permissionModel() public static method

Get the permission model for the application.
public static permissionModel ( ) : PermissionModel
return PermissionModel
Esempio n. 1
  * Show list of roles.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
 public function index($roleID = null)
     $this->title(t('Roles & Permissions'));
     if (!$roleID) {
         $roles = $this->RoleModel->getWithRankPermissions()->resultArray();
         // Check to see which roles can be modified.
         foreach ($roles as &$row) {
             $canModify = true;
             if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.Settings.Manage')) {
                 foreach ($this->RoleModel->RankPermissions as $permission) {
                     if ($row[$permission] && !Gdn::session()->checkPermission($permission)) {
                         $canModify = false;
             $row['CanModify'] = $canModify;
         $this->setData('Roles', $roles);
     } elseif ($this->deliveryType() === DELIVERY_TYPE_DATA) {
         // This is an API request. Get the role in a nicer format.
         $role = $this->RoleModel->getID($roleID, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
         // Get the global permissions.
         $permissions = Gdn::permissionModel()->getGlobalPermissions($roleID);
         // Get the per-category permissions.
         $permissions['Category'] = $this->RoleModel->getCategoryPermissions($roleID);
         $role['Permissions'] = $permissions;
         $this->setData('Role', $role);
         saveToConfig('Api.Clean', false, false);
     } else {
         $Role = $this->RoleModel->getID($roleID);
         $this->setData('Roles', [$Role]);
Esempio n. 2
  * Get the active {@link PermissionModel}.
  * @return PermissionModel
 public function getPermissionModel()
     if ($this->_PermissionModel === null) {
         $this->_PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
     return $this->_PermissionModel;
Esempio n. 3
  * Saves the category.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param array $FormPostValue The values being posted back from the form.
  * @param array|false $Settings Additional settings to affect saving.
  * @return int ID of the saved category.
 public function save($FormPostValues, $Settings = false)
     // Define the primary key in this model's table.
     // Get data from form
     $CategoryID = val('CategoryID', $FormPostValues);
     $NewName = val('Name', $FormPostValues, '');
     $UrlCode = val('UrlCode', $FormPostValues, '');
     $AllowDiscussions = val('AllowDiscussions', $FormPostValues, '');
     $CustomPermissions = (bool) val('CustomPermissions', $FormPostValues) || is_array(val('Permissions', $FormPostValues));
     $CustomPoints = val('CustomPoints', $FormPostValues, null);
     if (isset($FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes']) && is_array($FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes'])) {
         $FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes'] = dbencode($FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes']);
     // Is this a new category?
     $Insert = $CategoryID > 0 ? false : true;
     if ($Insert) {
     // Add some extra validation to the url code if one is provided.
     if ($Insert || array_key_exists('UrlCode', $FormPostValues)) {
         $this->Validation->applyRule('UrlCode', 'Required');
         $this->Validation->applyRule('UrlCode', 'UrlStringRelaxed');
         // Url slugs cannot be the name of a CategoriesController method or fully numeric.
         $this->Validation->addRule('CategorySlug', 'regex:/^(?!(all|archives|discussions|index|table|[0-9]+)$).*/');
         $this->Validation->applyRule('UrlCode', 'CategorySlug', 'Url code cannot be numeric or the name of an internal method.');
         // Make sure that the UrlCode is unique among categories.
         $this->SQL->select('CategoryID')->from('Category')->where('UrlCode', $UrlCode);
         if ($CategoryID) {
             $this->SQL->where('CategoryID <>', $CategoryID);
         if ($this->SQL->get()->numRows()) {
             $this->Validation->addValidationResult('UrlCode', 'The specified url code is already in use by another category.');
     //	Prep and fire event.
     $this->EventArguments['FormPostValues'] =& $FormPostValues;
     $this->EventArguments['CategoryID'] = $CategoryID;
     // Validate the form posted values
     if ($this->validate($FormPostValues, $Insert)) {
         $Fields = $this->Validation->schemaValidationFields();
         $AllowDiscussions = val('AllowDiscussions', $Fields) == '1' ? true : false;
         $Fields['AllowDiscussions'] = $AllowDiscussions ? '1' : '0';
         if ($Insert === false) {
             $OldCategory = $this->getID($CategoryID, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
             if (null === val('AllowDiscussions', $FormPostValues, null)) {
                 $AllowDiscussions = $OldCategory['AllowDiscussions'];
                 // Force the allowdiscussions property
             $Fields['AllowDiscussions'] = $AllowDiscussions ? '1' : '0';
             // Figure out custom points.
             if ($CustomPoints !== null) {
                 if ($CustomPoints) {
                     $Fields['PointsCategoryID'] = $CategoryID;
                 } else {
                     $Parent = self::categories(val('ParentCategoryID', $Fields, $OldCategory['ParentCategoryID']));
                     $Fields['PointsCategoryID'] = val('PointsCategoryID', $Parent, 0);
             $this->update($Fields, array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
             // Check for a change in the parent category.
