public function __processForgottenPasswordRequest($context)
     if (isset($_POST['action']['front-end-authentication']['forgot'])) {
         $username = function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string') ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['front-end-authentication']['username']) : addslashes($_POST['front-end-authentication']['username']);
         $password = $this->__getPasswordFromUsername($username);
         if (strlen($password) > 0) {
             $params = $context['params'];
             $params += array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password);
             $subject = self::__replaceParams(stripslashes($this->_Parent->Configuration->get('email-subject', 'frontend-authentication')), $params);
             $body = self::__replaceParams(stripslashes($this->_Parent->Configuration->get('email-body', 'frontend-authentication')), $params);
             General::sendEmail($username, 'noreply@' . parse_url($params['root'], PHP_URL_HOST), $params['website-name'], $subject, $body);
             define_safe('FRONT_END_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_SENT', true);
         define_safe('FRONT_END_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_SENT', false);
Esempio n. 2
            # Delegate: PasswordResetSuccess
            # Description: A successful password reset has taken place. Author ID is provided
            $CampfireManager->notifyMembers('PasswordResetSuccess', CURRENTPAGE, array('author_id' => $author['id']));
            $_f = "newpass";
            $error = "You have been sent an email with instructions.";
        } else {
            # Delegate: PasswordResetFailure
            # Description: A failed password reset has taken place. Author ID is provided
            $CampfireManager->notifyMembers('PasswordResetFailure', CURRENTPAGE, array('author_id' => $author['id']));
            $error = "Symphony could not locate your account.";
            $_f = "forgot";
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "resetpass" && isset($_REQUEST['_t'])) {
    $sql = "SELECT t1.`id`, t1.`email`, t1.`firstname` " . "FROM `tbl_authors` as t1, `tbl_forgotpass` as t2 " . "WHERE t2.`token` = '" . $_REQUEST['_t'] . "' AND t1.`id` = t2.`author_id` " . "LIMIT 1";
    $author = $DB->fetchRow(0, $sql);
    if (!empty($author)) {
        $newpass = General::generatePassword();
        General::sendEmail($author['email'], "*****@*****.**", "Symphony Concierge", "RE: New Symphony Account Password", "Hi " . $author['firstname'] . ",\nAs requested, here is your new Symphony Author Password for '" . URL . "' \n\n\t{$newpass}\n\n" . "\n\nBest Regards,\nThe Symphony Team");
        $DB->update(array("password" => md5($newpass)), "tbl_authors", "WHERE `id` = '" . $author['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
        $DB->delete("tbl_forgotpass", "WHERE `author_id` = '" . $author['id'] . "'");
        # Delegate: PasswordResetRequest
        # Description: User has requested a password reset. Author ID is provided.
        $CampfireManager->notifyMembers('PasswordResetRequest', CURRENTPAGE, array('author_id' => $author['id']));
        $error = "Password reset. Check your email";
 function action()
     if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
         $actionParts = array_keys($_POST['action']);
         $action = end($actionParts);
         ##Login Attempted
         if ($action == 'login') {
             if (!isset($_POST['username']) || strlen(trim($_POST['username'])) == 0) {
                 $this->invalid_credentials = true;
                 $this->missing_username = true;
             if (!isset($_POST['password']) || strlen(trim($_POST['password'])) == 0) {
                 $this->invalid_credentials = true;
                 $this->missing_password = true;
             } elseif (!Administration::instance()->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
                 ## FIXME: Fix this delegate
                 # Delegate: LoginFailure
                 # Description: Failed login attempt. Username is provided.
                 //Extension::notify('LoginFailure', getCurrentPage(), array('username' => $_POST['username']));
                 //$this->Body->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', 'Login invalid. <a href="'.ADMIN_URL . '/?forgot">Forgot your password?</a>'));
                 //$this->_alert = 'Login invalid. <a href="'.ADMIN_URL . '/?forgot">Forgot your password?</a>';
                 $this->invalid_credentials = true;
