Esempio n. 1
 private static function initGeoIP()
     if (self::$haveCngeoip === null) {
         $cngeoip_dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . WEBIM_ROOT . "/cngeoip";
         if (file_exists($cngeoip_dir)) {
             self::$haveCngeoip = true;
             if (!(include_once $cngeoip_dir . "/cngeoip.php")) {
                 self::$haveCngeoip = false;
         } else {
             self::$haveCngeoip = false;
Esempio n. 2
 public function sendFirstMessageWithVisitorInfo($thread, $params = array())
     $visitSession = VisitSession::GetInstance()->GetVisitSessionById($thread['visitsessionid']);
     $firstPage = null;
     $visted_pages = "";
     if (!session_id()) {
     if (isset($_SESSION['user_stats'])) {
         $stats = $_SESSION['user_stats'];
     } else {
         $stats = getUsersStatsFromCookie();
     if (isset($stats['visited_pages']) && is_array($stats['visited_pages'])) {
         if (count($stats['visited_pages']) > 0) {
             $firstPage = $stats['visited_pages'][0];
         $visted_pages = "\n" . Resources::Get("chat.visited_pages");
         foreach ($stats['visited_pages'] as $vp) {
             $title = isset($_SESSION['titles'], $_SESSION['titles'][$vp['url']]) ? $_SESSION['titles'][$vp['url']] : "";
             if (WEBIM_ENCODING != 'UTF-8') {
                 $title = smarticonv('utf-8', WEBIM_ENCODING, $title);
             if (empty($title)) {
                 $title = Resources::Get("chat.visited_page.no_title");
             $visted_pages .= "\n" . Resources::Get("chat.visited_page", array($title, HTTP_PREFIX . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $vp['url'], $vp['time']));
     $openerText = self::formatOpenerWithTitle();
     $message = Resources::Get(empty($openerText) ? 'chat.came.from.unknown' : 'chat.came.from', $openerText);
     $simple = "\n%PARAM%: %VALUE%";
     $link = "\n%PARAM%: %VALUE% %URL%";
     if (!empty($thread['departmentid'])) {
         $departmentid = $thread['departmentid'];
         $dep = MapperFactory::getMapper("DepartmentLocale")->getDepartmentLocale($departmentid, Resources::getCurrentLocale());
         $message .= str_replace(array('%PARAM%', '%VALUE%'), array(Resources::Get('pending.table.head.department'), $dep['departmentname']), $simple);
     if ($firstPage !== null) {
         if (!empty($firstPage['referrer'])) {
             $message .= str_replace(array('%PARAM%', '%VALUE%'), array(Resources::Get('chat.window.referrer'), parseReferrer($firstPage['referrer'], 'chat.window.referrer')), $simple);
         if (!empty($firstPage['url'])) {
             $message .= str_replace(array('%PARAM%', '%VALUE%'), array(Resources::Get('chat.window.landingpage'), $firstPage['url']), $simple);
     $visitor_geodata = GeoIPLookup::getGeoDataByIP($visitSession['ip']);
     if (!empty($visitor_geodata)) {
         $message .= str_replace(array('%PARAM%', '%URL%', '%VALUE%'), array(Resources::Get('chat.window.geolocation'), "" . $visitor_geodata['lat'] . "," . $visitor_geodata['lng'], $visitor_geodata['city'] . ' ' . $visitor_geodata['country']), $link);
     $message .= str_replace(array('%PARAM%', '%VALUE%'), array(Resources::Get('chat.window.browser'), get_user_agent($visitSession['useragent'])), $simple);
     $message .= str_replace(array('%PARAM%', '%VALUE%'), array(Resources::Get('chat.window.ip'), WEBIM_WHOIS_LINK . urlencode($visitSession['ip'])), $simple);
     if (!empty($visitSession['remotehost'])) {
         $message .= str_replace(array('%PARAM%', '%VALUE%'), array(Resources::Get('chat.window.remotehost'), $visitSession['remotehost']), $simple);
     if (!empty($params['email'])) {
         $message .= str_replace(array('%PARAM%', '%VALUE%'), array(Resources::Get(''), $params['email']), $simple);
