Esempio n. 1
 $onerow->thumburl .= '?cache=' . time();
 $onerow->defaultthumburl = '../' . DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($file['filepath'] . IM_PREFIX . $file['filename'])) . '?nocache=' . time();
 $onerow->thumb = '<img src="' . $onerow->defaultthumburl . '" alt="' . $file['filename'] . '" />';
 $onerow->filename_input = $file['filename'];
 $onerow->title_input = $this->CreateInputText($id, 'filetitle', $file['title'], 30, 100);
 $onerow->comment = $file['comment'];
 $onerow->comment_input = $this->CreateTextArea(0, $id, $file['comment'], 'filecomment', 'fake" style="height:4em;', '', '', '', '40', '4');
 // class filled with fake and style-info to overrule the theme-css
 if ($this->GetPreference('editfiledates')) {
     $onerow->filedate_input = $this->CreateInputText($id, 'filedate', substr($file['filedate'], 0, 10), 10, 10);
 } else {
     $onerow->filedate_input = $file['filedate'];
 Gallery_utils::CreateThumbnail('../' . DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . $file['filepath'] . '/' . IM_PREFIX . $file['filename'], '../' . DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . $file['filepath'] . '/' . $file['filename'], IM_THUMBWIDTH, IM_THUMBHEIGHT, 'sc');
 $onerow->deletelink = $this->CreateLink($id, 'multiaction', $returnid, $themeObject->DisplayImage('icons/system/delete.gif', $this->Lang('delete'), '', '', 'systemicon'), array('multiaction' => 'delete', 'fid' => $file['fileid'], 'origaction' => 'editgallery'), $this->Lang('areyousure'));
 $onerow->fields = Gallery_utils::Getcustomfields($params['fid'], 0, $id);
 $onerow->file .= '?cache=' . filemtime($onerow->file);
 $smarty->assign('image', $onerow);
 $smarty->assign('id', $id);
 $smarty->assign('file', $this->Lang('item'));
 $smarty->assign('title', $this->Lang('title'));
 $smarty->assign('comment', $this->Lang('comment'));
 $smarty->assign('filedate', $this->Lang('date'));
 $smarty->assign('cover', $this->Lang('albumcover'));
 $smarty->assign('active', $this->Lang('active'));
 $smarty->assign('rotateclockwise', $this->CreateLink($id, 'do_rotateimage', $returnid, '<img src="../modules/Gallery/images/clockwise.png" alt="' . $this->Lang('rotateclockwise') . '" title="' . $this->Lang('rotateclockwise') . '" />', array('fid' => $params['fid'], 'degr' => 270)));
 $smarty->assign('rotateanticlockwise', $this->CreateLink($id, 'do_rotateimage', $returnid, '<img src="../modules/Gallery/images/anticlockwise.png" alt="' . $this->Lang('rotateanticlockwise') . '" title="' . $this->Lang('rotateanticlockwise') . '" />', array('fid' => $params['fid'], 'degr' => 90)));
 $smarty->assign('formstart', $this->CreateFormStart($id, 'do_editimage', $returnid, 'post', '', false, '', $params));
 // edit thumbs
Esempio n. 2
            $rec->comment = $row['comment'];
            $rec->active = $row['active'];
            if ($galleryinfo['thumbwidth'] > 0) {
                $rec->thumb = DEFAULT_GALLERYTHUMBS_PATH . $row['fileid'] . '-' . $galleryinfo['templateid'] . substr($row['filename'], strrpos($row['filename'], '.'));
            } else {
                $rec->thumb = DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . $row['filepath'] . IM_PREFIX . $row['filename'];
            $rec->isdir = false;
            $paramslink['dir'] = str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($row['filepath']));
            $prettyurl = $urlprefix . '/' . $paramslink['dir'] . ($targetpage != '' ? $targetpage : $returnid);
            $rec->galleryid = $row['galleryid'];
            $rec->gallery_url = $this->CreateFrontendLink($id, $targetpage != '' ? $targetpage : $returnid, 'default', '', $paramslink, '', true, true, '', false, $prettyurl);
            $rec->fields = Gallery_utils::Getcustomfields($rec->fileid, $rec->isdir, '', 1);
            Gallery_utils::CreateThumbnail($rec->thumb, DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . trim($row['filepath'] . '/' . $row['filename'], '/'), $galleryinfo['thumbwidth'] > 0 ? $galleryinfo['thumbwidth'] : IM_THUMBWIDTH, $galleryinfo['thumbwidth'] > 0 ? $galleryinfo['thumbheight'] : IM_THUMBHEIGHT, $galleryinfo['thumbwidth'] > 0 ? $galleryinfo['resizemethod'] : 'sc');
            array_push($images, $rec);
} else {
    $params['module_message'] = $this->Lang('message_wrongdir', htmlspecialchars($params['dir']));
    $smarty->assign('hideparentlink', true);
// Expose the list to smarty. Use "by_ref" to save memory.
