Esempio n. 1
  * Renders a token into text matching the requested format.
  * @access public
  * @param array $options The "options" portion of the token (second
  * element).
  * @return string The text rendered from the token options.
 function token($options)
     $text = $options['text'];
     $attr = $options['attr'];
     $type = strtolower($attr['type']);
     $css = $this->formatConf(' class="%s"', 'css');
     $css_code = $this->formatConf(' class="%s"', 'css_code');
     $css_php = $this->formatConf(' class="%s"', 'css_php');
     $css_html = $this->formatConf(' class="%s"', 'css_html');
     $geshi_class = path::file("plugins") . "geshi/geshi.php";
     if ($type != "" && file_exists(path::file("plugins") . "geshi/geshi.php") && is_readable(path::file("plugins") . "geshi/geshi.php")) {
         require_once path::file("plugins") . "geshi/geshi.php";
         $geshi = new GeSHi(trim($text), $type, path::file("plugins") . "geshi/geshi/");
         $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS, 1);
         $text = $geshi->parse_code();
         $style = $geshi->get_stylesheet();
         global $page_handler;
         $style = "<style type='text/css'>\n{$style}\n</style>";
     } else {
         //generic code example:
         //convert tabs to four spaces,
         //convert entities.
         $text = trim(htmlentities($text));
         $text = str_replace("\t", " &nbsp; &nbsp;", $text);
         $text = str_replace("  ", " &nbsp;", $text);
         $text = "<code{$css_code}>{$text}</code>";
     return "\n{$text}\n\n";
Esempio n. 2
 function code_callback($matches)
     $index = (int) $matches[1];
     $lang = $this->saved_code[$index]['lang'];
     $code = $this->saved_code[$index]['code'];
     // for prevent memory leaks
     // translate some language names so that simpler names can be used
     ${$lang} = strtr($lang, array('html' => 'html4strict', 'php' => 'php-brief'));
     // if we get HTML for example, it's already encoded
     $geshi = new GeSHi(htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($code, " \t\n\r\v�"), ENT_QUOTES), $lang);
     return $geshi->parse_code();
Esempio n. 3
 private function highlight(&$text, $lang = 'php', $lines = false)
     $geshi = new GeSHi(trim($text, "\r\n"), $lang);
     // [[mw:user:Brianegge]] suggestion
     $geshi->set_overall_style('background: #EEEEEE; border: padding: 0.2em');
     if ($lines == true or $lines == 1 or $lines == '1') {
     } else {
     return "<style>" . $geshi->get_stylesheet() . "</style>" . $geshi->parse_code();
Esempio n. 4
  * filter
  * @param string $text 
  * @return string
 public function filter($text)
     return preg_replace_callback(self::$regex, function ($matches) {
         if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($matches[2])) {
             //we have a #lang attribute in our <code />
             $language = trim($matches[1], "#\n");
             $code = html_entity_decode(trim($matches[2], "\n"));
             $geshi = new \GeSHi($code, $language);
             return $geshi->parse_code();
         return $matches[0];
         //for some reason this went wrong
     }, $text);
Esempio n. 5
 public function codeHighlight($source, $lang)
     Zend_Loader::loadFile("geshi.php", array(config::getFilename("geshi/"), "/usr/share/php-geshi"), true);
     if ($lang == "cpp") {
         $lang = "C++";
     if ($lang == "gcj") {
         $lang = "Java";
     if (!class_exists("GeSHi")) {
         return "<!-- GeSHi disabled --> <pre>" . htmlspecialchars($source) . "</pre>";
     $geshi = new GeSHi($source, $lang);
     $code = $geshi->parse_code();
     return $code;
Esempio n. 6
 function highlight($code, $lang, $path)
     if (empty($lang)) {
         $lang = 'c';
     $geshi = new GeSHi($code, $lang);
     /* Now this feature works, maybe activate it? */
     /* $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS, 1); */
     $result = $geshi->parse_code();
     /* This thing fixes styles when line numbers are disabled */
     $result = '<div class="highlight ' . $lang . '">' . $result . '</div>';
     if ($geshi->error()) {
         $result = $code;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 7
 function onParseContentBlock($page, $name, $text, $shortcut)
     $output = NULL;
     if (!empty($name) && !$shortcut) {
         list($language, $lineNumber, $class, $id) = $this->getHighlightInfo($name);
         if (!empty($language)) {
             $geshi = new GeSHi(trim($text), $language);
             $geshi->set_language_path($this->yellow->config->get("pluginDir") . "/highlight/");
             $geshi->enable_line_numbers($lineNumber ? GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS : GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS);
             $output = $geshi->parse_code();
             $output = preg_replace("#<pre(.*?)>(.+?)</pre>#s", "<pre\$1><code>\$2</code></pre>", $output);
     return $output;
  * Initialise a GeSHi object to format some code, performing
  * common setup for all our uses of it
  * @param string $text
  * @param string $lang
  * @return GeSHi
 public static function prepare($text, $lang)
     global $wgSyntaxHighlightKeywordLinks;
     $geshi = new GeSHi($text, $lang);
     if ($geshi->error() == GESHI_ERROR_NO_SUCH_LANG) {
         return null;
     // If the source code is over 100 kB, disable higlighting of symbols.
