Esempio n. 1
 function show(&$driver)
     // Now set the baseline of a button box to align it vertically when flowing isude the
     // text line
     $this->default_baseline = $this->content[0]->baseline + $this->get_extra_top();
     $this->baseline = $this->content[0]->baseline + $this->get_extra_top();
      * If we're rendering the interactive form, the field content should not be rendered
     global $g_config;
     if ($g_config['renderforms']) {
          * Render background/borders only
         $status = GenericFormattedBox::show($driver);
          * @todo encoding name?
          * @todo font name?
          * @todo check if font is embedded for PDFLIB
         $driver->field_text($this->get_left_padding(), $this->get_top_padding(), $this->get_width() + $this->get_padding_left() + $this->get_padding_right(), $this->get_height(), $this->_value, $this->_field_name);
     } else {
          * Render everything, including content
         $status = GenericContainerBox::show($driver);
     return $status;
Esempio n. 2
  * Renders the background for the given box object using an output driver
  * @param OutputDriver $driver Output driver to be used
  * @param GenericFormattedBox $box Box the background is rendered for
  * @uses GenericFormattedBox
  * @uses OutputDriver
 function show(&$driver, &$box)
      * Fill box with background color
      * @see Color::apply
      * @see OutputDriver::moveto
      * @see OutputDriver::lineto
      * @see OutputDriver::closepath
      * @see OutputDriver::fill
     if (!$this->_color->transparent) {
         $driver->moveto($box->get_left_background(), $box->get_top_background());
         $driver->lineto($box->get_right_background(), $box->get_top_background());
         $driver->lineto($box->get_right_background(), $box->get_bottom_background());
         $driver->lineto($box->get_left_background(), $box->get_bottom_background());
      * Render background image
      * @see BackgroundImage::show
     $this->_image->show($driver, $box, $this->_repeat, $this->_position, $this->_attachment);
 function reflow(&$parent, &$context)
     // Check if there are any boxes in parent's line box
     if ($parent->line_box_empty()) {
         // The very first whitespace in the line box should not affect neither height nor baseline of the line box;
         // because following boxes can be smaller that assumed whitespace height
         // Example: <br>[whitespace]<img height="2" width="2"><br>; whitespace can overextend this line
         $this->width = 0;
         $this->height = 0;
     } elseif (is_a($parent->last_in_line(), "WhitespaceBox")) {
         // Duplicate whitespace boxes should not offset further content and affect the line box length
         $this->width = 0;
         $this->height = 0;
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     // Apply 'line-height'
     // default baseline
     $this->baseline = $this->default_baseline;
     // append to parent line box
     // Move box to the parent current point
     // Offset parent's current point
     $parent->_current_x += $this->width;
     // Extend parent height
     // Update the value of current collapsed margin; pure text (non-span)
     // boxes always have zero margin
 function reflow_static(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     // Determine the box width
     $this->_calc_percentage_width($parent, $context);
     $this->put_full_width($this->get_min_width($context, $parent->get_width()));
     $this->setCSSProperty(CSS_WIDTH, new WCNone());
     // Check if we need a line break here
     $this->maybe_line_break($parent, $context);
     // append to parent line box
     // Determine coordinates of upper-left _margin_ corner
      * After text content have been reflown, we may determine the baseline of the control item itself;
      * As there will be some extra whitespace on the top of the control box, we must add this whitespace
      * to the calculated baseline value, so text before and after control item will be aligned 
      * with the text inside the box.
     $this->default_baseline = $this->content[0]->baseline + $this->get_extra_top();
     $this->baseline = $this->content[0]->baseline + $this->get_extra_top();
     // center the button text vertically inside the button
     $text =& $this->content[0];
     $delta = $text->get_top() - $text->get_height() / 2 - ($this->get_top() - $this->get_height() / 2);
     $text->offset(0, -$delta);
     // Offset parent current X coordinate
     $parent->_current_x += $this->get_full_width();
     // Extends parents height
Esempio n. 5
 function show_field(&$driver)
     if (is_null(GenericFormattedBox::show($driver))) {
         return null;
     $driver->field_select($this->get_left_padding(), $this->get_top_padding(), $this->get_width() + $this->get_padding_left() + $this->get_padding_right(), $this->get_height(), $this->_name, $this->_value, $this->_options);
     return true;
  * Reflow absolutely positioned block box. Note that according to CSS 2.1 
  * the only types of boxes which could be absolutely positioned are 
  * 'block' and 'table'
  * @param FlowContext $context A flow context object containing the additional layout data.