             if (isset($Fields['ParentCategoryID']) && $OldCategory['ParentCategoryID'] != $Fields['ParentCategoryID']) {
             } else {
                 $this->setCache($CategoryID, $Fields);
         } else {
             $CategoryID = $this->insert($Fields);
             if ($CategoryID) {
                 if ($CustomPermissions) {
                     $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                 if ($CustomPoints) {
                     $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PointsCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
             // Safeguard to make sure that treeleft and treeright cols are added
         // Save the permissions
         if ($CategoryID) {
             // Check to see if this category uses custom permissions.
             if ($CustomPermissions) {
                 $permissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
                 if (is_array(val('Permissions', $FormPostValues))) {
                     // The permissions were posted in an API format provided by settings/getcategory
                     $permissions = val('Permissions', $FormPostValues);
                     foreach ($permissions as &$perm) {
                         $perm['JunctionTable'] = 'Category';
                         $perm['JunctionColumn'] = 'PermissionCategoryID';
                         $perm['JunctionID'] = $CategoryID;
                 } else {
                     // The permissions were posted in the web format provided by settings/addcategory and settings/editcategory
                     $permissions = $permissionModel->pivotPermissions(val('Permission', $FormPostValues, array()), array('JunctionID' => $CategoryID));
                 $permissionModel->saveAll($permissions, array('JunctionID' => $CategoryID, 'JunctionTable' => 'Category'));
                 if (!$Insert) {
                     // Figure out my last permission and tree info.
                     $Data = $this->SQL->select('PermissionCategoryID, TreeLeft, TreeRight')->from('Category')->where('CategoryID', $CategoryID)->get()->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
                     // Update this category's permission.
                     $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                     // Update all of my children that shared my last category permission.
                     $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('TreeLeft >' => $Data['TreeLeft'], 'TreeRight <' => $Data['TreeRight'], 'PermissionCategoryID' => $Data['PermissionCategoryID']));
             } elseif (!$Insert) {
                 // Figure out my parent's permission.
                 $NewPermissionID = $this->SQL->select('p.PermissionCategoryID')->from('Category c')->join('Category p', 'c.ParentCategoryID = p.CategoryID')->where('c.CategoryID', $CategoryID)->get()->value('PermissionCategoryID', 0);
                 if ($NewPermissionID != $CategoryID) {
                     // Update all of my children that shared my last permission.
                     $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $NewPermissionID), array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                 // Delete my custom permissions.
                 $this->SQL->delete('Permission', array('JunctionTable' => 'Category', 'JunctionColumn' => 'PermissionCategoryID', 'JunctionID' => $CategoryID));
         // Force the user permissions to refresh.
         // $this->RebuildTree();
     } else {
         $CategoryID = false;
     return $CategoryID;
Esempio n. 4
  * Show list of roles.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
 public function index($roleID = null)
     $this->title(t('Roles & Permissions'));
     if (!$roleID) {
         $roles = $this->RoleModel->getWithRankPermissions()->resultArray();
         // Check to see which roles can be modified.
         foreach ($roles as &$row) {
             $canModify = true;
             if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.Settings.Manage')) {
                 foreach ($this->RoleModel->RankPermissions as $permission) {
                     if ($row[$permission] && !Gdn::session()->checkPermission($permission)) {
                         $canModify = false;
             $row['CanModify'] = $canModify;
         $this->setData('Roles', $roles);
     } elseif ($this->deliveryType() === DELIVERY_TYPE_DATA) {
         // This is an API request. Get the role in a nicer format.
         $role = $this->RoleModel->getID($roleID, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
         // Get the global permissions.
         $permissions = Gdn::permissionModel()->getGlobalPermissions($roleID);
         // Get the per-category permissions.
         $permissions['Category'] = $this->RoleModel->getCategoryPermissions($roleID);
         $role['Permissions'] = $permissions;
         $this->setData('Role', $role);
         saveToConfig('Api.Clean', false, false);
     } else {
         $Role = $this->RoleModel->getID($roleID);
         $this->setData('Roles', [$Role]);
     // Grab the total users for each role.
     if (is_array($this->data('Roles'))) {
         $pastThreshold = Gdn::userModel()->pastUserMegaThreshold();
         $thresholdTypeExceptions = RoleModel::getDefaultTypes();
         $roles = $this->data('Roles');
         foreach ($roles as &$role) {
             if ($pastThreshold && !in_array($role['Type'], $thresholdTypeExceptions)) {
                 $countUsers = t('View');
             } else {
                 $countUsers = $this->RoleModel->getUserCount($role['RoleID']);
             $role['CountUsers'] = $countUsers;
         $this->setData('Roles', $roles);
Esempio n. 5
  * Run the structure for all addons.
  * The structure runs the addons in priority order so that higher priority addons override lower priority ones.
  * @param bool $captureOnly Run the structure or just capture the SQL changes.