     // If over 200 kB, disable highlighting of strings too.
     $bytes = strlen($text);
     if ($bytes > 102400) {
         if ($bytes > 204800) {
      * GeSHi comes by default with a font-family set to monospace, which
      * causes the font-size to be smaller than one would expect.
      * We append a CSS hack to the default GeSHi styles: specifying 'monospace'
      * twice "resets" the browser font-size specified for monospace.
      * The hack is documented in MediaWiki core under
      * docs/uidesign/monospace.html and in bug 33496.
     // Preserve default since we don't want to override the other style
     // properties set by geshi (padding, font-size, vertical-align etc.)
     $geshi->set_code_style('font-family: monospace, monospace;', true);
     // No need to preserve default (which is just "font-family: monospace;")
     // outputting both is unnecessary
     $geshi->set_overall_style('font-family: monospace, monospace;', false);
     return $geshi;
Esempio n. 9
//$geshi->set_line_style('background: #fcfcfc;', true);
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCss('highlightcode2', $geshi->get_stylesheet());
echo $geshi->parse_code();

<p>Now we modify our function:<br>
$source = "\nvar counter = 0;\nvar reset_comment = false;\nvar comment_id = 0;\nvar subject_id = 0;\n\nfunction getLiveInfo(){\n\t\$.getJSON('',\n\t\t{subject_id:subject_id, coment_id:comment_id},\n\t\tfunction(data) {\n\t\t\t//If everything is ok(response_code == 200), let's print some LIVE information\n\t\t\tif(data.response_code == 200){\n\t\t\t\tcounter = data.time_remaining;\n\t\t\t\tif(data.new_sub != 0 || data.new_comment != 0 ){\n\t\t\t\t\tif(data.new_sub != 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//Every time there is a nuew sub, comments must be cleared\n\t\t\t\t\t\treset_comment=true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcomment_id = 0;\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//Display subject\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsubject_id = data.subject_id;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#title').html(data.title);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#time_remaining').html(data.time_remaining + ' seconds.');\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif(data.new_comment != 0){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcomment_id = data.comment_id;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tshow_comments(data.comments);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}else{\n\t\t\t\t//Otherwise alert data.response_message\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\talert(data.response_message);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t);\n\tvar aa = setTimeout('getLiveInfo()',8000);\n}\n\nfunction show_comments(comments){\n\tif(reset_comment == true) {\n\t\t\$('#comments_box').html('');//Clear all previous comments\n\t}\n\tfor(var i in comments) {\n\t\t\$('#comments_box').prepend(comments[i]['comment_text']+ '<br />');\n\t}\n}\n\nvar myInterval = setInterval(\n\tfunction(){\n\t\tcounter = counter - 1;\n\t\t\$('#time_remaining').html(counter + ' seconds.');\n\t}\n,1000);\n";
$language = 'Javascript';
$geshi = new GeSHi($source, $language);
$geshi->set_overall_style("padding:1px 15px 1px 15px;border:1px solid #999999;background: #fcfcfc;font: normal normal 1em/1.2em monospace;");
//$geshi->set_line_style('background: #fcfcfc;', true);
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCss('highlightcode2', $geshi->get_stylesheet());
echo $geshi->parse_code();
<p>As you can see there are several changes: </p>
	<li>We have declared few global variables.</li>