$smarty->assign_by_ref('images', $images);
// and a count of records
$smarty->assign('imagecount', $imgcount . ' ' . ($imgcount == 1 ? $this->Lang('image') : $this->Lang('images')));
$smarty->assign('itemcount', $itemcount);
$smarty->assign('numimages', $imgcount);
$smarty->assign('numdirs', $itemcount - $imgcount);
$smarty->assign('pages', 1);
Esempio n. 3
//ini_set("html_errors", "0");
// Check the upload
if (!isset($_FILES['Filedata']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']) || $_FILES['Filedata']['error'] != 0) {
    echo 'ERROR:invalid upload';
// Check the uploaddirectory
$root_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $config['root_path']) . '/';
if (!isset($_SESSION['uploaddir']) || !is_dir($root_path . $_SESSION['uploaddir'])) {
    echo 'ERROR:invalid uploaddirectory';
// cleanup the filename, copied some code from munge_string_to_url() and modified to exclude the extension
$pos = strrpos($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], '.');
include '../lib/replacement.php';
$alias = substr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], 0, $pos);
$alias = str_replace($toreplace, $replacement, $alias);
$alias = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-_]+/i', '-', $alias);
$alias = trim($alias . substr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], $pos), '-');
$filename = $_SESSION['uploaddir'] . '/' . $alias;
$thumbname = $_SESSION['uploaddir'] . '/thumb_' . $alias;
$thumbid = urlencode(base64_encode($thumbname));
if (Gallery_utils::CreateThumbnail('../' . $thumbname, $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], get_site_preference('thumbnail_width', 96), get_site_preference('thumbnail_height', 96), 'sc')) {
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $root_path . $filename));
    echo 'FILEID:' . $thumbid;
    // Return the file id to the script
} else {
    echo 'File corrupt: ' . $alias;
Esempio n. 4
                 $prettyurl = $urlprefix . '/' . $paramslink['dir'] . (isset($paramslink['start']) ? $paramslink['start'] . '-' . $paramslink['number'] . '-' : '') . (isset($paramslink['show']) ? $paramslink['show'] . '-' : '') . ($targetpage != '' ? $targetpage : $returnid);
                 $rec->file = $this->CreateFrontendLink($id, $targetpage != '' ? $targetpage : $returnid, 'default', '', $paramslink, '', true, true, '', false, $prettyurl);
                 $rec->isdir = true;
             } elseif ($galleryinfo['thumbwidth'] > 0) {
                 $rec->thumb = DEFAULT_GALLERYTHUMBS_PATH . $rec->fileid . '-' . $galleryinfo['templateid'] . substr($item['filename'], strrpos($item['filename'], '.'));
                 $originalimage = DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . $key;
             } else {
                 $rec->thumb = DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . (empty($item['filepath']) ? '' : $item['filepath'] . '/') . IM_PREFIX . $item['filename'];
                 $originalimage = DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . $key;
             // get the public custom fields for this item
             $rec->fields = Gallery_utils::Getcustomfields($rec->fileid, $rec->isdir, '', 1);
             if ($rec->thumb != $folderpath) {
                 Gallery_utils::CreateThumbnail($rec->thumb, $originalimage, $galleryinfo['thumbwidth'] > 0 ? $galleryinfo['thumbwidth'] : IM_THUMBWIDTH, $galleryinfo['thumbwidth'] > 0 ? $galleryinfo['thumbheight'] : IM_THUMBHEIGHT, $galleryinfo['thumbwidth'] > 0 ? $galleryinfo['resizemethod'] : 'sc');
             array_push($images, $rec);
     // Sort array $images
     // second parameter of _ArraySort is an array of strings, which contains:
     // n for number, s for string
     // + for ascending, - for descending
     // fieldname
     $sortarray = explode('/', 'n+fileorder/' . $galleryinfo['sortitems']);
     $images = Gallery_utils::ArraySort($images, $sortarray, false);
     $itemcount = count($images);
     // Get the images we want
     $images = array_splice($images, $start - 1, $number);
 } else {
if (!empty($params['x2']) && !empty($params['y2'])) {
    // get image info
    $image = Gallery_utils::Getimagebyid($params['fid']);
    // get templateproperties for thumbsizes
    if ($params['template'] == 0) {
        $tplthumb = array('templateid' => 0, 'thumbname' => '../' . DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . $image['filepath'] . IM_PREFIX . $image['filename'], 'thumbwidth' => IM_THUMBWIDTH, 'thumbheight' => IM_THUMBHEIGHT, 'resizemethod' => 'sc');
    } else {
        $db = $this->GetDB();
        $query = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . cms_db_prefix() . "module_gallery_templateprops\n\t\t\t\tWHERE templateid=?";
        $result = $db->Execute($query, array($params['template']));
        if ($result && $result->RecordCount() > 0) {
            $templateprops = $result->GetArray();
            $tplthumb = $templateprops[0];
            $tplthumb['thumbname'] = '../' . DEFAULT_GALLERYTHUMBS_PATH . $params['fid'] . '-' . $params['template'] . substr($image['filename'], strrpos($image['filename'], '.'));
        } else {
            $params = array('fid' => $params['fid'], 'mode' => 'edit', 'active_tab' => 'thumbs', 'module_error' => lang('sqlerror', 'do_editthump.php'));
            $this->Redirect($id, 'editimage', '', $params);
    // update thumbnail
    $thumbcr = Gallery_utils::CreateThumbnail($tplthumb['thumbname'], '../' . DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . $image['filepath'] . $image['filename'], $tplthumb['thumbwidth'], $tplthumb['thumbheight'], $tplthumb['resizemethod'], $params['x1'] * $params['scale'], $params['y1'] * $params['scale'], $params['x2'] * $params['scale'], $params['y2'] * $params['scale']);
if (isset($params['applybutton2'])) {
    $params = array('fid' => $params['fid'], 'mode' => 'edit', 'template' => $params['template'], 'active_tab' => 'thumbs', 'module_message' => $this->Lang('thumbupdated'));
    $this->Redirect($id, 'editimage', '', $params);
} else {
    $params = array('gid' => $params['gid'], 'mode' => 'edit', 'module_message' => $this->Lang('thumbupdated'));
    $this->Redirect($id, 'editgallery', '', $params);

if (!$gCms) {
if (!$this->CheckPermission('Use Gallery')) {
    echo $this->ShowErrors(lang('needpermissionto', 'Use Gallery'));
if (!isset($params['gid'])) {
    $params['module_error'] = lang('missingparams');
    $this->Redirect($id, 'defaultadmin', '', $params);
$galleryinfo = Gallery_utils::Getgalleryinfobyid($params['gid']);
$gallerypath = $params['gid'] == 1 ? '' : trim($galleryinfo['filepath'] . '/' . $galleryinfo['filename'], '/');
$gallery = Gallery_utils::Getgalleryfiles($gallerypath);
foreach ($gallery as $file) {
    if (substr($file['filename'], -1) != '/') {
        $thumbname = '../' . DEFAULT_GALLERYTHUMB_PATH . $file['fileid'] . '-' . $params['templateid'] . substr($file['filename'], strrpos($file['filename'], '.'));
        Gallery_utils::CreateThumbnail($thumbname, '../' . DEFAULT_GALLERY_PATH . (empty($file['filepath']) ? '' : $file['filepath'] . '/') . $file['filename'], $galleryinfo['thumbwidth'], $galleryinfo['thumbheight'], $galleryinfo['resizemethod']);
$this->Redirect($id, 'editgallery', '', array('gid' => $params['gid'], 'mode' => "edit", 'module_message' => $this->Lang('thumbscreated')));