  * @throws Exception Throws an exception if in debug mode and something goes wrong.
 public function runStructure($captureOnly = false)
     $addons = array_reverse(Gdn::addonManager()->getEnabled());
     // These variables are required for included structure files.
     $Database = Gdn::database();
     $SQL = $this->SQL;
     $SQL->CaptureModifications = $captureOnly;
     $Structure = Gdn::structure();
     $Structure->CaptureOnly = $captureOnly;
     /* @var Addon $addon */
     foreach ($addons as $addon) {
         // Look for a structure file.
         if ($structure = $addon->getSpecial('structure')) {
             Logger::event('addon_structure', Logger::INFO, "Executing structure for {addonKey}.", ['addonKey' => $addon->getKey(), 'structureType' => 'file']);
             try {
                 include $addon->path($structure);
             } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                 if (debug()) {
                     throw $ex;
         // Look for a structure method on the plugin.
         if ($addon->getPluginClass()) {
             $plugin = Gdn::pluginManager()->getPluginInstance($addon->getPluginClass(), Gdn_PluginManager::ACCESS_CLASSNAME);
             if (is_object($plugin) && method_exists($plugin, 'structure')) {
                 Logger::event('addon_structure', Logger::INFO, "Executing structure for {addonKey}.", ['addonKey' => $addon->getKey(), 'structureType' => 'method']);
                 try {
                     call_user_func([$plugin, 'structure']);
                 } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                     if (debug()) {
                         throw $ex;
         // Register permissions.
         $permissions = $addon->getInfoValue('registerPermissions');
         if (!empty($permissions)) {
             Logger::event('addon_permissions', Logger::INFO, "Defining permissions for {addonKey}.", ['addonKey' => $addon->getKey(), 'permissions' => $permissions]);
     if ($captureOnly && property_exists($Structure->Database, 'CapturedSql')) {
         return $Structure->Database->CapturedSql;
     return [];
Esempio n. 6
  * Get a user's permissions.
  * @param int $userID Unique ID of the user.
  * @return Vanilla\Permissions
 public function getPermissions($userID)
     $permissions = new Vanilla\Permissions();
     $permissionsKey = '';
     if (Gdn::cache()->activeEnabled()) {
         $permissionsIncrement = $this->getPermissionsIncrement();
         $permissionsKey = formatString(self::USERPERMISSIONS_KEY, ['UserID' => $userID, 'PermissionsIncrement' => $permissionsIncrement]);
         $cachedPermissions = Gdn::cache()->get($permissionsKey);
         if ($cachedPermissions !== Gdn_Cache::CACHEOP_FAILURE) {
             return $permissions;
     $data = Gdn::permissionModel()->cachePermissions($userID);
     $this->EventArguments['UserID'] = $userID;
     $this->EventArguments['Permissions'] = $permissions;
     if (Gdn::cache()->activeEnabled()) {
         Gdn::cache()->store($permissionsKey, $permissions->getPermissions());
     } else {
         // Save the permissions to the user table
         if ($userID > 0) {
             $this->SQL->put('User', ['Permissions' => dbencode($permissions->getPermissions())], ['UserID' => $userID]);
     return $permissions;
  * Define the permissions for an application.
  * @param string $applicationName The name of the application.
 public function registerPermissions($applicationName)
     $addon = $this->addonManager->lookupAddon($applicationName);
     if ($permissions = $addon->getInfoValue('registerPermissions')) {
  * Reset permissions for all roles, based on the value in their Type column.
  * @param string $Type Role type to limit the updates to.
 public static function resetAllRoles($Type = null)
     // Retrieve an array containing all available roles.
     $RoleModel = new RoleModel();
     if ($Type) {
         $Result = $RoleModel->getByType($Type)->resultArray();
         $Roles = array_column($Result, 'Name', 'RoleID');
     } else {
         $Roles = $RoleModel->getArray();
     // Iterate through our roles and reset their permissions.
     $Permissions = Gdn::permissionModel();
     foreach ($Roles as $RoleID => $Role) {
Esempio n. 9
  * Joins the query to a permission junction table and limits the results accordingly.
  * @param mixed $Permission The permission name (or array of names) to use when limiting the query.
  * @param string $ForeignAlias The alias of the table to join to (ie. Category).
  * @param string $ForeignColumn The primary key column name of $JunctionTable (ie. CategoryID).