	<li>We have splitted our function in three main parts: the <b>getLiveInfo</b> 
	function itself, the <b>show_comments</b> function, and the interval 
Esempio n. 10
  * Callback for code text
  * Uses GeSHi to highlight language syntax
  * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
 function code($text, $language = NULL)
     global $conf;
     if (is_null($language)) {
     } else {
         //strip leading blank line
         $text = preg_replace('/^\\s*?\\n/', '', $text);
         // Handle with Geshi here
         require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/geshi.php';
         $geshi = new GeSHi($text, strtolower($language), DOKU_INC . 'inc/geshi');
         $geshi->set_overall_class("code {$language}");
         $text = $geshi->parse_code();
         $this->doc .= $text;
 function ch_highlight_code($matches)
     global $ch_options;
     // undo nl and p formatting
     $plancode = $matches[2];
     $plancode = $this->entodec($plancode);
     $geshi = new GeSHi($plancode, strtolower($matches[1]));
     $language = $geshi->get_language_name();
     if ($language == 'PHP') {
         $geshi->add_keyword(2, 'protected');
         $geshi->add_keyword(2, 'private');
         $geshi->add_keyword(2, 'abstract');
         $geshi->add_keyword(2, 'static');
         $geshi->add_keyword(2, 'final');
         $geshi->add_keyword(2, 'implements');
     } elseif ($language == 'Bash') {
         $geshi->add_keyword(2, 'convert');
         $geshi->add_keyword(2, 'git');
     } elseif ($language == 'Vim Script') {
         $geshi->add_keyword(1, 'endfunction');
     if (ch_go('ch_b_linenumber')) {
     $overall_style = '';
     if (!ch_go("ch_b_wrap_text")) {
         $overall_style .= 'white-space: nowrap;';
     } else {
         $overall_style .= 'white-space: wrap;';
     if ($overall_style != '') {
         $geshi->set_overall_style($overall_style, false);
     return $geshi->parse_code();
  * Initialise a GeSHi object to format some code, performing
  * common setup for all our uses of it
  * @param string $text
  * @param string $lang
  * @return GeSHi
 public static function prepare($text, $lang)
     global $wgTitle, $wgOut;
     $geshi = new GeSHi($text, $lang);
     if ($geshi->error() == GESHI_ERROR_NO_SUCH_LANG) {
         return null;
     // Wikia change start
     if ($wgTitle instanceof Title && EditPageLayoutHelper::isCodeSyntaxHighlightingEnabled($wgTitle)) {
         $theme = 'solarized-light';
         if (SassUtil::isThemeDark()) {
             $theme = 'solarized-dark';
         $geshi->set_language_path(GESHI_ROOT . $theme . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         $geshi->set_overall_id('theme-' . $theme);
     // Wikia change end
     return $geshi;
Esempio n. 13
  * Wrapper for GeSHi Code Highlighter, provides caching of its output
  * Modified to calculate cache from URL so we don't have to re-download time and again
  * @author Christopher Smith <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Esther Brunner <*****@*****.**>
 function _cached_geshi($url, $refresh)
     global $conf;
     $cache = getCacheName($url, '.code');
     $mtime = @filemtime($cache);
     // 0 if it doesn't exist
     if ($mtime != 0 && !$_REQUEST['purge'] && $mtime > time() - $refresh && $mtime > filemtime(DOKU_INC . 'inc/geshi.php')) {
         $hi_code = io_readFile($cache, false);
         if ($conf['allowdebug']) {
             $hi_code .= "\n<!-- cachefile {$cache} used -->\n";
     } else {
         require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/geshi.php';
         // get the source code language first
         $search = array('/^htm/', '/^js$/');
