Esempio n. 1
        self::$INTRODUCTION = "I am Genie, your whatsapp based personal assistant.\n\n            How can I assist you today?\n            1 for Weather Information \n\n            2 for Movie Information \n\n            3 for Cricket Scores \n\n            4 for Railway Enquiry \n\n            5 for Shopping Assistance \n\n            6 for Feedback";
        self::$MAIN_MENU_STRING = "What can I do for you?\n            1 for Weather Information \n\n            2 for Movie Information \n\n            3 for Cricket Scores \n\n            4 for Railway Enquiry \n\n            5 for Shopping Assistance \n\n            6 for Feedback";
        self::$HELP = "Send #help to connect to the service agent";
        self::$WELCOME_MESSAGE = ", It seems we are meeting for the first time.\n" . "To assist you better I will ask you a few questions. To start with,";
        self::$SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = "Service temporarily not available, please try after some time";
        self::$INVALID_TRAIN_NUMBER = "Invalid train number or journey date";
        self::$MATCH_UNAVAILABLE = "Sorry, this match information is not available.";
        self::$INVALID_INFORMATION = "Invalid information, please check again";
        self::$INVALID_SERVICE = "There is no such service, Please enter a valid service name";
        self::$ERROR_MESSAGE = "Sorry, I could not understand, Please try again";
        self::$THANKYOU_MESSAGE = "Thank you for the information.";
        self::$userFields = array('gender', 'age', 'location', 'email');
        self::$genderQuestion = "May I know your gender please?\n1 for Male\n2 for Female";
        self::$ageQuestion = 'Tell me which age group do you belong to:
           1 for <18 yrs
           2 for 18-25 yrs
           3 for 26-39 yrs
           4 for 40-60 yrs
           5 for >60 yrs';
        self::$cityQuestion = 'Alright, May I know which city you belong to?';
        self::$emailQuestion = 'One last question! Tell me your email address.';
        self::$fieldQuestions = array(self::$genderQuestion, self::$ageQuestion, self::$cityQuestion, self::$emailQuestion);
        self::$genderRegex = '/[1-2]/';
        self::$ageRegex = '/[1-5]/';
        self::$cityRegex = '/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/';
        self::$emailRegex = "/^([\\w-]+(?:\\.[\\w-]+)*)@((?:[\\w-]+\\.)*\\w[\\w-]{0,66})\\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\\.[a-z]{2})?)\$/";
        self::$regex = array(self::$genderRegex, self::$ageRegex, self::$cityRegex, self::$emailRegex);