  * @link CSS 2.1: Relationships between 'display', 'position', and 'float'
 function reflow_absolute(&$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($this->parent, $context);
     $position_strategy =& new StrategyPositionAbsolute();
      * As sometimes left/right values may not be set, we need to use the "fit" width here.
      * If box have a width constraint, 'get_max_width' will return constrained value; 
      * othersise, an intrictic width will be returned. 
      * Note that get_max_width returns width _including_ external space line margins, borders and padding;
      * as we're setting the "internal" - content width, we must subtract "extra" space width from the 
      * value received
      * @see GenericContainerBox::get_max_width()
     $this->put_width($this->get_max_width($context) - $this->_get_hor_extra());
      * Update the width, as it should be calculated based upon containing block width, not real parent.
      * After this we should remove width constraints or we may encounter problem 
      * in future when we'll try to call get_..._width functions for this box
      * @todo Update the family of get_..._width function so that they would apply constraint
      * using the containing block width, not "real" parent width
     $wc = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_WIDTH);
     $containing_block =& $this->_get_containing_block();
     $this->put_width($wc->apply($this->get_width(), $containing_block['right'] - $containing_block['left']));
     $this->setCSSProperty(CSS_WIDTH, new WCNone());
      * Layout element's children 
      * As absolute-positioned box generated new flow contexy, extend the height to fit all floats
      * If element have been positioned using 'right' or 'bottom' property,
      * we need to offset it, as we assumed it had zero width and height at
      * the moment we placed it
     $right = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_RIGHT);
     $left = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_LEFT);
     if ($left->isAuto() && !$right->isAuto()) {
         $this->offset(-$this->get_width(), 0);
     $bottom = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_BOTTOM);
     $top = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_TOP);
     if ($top->isAuto() && !$bottom->isAuto()) {
         $this->offset(0, $this->get_height());
Esempio n. 7
 function reflow(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     // set default baseline
     $this->baseline = $this->default_baseline;
     // append to parent line box
     // Determine coordinates of upper-left _margin_ corner
     // Offset parent current X coordinate
     $parent->_current_x += $this->get_full_width();
     // Extends parents height
Esempio n. 8
 function show(&$driver)
      * If we're rendering the interactive form, the field content should not be rendered
     global $g_config;
     if ($g_config['renderforms']) {
         $status = GenericFormattedBox::show($driver);
         $driver->field_multiline_text($this->get_left_padding(), $this->get_top_padding(), $this->get_width() + $this->get_padding_left() + $this->get_padding_right(), $this->get_height() + $this->get_padding_top() + $this->get_padding_bottom(), $this->_value, $this->_field_name);
     } else {
         $status = GenericContainerBox::show($driver);
     return $status;
Esempio n. 9
 function reflow(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     // Determine upper-left _content_ corner position of current box
     // Legends will not wrap
     // Reflow contents
     // Adjust legend position
     $height = $this->get_full_height();
     $this->offset(units2pt(LEGEND_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET) + $this->get_extra_left(), $height / 2);
     // Adjust parent position
     $parent->offset(0, -$height / 2);
     // Adjust parent content position
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($parent->content); $i++) {
         if ($parent->content[$i]->uid != $this->uid) {
             $parent->content[$i]->offset(0, -$height / 2);
     $parent->_current_y -= $height / 2;
  * Layout current 'inline-block' element assument it has 'position: static'
  * @param GenericContainerBox $parent The document element which should 
  * be treated as the parent of current element
  * @param FlowContext $context The flow context containing the additional layout data
  * @see FlowContext
  * @see GenericContainerBox
  * @todo re-check this layout routine; it seems that 'inline-block' boxes have 
  * their width calculated incorrectly
 function reflow_static(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