  * @param string $JunctionTable
  * @param string $JunctionColumn
  * @return Gdn_SQLDriver $this
 public function permission($Permission, $ForeignAlias, $ForeignColumn, $JunctionTable = '', $JunctionColumn = '')
     $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
     $PermissionModel->sqlPermission($this, $Permission, $ForeignAlias, $ForeignColumn, $JunctionTable, $JunctionColumn);
     return $this;
  * Editing a category.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param int $CategoryID Unique ID of the category to be updated.
 public function editCategory($CategoryID = '')
     // Check permission
     // Set up models
     $RoleModel = new RoleModel();
     $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
     if (!$CategoryID && $this->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         if ($ID = $this->Form->getFormValue('CategoryID')) {
             $CategoryID = $ID;
     // Get category data
     $this->Category = $this->CategoryModel->getID($CategoryID);
     if (!$this->Category) {
         throw notFoundException('Category');
     $this->Category->CustomPermissions = $this->Category->CategoryID == $this->Category->PermissionCategoryID;
     // Set up head
     $this->title(t('Edit Category'));
     // Make sure the form knows which item we are editing.
     $this->Form->addHidden('CategoryID', $CategoryID);
     $this->setData('CategoryID', $CategoryID);
     // Load all roles with editable permissions
     $this->RoleArray = $RoleModel->getArray();
     if ($this->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         $Upload = new Gdn_Upload();
         $TmpImage = $Upload->validateUpload('PhotoUpload', false);
         if ($TmpImage) {
             // Generate the target image name
             $TargetImage = $Upload->generateTargetName(PATH_UPLOADS);
             $ImageBaseName = pathinfo($TargetImage, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
             // Save the uploaded image
             $Parts = $Upload->saveAs($TmpImage, $ImageBaseName);
             $this->Form->setFormValue('Photo', $Parts['SaveName']);
         $this->Form->setFormValue('CustomPoints', (bool) $this->Form->getFormValue('CustomPoints'));
         if ($this->Form->save()) {
             $Category = CategoryModel::categories($CategoryID);
             $this->setData('Category', $Category);
             if ($this->deliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
     } else {
         $this->Form->setValue('CustomPoints', $this->Category->PointsCategoryID == $this->Category->CategoryID);
     // Get all of the currently selected role/permission combinations for this junction.
     $Permissions = $PermissionModel->getJunctionPermissions(array('JunctionID' => $CategoryID), 'Category', '', array('AddDefaults' => !$this->Category->CustomPermissions));
     $Permissions = $PermissionModel->unpivotPermissions($Permissions, true);
     if ($this->deliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $this->setData('PermissionData', $Permissions, true);
     // Render default view
Esempio n. 11
  * Saves the category.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param array $FormPostValue The values being posted back from the form.
  * @return int ID of the saved category.
 public function save($FormPostValues)
     // Define the primary key in this model's table.
     // Get data from form
     $CategoryID = arrayValue('CategoryID', $FormPostValues);
     $NewName = arrayValue('Name', $FormPostValues, '');
     $UrlCode = arrayValue('UrlCode', $FormPostValues, '');
     $AllowDiscussions = arrayValue('AllowDiscussions', $FormPostValues, '');
     $CustomPermissions = (bool) GetValue('CustomPermissions', $FormPostValues);
     $CustomPoints = val('CustomPoints', $FormPostValues, null);
     if (isset($FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes']) && is_array($FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes'])) {
         $FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes'] = serialize($FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes']);
     // Is this a new category?
     $Insert = $CategoryID > 0 ? false : true;
     if ($Insert) {
     $this->Validation->applyRule('UrlCode', 'Required');
     $this->Validation->applyRule('UrlCode', 'UrlStringRelaxed');
     // Make sure that the UrlCode is unique among categories.
     $this->SQL->select('CategoryID')->from('Category')->where('UrlCode', $UrlCode);
     if ($CategoryID) {
         $this->SQL->where('CategoryID <>', $CategoryID);
     if ($this->SQL->get()->numRows()) {
         $this->Validation->addValidationResult('UrlCode', 'The specified url code is already in use by another category.');
     //	Prep and fire event.
     $this->EventArguments['FormPostValues'] =& $FormPostValues;
     $this->EventArguments['CategoryID'] = $CategoryID;
     // Validate the form posted values
     if ($this->validate($FormPostValues, $Insert)) {
         $Fields = $this->Validation->SchemaValidationFields();
         $Fields = RemoveKeyFromArray($Fields, 'CategoryID');
         $AllowDiscussions = arrayValue('AllowDiscussions', $Fields) == '1' ? true : false;
         $Fields['AllowDiscussions'] = $AllowDiscussions ? '1' : '0';
         if ($Insert === false) {
             $OldCategory = $this->getID($CategoryID, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
             if (null === val('AllowDiscussions', $FormPostValues, null)) {
                 $AllowDiscussions = $OldCategory['AllowDiscussions'];
                 // Force the allowdiscussions property
             $Fields['AllowDiscussions'] = $AllowDiscussions ? '1' : '0';
             // Figure out custom points.
             if ($CustomPoints !== null) {
                 if ($CustomPoints) {
                     $Fields['PointsCategoryID'] = $CategoryID;
                 } else {
                     $Parent = self::categories(val('ParentCategoryID', $Fields, $OldCategory['ParentCategoryID']));
                     $Fields['PointsCategoryID'] = val('PointsCategoryID', $Parent, 0);
             $this->update($Fields, array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
             // Check for a change in the parent category.