             } else {
                 ## FIXME: Fix this delegate
                 # Delegate: LoginSuccess
                 # Description: Successful login attempt. Username is provided.
                 //Extension::notify('LoginSuccess', getCurrentPage(), array('username' => $_POST['username']));
                 if (isset($_POST['redirect'])) {
                     redirect(URL . str_replace(parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_PATH), NULL, $_POST['redirect']));
                 redirect(ADMIN_URL . '/');
             ##Reset of password requested
         } elseif ($action == 'reset') {
             $user = Symphony::Database()->query("SELECT id, email, first_name FROM `tbl_users` WHERE `email` = '%s'", array($_POST['email']));
             if ($user->valid()) {
                 $user = $user->current();
                 Symphony::Database()->delete('tbl_forgotpass', array(DateTimeObj::getGMT('c')), " `expiry` < '%s'");
                 $token = Symphony::Database()->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttoken\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`tbl_forgotpass`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\texpiry > '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tuser_id = %d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'), $user->id);
                 if ($token->valid()) {
                     $token = substr(md5(time() . rand(0, 200)), 0, 6);
                     Symphony::Database()->insert('tbl_forgotpass', array('user_id' => $user->id, 'token' => $token, 'expiry' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c', time() + 120 * 60)));
                 $this->_email_sent = General::sendEmail($user['email'], 'noreply@' . HTTP_HOST, __('Symphony Concierge'), __('New Symphony Account Password'), __('Hi %s,', array($user->first_name)) . PHP_EOL . __('A new password has been requested for your account. Login using the following link, and change your password via the Users area:') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '	' . ADMIN_URL . "/login/{$token}/" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . __('It will expire in 2 hours. If you did not ask for a new password, please disregard this email.') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . __('Best Regards,') . PHP_EOL . __('The Symphony Team'));
                 ## FIXME: Fix this delegate
                 # Delegate: PasswordResetSuccess
                 # Description: A successful password reset has taken place. User ID is provided
                 //Extension::notify('PasswordResetSuccess', getCurrentPage(), array('user_id' => $user['id']));
             } else {
                 ## FIXME: Fix this delegate
                 # Delegate: PasswordResetFailure
                 # Description: A failed password reset has taken place. User ID is provided
                 //Extension::notify('PasswordResetFailure', getCurrentPage(), array('user_id' => $user['id']));
                 $this->_email_sent = false;
             ##Change of password requested
         } elseif ($action == 'change' && Administration::instance()->isLoggedIn()) {
             if (empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['password-confirmation']) || $_POST['password'] != $_POST['password-confirmation']) {
                 $this->_mismatchedPassword = true;
             } else {
                 $user_id = Administration::instance()->User->id;
                 $user = User::load($user_id);
                 $user->set('password', md5(Symphony::Database()->escape($_POST['password'])));
                 if (!User::save($user) || !Administration::instance()->login($user->username, $_POST['password'])) {
                     redirect(URL . "symphony/system/users/edit/{$user_id}/error/");
                 ## FIXME: Fix this delegate
                 # Delegate: PasswordChanged
                 # Description: After editing an User. ID of the User is provided.
                 //Extension::notify('PasswordChanged', getCurrentPage(), array('user_id' => $user_id));
                 redirect(ADMIN_URL . '/');
     } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'resetpass' && isset($_REQUEST['token'])) {
         $user = Symphony::Database()->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\,, u.first_name\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`tbl_users` as u, `tbl_forgotpass` as t2\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tt2.`token` = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tu.`id` = t2.`user_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t", $_REQUEST['token']);
         if ($user->valid()) {
             $user = $user->current();
             $newpass = General::generatePassword();
             General::sendEmail($user->email, 'noreply@' . HTTP_HOST, 'Symphony Concierge', 'RE: New Symphony Account Password', 'Hi ' . $user['first_name'] . ',' . PHP_EOL . "As requested, here is your new Symphony User Password for '" . URL . "'" . PHP_EOL . "\t{$newpass}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Best Regards,' . PHP_EOL . 'The Symphony Team');
             Symphony::Database()->update('tbl_users', array('password' => md5($newpass)), array($user->id), "`id` = '%d'");
             Symphony::Database()->delete('tbl_forgotpass', array($user->id), " `user_id` = '%d'");
             ## FIXME: Fix this delegate
             # Delegate: PasswordResetRequest
             # Description: User has requested a password reset. User ID is provided.
             //Extension::notify('PasswordResetRequest', getCurrentPage(), array('user_id' => $user['id']));
             $this->_alert = 'Password reset. Check your email';
Esempio n. 4
 function action()
     if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
         $actionParts = array_keys($_POST['action']);
         $action = end($actionParts);
         ##Login Attempted
         if ($action == 'login') {
             if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['password']) || !$this->_Parent->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
                 ## TODO: Fix Me
                 # Delegate: LoginFailure
                 # Description: Failed login attempt. Username is provided.
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('LoginFailure', getCurrentPage(), array('username' => $_POST['username']));
                 //$this->Body->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', 'Login invalid. <a href="'.URL.'/symphony/?forgot">Forgot your password?</a>'));
                 //$this->_alert = 'Login invalid. <a href="'.URL.'/symphony/?forgot">Forgot your password?</a>';
                 $this->_invalidPassword = true;