      * Calculate margin values if they have been set as a percentage
      * Calculate width value if it had been set as a percentage
     $this->_calc_percentage_width($parent, $context);
      * Calculate 'auto' values of width and margins
      * add current box to the parent's line-box (alone)
      * Calculate position of the upper-left corner of the current box
      * By default, child block box will fill all available parent width;
      * note that actual content width will be smaller because of non-zero padding, border and margins
      * Layout element's children 
      * Calculate element's baseline, as it should be aligned inside the 
      * parent's line box vertically
     $this->default_baseline = $this->get_height() + $this->font_size;
      * Extend parent's height to fit current box
      * Offset current x coordinate of parent box 
     $parent->_current_x = $this->get_right_margin();
 function show(&$driver)
     // draw generic box
     // Check if "designer" set the height or width of this image to zero; in this there will be no reason
     // in drawing the image at all
     if ($this->get_width() < EPSILON || $this->get_height() < EPSILON || is_null($this->image->_handle)) {
         return true;
     $driver->image_scaled($this->image, $this->get_left(), $this->get_bottom(), $this->get_width() / $this->image->sx(), $this->get_height() / $this->image->sy());
     $strategy =& new StrategyLinkRenderingNormal();
     $strategy->apply($this, $driver);
     return true;
Esempio n. 12
 function reflow_anchors(&$viewport, &$anchors)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow_anchors($viewport, $anchors);
     $size = count($this->content);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
         $this->content[$i]->reflow_anchors($viewport, $anchors);
Esempio n. 13
 function show(&$viewport)
     // draw generic box
     // Check if "designer" set the height or width of this image to zero; in this there will be no reason
     // in drawing the image at all
     if ($this->get_width() < EPSILON || $this->get_height() < EPSILON) {
         return true;
     $viewport->image_scaled($this->image, $this->get_left(), $this->get_bottom(), $this->get_width() / imagesx($this->image), $this->get_height() / imagesy($this->image));
     return true;
Esempio n. 14
  * Layout normal (non-floating) static-positioned block box.
  * @param GenericContainerBox $parent The document element which should be treated as the parent of current element
  * @param FlowContext $context The flow context containing the additional layout data
  * @see FlowContext
  * @see GenericContainerBox
 function reflow_static_normal(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     if ($parent) {
          * Child block will fill the whole content width of the parent block.
          * 'margin-left' + 'border-left-width' + 'padding-left' + 'width' + 'padding-right' +
          * 'border-right-width' + 'margin-right' = width of containing block
          * See CSS 2.1 for more detailed explanation
          * @link CSS 2.1. 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow
          * Calculate margin values if they have been set as a percentage; replace percentage-based values 
          * with fixed lengths.
          * Calculate width value if it had been set as a percentage; replace percentage-based value
          * with fixed value
         $this->_calc_percentage_width($parent, $context);
          * Calculate 'auto' values of width and margins. Unlike tables, DIV width is either constrained
          * by some CSS rules or expanded to the parent width; thus, we can calculate 'auto' margin 
          * values immediately.
          * @link CSS 2.1 Calculating widths and margins
          * Collapse top margin
          * @see GenericFormattedBox::collapse_margin()
          * @link CSS 2.1 Collapsing margins
         $y = $this->collapse_margin($parent, $context);
          * At this moment we have top parent/child collapsed margin at the top of context object
          * margin stack
          * Apply 'clear' property; the current Y coordinate can be modified as a result of 'clear'.
         $y = $this->apply_clear($y, $context);
          * Store calculated Y coordinate as current Y coordinate in the parent box
          * No more content will be drawn abowe this mark; current box padding area will 
          * start below.
         $parent->_current_y = $y;
          * Terminate current parent line-box (as current box is not inline)
          * Add current box to the parent's line-box; we will close the line box below 
          * after content will be reflown, so the line box will contain only current box.