             if (isset($Fields['ParentCategoryID']) && $OldCategory['ParentCategoryID'] != $Fields['ParentCategoryID']) {
             } else {
                 $this->SetCache($CategoryID, $Fields);
         } else {
             $CategoryID = $this->insert($Fields);
             if ($CategoryID) {
                 if ($CustomPermissions) {
                     $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                 if ($CustomPoints) {
                     $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PointsCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
             // Safeguard to make sure that treeleft and treeright cols are added
         // Save the permissions
         if ($CategoryID) {
             // Check to see if this category uses custom permissions.
             if ($CustomPermissions) {
                 $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
                 $Permissions = $PermissionModel->PivotPermissions(val('Permission', $FormPostValues, array()), array('JunctionID' => $CategoryID));
                 $PermissionModel->SaveAll($Permissions, array('JunctionID' => $CategoryID, 'JunctionTable' => 'Category'));
                 if (!$Insert) {
                     // Figure out my last permission and tree info.
                     $Data = $this->SQL->select('PermissionCategoryID, TreeLeft, TreeRight')->from('Category')->where('CategoryID', $CategoryID)->get()->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
                     // Update this category's permission.
                     $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                     // Update all of my children that shared my last category permission.
                     $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('TreeLeft >' => $Data['TreeLeft'], 'TreeRight <' => $Data['TreeRight'], 'PermissionCategoryID' => $Data['PermissionCategoryID']));
             } elseif (!$Insert) {
                 // Figure out my parent's permission.
                 $NewPermissionID = $this->SQL->select('p.PermissionCategoryID')->from('Category c')->join('Category p', 'c.ParentCategoryID = p.CategoryID')->where('c.CategoryID', $CategoryID)->get()->value('PermissionCategoryID', 0);
                 if ($NewPermissionID != $CategoryID) {
                     // Update all of my children that shared my last permission.
                     $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $NewPermissionID), array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                 // Delete my custom permissions.
                 $this->SQL->delete('Permission', array('JunctionTable' => 'Category', 'JunctionColumn' => 'PermissionCategoryID', 'JunctionID' => $CategoryID));
         // Force the user permissions to refresh.
         // $this->RebuildTree();
     } else {
         $CategoryID = false;
     return $CategoryID;
  * Editing a category.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @param int|string $CategoryID Unique ID of the category to be updated.
  * @throws Exception when category cannot be found.
 public function editCategory($CategoryID = '')
     // Check permission
     $this->permission(['Garden.Community.Manage', 'Garden.Settings.Manage'], false);
     // Set up models
     $RoleModel = new RoleModel();
     $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
     if (!$CategoryID && $this->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         if ($ID = $this->Form->getFormValue('CategoryID')) {
             $CategoryID = $ID;
     // Get category data
     $this->Category = CategoryModel::categories($CategoryID);
     if (!$this->Category) {
         throw notFoundException('Category');
     // Category data is expected to be in the form of an object.
     $this->Category = (object) $this->Category;
     $this->Category->CustomPermissions = $this->Category->CategoryID == $this->Category->PermissionCategoryID;
     $displayAsOptions = categoryModel::getDisplayAsOptions();
     // Restrict "Display As" types based on parent.
     $parentCategory = $this->CategoryModel->getID($this->Category->ParentCategoryID);
     $parentDisplay = val('DisplayAs', $parentCategory);
     if ($parentDisplay === 'Flat') {
     // Set up head
     $this->title(t('Edit Category'));
     // Make sure the form knows which item we are editing.
     $this->Form->addHidden('CategoryID', $CategoryID);
     $this->setData('CategoryID', $CategoryID);
     // Load all roles with editable permissions
     $this->RoleArray = $RoleModel->getArray();
     if ($this->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         $Upload = new Gdn_Upload();
         $TmpImage = $Upload->validateUpload('PhotoUpload', false);
         if ($TmpImage) {
             // Generate the target image name
             $TargetImage = $Upload->generateTargetName(PATH_UPLOADS);
             $ImageBaseName = pathinfo($TargetImage, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
             // Save the uploaded image
             $Parts = $Upload->saveAs($TmpImage, $ImageBaseName);
             $this->Form->setFormValue('Photo', $Parts['SaveName']);
         $this->Form->setFormValue('CustomPoints', (bool) $this->Form->getFormValue('CustomPoints'));
         // Enforces tinyint values on boolean fields to comply with strict mode
         $this->Form->setFormValue('HideAllDiscussions', forceBool($this->Form->getFormValue('HideAllDiscussions'), '0', '1', '0'));
         $this->Form->setFormValue('Archived', forceBool($this->Form->getFormValue('Archived'), '0', '1', '0'));
         $this->Form->setFormValue('AllowFileUploads', forceBool($this->Form->getFormValue('AllowFileUploads'), '0', '1', '0'));
         if ($parentDisplay === 'Flat' && $this->Form->getFormValue('DisplayAs') === 'Heading') {
             $this->Form->addError('Cannot display as a heading when your parent category is displayed flat.', 'DisplayAs');
         if ($this->Form->save()) {
             $Category = CategoryModel::categories($CategoryID);
             $this->setData('Category', $Category);
             if ($this->deliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
                 $destination = $this->categoryPageByParent($parentCategory);
             } elseif ($this->deliveryType() === DELIVERY_TYPE_DATA && method_exists($this, 'getCategory')) {
                 $this->Data = [];
     } else {
         $this->Form->setValue('CustomPoints', $this->Category->PointsCategoryID == $this->Category->CategoryID);
     // Get all of the currently selected role/permission combinations for this junction.