             } else {
                 ## TODO: Fix Me
                 # Delegate: LoginSuccess
                 # Description: Successful login attempt. Username is provided.
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('LoginSuccess', getCurrentPage(), array('username' => $_POST['username']));
                 if (isset($_POST['redirect'])) {
                     redirect(URL . str_replace(parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_PATH), '', $_POST['redirect']));
                 redirect(URL . '/symphony/');
             ##Reset of password requested
         } elseif ($action == 'reset') {
             $author = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, "SELECT `id`, `email`, `first_name` FROM `tbl_authors` WHERE `email` = '" . $_POST['email'] . "'");
             if (!empty($author)) {
                 $this->_Parent->Database->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `expiry` < '" . DateTimeObj::getGMT('c') . "' ");
                 if (!($token = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchVar('token', 0, "SELECT `token` FROM `tbl_forgotpass` WHERE `expiry` > '" . DateTimeObj::getGMT('c') . "' AND `author_id` = " . $author['id']))) {
                     $token = substr(md5(time() . rand(0, 200)), 0, 6);
                     $this->_Parent->Database->insert(array('author_id' => $author['id'], 'token' => $token, 'expiry' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c', time() + 120 * 60)), 'tbl_forgotpass');
                 $this->_email_sent = General::sendEmail($author['email'], $this->_Parent->Database->fetchVar('email', 0, "SELECT `email` FROM `tbl_authors` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1"), __('Symphony Concierge'), __('New Symphony Account Password'), __('Hi %s,', array($author['first_name'])) . self::CRLF . __('A new password has been requested for your account. Login using the following link, and change your password via the Authors area:') . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . '	' . URL . "/symphony/login/{$token}/" . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . __('It will expire in 2 hours. If you did not ask for a new password, please disregard this email.') . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . __('Best Regards,') . self::CRLF . __('The Symphony Team'));
                 ## TODO: Fix Me
                 # Delegate: PasswordResetSuccess
                 # Description: A successful password reset has taken place. Author ID is provided
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('PasswordResetSuccess', getCurrentPage(), array('author_id' => $author['id']));
             } else {
                 ## TODO: Fix Me
                 # Delegate: PasswordResetFailure
                 # Description: A failed password reset has taken place. Author ID is provided
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('PasswordResetFailure', getCurrentPage(), array('author_id' => $author['id']));
                 $this->_email_sent = false;
             ##Change of password requested
         } elseif ($action == 'change' && $this->_Parent->isLoggedIn()) {
             if (empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['password-confirmation']) || $_POST['password'] != $_POST['password-confirmation']) {
                 $this->_mismatchedPassword = true;
             } else {
                 $author_id = $this->_Parent->Author->get('id');
                 require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.authormanager.php';
                 $authorManager = new AuthorManager($this->_Parent);
                 $author = $authorManager->fetchByID($author_id);
                 $author->set('password', md5($this->_Parent->Database->cleanValue($_POST['password'])));
                 if (!$author->commit() || !$this->_Parent->login($author->get('username'), $_POST['password'])) {
                     redirect(URL . "symphony/system/authors/edit/{$author_id}/error/");
                 ## TODO: Fix me
                 # Delegate: PasswordChanged
                 # Description: After editing an author. ID of the author is provided.
                 //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('PasswordChanged', getCurrentPage(), array('author_id' => $author_id));
                 redirect(URL . '/symphony/');
     } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'resetpass' && isset($_REQUEST['token'])) {
         $sql = "SELECT t1.`id`, t1.`email`, t1.`first_name` \n\t\t\t\t\t    FROM `tbl_authors` as t1, `tbl_forgotpass` as t2\n\t\t\t\t\t \tWHERE t2.`token` = '" . $_REQUEST['token'] . "' AND t1.`id` = t2.`author_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t \tLIMIT 1";
         $author = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchRow(0, $sql);
         if (!empty($author)) {
             $newpass = General::generatePassword();
             General::sendEmail($author['email'], '*****@*****.**', 'Symphony Concierge', 'RE: New Symphony Account Password', 'Hi ' . $author['first_name'] . ',' . self::CRLF . "As requested, here is your new Symphony Author Password for '" . URL . "'" . self::CRLF . "\t{$newpass}" . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . 'Best Regards,' . self::CRLF . 'The Symphony Team');
             $this->_Parent->Database->update(array('password' => md5($newpass)), 'tbl_authors', " `id` = '" . $author['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
             $this->_Parent->Database->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `author_id` = '" . $author['id'] . "'");