         $replace = array('html4strict', 'javascript');
         $lang = preg_replace($search, $replace, substr(strrchr($url, '.'), 1));
         // download external file
         $http = new DokuHTTPClient();
         $http->timeout = 25;
         //max. 25 sec
         $code = $http->get($url);
         $geshi = new GeSHi($code, strtolower($lang), DOKU_INC . 'inc/geshi');
         $geshi->set_overall_class("code {$language}");
         $hi_code = $geshi->parse_code();
         io_saveFile($cache, $hi_code);
         if ($conf['allowdebug']) {
             $hi_code .= "\n<!-- no cachefile used, but created -->\n";
     return $hi_code;
Esempio n. 14
  | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
  | Authors:    Jakub Vrana <*****@*****.**>                              |
if ($_SERVER["argc"] < 3) {
    exit("Purpose: Syntax highlight PHP examples in XSLT generated manual.\r\n" . 'Usage: highlight.php [ "xml" | "php" ] [ filename.ext | dir | wildcard ] ...' . "\r\n");
set_time_limit(5 * 60);
// can run long, but not more than 5 minutes
ini_set("error_reporting", E_ALL);
// kill the E_STRICT warnings in GeSHi under PHP 5
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/geshi/geshi.php';
$geshi = new GeSHi('', 'php', dirname(__FILE__) . '/geshi/geshi');
$geshi->set_overall_style('font-size: 85%', true);
$geshi->set_strings_style('color: green', true);
$geshi->set_keyword_group_style(1, 'color: #d09010; font-weight: bold', true);
$geshi->set_numbers_style('color: #aa0000; font-weight: bold', true);
$geshi->set_methods_style('color: black; font-style: italic', true);
$geshi->set_regexps_style(0, 'color: #004090', true);
// use this to get updated stylesheet info if changed via abovementioned API
// file_put_contents('style.css', $geshi->get_stylesheet());
function callback_html_number_entities_decode($matches)
    return chr($matches[1]);
function callback_highlight_php($matches)
	 * Initialise a GeSHi object to format some code, performing
	 * common setup for all our uses of it
	 * @note Used only until MW 1.20
	 * @param string $text
	 * @param string $lang
	 * @return GeSHi
	public static function prepare( $text, $lang ) {

		global $wgSyntaxHighlightKeywordLinks;

		$geshi = new GeSHi( $text, $lang );
		if( $geshi->error() == GESHI_ERROR_NO_SUCH_LANG ) {
			return null;
		$geshi->set_encoding( 'UTF-8' );
		$geshi->set_overall_class( "source-$lang" );
		$geshi->enable_keyword_links( $wgSyntaxHighlightKeywordLinks );

		// If the source code is over 100 kB, disable higlighting of symbols.
		// If over 200 kB, disable highlighting of strings too.
		$bytes = strlen( $text );
		if ( $bytes > 102400 ) {
			$geshi->set_symbols_highlighting( false );
			if ( $bytes > 204800 ) {
				$geshi->set_strings_highlighting( false );

		return $geshi;
Esempio n. 16
function cut_string($string, $length = 1024)
    if (strlen($string) > $length) {
        return substr($string, 0, $length);
    return $string;
if ($isCodePosted) {
    //if code posted...
    include_once '../../site/geshi/geshi.php';
    $code = cut_string($_POST['code']);
    $geshi = new GeSHi($code, 'cpp');
    echo "<h3>Input</h3>\n";
    echo $geshi->parse_code();
    echo "<h3>Output</h3>\n";
    $output = get_democlient_output($code);
    $results = parse_democlient_output($output);
    if (!empty($results)) {
        echo "<table id=\"resultsTable\">\n";
        echo "<thead>\n";
        echo "  <tr><th class=\"center\" filter-type=\"ddl\">Line</th><th class=\"center\" filter-type=\"ddl\">Severity</th><th>Message</th></tr>\n";
        echo "</thead>\n";
        echo "<tbody>\n";
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            //for each result...