     $Permissions = $PermissionModel->getJunctionPermissions(array('JunctionID' => $CategoryID), 'Category', '', array('AddDefaults' => !$this->Category->CustomPermissions));
     $Permissions = $PermissionModel->unpivotPermissions($Permissions, true);
     if ($this->deliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $this->setData('PermissionData', $Permissions, true);
     // Render default view
     $this->setData('Operation', 'Edit');
     $this->setData('DisplayAsOptions', $displayAsOptions);
  * Define the permissions for an application.
  * @param string $applicationName The name of the application.
 public function registerPermissions($applicationName)
     $ApplicationInfo = val($applicationName, $this->availableApplications(), array());
     $PermissionName = val('RegisterPermissions', $ApplicationInfo, false);
     if ($PermissionName != false) {
         $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
Esempio n. 14
  * Enable an addon and do all the stuff that's entailed there.
  * @param Addon $addon The addon to enable.
  * @param bool $setup Whether or not to set the plugin up.
  * @throws Exception Throws an exception if something goes bonkers during the process.
 private function enableAddon(Addon $addon, $setup)
     if ($setup) {
         $this->pluginHook($addon->getRawKey(), self::ACTION_ENABLE, true);
         // If setup succeeded, register any specified permissions
         $permissions = $addon->getInfoValue('registerPermissions');
         if (!empty($permissions)) {
             $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
         // Write enabled state to config.
         saveToConfig("EnabledPlugins." . $addon->getRawKey(), true);
         Logger::event('addon_enabled', Logger::INFO, 'The {addonName} plugin was enabled.', array('addonName' => $addon->getRawKey()));
     $pluginClassName = $addon->getPluginClass();
  * Test to see if a plugin throws fatal errors.
 public function testPlugin($PluginName, &$Validation, $Setup = false)
     // Make sure that the plugin's requirements are met
     // Required Plugins
     $PluginInfo = $this->getPluginInfo($PluginName);
     $RequiredPlugins = val('RequiredPlugins', $PluginInfo, false);
     CheckRequirements($PluginName, $RequiredPlugins, $this->enabledPlugins(), 'plugin');
     // Required Themes
     $EnabledThemes = Gdn::themeManager()->enabledThemeInfo();
     $RequiredThemes = ArrayValue('RequiredTheme', $PluginInfo, false);
     CheckRequirements($PluginName, $RequiredThemes, $EnabledThemes, 'theme');
     // Required Applications
     $EnabledApplications = Gdn::applicationManager()->enabledApplications();
     $RequiredApplications = ArrayValue('RequiredApplications', $PluginInfo, false);
     CheckRequirements($PluginName, $RequiredApplications, $EnabledApplications, 'application');
     // Include the plugin, instantiate it, and call its setup method
     $PluginClassName = ArrayValue('ClassName', $PluginInfo, false);
     $PluginFolder = ArrayValue('Folder', $PluginInfo, false);
     if ($PluginFolder == '') {
         throw new Exception(T('The plugin folder was not properly defined.'));
     $this->pluginHook($PluginName, self::ACTION_ENABLE, $Setup);
     // If setup succeeded, register any specified permissions
     $PermissionName = val('RegisterPermissions', $PluginInfo, false);
     if ($PermissionName != false) {
         $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
     return true;
Esempio n. 16
  * Delete a role.
  * @param string|unknown_type $RoleID
  * @param bool|unknown_type $ReplacementRoleID
 public function delete($RoleID, $ReplacementRoleID)
     // First update users that will be orphaned
     if (is_numeric($ReplacementRoleID) && $ReplacementRoleID > 0) {
         $this->SQL->options('Ignore', true)->update('UserRole')->join('UserRole urs', 'UserRole.UserID = urs.UserID')->groupBy('urs.UserID')->having('count(urs.RoleID) =', '1', true, false)->set('UserRole.RoleID', $ReplacementRoleID)->where(array('UserRole.RoleID' => $RoleID))->put();
     } else {
         $this->SQL->delete('UserRole', array('RoleID' => $RoleID));
     // Remove permissions for this role.