          * Now, place the current box upper left content corner. Note that we should not 
          * use get_extra_top here, as _current_y value already culculated using the top margin value
          * of the current box! The top content edge should be offset from that level only of padding and
          * border width.
         $this->moveto($parent->get_left() + $this->get_extra_left(), $parent->_current_y - $this->border->top->get_width() - $this->padding->top->value);
      * Reflow element's children
      * After child elements have been reflown, we should the top collapsed margin stack value
      * replaced by the value of last child bottom collapsed margin; 
      * if no children contained, then this value should be reset to 0. 
      * Note that invisible and 
      * whitespaces boxes would not affect the collapsed margin value, so we need to 
      * use 'get_first' function instead of just accessing the $content array.
      * @see GenericContainerBox::get_first
     if (!is_null($this->get_first())) {
         $cm = 0;
     } else {
         $cm = $context->get_collapsed_margin();
      * Update the bottom  value, collapsing the latter value with 
      * current box bottom margin.
      * Note that we need to remove TWO values from the margin stack:
      * first - the value of collapsed bottom margin of the last child AND
      * second - the value of collapsed top margin of current element.
     $context->push_collapsed_margin(max($cm, $this->margin->bottom->value));
     if ($parent) {
          * Now, if there's a parent for this box, we extend its height to fit current box.
          * If parent generated new flow context (like table cell or floating box), its content 
          * area should include the current box bottom margin (bottom margin does not colllapse). 
          * See CSS 2.1 for more detailed explanations.
          * @see FlowContext::container_uid()
          * @link CSS 2.1 8.3.1 Calculating widths and margins
         if ($parent->uid == $context->container_uid()) {
         } else {
          * Terminate parent's line box (it contains the current box only)
          * shift current parent 'watermark' to the current box margin edge; 
          * all content now will be drawn below this mark (with a small exception 
          * of elements having negative vertical margins, of course).
         $parent->_current_y = $this->get_bottom_border() - $context->get_collapsed_margin();
      * Check if we need to generate a page break after this element
     $this->check_page_break_after($parent, $context);
  * TODO: unlike block elements, table unconstrained width is determined 
  * with its content, so it may be smaller than parent available width!
 function reflow_static_normal(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     // Calculate margin values if they have been set as a percentage
     // Calculate width value if it had been set as a percentage
     $this->_calc_percentage_width($parent, $context);
     $wc = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_WIDTH);
     if ($wc && !$wc->isNull()) {
         $col_width = $this->get_table_columns_min_widths($context);
         $maxw = $this->get_table_columns_max_widths($context);
         $col_width = $this->_table_apply_colspans($col_width, $context, 'get_min_width', $col_width, $maxw);
         if (array_sum($col_width) > $this->get_width()) {
             $wc = new WCConstant(array_sum($col_width));
     // As table width can be deterimined by its contents, we may calculate auto values
     // only AFTER the contents have been reflown; thus, we'll offset the table
     // as a whole by a value of left margin AFTER the content reflow
     // Do margin collapsing
     $y = $this->collapse_margin($parent, $context);
     // At this moment we have top parent/child collapsed margin at the top of context object
     // margin stack
     $y = $this->apply_clear($y, $context);
     // Store calculated Y coordinate as current Y in the parent box
     $parent->_current_y = $y;
     // Terminate current parent line-box
     // And add current box to the parent's line-box (alone)
     // Determine upper-left _content_ corner position of current box
     // Also see note above regarding margins
     $border = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_BORDER);
     $padding = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_PADDING);
     $plus = $parent->_current_x;
     if ($border->left) {
         $plus += $border->left->get_width();
     if ($padding->left) {
         $plus += $padding->left->value;
     // Note that top margin already used above during maring collapsing
     $mins = $parent->_current_y;
     if ($border->top) {
         $mins -= $border->top->get_width();
     if ($padding->top) {
         $mins -= $padding->top->value;
      * By default, child block box will fill all available parent width;
      * note that actual width will be smaller because of non-zero padding, border and margins
     // Reflow contents
     // Update the collapsed margin value with current box bottom margin
     $margin = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_MARGIN);
     // Calculate margins and/or width is 'auto' values have been specified
     $this->offset($margin->left->value, 0);
     // Extend parent's height to fit current box
     // Terminate parent's line box
Esempio n. 16
  * Renders the backgroung image using the specified output driver.