             ## TODO: Fix Me
             # Delegate: PasswordResetRequest
             # Description: User has requested a password reset. Author ID is provided.
             //$ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('PasswordResetRequest', getCurrentPage(), array('author_id' => $author['id']));
             $this->_alert = 'Password reset. Check your email';
Esempio n. 5
 function __doit($source, $fields, &$result, &$obj, &$event, $filters, $position = NULL, $entry_id = NULL)
     $post_values = new XMLElement('post-values');
     $post = General::getPostData();
     $filter_results = array();
     ## Create the post data cookie element
     if (is_array($post) && !empty($post)) {
         General::array_to_xml($post_values, $fields, true);
     # Delegate: EventPreSaveFilter
     # Description: Prior to saving entry from the front-end. This delegate will force the Event to terminate if it populates the error
     #              array reference. Provided with references to this object, the POST data and also the error array
     $obj->ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('EventPreSaveFilter', '/frontend/', array('fields' => $fields, 'event' => &$event, 'messages' => &$filter_results, 'post_values' => &$post_values));
     if (is_array($filter_results) && !empty($filter_results)) {
         foreach ($filter_results as $fr) {
             list($type, $status, $message) = $fr;
             $result->appendChild(buildFilterElement($type, $status ? 'passed' : 'failed', $message));
             if (!$status) {
                 $result->setAttribute('result', 'error');
                 $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
                 return false;
     include_once TOOLKIT . '/class.sectionmanager.php';
     include_once TOOLKIT . '/class.entrymanager.php';
     $sectionManager = new SectionManager($obj);
     if (!($section = $sectionManager->fetch($source))) {
         $result->setAttribute('result', 'error');
         $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Section is invalid')));
         return false;
     $entryManager = new EntryManager($obj);
     if (isset($entry_id) && $entry_id != NULL) {
         $entry =& $entryManager->fetch($entry_id);
         $entry = $entry[0];
         if (!is_object($entry)) {
             $result->setAttribute('result', 'error');
             $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Invalid Entry ID specified. Could not create Entry object.')));
             return false;
     } else {
         $entry =& $entryManager->create();
         $entry->set('section_id', $source);
     $filter_errors = array();
     if (__ENTRY_FIELD_ERROR__ == $entry->checkPostData($fields, $errors, $entry->get('id') ? true : false)) {
         $result->setAttribute('result', 'error');
         $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
         foreach ($errors as $field_id => $message) {
             $field = $entryManager->fieldManager->fetch($field_id);
             $result->appendChild(new XMLElement($field->get('element_name'), NULL, array('type' => $fields[$field->get('element_name')] == '' ? 'missing' : 'invalid', 'message' => General::sanitize($message))));
         if (isset($post_values) && is_object($post_values)) {
         return false;
     } elseif (__ENTRY_OK__ != $entry->setDataFromPost($fields, $errors, false, $entry->get('id') ? true : false)) {
         $result->setAttribute('result', 'error');
         $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Entry encountered errors when saving.')));
         if (isset($errors['field_id'])) {
             $errors = array($errors);
         foreach ($errors as $err) {
             $field = $entryManager->fieldManager->fetch($err['field_id']);
             $result->appendChild(new XMLElement($field->get('element_name'), NULL, array('type' => 'invalid')));
         if (isset($post_values) && is_object($post_values)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if (!$entry->commit()) {
             $result->setAttribute('result', 'error');
             $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', __('Unknown errors where encountered when saving.')));
             if (isset($post_values) && is_object($post_values)) {
             return false;
         $result->setAttribute('id', $entry->get('id'));
     if (@in_array('send-email', $filters) && !@in_array('expect-multiple', $filters)) {
         if (!function_exists('__sendEmailFindFormValue')) {
             function __sendEmailFindFormValue($needle, $haystack, $discard_field_name = true, $default = NULL, $collapse = true)
                 if (preg_match('/^(fields\\[[^\\]]+\\],?)+$/i', $needle)) {
                     $parts = preg_split('/\\,/i', $needle, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                     $parts = array_map('trim', $parts);
                     $stack = array();
                     foreach ($parts as $p) {
                         $field = str_replace(array('fields[', ']'), '', $p);
                         $discard_field_name ? $stack[] = $haystack[$field] : ($stack[$field] = $haystack[$field]);
                     if (is_array($stack) && !empty($stack)) {
                         return $collapse ? implode(' ', $stack) : $stack;
                     } else {
                         $needle = NULL;
                 $needle = trim($needle);
                 if (empty($needle)) {
                     return $default;
                 return $needle;
         $fields = $_POST['send-email'];
         $fields['recipient'] = __sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['recipient'], $_POST['fields'], true);
         $fields['recipient'] = preg_split('/\\,/i', $fields['recipient'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         $fields['recipient'] = array_map('trim', $fields['recipient']);
