Esempio n. 1
  * @return array|bool|null|stdClass
 public function provider()
     if ($this->_Provider === null) {
         $this->_Provider = Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::getProviderByScheme('disqus');
     return $this->_Provider;
  * Return the default provider.
  * @return array
 public static function getDefault()
     if (self::$default === null) {
         $Rows = self::getWhereStatic(array('IsDefault' => 1));
         if (empty($Rows)) {
             self::$default = false;
         } else {
             self::$default = array_pop($Rows);
     return self::$default;
  * @param $Sender
  * @param $Args
 public function socialController_googlePlus_create($Sender, $Args)
     $Conf = new ConfigurationModule($Sender);
     $Conf->initialize(array('Plugins.GooglePlus.ClientID' => array('LabelCode' => 'Client ID'), 'Plugins.GooglePlus.Secret' => array('LabelCode' => 'Client secret'), 'Plugins.GooglePlus.SocialReactions' => array('Control' => 'checkbox', 'Default' => true), 'Plugins.GooglePlus.SocialSharing' => array('Control' => 'checkbox', 'Default' => true), 'Plugins.GooglePlus.UseAvatars' => array('Control' => 'checkbox', 'Default' => true), 'Plugins.GooglePlus.Default' => array('Control' => 'checkbox', 'LabelCode' => 'Make this connection your default signin method.')));
     if (Gdn::request()->isAuthenticatedPostBack()) {
         $Model = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
         $Model->save(array('AuthenticationKey' => self::ProviderKey, 'IsDefault' => c('Plugins.GooglePlus.Default')));
     $Sender->setData('Title', sprintf(t('%s Settings'), 'Google+'));
     $Sender->ConfigurationModule = $Conf;
     $Sender->render('Settings', '', 'plugins/GooglePlus');
 public function SSO($String)
     if (!$String) {
     $Parts = explode(' ', $String);
     $String = $Parts[0];
     $Data = json_decode(base64_decode($String), TRUE);
     Trace($Data, 'RAW SSO Data');
     $Errors = 0;
     if (!isset($Parts[1])) {
         Trace('Missing SSO signature', TRACE_ERROR);
     if (!isset($Parts[2])) {
         Trace('Missing SSO timestamp', TRACE_ERROR);
     if ($Errors) {
     $Signature = $Parts[1];
     $Timestamp = $Parts[2];
     $HashMethod = GetValue(3, $Parts, 'hmacsha1');
     $ClientID = GetValue('client_id', $Data);
     if (!$ClientID) {
         Trace('Missing SSO client_id', TRACE_ERROR);
     $Provider = Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::GetProviderByKey($ClientID);
     if (!$Provider) {
         Trace("Unknown SSO Provider: {$ClientID}", TRACE_ERROR);
     $Secret = $Provider['AssociationSecret'];
     // Check the signature.
     switch ($HashMethod) {
         case 'hmacsha1':
             $CalcSignature = hash_hmac('sha1', "{$String} {$Timestamp}", $Secret);
             Trace("Invalid SSO hash method {$HashMethod}.", TRACE_ERROR);
     if ($CalcSignature != $Signature) {
         Trace("Invalid SSO signature.", TRACE_ERROR);
     $UniqueID = $Data['uniqueid'];
     $User = ArrayTranslate($Data, array('name' => 'Name', 'email' => 'Email', 'photourl' => 'Photo', 'uniqueid' => NULL, 'client_id' => NULL), TRUE);
     Trace($User, 'SSO User');
     $UserID = Gdn::UserModel()->Connect($UniqueID, $ClientID, $User);
     return $UserID;
 public function settings_delete($Sender, $Args)
     $client_id = $Sender->Request->Get('client_id');
     $Provider = self::getProvider($client_id);
     $Sender->Form->InputPrefix = FALSE;
     if ($Sender->Form->AuthenticatedPostBack()) {
         if ($Sender->Form->GetFormValue('Yes')) {
             $Model = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
             $Model->Delete(array('AuthenticationKey' => $client_id));
         $Sender->RedirectUrl = url('/settings/jsconnect');
         $Sender->Render('Blank', 'Utility', 'Dashboard');
     } else {
         $Sender->Render('ConfirmDelete', '', 'plugins/jsconnect');
Esempio n. 6
  * @param null $ProviderKey
  * @param bool $Force
  * @return array|bool|stdClass
 public function getProvider($ProviderKey = null, $Force = false)
     static $AuthModel = null;
     static $Provider = null;
     if (is_null($AuthModel)) {
         $AuthModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
     $AuthenticationSchemeAlias = $this->getAuthenticationSchemeAlias();
     if (is_null($Provider) || $Force === true) {