     $message .= str_replace(array('%PARAM%', '%VALUE%'), array(Resources::Get('chat.window.fl_login'), $visitSession['fl_login']), $simple);
     $chats = Thread::getInstance()->CountNonEmptyThreads($visitSession['visitorid']);
     if ($chats > 0) {
         $message .= str_replace(array('%PARAM%', '%URL%', '%VALUE%'), array(Resources::Get('chat.window.chats'), HTTP_PREFIX . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . WEBIM_ROOT . '/operator/history.php?q=' . $visitSession['visitorid'], $chats), $link);
     $message .= $visted_pages;
     Thread::getInstance()->PostMessage($thread['threadid'], KIND_FOR_AGENT, $message);
Esempio n. 3
function setupChatViewForOperator($thread, $visitSession, $operator, $viewonly, &$TML)
    $TML->assign('thread', $thread);
    $TML->assign('visit_session', $visitSession);
    $TML->assign('first_page', VisitSession::GetInstance()->getFirstPage($visitSession['visitsessionid']));
    $chats = Thread::getInstance()->CountNonEmptyThreads($visitSession['visitorid']);
    $TML->assign('chats_count', max($chats - 1, 0));
    $TML->assign('browser', get_user_agent($visitSession['useragent']));
    $TML->assign('visitor_name', preg_replace('/</', '&lt', $visitSession['visitorname']));
    if ($viewonly) {
        $TML->assign('mode', 'viewonly');
    $historyParams = array('q' => $visitSession['visitorid']);
    $root = WEBIM_ROOT;
    $history = '/operator/history.php';
    $TML->assign('servlet_root', $root);
    $TML->assign('history_servlet', $history);
    $TML->assign('history_params', $historyParams);
    $TML->assign('send_shortcut', "Enter");
    $TML->assign('isOpera95', is_agent_opera95());
    $TML->assign('userAgent', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
    $TML->assign('visitor_geodata', GeoIPLookup::getGeoDataByIP($visitSession['ip']));
    $TML->assign('predefined_answers', preparePredefinedAnswers($thread['locale']));
Esempio n. 4
$visitSession = null;
if (isset($_GET['visitsessionid'])) {
    $visitSession = VisitSession::GetInstance()->GetVisitSessionById($_GET['visitsessionid']);
} elseif (isset($_GET['pageid'])) {
    $visitdpageid = verify_param("pageid", "/^[a-z0-9]{32}\$/");
    $vistedpage = VisitedPage::GetInstance()->GetVisitedPageById($_GET['pageid']);
    $visitSession = VisitSession::GetInstance()->GetVisitSessionById($vistedpage['visitsessionid']);
if (empty($visitSession)) {
    die("Invalid or no visitsessionid or pageid");
$visitedPages = VisitedPage::GetInstance()->enumVisitedPagesByVisitSessionId($visitSession['visitsessionid']);
$landingPage = end($visitedPages);
$exitPage = reset($visitedPages);
$timeend = 0;
$timestart = 0;
foreach ($visitedPages as $k => $vp) {
    $timeend = $timeend == 0 ? $vp['updated'] : max($timeend, $vp['updated']);
    $timestart = $timestart == 0 ? $vp['opened'] : min($timestart, $vp['opened']);
    $visitedPages[$k]['sessionduration'] = $vp['updated'] - $vp['opened'];
$geodata = GeoIPLookup::getGeoDataByIP($visitSession['ip']);
//for testing purpose
//$geodata = GeoIPLookup::getGeoDataByIP('');
if ($geodata == NULL) {
    $geodata = array('city' => null, 'country' => null, 'lat' => null, 'lng' => null);
$tmlPage = array('visitsessionid' => $visitSession['visitsessionid'], 'visitedpages' => $visitedPages, 'landingpage' => $landingPage['uri'], 'exitpage' => $exitPage['uri'], 'timestart' => $timestart, 'timeend' => $timeend, 'timediff' => webim_date_diff($timeend - $timestart), 'active' => time() - $timeend < VISITED_PAGE_TIMEOUT, 'ip' => $visitSession['ip'], 'city' => $geodata['city'], 'country' => $geodata['country'], 'lat' => $geodata['lat'], 'lng' => $geodata['lng'], 'browser' => get_user_agent($visitSession['useragent']), 'enterref' => $landingPage['referrer'], 'leaveref' => $exitPage['referrer'], 'historyParams' => array("q" => "" . $visitSession['visitorid']));