  * @param OutputDriver $driver an output driver object
  * @param GenericFormattedBox $box an box owning this background image
  * @param int $repeat the 'background-repeat' value
  * @param BackgroundPosition $position the 'background-position' value
  * @uses BackgroundPosition
  * @uses OutputDriver
 function show(&$driver, $box, $repeat, $position, $attachment)
      * If no image should be rendered, just return
      * @see BackgroundImage::$_url
     if (is_null($this->_url)) {
     if (is_null($this->_image)) {
     if ($attachment == BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_FIXED && $box->getCSSProperty(CSS_DISPLAY) == '-body') {
         $media =& $driver->get_media();
         $left = $box->get_left_background();
         $right = $box->get_right_background();
         $top = $driver->offset + mm2pt($media->margins['bottom']) + mm2pt($media->real_height());
         $bottom = $driver->offset + mm2pt($media->margins['bottom']);
     } else {
         $left = $box->get_left_background();
         $right = $box->get_right_background();
         $top = $box->get_top_background();
         $bottom = $box->get_bottom_background();
      * Setup clipping region for padding area. Note that background image is drawn in the padding 
      * area which in generic case is greater than content area.
      * @see OutputDriver::clip()
      * @link CSS 2.1 definition of padding area
     $driver->moveto($left, $top);
     $driver->lineto($right, $top);
     $driver->lineto($right, $bottom);
     $driver->lineto($left, $bottom);
      * get real image size in device points
      * @see pt2pt()
      * @see px2pt()
     $image_height = px2pt(imagesy($this->_image));
     $image_width = px2pt(imagesx($this->_image));
      * Get dimensions of the rectangle to be filled with the background image
     $padding_width = $right - $left;
     $padding_height = $top - $bottom;
      * Calculate the vertical offset from the top padding edge to the background image top edge using current 
      * 'background-position' value. 
      * @link file:///C:/docs/css/colors.html#propdef-background-position CSS 2 'background-position' description
     if ($position->x_percentage) {
         $x_offset = ($padding_width - $image_width) * $position->x / 100;
     } else {
         $x_offset = $position->x;
      * Calculate the horizontal offset from the left padding edge to the background image left edge using current 
      * 'background-position' value
      * @link file:///C:/docs/css/colors.html#propdef-background-position CSS 2 'background-position' description
     if ($position->y_percentage) {
         $y_offset = ($padding_height - $image_height) * $position->y / 100;
     } else {
         $y_offset = $position->y;
      * Output the image (probably tiling it; depends on current value of 'background-repeat') using 
      * current output driver's tiled image output functions. Note that px2pt(1) is an image scaling factor; as all
      * page element are scaled to fit the media, background images should be scaled too!