         if (!is_null($ProviderKey)) {
             $ProviderData = $AuthModel->getProviderByKey($ProviderKey);
         } else {
             $ProviderData = $AuthModel->getProviderByScheme($AuthenticationSchemeAlias, Gdn::session()->UserID);
             if (!$ProviderData && Gdn::session()->UserID > 0) {
                 $ProviderData = $AuthModel->getProviderByScheme($AuthenticationSchemeAlias, null);
         if ($ProviderData) {
             $Provider = $ProviderData;
         } else {
             return false;
     return $Provider;
Esempio n. 7
  * @param $Sender
  * @param $Args
 public function settings_delete($Sender, $Args)
     $client_id = $Sender->Request->get('client_id');
     if ($Sender->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         $Model = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
         $Model->delete(['AuthenticationKey' => $client_id]);
         $Sender->RedirectUrl = url('/settings/jsconnect');
         $Sender->render('Blank', 'Utility', 'Dashboard');
  * @param bool $UserID
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws Gdn_UserException
 public function sso($UserID = false)
     $ProviderModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
     $Form = new Gdn_Form();
     if ($this->Request->isAuthenticatedPostBack()) {
         // Make sure everything has been posted.
         $Form->validateRule('ClientID', 'ValidateRequired');
         $Form->validateRule('UniqueID', 'ValidateRequired');
         if (!validateRequired($Form->getFormValue('Username')) && !validateRequired($Form->getFormValue('Email'))) {
             $Form->addError('Username or Email is required.');
         $Provider = $ProviderModel->getProviderByKey($Form->getFormValue('ClientID'));
         if (!$Provider) {
             $Form->addError(sprintf('%1$s "%2$s" not found.', t('Provider'), $Form->getFormValue('ClientID')));
         if ($Form->errorCount() > 0) {
             throw new Gdn_UserException($Form->errorString());
         // Grab the user.
         $User = false;
         if ($Email = $Form->getFormValue('Email')) {
             $User = Gdn::userModel()->GetByEmail($Email);
         if (!$User && ($Username = $Form->getFormValue('Username'))) {
             $User = Gdn::userModel()->GetByUsername($Username);
         if (!$User) {
             throw new Gdn_UserException(sprintf(t('User not found.'), strtolower(t(UserModel::SigninLabelCode()))), 404);
         // Validate the user's password.
         $PasswordHash = new Gdn_PasswordHash();
         $Password = $this->Form->getFormValue('Password', null);
         if ($Password !== null && !$PasswordHash->CheckPassword($Password, val('Password', $User), val('HashMethod', $User))) {
             throw new Gdn_UserException(t('Invalid password.'), 401);
         // Okay. We've gotten this far. Let's save the authentication.
         $User = (array) $User;
         Gdn::userModel()->saveAuthentication(array('UserID' => $User['UserID'], 'Provider' => $Form->getFormValue('ClientID'), 'UniqueID' => $Form->getFormValue('UniqueID')));
         $Row = Gdn::userModel()->getAuthentication($Form->getFormValue('UniqueID'), $Form->getFormValue('ClientID'));
         if ($Row) {
             $this->setData('Result', $Row);
         } else {
             throw new Gdn_UserException(t('There was an error saving the data.'));
     } else {
         $User = Gdn::userModel()->getID($UserID);
         if (!$User) {
             throw notFoundException('User');
         $Result = Gdn::sql()->select('ua.ProviderKey', '', 'ClientID')->select('ua.ForeignUserKey', '', 'UniqueID')->select('ua.UserID')->select('p.Name')->select('p.AuthenticationSchemeAlias', '', 'Type')->from('UserAuthentication ua')->join('UserAuthenticationProvider p', 'ua.ProviderKey = p.AuthenticationKey')->where('UserID', $UserID)->get()->resultArray();
         $this->setData('Result', $Result);
     $this->render('Blank', 'Utility', 'Dashboard');
Esempio n. 9
  * Connect a user with a foreign authentication system.
  * @param string $UniqueID The user's unique key in the other authentication system.
  * @param string $ProviderKey The key of the system providing the authentication.
  * @param array $UserData Data to go in the user table.
  * @param array $Options Additional connect options.