$TML = new SmartyClass($TITLE_KEY);
$TML->assign('page_settings', $tmlPage);
Esempio n. 5
 public function getListThreads($currentoperatorid, $q, $show_empty = true, $checkDepartmentsAccess = true, $start_date = null, $end_date = null, $operatorid = null, $offset = null, $limit = null, $departmentid = null, $locale = null, $rate = null)
     $departmentsExist = count(MapperFactory::getMapper("Department")->enumDepartments(Resources::getCurrentLocale()));
     // TODO probably not the best place
     $query_params = array();
     $sql = '
                 	WM_UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t."created") "created",
                 	WM_UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t."modified") "modified",
                 	t."visitormessagecount" as "size", 
                 	v."ip" as "remote", 
                 FROM "{thread}" t  
                 LEFT JOIN "{visitsession}" v 
                 ON v."visitsessionid" = t."visitsessionid" 
     if (!empty($q)) {
         $query_params['query'] = "%%{$q}%%";
         $sql .= ' AND (t."threadid" IN (
   					SELECT "threadid" 
   					FROM "{message}" m
   					WHERE m."sendername" LIKE :query
             		OR m."message" LIKE :query
                 OR v."visitorid" LIKE :query 
                 OR v."ip" LIKE :query
                 OR v."remotehost" LIKE :query
                 OR t."operatorfullname" LIKE :query
     if (!empty($rate)) {
         $sign = $rate == 'positive' ? '>' : '<';
         $sql .= ' AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM "{rate}" r WHERE r."threadid"=t."threadid" AND r."rate" ' . $sign . ' 0 AND r."deldate" IS NULL)';
     if ($checkDepartmentsAccess) {
         $sql .= ' AND (t."departmentid" IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM "{operatordepartment}" od WHERE od."operatorid"=:currentoperatorid AND od."departmentid"=t."departmentid"))';
         $query_params['currentoperatorid'] = $currentoperatorid;
     if (!$show_empty) {
         $sql .= ' AND t."visitormessagecount" > 0 ';
     if ($start_date !== null) {
         $query_params['start_date'] = $start_date;
         $sql .= ' AND WM_UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t."created") >= :start_date';
     if ($end_date !== null) {
         $query_params['end_date'] = $end_date;
         $sql .= ' AND WM_UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t."created") < :end_date';
     if ($operatorid !== null) {
         $query_params['operatorid'] = $operatorid;
         $sql .= ' AND (:operatorid IS NULL OR t."operatorid"=:operatorid)';
     if (!empty($departmentid)) {
         $query_params['departmentid'] = $departmentid;
         $sql .= ' AND t."departmentid" = :departmentid ';
     if (!empty($locale)) {
         $query_params['locale'] = $locale;
         $sql .= ' AND t."locale" = :locale ';
     if ($limit !== null && $offset !== null) {
         $query_params['limit'] = $limit;
         $query_params['offset'] = $offset;
         $sql .= " AND rownum BETWEEN :offset AND :limit";
     $sql .= ' ORDER BY t."created" DESC';
     try {
         $this->db->query($sql, $query_params);
         $result = $this->db->getArrayOfRows();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return array();
     foreach ($result as $k => $v) {
         $geodata = GeoIPLookup::getGeoDataByIP($v['remote']);
         //for testing purpose
         //$geodata = GeoIPLookup::getGeoDataByIP('');
         if ($geodata == NULL) {
             $geodata = array('city' => null, 'country' => null, 'lat' => null, 'lng' => null);
         $result[$k] = array_merge($v, $geodata);
         $result[$k]['created'] = date(getDateTimeFormat(), $v['created']);