         $fields['recipient'] = $obj->Database->fetch("SELECT `email`, `first_name` FROM `tbl_authors` WHERE `username` IN ('" . @implode("', '", $fields['recipient']) . "') ");
         $fields['subject'] = __sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['subject'], $_POST['fields'], true, __('[Symphony] A new entry was created on %s', array($obj->Configuration->get('sitename', 'general'))));
         $fields['body'] = __sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['body'], $_POST['fields'], false, NULL, false);
         $fields['sender-email'] = __sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['sender-email'], $_POST['fields'], true, 'noreply@' . parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_HOST));
         $fields['sender-name'] = __sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['sender-name'], $_POST['fields'], true, 'Symphony');
         $edit_link = URL . '/symphony/publish/' . $section->get('handle') . '/edit/' . $entry->get('id') . '/';
         $body = __('Dear <!-- RECIPIENT NAME -->,') . General::CRLF . __('This is a courtesy email to notify you that an entry was created on the %1$s section. You can edit the entry by going to: %2$s', array($section->get('name'), $edit_link)) . General::CRLF . General::CRLF;
         if (is_array($fields['body'])) {
             foreach ($fields['body'] as $field_handle => $value) {
                 $body .= "// {$field_handle}" . General::CRLF . $value . General::CRLF . General::CRLF;
         } else {
             $body .= $fields['body'];
         $errors = array();
         if (!is_array($fields['recipient']) || empty($fields['recipient'])) {
             $result->appendChild(buildFilterElement('send-email', 'failed', __('No valid recipients found. Check send-email[recipient] field.')));
         } else {
             foreach ($fields['recipient'] as $r) {
                 list($email, $name) = array_values($r);
                 if (!General::sendEmail($email, $fields['sender-email'], $fields['sender-name'], $fields['subject'], str_replace('<!-- RECIPIENT NAME -->', $name, $body))) {
                     $errors[] = $email;
             if (!empty($errors)) {
                 $xml = buildFilterElement('send-email', 'failed');
                 foreach ($errors as $address) {
                     $xml->appendChild(new XMLElement('recipient', $address));
             } else {
                 $result->appendChild(buildFilterElement('send-email', 'passed'));
     $filter_results = array();
     # Delegate: EventPostSaveFilter
     # Description: After saving entry from the front-end. This delegate will not force the Events to terminate if it populates the error
     #              array reference. Provided with references to this object, the POST data and also the error array
     $obj->ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('EventPostSaveFilter', '/frontend/', array('entry_id' => $entry->get('id'), 'fields' => $fields, 'entry' => $entry, 'event' => &$event, 'messages' => &$filter_results));
     if (is_array($filter_results) && !empty($filter_results)) {
         foreach ($filter_results as $fr) {
             list($type, $status, $message) = $fr;
             $result->appendChild(buildFilterElement($type, $status ? 'passed' : 'failed', $message));
     # Delegate: EventFinalSaveFilter
     $obj->ExtensionManager->notifyMembers('EventFinalSaveFilter', '/frontend/', array('fields' => $fields, 'event' => &$event, 'errors' => &$filter_errors, 'entry' => $entry));
     $result->setAttributeArray(array('result' => 'success', 'type' => isset($entry_id) ? 'edited' : 'created'));
     $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', isset($entry_id) ? __('Entry edited successfully.') : __('Entry created successfully.')));
     if (isset($post_values) && is_object($post_values)) {
     return true;
     ## End Function
    protected function __trigger()
        $success = true;
        $result = new XMLElement('forgot-password');
        $Members = $this->_Parent->ExtensionManager->create('members');
        $username = $email = $code = NULL;
        if (isset($_POST['fields']['code']) && strlen(trim($_POST['fields']['code'])) > 0) {
            $code = $_POST['fields']['code'];
            $new_password = General::generatePassword();
            $db = ASDCLoader::instance();
            // Make sure we dont accidently use an expired token
            $token_row = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `tbl_members_login_tokens` WHERE `token` = '%s' LIMIT 1", $db->escape($code)))->current();
            // No code, you are a spy!
            if ($token_row === false) {
                redirect(URL . '/members/reset-pass/failed/');
            // Attempt to update the password
            $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `tbl_entries_data_%d` SET `password` = '%s' WHERE `entry_id` = %d LIMIT 1", $Members->usernameAndPasswordField(), md5($new_password), $token_row->member_id));
            // SEND THE EMAIL!!
            $entry = $Members->initialiseMemberObject($token_row->member_id);
            $email_address = $entry->getData(self::findFieldID('email-address', 'members'));
            $name = $entry->getData(self::findFieldID('name', 'members'));
            $subject = 'Your new password';
            $body = 'Dear {$name},

Just now, you have asked the Symphony brain trust to bestow you with a new password.

Well, here it is: {$new-password}

There\'s a good chance that you won\'t like this new password and want to change it - don\'t worry, we\'re not offended.

You can do that once you\'ve logged in by going here: {$root}/members/change-pass/

If you have any trouble, please email us at and we\'ll do our best to help.