  * @return int The new/existing user ID.
 public function connect($UniqueID, $ProviderKey, $UserData, $Options = [])
     $provider = Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::getProviderByKey($ProviderKey);
     // Trusted providers can sync roles.
     if (val('Trusted', $provider) && (!empty($UserData['Roles']) || !empty($UserData['Roles']))) {
         saveToConfig('Garden.SSO.SyncRoles', true, false);
     $UserID = false;
     if (!isset($UserData['UserID'])) {
         // Check to see if the user already exists.
         $Auth = $this->getAuthentication($UniqueID, $ProviderKey);
         $UserID = val('UserID', $Auth);
         if ($UserID) {
             $UserData['UserID'] = $UserID;
     if ($UserID) {
         // Save the user.
         $this->syncUser($UserID, $UserData);
         return $UserID;
     } else {
         // The user hasn't already been connected. We want to see if we can't find the user based on some critera.
         // Check to auto-connect based on email address.
         if (c('Garden.SSO.AutoConnect', c('Garden.Registration.AutoConnect')) && isset($UserData['Email'])) {
             $User = $this->getByEmail($UserData['Email']);
             trace($User, "Autoconnect User");
             if ($User) {
                 $User = (array) $User;
                 // Save the user.
                 $this->syncUser($User, $UserData);
                 $UserID = $User['UserID'];
         if (!$UserID) {
             // Create a new user.
             $UserData['Password'] = md5(microtime());
             $UserData['HashMethod'] = 'Random';
             touchValue('CheckCaptcha', $Options, false);
             touchValue('NoConfirmEmail', $Options, true);
             touchValue('NoActivity', $Options, true);
             // Translate SSO style roles to an array of role IDs suitable for registration.
             if (!empty($UserData['Roles']) && !isset($UserData['RoleID'])) {
                 $UserData['RoleID'] = $this->lookupRoleIDs($UserData['Roles']);
             touchValue('SaveRoles', $Options, !empty($UserData['RoleID']) && c('Garden.SSO.SyncRoles', false));
             trace($UserData, 'Registering User');
             $UserID = $this->register($UserData, $Options);
         if ($UserID) {
             // Save the authentication.
             $this->saveAuthentication(['UniqueID' => $UniqueID, 'Provider' => $ProviderKey, 'UserID' => $UserID]);
         } else {
             trace($this->Validation->resultsText(), TRACE_ERROR);
     return $UserID;
Esempio n. 10
  * Method for plugins that want a friendly /sso method to hook into.
  * @param RootController $Sender
  * @param string $Target The url to redirect to after sso.
 public function RootController_SSO_Create($Sender, $Target = '')
     if (!$Target) {
         $Target = $Sender->Request->Get('redirect');
         if (!$Target) {
             $Target = '/';
     // TODO: Make sure the target is a safe redirect.
     // Get the default authentication provider.
     $DefaultProvider = Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::GetDefault();
     $Sender->EventArguments['Target'] = $Target;
     $Sender->EventArguments['DefaultProvider'] = $DefaultProvider;
     $Handled = FALSE;
     $Sender->EventArguments['Handled'] =& $Handled;
     // If an event handler didn't handle the signin then just redirect to the target.
     if (!$Handled) {
         Redirect($Target, 302);
 public function CreateProviderModel() {
    $Key = 'k'.sha1(implode('.',array(
    $Secret = 's'.sha1(implode('.',array(
    $ProviderModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
    $Inserted = $ProviderModel->Insert($Provider = array(
       'AuthenticationKey'           => $Key,
       'AuthenticationSchemeAlias'   => 'proxy',
       'AssociationSecret'           => $Secret,
       'AssociationHashMethod'       => 'HMAC-SHA1'
    return ($Inserted !== FALSE) ? $Provider : FALSE;
Esempio n. 12
  *  Return all the information saved in provider table.
  * @return array Stored provider data (secret, client_id, etc.).
 public function provider()
     if (!$this->provider) {
         $this->provider = Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::getProviderByKey($this->providerKey);
     return $this->provider;
 public function Controller_Index($Sender)
     $this->AddSliceAsset($this->GetResource('css/wordpress.css', FALSE, FALSE));
     $ProviderModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
     $LastState = NULL;
     $State = NULL;
     do {
         $LastState = $State;
         $State = $this->State($this->ProxyConnect->Provider);
         $Sender->SetData('IntegrationState', $State);
         switch ($State) {
             case 'Address':
                 // Gather remote address from user.
                 // User has submitted the form and provided a URL
                 if ($Sender->Form->AuthenticatedPostBack()) {
                     // Address supplied. Query the remote blog.