            echo "  <tr><td class=\"center\">" . htmlspecialchars($result['line']) . "</td><td class=\"center\">" . htmlspecialchars($result['severity']) . "</td><td>" . htmlspecialchars($result['msg']) . "</td></tr>\n";
Esempio n. 17
  * Function called by the pre_typography extension hook before the text will be parsed by EE
  * @param	string	$str	text that will be parsed
  * @param	object	$typo	Typography object
  * @param	array	$prefs	Preferences sent to $TYPE->parse_type
  * @return	string			text where the code has been stripped and code positions marked with an MD5-ID
  * @access	public
  * @global	$EXT			Extension-Object to support multiple calls to the same extension hook
  * @global	$OUT			could be used to display errors - it isn't at the moment
  * @todo					Display error using $OUT
 function pre_typography($str, $typo, $prefs)
     // we don't need the DB, nor IN, nor DSP
     // should probably use OUT to display user_error messages
     global $EXT, $OUT;
     // here we're doing the actual work
     if ($EXT->last_call !== FALSE) {
         // A different extension has run before us
         $str = $EXT->last_call;
     $cache_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $this->settings['cache_dir'];
     $rllen = strlen($this->rlimit);
     $pos = array();
     preg_match_all($this->llimit, $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
     foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) {
         $pos[$match[1]] = array();
         $pos[$match[1]]['match'] = $match[0];
         // lang (called type internally for historical reasons)
         if (!empty($matches[1][$key][0])) {
             // strip slashes for filesystem security and quotes because the value might be quoted
             $pos[$match[1]]['type'] = str_replace(array('/', '"', "'"), '', substr($matches[1][$key][0], 5));
         } else {
             $pos[$match[1]]['type'] = NULL;
         // strict
         if (!empty($matches[2][$key][0])) {
             switch (str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', strtolower(substr($matches[2][$key][0], 7)))) {
                 case 'true':
                 case '1':
                     $pos[$match[1]]['strict'] = TRUE;
                 case 'false':
                 case '0':
                     $pos[$match[1]]['strict'] = FALSE;
                     $pos[$match[1]]['strict'] = NULL;
         } else {
             $pos[$match[1]]['strict'] = NULL;
         // line
         $pos[$match[1]]['line'] = !empty($matches[3][$key][0]) ? str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', substr($matches[3][$key][0], 5)) : NULL;
         // start
         $pos[$match[1]]['start'] = !empty($matches[4][$key][0]) ? str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', substr($matches[4][$key][0], 6)) : NULL;
         // keyword_links
         if (!empty($matches[5][$key][0])) {
             switch (str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', strtolower(substr($matches[5][$key][0], 14)))) {
                 case 'true':
                 case '1':
                     $pos[$match[1]]['keyword_links'] = TRUE;
                 case 'false':
                 case '0':
                     $pos[$match[1]]['keyword_links'] = FALSE;
                     $pos[$match[1]]['keyword_links'] = NULL;
         } else {
             $pos[$match[1]]['keyword_links'] = NULL;
         // overall_class
         $pos[$match[1]]['overall_class'] = !empty($matches[6][$key][0]) ? str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', substr($matches[6][$key][0], 14)) : NULL;
         // overall_id
         $pos[$match[1]]['overall_id'] = !empty($matches[7][$key][0]) ? str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', substr($matches[7][$key][0], 11)) : NULL;
     // clean variables used in the loop
     unset($matches, $key, $match);
     // krsort the array so we can use substr stuff and won't mess future replacements
     // Check for the cache dir
     if (file_exists($cache_dir) && is_dir($cache_dir)) {
         $cache_dir = realpath($cache_dir) . '/';
         if (!is_writable($cache_dir)) {
             // try to chmod it
             @chmod($cache_dir, 0777);
             if (!is_writable($cache_dir)) {
                 // still not writable? display a warning
                 print '<b>Warning</b>: Your <i>' . $this->name . '</i> cache directory <b>' . $cache_dir . '</b> is not writable! This will cause severe performance problems, so I suggest you chmod that dir.';
     } else {
         if (!mkdir($cache_dir, 0777)) {
             print '<b>Warning</b>: Your <i>' . $this->name . '</i> cache directory <b>' . $cache_dir . '</b> could not be created! This will cause severe performance problems, so I suggest you create and chmod that dir.';
         } else {
             // create an index.html so the contents will not be listed.
             @touch($cache_dir . 'index.html');
     if (mt_rand(0, 10) == 10) {
         // on every 10th visit do the garbage collection
         $cur = time();
         $d = dir($cache_dir);
         while (($f = $d->read()) !== FALSE) {
             if ($f != 'index.html' && $f[0] != '.') {
                 if ($cur - filemtime($cache_dir . $f) > $this->settings['cache_cutoff']) {
                     // File is older than cutoff, delete it.
                     @unlink($cache_dir . $f);
     // loop through the code snippets
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($pos as $code_pos => $match) {
         $error = FALSE;
         if (($code_end_pos = strpos($str, $this->rlimit, (int) $code_pos + strlen($match['match']))) !== FALSE) {
             // we have a matching end tag.
             // make sure cache is regenerated when changing options, too!