Symphony Team';
            $body = str_replace(array('{$name}', '{$root}', '{$new-password}'), array($name['value'], URL, $new_password), $body);
            $sender_email = 'noreply@' . parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_HOST);
            $sender_name = Symphony::Configuration()->get('sitename', 'general');
            General::sendEmail($email_address['value'], $sender_email, $sender_name, $subject, $body);
            redirect(URL . '/members/reset-pass/success/');
        // Username take precedence
        if (isset($_POST['fields']['member-username']) && strlen(trim($_POST['fields']['member-username'])) > 0) {
            $username = $_POST['fields']['member-username'];
        if (isset($_POST['fields']['member-email-address']) && strlen(trim($_POST['fields']['member-email-address'])) > 0) {
            $email = $_POST['fields']['member-email-address'];
        if (is_null($username) && is_null($email)) {
            $success = false;
            $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('member-username', NULL, array('type' => 'missing')));
            $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('member-email-address', NULL, array('type' => 'missing')));
        } else {
            $members = array();
            if (!is_null($email)) {
                $members = $Members->findMemberIDFromEmail($email);
            if (!is_null($username)) {
                $members[] = $Members->findMemberIDFromUsername($username);
            // remove duplicates
            $members = array_unique($members);
            try {
                if (is_array($members) && !empty($members)) {
                    foreach ($members as $member_id) {
                    redirect(URL . '/members/reset-pass/code/');
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                // Shouldn't get here, but will catch an invalid member ID if it does
            $success = false;
        $result->setAttribute('status', $success === true ? 'success' : 'error');
        return $result;
 private function __sendNewRegistrationEmail(Entry $entry, array $fields = array())
     $role_data = $entry->getData($this->roleField());
     if (!($role = $this->fetchRole($role_data['role_id']))) {
     if ($role->email_body() == NULL || self::memberEmailFieldID() == NULL || $role->email_subject() == NULL) {
     $email_address_data = $entry->getData(self::memberEmailFieldID());
     $to_address = $email_address_data['value'];
     $subject = $this->__replaceFieldsInString($role->email_subject(), $entry);
     $body = $this->__replaceFieldsInString($role->email_body(), $entry);
     $token = $this->generateToken($entry->get('id'));
     $body = str_replace(array('{$root}', '{$activation-token}'), array(URL, $token), $body);
     $body = str_replace('{$' . $this->usernameAndPasswordFieldHandle() . '::plaintext-password}', $fields[$this->usernameAndPasswordFieldHandle()]['password'], $body);
     $body = str_replace('{$' . $this->usernameAndPasswordFieldHandle() . '::username}', $fields[$this->usernameAndPasswordFieldHandle()]['username'], $body);
     $sender_email = 'noreply@' . parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_HOST);
     $sender_name = Symphony::Configuration()->get('sitename', 'general');
     General::sendEmail($to_address, $sender_email, $sender_name, $subject, $body);
 public function sendEmail($entry_id, $template_id)
     header('content-type: text/plain');
     $template = $this->getTemplate($template_id);
     $conditions = $this->getConditions($template_id);
     $data = $this->getData($template, $entry_id);
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($data);
     $email = null;
     // Find condition:
     foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
         if (empty($condition['expression'])) {
             $email = $condition;
         $results = $xpath->query($condition['expression']);
         if ($results->length > 0) {
             foreach ($results as $node) {
             $email = $condition;
     if (is_null($email)) {
     // Replace {xpath} queries:
     foreach ($email as $key => $value) {
         $content = $email[$key];
         $replacements = array();
         // Find queries:
         preg_match_all('/\\{[^\\}]+\\}/', $content, $matches);
         // Find replacements:
         foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
             $results = @$xpath->query(trim($match, '{}'));
             if ($results->length) {
                 $replacements[$match] = $results->item(0)->nodeValue;
             } else {
                 $replacements[$match] = '';
         $content = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $content);
         $email[$key] = $content;
     // Find generator:
     $page = $this->getPage($email['page']);
     $generator = URL;
     if ($page->path) {
         $generator .= '/' . $page->path;
     $generator .= '/' . $page->handle;
     $generator = rtrim($generator, '/');
     $params = trim($email['params'], '/');
     $email['generator'] = "{$generator}/{$params}/";
     // Add values:
     $email['message'] = (string) file_get_contents($email['generator']);
     $email['condition_id'] = $email['id'];
     $email['entry_id'] = $entry_id;
     // Remove junk:
     // Send the email:
     $return = General::sendEmail($email['recipients'], $email['senders'], $email['sender'], $email['subject'], $email['message'], array('mime-version' => '1.0', 'content-type' => 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"'));
     // Log the email:
     $email['success'] = $return ? 'yes' : 'no';
     $email['date'] = DateTimeObj::get('c');