                     $Address = $Sender->Form->GetValue('WordpressUrl', NULL);
                     if (empty($Address)) {
                         $Sender->Form->AddError("Please enter the URL for your blog.");
                         return $this->GetView('wordpress.php');
                     $this->ProxyConnect->Provider['URL'] = $Address;
                     $Response = $this->QueryRemote($this->ProxyConnect->Provider, 'Check', NULL, FALSE);
                     if (GetValue('X-ProxyConnect-Enabled', $Response) == 'yes') {
                         // Proxyconnect is enabled at the provided URL.
                     } else {
                         $Sender->Form->AddError("Unable to contact remote plugin. Perhaps your blog URL was incorrect?");
                         return $this->GetView('wordpress.php');
                 } else {
                     // break out of the loop and let the form render
                     break 2;
             case 'Exchange':
                 if ($LastState == $State) {
                     // exchanging again.
                     $Sender->Form->AddError("Unable to poll remote plugin for all required information. Switch to manual integration.");
                     return $this->GetView('wordpress.php');
                 // 1: push challenge key to remote.
                 // 2: gather urls
                 // 3: set cookie domain
                 // 1 - push challenge key
                 $Response = $this->QueryRemote($this->ProxyConnect->Provider, 'Secure', array('Challenge' => GetValue('AssociationSecret', $this->ProxyConnect->Provider, 'flam')));
                 $ChallengeSet = GetValue('X-Autoconfigure-Challenge', $Response);
                 if ($ChallengeSet != 'set') {
                     $Sender->Form->AddError("Could not set Challenge key on remote. Reason was: challenge {$ChallengeSet}");
                     return $this->GetView('wordpress.php');
                 // 2 - gather URLs
                 $Response = $this->QueryRemote($this->ProxyConnect->Provider, 'Exchange', NULL, TRUE, TRUE);
                 $Result = json_decode($Response);
                 $CheckURLs = array('AuthenticateUrl', 'RegisterUrl', 'SignInUrl', 'SignOutUrl', 'PasswordUrl', 'ProfileUrl');
                 foreach ($CheckURLs as $CheckURL) {
                     $Value = GetValue($CheckURL, $Result, NULL);
                     if (!is_null($Value)) {
                         $this->ProxyConnect->Provider[$CheckURL] = $Value;
                 // save the provider data
                 // 3 - set cookie domain
                 $ExplodedDomain = explode('.', Gdn::Request()->RequestHost());
                 if (sizeof($ExplodedDomain) == 1) {
                     $GuessedCookieDomain = '';
                 } else {
                     $GuessedCookieDomain = '.' . implode('.', array_slice($ExplodedDomain, -2, 2));
                 $Response = $this->QueryRemote($this->ProxyConnect->Provider, 'Cookie', array('CookieDomain' => $GuessedCookieDomain), TRUE, TRUE);
                 if (GetValue('X-Autoconfigure-Cookie', $Response, NULL) == 'set') {
                     // Set local cookie domain too
                     SaveToConfig('Garden.Cookie.Domain', $GuessedCookieDomain);
             case NULL:
                 // provider is fully configured.
                 $Sender->SetData('BlogURL', GetValue('URL', $this->ProxyConnect->Provider));
             case 'Error':
                 return $this->GetView('providerfailed.php');
     } while (!is_null($State));
     return $this->GetView('wordpress.php');
 public function Disconnect($UserReference = '', $Username = '', $Provider)
     if (!$this->Request->IsPostBack()) {
         throw PermissionException('Javascript');
     $this->GetUserInfo($UserReference, $Username, '', TRUE);
     // First try and delete the authentication the fast way.
     Gdn::SQL()->Delete('UserAuthentication', array('UserID' => $this->User->UserID, 'ProviderKey' => $Provider));
     // Delete the profile information.
     Gdn::UserModel()->SaveAttribute($this->User->UserID, $Provider, NULL);
     if ($this->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         Redirect(UserUrl($this->User), '', 'connections');
     } else {
         // Grab all of the providers again.
         $PModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
         $Providers = $PModel->GetProviders();
         $this->SetData('_Providers', $Providers);
         $this->SetData('Connections', array());
         // Send back the connection button.