             $md5 = md5(($not_geshified = substr($str, $code_pos + strlen($match['match']), $code_end_pos - $code_pos - strlen($match['match']))) . print_r($match, TRUE) . print_r($this->settings, TRUE));
             // check whether we already have this in a cache file
             if (is_file($cache_dir . $md5) && is_readable($cache_dir . $md5)) {
                 if (is_callable('file_get_contents')) {
                     $geshified = file_get_contents($cache_dir . $md5);
                     // this is for the garbage collection
                     touch($cache_dir . $md5);
                 } else {
                     // screw PHP4!
                     $f = fopen($cache_dir . $md5, 'r');
                     $geshified = fread($f, filesize($cache_dir . $md5));
                     touch($cache_dir . $md5);
             } else {
                 // no cache so do the GeSHi thing
                 if ($this->settings['geshi_version'] == '1.1') {
                     // use GeSHi 1.1
                     include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/geshi-1.1/class.geshi.php';
                     // highlight code according to type setting, default to setting
                     $geshi = new GeSHi($not_geshified, $match['type'] !== NULL ? $match['type'] : $this->settings['default_type']);
                     $str_error = $geshi->error();
                     if (empty($str_error)) {
                         // neither line numbers, nor strict mode is supported in GeSHi 1.1 yet.
                         // in fact it does pretty much nothing
                         // there used to be a rather large block of code here, testing wether methods were callable and call them if
                         // that's the case.
                         // parse the code
                         $geshified = $geshi->parseCode();
                     } else {
                         $error = TRUE;
                 } else {
                     // use GeSHi 1.0
                     include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/geshi-1.0/geshi.php';
                     // highlight code according to type setting, default to php
                     $geshi = new GeSHi($not_geshified, $match['type'] !== NULL ? $match['type'] : $this->settings['default_type']);
                     $str_error = $geshi->error();
                     if (empty($str_error)) {
                         // enable line numbers
                         $number_style = !empty($match['line']) ? $match['line'] : $this->settings['default_line'];
                         switch (strtolower(preg_replace('/\\d+/', '', $number_style))) {
                             case 'normal':
                             case 'fancy':
                                 $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS, (int) preg_replace('/[^\\d]*/', '', $number_style));
                             case 'none':
                         // set first line number
                         if ($match['start']) {
                         // set strict mode
                         if ($match['strict']) {
                         // enable or disable keyword links
                         $geshi->enable_keyword_links((bool) ($match['keyword_links'] !== NULL) ? $match['keyword_links'] : $this->settings['keyword_links']);
                         // set overall class name
                         if ($match['overall_class'] != NULL) {
                         // set overall id
                         if ($match['overall_id'] != NULL) {
                         // set header type
                         switch ($this->settings['geshi_header_type']) {
                             case 'div':
                             case 'pre':
                             case 'pre-valid':
                             case 'pre-table':
                             case 'none':
                         // set encoding (for legacy reasons afaik)
                         // parse the source code
                         $geshified = $geshi->parse_code();
                     } else {
                         $error = TRUE;
                 if (!file_exists($cache_dir . $md5) && is_writable($cache_dir) || file_exists($cache_dir . $md5) && is_writable($cache_dir . $md5)) {
                     if (!$error) {
                         // we can write to the cache file
                         if (is_callable('file_put_contents')) {
                             file_put_contents($cache_dir . $md5, $geshified);
                             @chmod($cache_dir . $md5, 0777);
                         } else {
                             // when will you guys finally drop PHP4 support?
                             $f = fopen($cache_dir . $md5, 'w');
                             fwrite($f, $geshified);
                             @chmod($cache_dir . $md5, 0777);
                 } else {
                     // We could ignore that, but for performance reasons better warn the user.