     $this->_Parent->Database->insert($email, 'tbl_etf_logs');
     return $return;
 function __emailEntryAuthor($comment, $entry)
     #$entry = $this->_db->fetchRow(0, "SELECT * FROM tbl_entries WHERE = '".$comment['entry_id']."' LIMIT 1");
     $author = $this->_db->fetchRow(0, "SELECT * FROM tbl_authors WHERE = '" . $entry['author_id'] . "' && `email` != '" . $comment['author_email'] . "' LIMIT 1");
     General::sendEmail($author['email'], "*****@*****.**", "Symphony Concierge", $comment['author_name'] . " has posted a comment on '" . $this->_parent->getConfigVar("sitename", "general") . "'", "Hi " . $author["firstname"] . "," . "\nThis is to inform you that " . $comment['author_name'] . " has posted a comment to one of your entries (" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "). Below is a summary." . "\n\nEntry: " . strip_tags($entry['fields'][$entry['primary_field']]['value']) . " (" . URL . "/symphony/?page=/publish/section/edit/&_sid=" . $entry['section_id'] . "&id=" . $entry['id'] . ")" . "\nComment Author: " . $comment['author_name'] . ($comment['author_url'] != "" ? " (" . $comment['author_url'] . ")" : "") . "\nComment Email: " . $comment['author_email'] . "\n\nComment Body: \n" . $comment['body'] . "\n\n\nYou can moderate this comment by visiting the Comments section of your Symphony Admin. " . "\nIf you do not wish to receive emails if the future, simply turn off email notification in your Comments settings area.\n");
Esempio n. 10
 public function action()
     if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
         $actionParts = array_keys($_POST['action']);
         $action = end($actionParts);
         ##Login Attempted
         if ($action == 'login') {
             if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['password']) || !Administration::instance()->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
                  * A failed login attempt into the Symphony backend
                  * @delegate AuthorLoginFailure
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/login/'
                  * @param string $username
                  *  The username of the Author who attempted to login.
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorLoginFailure', '/login/', array('username' => $_POST['username']));
                 $this->_invalidPassword = true;
             } else {
                  * A successful login attempt into the Symphony backend
                  * @delegate AuthorLoginSuccess
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/login/'
                  * @param string $username
                  *  The username of the Author who logged in.
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorLoginSuccess', '/login/', array('username' => $_POST['username']));
                 if (isset($_POST['redirect'])) {
                     redirect(URL . str_replace(parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_PATH), '', $_POST['redirect']));
             ##Reset of password requested
         } elseif ($action == 'reset') {
             $author = Symphony::Database()->fetchRow(0, "SELECT `id`, `email`, `first_name` FROM `tbl_authors` WHERE `email` = '" . Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($_POST['email']) . "'");
             if (!empty($author)) {
                 Symphony::Database()->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `expiry` < '" . DateTimeObj::getGMT('c') . "' ");
                 if (!($token = Symphony::Database()->fetchVar('token', 0, "SELECT `token` FROM `tbl_forgotpass` WHERE `expiry` > '" . DateTimeObj::getGMT('c') . "' AND `author_id` = " . $author['id']))) {
                     $token = substr(General::hash(time() . rand(0, 1000)), 0, 6);
                     Symphony::Database()->insert(array('author_id' => $author['id'], 'token' => $token, 'expiry' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('c', time() + 120 * 60)), 'tbl_forgotpass');
                 try {
                     $email = Email::create();
                     $email->recipients = $author['email'];
                     $email->subject = __('New Symphony Account Password');
                     $email->text_plain = __('Hi %s,', array($author['first_name'])) . self::CRLF . __('A new password has been requested for your account. Login using the following link, and change your password via the Authors area:') . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . '	' . SYMPHONY_URL . "/login/{$token}/" . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . __('It will expire in 2 hours. If you did not ask for a new password, please disregard this email.') . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . __('Best Regards,') . self::CRLF . __('The Symphony Team');
                     $this->_email_sent = true;
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                 } catch (EmailGatewayException $e) {
                     throw new SymphonyErrorPage('Error sending email. ' . $e->getMessage());
                  * When a password reset has occured and after the Password
                  * Reset email has been sent.
                  * @delegate AuthorPostPasswordResetSuccess
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/login/'
                  * @param integer $author_id
                  *  The ID of the Author who requested the password reset
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorPostPasswordResetSuccess', '/login/', array('author_id' => $author['id']));
             } else {
                  * When a password reset has been attempted, but Symphony doesn't
                  * recognise the credentials the user has given.