         $Connection = $this->Data("Connections.{$Provider}");
         require_once $this->FetchViewLocation('connection_functions');
         $this->JsonTarget("#Provider_{$Provider} .ActivateSlider", ConnectButton($Connection), 'ReplaceWith');
         $this->Render('Blank', 'Utility', 'Dashboard');
Esempio n. 15
  * @param $String
  * @param bool $ThrowError
  * @return int|void
 public function sso($String, $ThrowError = false)
     if (!$String) {
     $Parts = explode(' ', $String);
     $String = $Parts[0];
     trace($String, "SSO String");
     $Data = json_decode(base64_decode($String), true);
     trace($Data, 'RAW SSO Data');
     $Errors = array();
     if (!isset($Parts[1])) {
         $Errors[] = 'Missing SSO signature';
     if (!isset($Parts[2])) {
         $Errors[] = 'Missing SSO timestamp';
     if (!empty($Errors)) {
     $Signature = $Parts[1];
     $Timestamp = $Parts[2];
     $HashMethod = val(3, $Parts, 'hmacsha1');
     $ClientID = val('client_id', $Data);
     if (!$ClientID) {
         trace('Missing SSO client_id', TRACE_ERROR);
     $Provider = Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::getProviderByKey($ClientID);
     if (!$Provider) {
         trace("Unknown SSO Provider: {$ClientID}", TRACE_ERROR);
     $Secret = $Provider['AssociationSecret'];
     // Check the signature.
     switch ($HashMethod) {
         case 'hmacsha1':
             $CalcSignature = hash_hmac('sha1', "{$String} {$Timestamp}", $Secret);
             trace("Invalid SSO hash method {$HashMethod}.", TRACE_ERROR);
     if ($CalcSignature != $Signature) {
         trace("Invalid SSO signature: {$Signature}", TRACE_ERROR);
     $UniqueID = $Data['uniqueid'];
     $User = arrayTranslate($Data, array('name' => 'Name', 'email' => 'Email', 'photourl' => 'Photo', 'roles' => 'Roles', 'uniqueid' => null, 'client_id' => null), true);
     trace($User, 'SSO User');
     $UserID = Gdn::userModel()->connect($UniqueID, $ClientID, $User);
     return $UserID;
Esempio n. 16
     * Check the default provider to see if it overrides one of the entry methods and then redirect.
     * @param string $Type One of the following.
     *  - SignIn
     *  - Register
     *  - SignOut (not complete)
     * @param string $Target
     * @param string $TransientKey
    protected function checkOverride($Type, $Target, $TransientKey = null)
        if (!$this->Request->get('override', true)) {
        $Provider = Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::getDefault();
        if (!$Provider) {
        $this->EventArguments['Target'] = $Target;
        $this->EventArguments['DefaultProvider'] =& $Provider;
        $this->EventArguments['TransientKey'] = $TransientKey;
        $Url = $Provider[$Type . 'Url'];
        if ($Url) {
            switch ($Type) {
                case 'Register':
                case 'SignIn':
                    // When the other page comes back it needs to go through /sso to force a sso check.
                    $Target = '/sso?target=' . urlencode($Target);
                case 'SignOut':
                    $Cookie = c('Garden.Cookie.Name');
                    if (strpos($Url, '?') === false) {
                        $Url .= '?vfcookie=' . urlencode($Cookie);
                    } else {
                        $Url .= '&vfcookie=' . urlencode($Cookie);
                    // Check to sign out here.
                    $SignedOut = !Gdn::session()->isValid();
                    if (!$SignedOut && (Gdn::session()->validateTransientKey($TransientKey) || $this->Form->isPostBack())) {
                        $SignedOut = true;
                    // Sign out is a bit of a tricky thing so we configure the way it works.
                    $SignoutType = c('Garden.SSO.Signout');
                    switch ($SignoutType) {
                        case 'redirect-only':
                            // Just redirect to the url.
                        case 'post-only':
                            $this->setData('Method', 'POST');
                        case 'post':
                            // Post to the url after signing out here.
                            if (!$SignedOut) {
                            $this->setData('Method', 'POST');
                        case 'none':
                        case 'redirect':
                            if (!$SignedOut) {
                    throw new Exception("Unknown entry type {$Type}.");
            $Url = str_ireplace('{target}', rawurlencode(url($Target, true)), $Url);
            if ($this->deliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL && strcasecmp($this->data('Method'), 'POST') != 0) {
                redirectUrl($Url, 302);
            } else {
                $this->setData('Url', $Url);
                $Script = <<<EOT
<script type="text/javascript">
   window.location = "{$Url}";
                $this->render('Redirect', 'Utility');
  * @param string $UserReference
  * @param string $Username
  * @param $Provider
  * @throws Exception
 public function disconnect($UserReference = '', $Username = '', $Provider)
     if (!Gdn::request()->isAuthenticatedPostBack(true)) {
         throw new Exception('Requires POST', 405);
     $this->getUserInfo($UserReference, $Username, '', true);
     // First try and delete the authentication the fast way.