         $result[$k]['modified'] = date(getDateTimeFormat(), $v['modified']);
         $result[$k]['diff'] = webim_date_diff($v['modified'] - $v['created']);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 6
 public function getListThreads($currentoperatorid, $q, $show_empty = true, $checkDepartmentsAccess = true, $nLimit = 15, $nOffset = 0, $start_date = null, $end_date = null, $operatorid = null, $departmentid = null, $locale = null, $rate = null, $offline = null)
     $departmentsExist = count(MapperFactory::getMapper('Department')->enumDepartments(Resources::getCurrentLocale()));
     // TODO probably not the best place
     $query_params = array();
     $sWhere = '';
     $sql = 'SELECT  
         unix_timestamp(t.created) as created, 
         unix_timestamp(t.modified) as modified, 
         t.visitormessagecount as size, 
         v.ip as remote, 
     FROM {thread} as t  
     LEFT JOIN {visitsession} as v ON v.visitsessionid = t.visitsessionid 
     WHERE 1';
     if (!empty($q)) {
         $query_params['query'] = "%%{$q}%%";
         $sWhere .= ' AND (t.threadid IN (
   					SELECT threadid 
   					FROM {message} as m
   					WHERE m.sendername LIKE :query
             		OR m.message LIKE :query
                 OR v.visitorid LIKE :query 
                 OR v.ip LIKE :query
                 OR v.remotehost LIKE :query
                 OR t.operatorfullname LIKE :query
     if (!empty($rate)) {
         $sign = $rate == 'positive' ? '>' : '<';
         $sWhere .= " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {rate} r WHERE r.threadid=t.threadid AND r.rate {$sign} 0 AND r.deldate IS NULL) ";
     if ($checkDepartmentsAccess) {
         $sWhere .= ' AND (t.departmentid IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM {operatordepartment} od WHERE od.operatorid=:currentoperatorid AND od.departmentid=t.departmentid)) ';
         $query_params['currentoperatorid'] = $currentoperatorid;
     if (!$show_empty) {
         $sWhere .= ' AND t.visitormessagecount > 0 ';
     if ($start_date !== null) {
         $query_params['start_date'] = $start_date;
         $sWhere .= ' AND unix_timestamp(t.created) >= :start_date';
     if ($end_date !== null) {
         $query_params['end_date'] = $end_date;
         $sWhere .= ' AND unix_timestamp(t.created) < :end_date';
     if ($operatorid !== null) {
         $query_params['operatorid'] = $operatorid;
         $sWhere .= ' AND (:operatorid IS NULL OR t.operatorid=:operatorid)';
     if (!empty($departmentid)) {
         $query_params['departmentid'] = $departmentid;
         $sWhere .= ' AND t.departmentid = :departmentid ';
     if (!empty($locale)) {
         $query_params['locale'] = $locale;
         $sWhere .= ' AND t.locale = :locale ';
     if ($offline !== null) {
         $query_params['offline'] = $offline;
         $sWhere .= ' AND t.offline=:offline';
     $sql .= $sWhere . " ORDER BY t.created DESC LIMIT {$nOffset}, {$nLimit}";
     try {
         $this->db->query($sql, $query_params);
         $result = $this->db->getArrayOfRows();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return array();
     foreach ($result as $k => $v) {
         $geodata = GeoIPLookup::getGeoDataByIP($v['remote']);
         //for testing purpose
         //$geodata = GeoIPLookup::getGeoDataByIP('');
         if ($geodata == null) {
             $geodata = array('city' => null, 'country' => null, 'lat' => null, 'lng' => null);
         $result[$k] = array_merge($v, $geodata);
         $result[$k]['created'] = date(getDateTimeFormat(), $v['created']);
         $result[$k]['modified'] = date(getDateTimeFormat(), $v['modified']);
         $result[$k]['diff'] = webim_date_diff($v['modified'] - $v['created']);
     return $result;