippedStoriesByStatus[$story->status] = 0;
         printf("%8s %9s %10s - %-50s\n", "#{$story->id}", $story->type, $story->status, $story->name);
     if (!empty($skippedStoriesByStatus)) {
         $skippedStoryStatuses = array();
         foreach ($skippedStoriesByStatus as $status => $numSkipped) {
             array_push($skippedStoryStatuses, "{$numSkipped} {$status}");
         print " " . implode(', ', $skippedStoryStatuses) . " tasks that are not displayed.\n";
     return 0;