     Gdn::sql()->delete('UserAuthentication', array('UserID' => $this->User->UserID, 'ProviderKey' => $Provider));
     // Delete the profile information.
     Gdn::userModel()->saveAttribute($this->User->UserID, $Provider, null);
     if ($this->deliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         redirect(userUrl($this->User), '', 'connections');
     } else {
         // Grab all of the providers again.
         $PModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
         $Providers = $PModel->getProviders();
         $this->setData('_Providers', $Providers);
         $this->setData('Connections', array());
         // Send back the connection button.
         $Connection = $this->data("Connections.{$Provider}");
         require_once $this->fetchViewLocation('connection_functions');
         $this->jsonTarget("#Provider_{$Provider} .ActivateSlider", connectButton($Connection), 'ReplaceWith');
         $this->render('Blank', 'Utility', 'Dashboard');
Esempio n. 18
 public function GetProvider($ProviderKey = NULL, $Force = FALSE)
     static $AuthModel = NULL;
     static $Provider = NULL;
     if (is_null($AuthModel)) {
         $AuthModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
     $AuthenticationSchemeAlias = $this->GetAuthenticationSchemeAlias();
     if (is_null($Provider) || $Force === TRUE) {
         if (!is_null($ProviderKey)) {
             $ProviderData = $AuthModel->GetProviderByKey($ProviderKey);
         } else {
             $ProviderData = $AuthModel->GetProviderByScheme($AuthenticationSchemeAlias, $UserID);
         if ($ProviderData) {
             $Provider = $ProviderData;
         } else {
             return FALSE;
     return $Provider;
Esempio n. 19
  * Method for plugins that want a friendly /sso method to hook into.
  * @param RootController $Sender
  * @param string $Target The url to redirect to after sso.
 public function rootController_sso_create($Sender, $Target = '')
     if (!$Target) {
         $Target = $Sender->Request->get('redirect');
         if (!$Target) {
             $Target = '/';
     // Get the default authentication provider.
     $DefaultProvider = Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::getDefault();
     $Sender->EventArguments['Target'] = $Target;
     $Sender->EventArguments['DefaultProvider'] = $DefaultProvider;
     $Handled = false;
     $Sender->EventArguments['Handled'] =& $Handled;
     // If an event handler didn't handle the signin then just redirect to the target.
     if (!$Handled) {
         safeRedirect($Target, 302);
Esempio n. 20
 function signInUrl($target = '', $force = false)
     // Check to see if there is even a sign in button.
     if (!$force && strcasecmp(C('Garden.Registration.Method'), 'Connect') !== 0) {
         $defaultProvider = Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel::getDefault();
         if ($defaultProvider && !val('SignInUrl', $defaultProvider)) {
             return '';
     return '/entry/signin' . ($target ? '?Target=' . urlencode($target) : '');
Esempio n. 21
  * Get an array of all of the trusted domains in the application.
  * @return array
 function trustedDomains()
     // This domain is safe.
     $trustedDomains = [Gdn::request()->host()];
     $configuredDomains = c('Garden.TrustedDomains', []);
     if (!is_array($configuredDomains)) {
         $configuredDomains = is_string($configuredDomains) ? explode("\n", $configuredDomains) : [];
     $configuredDomains = array_filter($configuredDomains);
     $trustedDomains = array_merge($trustedDomains, $configuredDomains);
     // Build a collection of authentication provider URLs.
     $authProviderModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
     $providers = $authProviderModel->getProviders();
     $providerUrls = ['PasswordUrl', 'ProfileUrl', 'RegisterUrl', 'SignInUrl', 'SignOutUrl', 'URL'];
     // Iterate through the providers, only grabbing URLs if they're not empty and not already present.
     if (is_array($providers) && count($providers) > 0) {
         foreach ($providers as $key => $record) {
             foreach ($providerUrls as $urlKey) {
                 $providerUrl = $record[$urlKey];
                 if ($providerUrl && ($providerDomain = parse_url($providerUrl, PHP_URL_HOST))) {
                     if (!in_array($providerDomain, $trustedDomains)) {
                         $trustedDomains[] = $providerDomain;
     Gdn::pluginManager()->EventArguments['TrustedDomains'] =& $trustedDomains;
     return array_unique($trustedDomains);