                     print '<b>Warning</b>: Your <i>' . $this->name . '</i> cache directory <b>' . $cache_dir . '</b> is not writable! This will cause severe performance problems, so I suggest you chmod that dir.';
             // save replacement to cache and mark location with an identifier for later replacement
             if (!isset($_SESSION['cache']['ext.geshify'])) {
                 $_SESSION['cache']['ext.geshify'] = array();
             if (!$error) {
                 $_SESSION['cache']['ext.geshify'][$md5] = $geshified;
                 $str = substr($str, 0, $code_pos) . $md5 . substr($str, $code_end_pos + $rllen);
         // unset used variables, so we don't get messed up
         unset($code_pos, $code_end_pos, $md5, $geshified, $not_geshified, $geshi, $match, $ident, $error);
     return $str;
Esempio n. 18
function plugin_geshi_highlight_code($source, $options)
    if (!class_exists('GeSHi')) {
        require PLUGIN_GESHI_LIB_DIR . 'geshi.php';
    $geshi = new GeSHi($source, $options['language']);
    if ($options['number']) {
        $geshi->set_overall_class('geshi number ' . $options['language']);
        plugin_geshi_read_setting($geshi, 'default');
        plugin_geshi_read_setting($geshi, $options['language']);
        $html = $geshi->parse_code();
        if ($geshi->header_type == GESHI_HEADER_PRE) {
            $before = array('<ol', '/ol>', '</div', '> ', '  ');
            $after = array('<code><object><ol style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"', '/ol></object></code>', "\n</div", '>&nbsp;', ' &nbsp;');
            $html = str_replace($before, $after, $html);
    } else {
        $geshi->set_overall_class('geshi ' . $options['language']);
        plugin_geshi_read_setting($geshi, 'default');
        plugin_geshi_read_setting($geshi, $options['language']);
        $html = $geshi->parse_code();
        $html = str_replace("\n&nbsp;", "\n", $html);
    return $html;
Esempio n. 19
function plugin_geshi_highlight_code($source, $options)
    if (class_exists('GeSHi') === false) {
        require PLUGIN_GESHI_LIB_DIR . 'geshi.php';
    $geshi = new GeSHi($source, $options['language']);
    $class = 'geshi';
    if (version_compare(GESHI_VERSION, '1.0.8', '<')) {
        $class .= ' ' . $options['language'];
    if ($options['number']) {
        $class .= ' number';
    if ($options['number']) {
        plugin_geshi_read_setting($geshi, 'default');
        plugin_geshi_read_setting($geshi, $options['language']);
        switch ($geshi->header_type) {
            case GESHI_HEADER_PRE:
                $before = array('<ol', '/ol>', '</div', '> ', '  ');
                $after = array('<code><object><ol style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"', '/ol></object></code>', "\n</div", '>&nbsp;', ' &nbsp;');
            case GESHI_HEADER_PRE_TABLE:
                $before = array("&nbsp;\n");
                $after = array("\n");
                if (PLUGIN_GESHI_USE_CSS) {
                    $before[] = '"><td class="';
                    $after[] = '"><td class="de1 ';
                } else {
                    $before[] = '"><td';
                    $after[] = '"><td style="' . $geshi->code_style . '"';
    } else {
        plugin_geshi_read_setting($geshi, 'default');
        plugin_geshi_read_setting($geshi, $options['language']);
        $before = array("&nbsp;\n");
        $after = array("\n");
    $html = $geshi->parse_code();
    if (isset($before) && isset($after)) {
        $html = str_replace($before, $after, $html);
    return $html;
  * Initialise a GeSHi object to format some code, performing
  * common setup for all our uses of it
  * @param string $text
  * @param string $lang
  * @return GeSHi
 private static function prepare($text, $lang)
     $geshi = new GeSHi($text, $lang);
     if ($geshi->error() == GESHI_ERROR_NO_SUCH_LANG) {
         return null;
     return $geshi;
Esempio n. 21
function fox_code($atts, $thing)
    global $file_base_path, $thisfile, $fox_code_prefs;
    if (isset($fox_code_prefs)) {
        foreach (array('fileid', 'filename', 'language', 'lines', 'startline', 'overallclass', 'tabs', 'css', 'keywordslinks', 'encoding', 'fromline', 'toline') as $value) {
            ${$value} = $fox_code_prefs[$value];
    } else {
        extract(lAtts(array('fileid' => '', 'filename' => '', 'language' => 'php', 'lines' => '1', 'startline' => '1', 'overallclass' => '', 'tabs' => '2', 'css' => '0', 'keywordslinks' => '0', 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'fromline' => '', 'toline' => ''), $atts));
