function init_global() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $ghtml; global $g_demo; $sgbl = new Sgbl(); $gbl = new Gbl(); $gbl->get(); // // Turn on demo version by putting a empty file called demo in the etc dir // if (lfile_exists("__path_program_etc/demo")) { $g_demo = 1; } // // ### LxCenter // // Check for Development/Debug version // If file not exists, Production mode (-1) // If file exists it can have the following numbers to enable // 1 = Debug mode 1 // 2 = Debug mode 2 // 3 = Debug mode 3 // 4 = Debug mode 4 // 5 = Debug mode 5 // -1 = Turn Off and go to production mode check_for_debug("/commands.php"); // Disabled by LxCenter, we are not at PHP version with number 1 at postition N ( x.N.x ) // $v = explode(".", PHP_VERSION); // if ($v[1] == "1" && $sgbl->isDebug()) { // date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); // } $sgbl->method = $sgbl->dbg >= 1 ? "get" : "post"; }
function init_global() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $ghtml; global $g_demo; $sgbl = new Sgbl(); $gbl = new Gbl(); $gbl->get(); date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); // // Turn on demo version by putting a empty file called demo in the etc dir. // More info about enable a demo server soon at our wiki // if (lfile_exists("__path_program_etc/demo")) { $g_demo = 1; } check_for_debug("/usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/httpdocs/commands.php"); $sgbl->method = $sgbl->dbg >= 1 ? "get" : "post"; // // ### LxCenter // // Check for Development/Debug version // If file not exists, Production mode (-1) // If file exists it can have the following numbers to enable // 1 = Debug mode 1 // 2 = Debug mode 2 // 3 = Debug mode 3 // 4 = Debug mode 4 // 5 = Debug mode 5 // -1 = Turn Off and go to production mode }
public function get_controller() { if (SITE_AVAILABLE) { $controllers_array = Gbl::get('controllers_array'); if (!empty($this->up[0]) && Cleaner::sanitized(CTYPE_ARRAY, $this->up[0], array_keys($controllers_array))) { $controller_name = $controllers_array[$this->up[0]]; } else { # we are running from the default page of the site, so pass the default back $controller_name = Gbl::get('default_controller'); } } else { $controller_name = 'MaintenanceController'; } # do we have to include the code for the controller? if (!is_object($controller_name)) { require_once CONTROLLERS_PATH . '/' . $controller_name . '.lib.php'; } return new $controller_name(); }
protected function _load($template_name, $cache_timeout = 86400, $cache_id = '') { $template_engine = Gbl::get('template_engine'); # check for cached version of the template by the cache id (which can be empty) if (!$template_engine->is_cached($template_name, $cache_id)) { $template_engine->cache_lifetime = $cache_timeout; } //$template_engine->assign('user',Gbl::get('user')); # set up the variables for the template engine if (!empty($this->state)) { foreach ($this->state as $vn => $vv) { $template_engine->assign($vn, $vv); } } # fetch or display the template if ($this->_fetch_template) { return $template_engine->fetch($template_name, $cache_id); } else { $template_engine->display($template_name, $cache_id); return true; } }
protected function dump_log() { $log = "============\n" . strftime("%X %x", time()) . "\n" . $this->url . "\n"; $log .= print_r($this->curlinfo, 1); $log .= "\n\nheader ------\n"; $log .= print_r($this->header, 1); $log .= "\n\njson ------\n"; $log .= print_r($this->json_response, 1); $log .= "\n\nerror ------\n"; $log .= print_r($this->json_error, 1); Gbl::get('system_log')->write(LOG_LEVEL_ALL, $log); }
#!/usr/bin/php5 -q <?php define('CRON_MODE', 1); ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); ini_set('memory_limit', '768M'); $dir = explode('/', __FILE__); array_pop($dir); $dir = implode('/', $dir); require_once $dir . '/../../config/node.conf.php'; require_once MODULES_PATH . '/Cron.lib.php'; mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); try { $cron = new Cron(); $cron->run_script(); } catch (Exception $e) { Gbl::get('system_log')->write(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Fatal website error (run-cron.php):' . $e->getMessage()); die('Exception!'); }
function query_count($count_query) { $return = mysqli_query(Gbl::get('db'), $count_query); return(mysqli_num_rows($return)); }