                  * @delegate AuthorPostPasswordResetFailure
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/login/'
                  * @param string $email
                  *  The santizied Email of the Author who tried to request the password reset
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorPostPasswordResetFailure', '/login/', array('email' => Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($_POST['email'])));
                 $this->_email_sent = false;
             ##Change of password requested
         } elseif ($action == 'change' && Administration::instance()->isLoggedIn()) {
             if (empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['password-confirmation']) || $_POST['password'] != $_POST['password-confirmation']) {
                 $this->_mismatchedPassword = true;
             } else {
                 $author_id = Administration::instance()->Author->get('id');
                 $author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($author_id);
                 $author->set('password', General::hash(Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($_POST['password'])));
                 if (!$author->commit() || !Administration::instance()->login($author->get('username'), $_POST['password'])) {
                     redirect(SYMPHONY_URL . "/system/authors/edit/{$author_id}/error/");
                  * When an Author changes their password as the result of a login
                  * with an emergency token (ie. forgot password). Just after their
                  * new password has been set successfully
                  * @delegate AuthorPostPasswordChange
                  * @since Symphony 2.2
                  * @param string $context
                  * '/login/'
                  * @param integer $author_id
                  *  The ID of the Author who has just changed their password
                 Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorPostPasswordChange', '/login/', array('author_id' => $author_id));
     } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'resetpass' && isset($_REQUEST['token'])) {
         $author = Symphony::Database()->fetchRow(0, "SELECT t1.`id`, t1.`email`, t1.`first_name`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `tbl_authors` as t1, `tbl_forgotpass` as t2\n\t\t\t\t\t \tWHERE t2.`token` = '" . Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($_REQUEST['token']) . "' AND t1.`id` = t2.`author_id`\n\t\t\t\t\t \tLIMIT 1");
         if (!empty($author)) {
             $newpass = General::generatePassword();
             General::sendEmail($author['email'], Symphony::Database()->fetchVar('email', 0, "SELECT `email` FROM `tbl_authors` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1"), __('Symphony Concierge'), __('New Symphony Account Password'), __('Hi %s,', array($author['first_name'])) . self::CRLF . __("As requested, here is your new Symphony Author Password for ") . URL . " " . self::CRLF . " {$newpass}" . self::CRLF . self::CRLF . __('Best Regards,') . self::CRLF . __('The Symphony Team'));
             Symphony::Database()->update(array('password' => General::hash($newpass)), 'tbl_authors', " `id` = '" . $author['id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
             Symphony::Database()->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `author_id` = '" . $author['id'] . "'");
              * Just after a Forgot Password email has been sent to the Author
              * who has requested a password reset.
              * @delegate AuthorPostPasswordResetRequest
              * @since Symphony 2.2
              * @param string $context
              * '/login/'
              * @param integer $author_id
              *  The ID of the Author who has requested their password be reset
             Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AuthorPostPasswordResetRequest', '/login/', array('author_id' => $author['id']));
             $this->_alert = __('Password reset. Check your email');
 function trigger()
     $result = new XMLElement("send-email");
     $fields['recipient_username'] = $_POST['recipient-username'];
     $fields['email'] = $_POST['email'];
     $fields['name'] = $_POST['name'];
     $fields['subject'] = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['subject']));
     $fields['message'] = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['message']));
     $fields = array_map("trim", $fields);
     ## Create the cookie elements
     $cookie = new XMLElement("cookie");
     $cookie->addChild(new XMLElement("name", $fields['name']));
     $cookie->addChild(new XMLElement("email", $fields['email']));
     $cookie->addChild(new XMLElement("subject", $fields['subject']));
     $cookie->addChild(new XMLElement("message", General::sanitize($fields['message'])));
     $usernames = @implode("', '", @explode(" ", $fields['recipient_username']));
     $email_addresses = $this->_parent->_db->fetchCol("email", "SELECT `email` FROM `tbl_authors` WHERE `username` IN ('" . $usernames . "')");
     $canProceed = true;
     if ($fields['email'] == "" || $fields['name'] == "" || $fields['subject'] == "" || $fields['message'] == "") {
         $xMissing = new XMLElement("missing");
         if ($fields['email'] == "") {
             $missing = new XMLElement("input");
             $missing->setAttribute("name", "email");
         if ($fields['name'] == "") {
             $missing = new XMLElement("input");
             $missing->setAttribute("name", "name");
         if ($fields['subject'] == "") {
             $missing = new XMLElement("input");
             $missing->setAttribute("name", "subject");
         if ($fields['message'] == "") {
             $missing = new XMLElement("input");
             $missing->setAttribute("name", "message");
         $canProceed = false;
     if (!ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+$', $fields['email'])) {
         $invalid = new XMLElement("invalid");
         $xInvalid = new XMLElement("input");
         $xInvalid->setAttribute("name", "email");
         $canProceed = false;
     if (!$canProceed) {
         $result->setAttribute("sent", "false");
     } else {
         $errors = array();
         foreach ($email_addresses as $e) {
             if (!General::sendEmail($e, $fields['email'], $fields['name'], $fields['subject'], $fields['message'])) {
                 $errors[] = $fields['recipient-email'];
         if (!empty($errors)) {
             $result->addChild(new XMLElement("notice", "Email could not be sent. An unknown error occurred."));
             $result->setAttribute("sent", "false");
         } else {
             $result->addChild(new XMLElement("notice", "Email sent successfully"));
             $result->setAttribute("sent", "true");
     return $result;