     $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
     // Remove the role
     $this->SQL->delete('Role', array('RoleID' => $RoleID));
Esempio n. 17
  * Load and compile user permissions
  * @param integer $UserID
  * @param boolean $Serialize
  * @return array
 public function definePermissions($UserID, $Serialize = true)
     if (Gdn::cache()->activeEnabled()) {
         $PermissionsIncrement = $this->GetPermissionsIncrement();
         $UserPermissionsKey = formatString(self::USERPERMISSIONS_KEY, array('UserID' => $UserID, 'PermissionsIncrement' => $PermissionsIncrement));
         $CachePermissions = Gdn::cache()->get($UserPermissionsKey);
         if ($CachePermissions !== Gdn_Cache::CACHEOP_FAILURE) {
             return $CachePermissions;
     $Data = Gdn::permissionModel()->cachePermissions($UserID);
     $Permissions = UserModel::compilePermissions($Data);
     $PermissionsSerialized = null;
     if (Gdn::cache()->activeEnabled()) {
         Gdn::cache()->store($UserPermissionsKey, $Permissions);
     } else {
         // Save the permissions to the user table
         $PermissionsSerialized = Gdn_Format::serialize($Permissions);
         if ($UserID > 0) {
             $this->SQL->put('User', array('Permissions' => $PermissionsSerialized), array('UserID' => $UserID));
     if ($Serialize && is_null($PermissionsSerialized)) {
         $PermissionsSerialized = Gdn_Format::serialize($Permissions);
     return $Serialize ? $PermissionsSerialized : $Permissions;
  * Edit a role.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
 public function edit($RoleID = false)
     if (!$this->_permission($RoleID)) {
     if ($this->Head && $this->Head->title() == '') {
         $this->Head->title(t('Edit Role'));
     $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
     $this->Role = $this->RoleModel->getByRoleID($RoleID);
     // $this->EditablePermissions = is_object($this->Role) ? $this->Role->EditablePermissions : '1';
     // Set the model on the form.
     // Make sure the form knows which item we are editing.
     $this->Form->addHidden('RoleID', $RoleID);
     $LimitToSuffix = !$this->Role || $this->Role->CanSession == '1' ? '' : 'View';
     // If seeing the form for the first time...
     if ($this->Form->authenticatedPostBack() === false) {
         // Get the role data for the requested $RoleID and put it into the form.
         $Permissions = $PermissionModel->getPermissionsEdit($RoleID ? $RoleID : 0, $LimitToSuffix);
         // Remove permissions the user doesn't have access to.
         if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.Settings.Manage')) {
             foreach ($this->RoleModel->RankPermissions as $Permission) {
                 if (Gdn::session()->checkPermission($Permission)) {
                 list($Px, $Sx) = explode('.', $Permission, 2);
                 unset($Permissions['_' . $Px][$Sx]);
         $this->setData('PermissionData', $Permissions, true);
     } else {
         // If the form has been posted back...
         // 2. Save the data (validation occurs within):
         if ($RoleID = $this->Form->save()) {
             $this->informMessage(t('Your changes have been saved.'));
             $this->RedirectUrl = url('dashboard/role');
             // Reload the permission data.
             $this->setData('PermissionData', $PermissionModel->getPermissionsEdit($RoleID, $LimitToSuffix), true);
     $this->setData('_Types', $this->RoleModel->getDefaultTypes(true));
Esempio n. 19
$Construct->table('UserMeta')->column('UserID', 'int', false, 'primary')->column('Name', 'varchar(100)', false, array('primary', 'index'))->column('Value', 'text', true)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
// User Points Table
$Construct->table('UserPoints')->column('SlotType', array('d', 'w', 'm', 'y', 'a'), false, 'primary')->column('TimeSlot', 'datetime', false, 'primary')->column('Source', 'varchar(10)', 'Total', 'primary')->column('CategoryID', 'int', 0, 'primary')->column('UserID', 'int', false, 'primary')->column('Points', 'int', 0)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
// Create the authentication table.
$Construct->table('UserAuthentication')->column('ForeignUserKey', 'varchar(100)', false, 'primary')->column('ProviderKey', 'varchar(64)', false, 'primary')->column('UserID', 'int', false, 'key')->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$Construct->table('UserAuthenticationProvider')->column('AuthenticationKey', 'varchar(64)', false, 'primary')->column('AuthenticationSchemeAlias', 'varchar(32)', false)->column('Name', 'varchar(50)', true)->column('URL', 'varchar(255)', true)->column('AssociationSecret', 'text', true)->column('AssociationHashMethod', 'varchar(20)', true)->column('AuthenticateUrl', 'varchar(255)', true)->column('RegisterUrl', 'varchar(255)', true)->column('SignInUrl', 'varchar(255)', true)->column('SignOutUrl', 'varchar(255)', true)->column('PasswordUrl', 'varchar(255)', true)->column('ProfileUrl', 'varchar(255)', true)->column('Attributes', 'text', true)->column('Active', 'tinyint', '1')->column('IsDefault', 'tinyint', 0)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$Construct->table('UserAuthenticationNonce')->column('Nonce', 'varchar(100)', false, 'primary')->column('Token', 'varchar(128)', false)->column('Timestamp', 'timestamp', false)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$Construct->table('UserAuthenticationToken')->column('Token', 'varchar(128)', false, 'primary')->column('ProviderKey', 'varchar(64)', false, 'primary')->column('ForeignUserKey', 'varchar(100)', true)->column('TokenSecret', 'varchar(64)', false)->column('TokenType', array('request', 'access'), false)->column('Authorized', 'tinyint(1)', false)->column('Timestamp', 'timestamp', false)->column('Lifetime', 'int', false)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
// Fix the sync roles config spelling mistake.