      * @see OutputDriver::image()
      * @see OutputDriver::image_rx()
      * @see OutputDriver::image_ry()
      * @see OutputDriver::image_rxry()
      * @link file:///C:/docs/css/colors.html#propdef-background-repeat CSS 2.1 'background-repeat' property description
     switch ($repeat) {
         case BR_NO_REPEAT:
              * 'background-repeat: no-repeat' case; no tiling at all
             $driver->image($this->_image, $left + $x_offset, $top - $image_height - $y_offset, px2pt(1));
         case BR_REPEAT_X:
              * 'background-repeat: repeat-x' case; horizontal tiling
             $driver->image_rx($this->_image, $left + $x_offset, $top - $image_height - $y_offset, $image_width, $right, $x_offset, $y_offset, px2pt(1));
         case BR_REPEAT_Y:
              * 'background-repeat: repeat-y' case; vertical tiling
             $driver->image_ry($this->_image, $left + $x_offset, $top - $image_height - $y_offset, $image_height, $bottom, $x_offset, $y_offset, px2pt(1));
         case BR_REPEAT:
              * 'background-repeat: repeat' case; full tiling
             $driver->image_rx_ry($this->_image, $left + $x_offset, $top - $image_height + $y_offset, $image_width, $image_height, $right, $bottom, $x_offset, $y_offset, px2pt(1));
      * Restore the previous clipping area
      * @see OutputDriver::clip()
      * @see OutputDriver::restore()
Esempio n. 17
 function reflow_static_normal(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     //    if ($parent) {
     // Calculate margin values if they have been set as a percentage
     // Calculate width value if it had been set as a percentage
     $this->_calc_percentage_width($parent, $context);
     if (!is_a($this->_width_constraint, "WCNone")) {
         $col_width = $this->get_table_columns_min_widths($context);
         if (array_sum($col_width) > $this->get_width()) {
             $this->_width_constraint = new WCNone();
     // As table width can be deterimined by its contents, we may calculate auto values
     // only AFTER the contents have been reflown; thus, we'll offset the table
     // as a whole by a value of left margin AFTER the content reflow
     // Do margin collapsing
     $y = $this->collapse_margin($parent, $context);
     // At this moment we have top parent/child collapsed margin at the top of context object
     // margin stack
     $y = $this->apply_clear($y, $context);
     // Store calculated Y coordinate as current Y in the parent box
     $parent->_current_y = $y;
     // Terminate current parent line-box
     // And add current box to the parent's line-box (alone)
     // Determine upper-left _content_ corner position of current box
     // Also see note above regarding margins
     $this->put_left($parent->_current_x + $this->border->left->get_width() + $this->padding->left->value);
     // Note that top margin already used above during maring collapsing
     $this->put_top($parent->_current_y - $this->border->top->get_width() - $this->padding->top->value);
     // By default, child block box will fill all available parent width;
     // note that actual width will be smaller because of non-zero padding, border and margins
     //  }
     // Reflow contents
     // Update the collapsed margin value with current box bottom margin
     //    if ($parent) {
     // Calculate margins and/or width is 'auto' values have been specified
     $this->offset($this->margin->left->value, 0);
     // Extend parent's height to fit current box
     // Terminate parent's line box
     //    };
Esempio n. 18
  * Layout current checkbox element. Note that most CSS properties do not apply to the 
  * checkboxes; i.e. margin/padding values are ignored, checkboxes always aligned to 
  * to bottom of current line, etc.
  * @param GenericContainerBox $parent
  * @param FlowContext $context Context object describing current flow parameters 
  * @return Boolean flag indicating the error/success state; 'null' value in case of critical error 
 function reflow(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
      * Check box size is constant (defined in and is never affected
      * neither by CSS nor HTML. Call setup_dimensions once more to restore possible 
      * changes size
      * @see CHECKBOX_SIZE
     // set default baseline
     $this->baseline = $this->default_baseline;
     //     // Vertical-align
     //     $this->_apply_vertical_align($parent);
      * append to parent line box
      * Determine coordinates of upper-left margin corner
      * Offset parent current X coordinate
     $parent->_current_x += $this->get_full_width();
      * Extend parents height to fit the checkbox
  * Layout current checkbox element. Note that most CSS properties do not apply to the 
  * checkboxes; i.e. margin/padding values are ignored, checkboxes always aligned to 
  * to bottom of current line, etc.
  * @param GenericContainerBox $parent
  * @param FlowContext $context Context object describing current flow parameters 
  * @return Boolean flag indicating the error/success state; 'null' value in case of critical error 
 function reflow(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     // set default baseline
     $this->baseline = $this->default_baseline;
     //     // Vertical-align
     //     $this->_apply_vertical_align($parent);
      * append to parent line box
      * Determine coordinates of upper-left margin corner
      * Offset parent current X coordinate
     $parent->_current_x += $this->get_full_width();
      * Extend parents height to fit the checkbox
Esempio n. 20
 function reflow(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     global $g_config;
     $size = count($this->content);
     if ($g_config['mode'] == "quirks" && $size > 0) {
         // QUIRKS MODE:
         // H1-H6 and P elements should have their top/bottom margin suppressed if they occur as the first/last table cell child
         // correspondingly; note that we cannot do it usung CSS rules, as there's no selectors for the last child.
