public function testAppendItemToGeoRss()
     $anotherRssFactory = new GeoRssFactory();
     $anotherGeoRss = $anotherRssFactory->createAt($this->randomRss);
     $someGeoRssFactory = new GeoRssFactory();
     $yetAnotherGeoRss = $someGeoRssFactory->createFromUrl($this->randomRss);
     $item = $yetAnotherGeoRss->append();
     $item->setBbox(new Mapbender_bbox(8, 49, 9, 50, "EPSG:4326"));
 $yetAnotherRss = $someRssFactory->createFromUrl($randomRss);
 echo "Random RSS should be of type: Rss<br>";
 echo "Random RSS is of type: " . get_class($yetAnotherRss) . "<br>";
 if (get_class($yetAnotherRss) !== "Rss") {
     $success = false;
     echo "FAIL :-(";
 echo "OK :-)";
 // create GeoRSS at
 $success = true;
 echo "<br><br>";
 $anotherRssFactory = new GeoRssFactory();
 $randomGeoRss = str_replace(".xml", "_" . rand() . ".xml", RANDOM_GEORSS);
 echo "Create random GeoRSS at: " . $randomGeoRss . "<br>";
 $anotherGeoRss = $anotherRssFactory->createAt($randomGeoRss);
 if (is_null($anotherGeoRss)) {
     $success = false;
     echo "FAIL :-(";
 echo "OK :-)";
 // create GeoRSS from URL
 $success = true;
 echo "<br><br>";
 $yetAnotherGeoRss = $someRssFactory->createFromUrl($randomGeoRss);
 echo "Random GeoRSS should be of type: GeoRss<br>";
 echo "Random GeoRSS is of type: " . get_class($yetAnotherGeoRss) . "<br>";
 if (get_class($yetAnotherGeoRss) !== "GeoRss") {
     $success = false;
     echo "FAIL :-(";