if (c('Garden.SSO.SynchRoles')) {
    saveToConfig(array('Garden.SSO.SynchRoles' => '', 'Garden.SSO.SyncRoles' => c('Garden.SSO.SynchRoles')), '', array('RemoveEmpty' => true));
$Construct->table('Session')->column('SessionID', 'char(32)', false, 'primary')->column('UserID', 'int', 0)->column('DateInserted', 'datetime', false)->column('DateUpdated', 'datetime', false)->column('TransientKey', 'varchar(12)', false)->column('Attributes', 'text', null)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$Construct->table('AnalyticsLocal')->engine('InnoDB')->column('TimeSlot', 'varchar(8)', false, 'unique')->column('Views', 'int', null)->column('EmbedViews', 'int', true)->set(false, false);
// Only Create the permission table if we are using Garden's permission model.
$PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
$PermissionModel->Database = $Database;
$PermissionModel->SQL = $SQL;
$PermissionTableExists = false;
if ($PermissionModel instanceof PermissionModel) {
    $PermissionTableExists = $Construct->tableExists('Permission');
    // Permission Table
    $Construct->table('Permission')->primaryKey('PermissionID')->column('RoleID', 'int', 0, 'key')->column('JunctionTable', 'varchar(100)', true)->column('JunctionColumn', 'varchar(100)', true)->column('JunctionID', 'int', true)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
// Define the set of permissions that Garden uses.
$PermissionModel->define(array('Garden.Email.View' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow', 'Garden.Settings.Manage', 'Garden.Settings.View', 'Garden.SignIn.Allow' => 1, 'Garden.Users.Add', 'Garden.Users.Edit', 'Garden.Users.Delete', 'Garden.Users.Approve', 'Garden.Activity.Delete', 'Garden.Activity.View' => 1, 'Garden.Profiles.View' => 1, 'Garden.Profiles.Edit' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow', 'Garden.Curation.Manage' => 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'Garden.PersonalInfo.View' => 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'Garden.AdvancedNotifications.Allow', 'Garden.Community.Manage' => 'Garden.Settings.Manage'));
$PermissionModel->undefine(array('Garden.Applications.Manage', 'Garden.Email.Manage', 'Garden.Plugins.Manage', 'Garden.Registration.Manage', 'Garden.Routes.Manage', 'Garden.Themes.Manage', 'Garden.Messages.Manage'));
// Invitation Table
$Construct->table('Invitation')->primaryKey('InvitationID')->column('Email', 'varchar(100)', false, 'index')->column('Name', 'varchar(50)', true)->column('RoleIDs', 'text', true)->column('Code', 'varchar(50)', false, 'unique.code')->column('InsertUserID', 'int', true, 'index.userdate')->column('DateInserted', 'datetime', false, 'index.userdate')->column('AcceptedUserID', 'int', true)->column('DateExpires', 'datetime', true)->set($Explicit, $Drop);
// Fix negative invitation expiry dates.
$InviteExpiry = c('Garden.Registration.InviteExpiration');
Esempio n. 20
  * Runs on utility/update.
  * @throws Exception
 public function structure()
     // Pocket class isn't autoloaded on Enable.
     require_once 'library/class.pocket.php';
     $St = Gdn::structure();
     $St->table('Pocket')->primaryKey('PocketID')->column('Name', 'varchar(255)')->column('Page', 'varchar(50)', null)->column('Location', 'varchar(50)')->column('Sort', 'smallint')->column('Repeat', 'varchar(25)')->column('Body', 'text')->column('Format', 'varchar(20)')->column('Condition', 'varchar(500)', null)->column('Disabled', 'smallint', '0')->column('Attributes', 'text', null)->column('MobileOnly', 'tinyint', '0')->column('MobileNever', 'tinyint', '0')->column('EmbeddedNever', 'tinyint', '0')->column('ShowInDashboard', 'tinyint', '0')->column('Type', array(Pocket::TYPE_DEFAULT, Pocket::TYPE_AD), Pocket::TYPE_DEFAULT)->set();
     $PermissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
     $PermissionModel->define(array('Garden.NoAds.Allow' => 0));