         $first =& $this->get_first();
         if (!is_null($first) && $this->_suppress_first && $first->isBlockLevel()) {
             $first->margin->top->value = 0;
             $first->margin->top->percentage = null;
         $last =& $this->get_last();
         if (!is_null($last) && $this->_suppress_last && $last->isBlockLevel()) {
             $last->margin->bottom->value = 0;
             $last->margin->bottom->percentage = null;
     // Determine upper-left _content_ corner position of current box
     $this->put_left($parent->_current_x + $this->get_extra_left());
     // NOTE: Table cell margin is used as a cell-spacing value
     $border = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_BORDER);
     $padding = $this->getCSSProperty(CSS_PADDING);
     $this->put_top($parent->_current_y - $border->top->get_width() - $padding->top->value);
     // CSS 2.1:
     // Floats, absolutely positioned elements, inline-blocks, table-cells, and elements with 'overflow' other than
     // 'visible' establish new block formatting contexts.
     // Reflow cell content
     // Extend the table cell height to fit all contained floats
     // Determine the bottom edge corrdinate of the bottommost float
     $float_bottom = $context->float_bottom();
     if (!is_null($float_bottom)) {
     // Restore old context
 function reflow_static(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     // Note that inline boxes (actually SPANS)
     // are never added to the parent's line boxes
     // Move current box to the parent's current coordinates
     // Note that span box will start at the far left of the parent, NOT on its current X!
     // Also, note that inline box can have margins, padding and borders!
     $this->put_top($parent->get_top() - $this->get_extra_top());
     // first line of the SPAN will be offset to its parent current-x
     // PLUS the left padding of current span!
     $parent->_current_x += $this->get_extra_left();
     $this->_current_x = $parent->_current_x;
     // Note that the same operation IS NOT applied to parent current-y!
     // The padding space is just extended to the top possibly OVERLAPPING the above boxes.
     $this->width = 0;
     // Reflow contents
     $size = count($this->content);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
         $child =& $this->content[$i];
         // Add current element into _parent_ line box and reflow it
         $child->reflow($parent, $context);
         // In general, if inline box centained whitespace box only,
         // it could be removed during reflow function call;
         // let's check it and skip to next child
         // if no children left AT ALL (so this box is empty), just exit
         // Track the real height of the inline box; it will be used by other functions
         // (say, functions calculating content height)
     // Apply right extra space value (padding + border + margin)
     $parent->_current_x += $this->get_extra_right();
     // Margins of inline boxes are not collapsed
     if ($this->get_first_data()) {
Esempio n. 22
  * Layout normal (non-floating) static-positioned block box.
  * @param GenericContainerBox $parent The document element which should be treated as the parent of current element
  * @param FlowContext $context The flow context containing the additional layout data
  * @see FlowContext
  * @see GenericContainerBox
 function reflow_static_normal(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
     if ($parent) {
          * Child block will fill the whole content width of the parent block.
          * 'margin-left' + 'border-left-width' + 'padding-left' + 'width' + 'padding-right' +
          * 'border-right-width' + 'margin-right' = width of containing block
          * See CSS 2.1 for more detailed explanation
          * @link CSS 2.1. 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow
          * Calculate margin values if they have been set as a percentage; replace percentage-based values 
          * with fixed lengths.
          * Calculate width value if it had been set as a percentage; replace percentage-based value
          * with fixed value
         $this->_calc_percentage_width($parent, $context);
          * Calculate 'auto' values of width and margins. Unlike tables, DIV width is either constrained
          * by some CSS rules or expanded to the parent width; thus, we can calculate 'auto' margin 
          * values immediately.
          * @link CSS 2.1 Calculating widths and margins
          * Collapse top margin
          * @see GenericFormattedBox::collapse_margin()
          * @link CSS 2.1 Collapsing margins
         $y = $this->collapse_margin($parent, $context);
          * At this moment we have top parent/child collapsed margin at the top of context object
          * margin stack
          * Apply 'clear' property; the current Y coordinate can be modified as a result of 'clear'.