    if (!$thisfile) {
        if ($fileid) {
            $thisfile = fileDownloadFetchInfo('id = ' . intval($fileid));
        } else {
            if ($filename) {
                $thisfile = fileDownloadFetchInfo("filename = '" . $filename . "'");
            } else {
                $local_notfile = false;
    if (!empty($thisfile)) {
        $filename = $thisfile['filename'];
        $fileid = $thisfile['id'];
        if (!empty($fromline) || !empty($toline)) {
            $handle = fopen($file_base_path . '/' . $filename, "r");
            $fromline = !empty($fromline) ? intval($fromline) : intval(1);
            $toline = !empty($toline) ? intval($toline) : intval(-1);
            $currentLine = 0;
            $code = "";
            while (!feof($handle)) {
                if ($currentLine >= $fromline && ($toline < 0 || $currentLine <= $toline)) {
                    $code .= fgets($handle);
                } else {
            $startline = $fromline;
        } else {
            $code = file_get_contents($file_base_path . '/' . $filename);
    } else {
        if (strlen($fox_code_prefs['code']) > 0) {
            $code = $fox_code_prefs['code'];
        } else {
            $code = $thing;
    if (!$overallclass) {
        $overallclass = $language;
    require_once 'geshi.php';
    $geshi = new GeSHi(trim($code, "\r\n"), $language);
    if ((bool) $css) {
    $geshi->enable_keyword_links((bool) $keywordslinks);
    $geshi->enable_line_numbers((bool) $lines);
    if (!isset($local_notfile)) {
        $thisfile = NULL;
    return $geshi->parse_code();
Esempio n. 22
 static function texyBlockHandler($invocation, $blocktype, $content, $lang, $modifier)
     if ($blocktype !== 'block/code') {
         return $invocation->proceed();
     $texy = $invocation->getTexy();
     if ($lang == 'html') {
         $lang = 'html4strict';
     } elseif ($lang == 'yaml') {
         $lang = 'python';
     $content = Texy::outdent($content);
     $geshi = new GeSHi($content, $lang);
     // GeSHi could not find the language
     if ($geshi->error) {
         return $invocation->proceed();
     // do syntax-highlighting
     // save generated stylesheet
     $content = $geshi->parse_code();
     // check buggy GESHI, it sometimes produce not UTF-8 valid code :-((
     $content = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $content);
     // protect output is in HTML
     $content = $texy->protect($content, Texy::CONTENT_BLOCK);
     $el = TexyHtml::el();
     return $el;
Esempio n. 23
  * Apply syntax highlighting
  * @param String $language       Code language
  * @param String $code           Code to format
  * @param bool   $enable_classes Enable the CSS class
  * @param string $style          CSS class to apply
  * @return mixed
 static function highlightCode($language, $code, $enable_classes = true, $style = "max-height: 100%; white-space:pre-wrap;")
     if (!class_exists("GeSHi", false)) {
     $geshi = new GeSHi($code, $language);
     if ($enable_classes) {
     return $geshi->parse_code();
Esempio n. 24
 * Wrapper for GeSHi Code Highlighter, provides caching of its output
 * @author Christopher Smith <*****@*****.**>
function p_xhtml_cached_geshi($code, $language)
    $cache = getCacheName($language . $code, ".code");
    if (@file_exists($cache) && !$_REQUEST['purge'] && filemtime($cache) > filemtime(DOKU_INC . 'inc/geshi.php')) {
        $highlighted_code = io_readFile($cache, false);
    } else {
        require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/geshi.php';
        $geshi = new GeSHi($code, strtolower($language), DOKU_INC . 'inc/geshi');
        $geshi->set_overall_class("code {$language}");
        $highlighted_code = $geshi->parse_code();
        io_saveFile($cache, $highlighted_code);
    return $highlighted_code;
 function geshicallback($matches)
     $pathtogeshi = $this->get_config('pathtogeshi') . '/geshi';
     $geshilang = strtolower($matches[1]);
     $showln = $this->get_config('showlinenumbers') == TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE;
     if (strlen($matches[2]) == 4 and substr($matches[2], 0, 3) == 'ln=') {
         $showln = strtolower(substr($matches[2], -1)) == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $geshi = new GeSHi($matches[3], $geshilang, $pathtogeshi);
     if ($showln) {
     // Have to get rid of newlines.
     // Left align per suggestion from Norbert Mocsnik
     $geshi->set_overall_style('text-align: left');
     return str_replace("\n", '', $geshi->parse_code());