  * create input field for CSS export
  * @return
 static function export_css_input($field, $item)
     // bail if items missing
     if (!$field || !$item) {
     // first check for the data
     $saved = get_option('gppro-settings');
     // display message without saved options
     if (empty($saved)) {
         $text = __('No data has been saved. Please save your settings before attempting to export.', 'gppro-export-css');
         return '<div class="gppro-input gppro-description-input"><p class="description">' . esc_attr($text) . '</p></div>';
     // get my values
     $id = GP_Pro_Helper::get_field_id($field);
     $name = GP_Pro_Helper::get_field_name($field);
     $button = !empty($item['button']) ? esc_attr($item['button']) : __('Export File', 'gppro-export-css');
     // get CSS file for link
     $file = Genesis_Palette_Pro::filebase();
     // create export URL with nonce
     $expnonce = wp_create_nonce('gppro_css_export_nonce');
     // set the empty
     $input = '';
     // begin markup
     $input .= '<div class="gppro-input gppro-css-export-input gppro-setting-input">';
     // handle label with optional CSS file link
     $input .= '<div class="gppro-input-item gppro-input-wrap"><p class="description">';
     $input .= esc_attr($item['label']);
     // handle browser link
     if (file_exists($file['dir']) && !empty($file['url'])) {
         $input .= '<a class="gppro-css-export-view" href="' . esc_url($file['url']) . '" title="' . __('View in browser', 'gppro-export-css') . '" target="_blank">';
         $input .= '<i class="dashicons dashicons-admin-site"></i>';
         $input .= '</a>';
     $input .= '</p></div>';
     // display button
     $input .= '<div class="gppro-input-item gppro-input-label choice-label">';
     $input .= '<span class="gppro-settings-button">';
     $input .= '<a name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" id="' . sanitize_html_class($id) . '" href="' . menu_page_url('genesis-palette-pro', 0) . '&gppro-css-export=go&_wpnonce=' . $expnonce . '" class="button-primary button-small ' . esc_attr($field) . '">' . $button . '</a>';
     $input .= '</span>';
     $input .= '</div>';
     // close markup
     $input .= '</div>';
     // send it back
     return $input;