         $y = $this->apply_clear($y, $context);
          * Store calculated Y coordinate as current Y coordinate in the parent box
          * No more content will be drawn abowe this mark; current box padding area will 
          * start below.
         $parent->_current_y = $y;
          * Terminate current parent line-box (as current box is not inline)
          * Add current box to the parent's line-box; we will close the line box below 
          * after content will be reflown, so the line box will contain only current box.
          * Now, place the current box upper left content corner. Note that we should not 
          * use get_extra_top here, as _current_y value already culculated using the top margin value
          * of the current box! The top content edge should be offset from that level only of padding and
          * border width.
         $border = $this->get_css_property(CSS_BORDER);
         $padding = $this->get_css_property(CSS_PADDING);
         $this->moveto($parent->get_left() + $this->get_extra_left(), $parent->_current_y - $border->top->get_width() - $padding->top->value);
      * Reflow element's children
     if ($this->get_css_property(CSS_OVERFLOW) != OVERFLOW_VISIBLE) {
      * After child elements have been reflown, we should the top collapsed margin stack value
      * replaced by the value of last child bottom collapsed margin; 
      * if no children contained, then this value should be reset to 0. 
      * Note that invisible and 
      * whitespaces boxes would not affect the collapsed margin value, so we need to 
      * use 'get_first' function instead of just accessing the $content array.
      * @see GenericContainerBox::get_first
     if (!is_null($this->get_first())) {
         $cm = 0;
     } else {
         $cm = $context->get_collapsed_margin();
      * Update the bottom  value, collapsing the latter value with 
      * current box bottom margin.
      * Note that we need to remove TWO values from the margin stack:
      * first - the value of collapsed bottom margin of the last child AND
      * second - the value of collapsed top margin of current element.
     $margin = $this->get_css_property(CSS_MARGIN);
     if ($parent) {
          * Terminate parent's line box (it contains the current box only)
         $parent->_current_y = $this->collapse_margin_bottom($parent, $context);
Esempio n. 23
  * Layout current BR element. The reflow routine is somewhat similar to the block box reflow routine.
  * As most CSS properties do not apply to BR elements, and BR element always have parent element,
  * the routine is much simpler.
  * @param GenericContainerBox $parent The document element which should be treated as the parent of current element
  * @param FlowContext $context The flow context containing the additional layout data
  * @see FlowContext
  * @see GenericContainerBox
 function reflow(&$parent, &$context)
     GenericFormattedBox::reflow($parent, $context);
      * Apply 'clear' property; the current Y coordinate can be modified as a result of 'clear'.
     $y = $this->apply_clear($parent->_current_y, $context);
      * Move current "box" to parent current coordinates. It is REQUIRED, in spite of the generated 
      * box itself have no dimensions and will never be drawn, as several other routines uses box coordinates.
      * If we met a sequence of BR tags (like <BR><BR>), we'll have an only one item in the parent's
      * line box - whitespace; in this case we'll need to additionally offset current y coordinate by the font size,
      * as whitespace alone does not affect the Y-coordinate.
     if ($parent->line_box_empty()) {
          * There's no elements in the parent line box at all (e.g in the following situation:
          * <div><br/> .. some text here...</div>); thus, as we're initiating
          * a new line, we need to offset current Y coordinate by the font-size value.
         $parent->close_line($context, true);
         $parent->_current_y = min($this->get_bottom(), $parent->_current_y - $this->font_size);
     } else {
          * There's at least 1 non-whitespace element in the parent line box, we do not need to use whitespace 
          * height; the bottom of the line box is defined by the non-whitespace elements. Top of the new line
          * should be equal to that value.
         $parent->close_line($context, true);
      * We need to explicitly extend the parent's height, to make it contain the generated line,
      * as we don't know if it have any children _after_ this BR box. If we will not do it,
      * the following code will be rendred incorrectly:
      * <div>...some text...<br/></div>