Esempio n. 1
 protected function init()
     \GO::$disableModelCache = true;
     //for less memory usage
     //allow long runs
     ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
Esempio n. 2
 private function _processExport($data)
     $className = $data['savedExportModel']->class_name;
     $class = new $className($data['savedExportModel']->export_columns);
     // Get the model for this export
     $this->_model = $class->getModel();
     // Translate orientation from horizontal/vertical to landscape/portrait
     $this->_orientation = $data['savedExportModel']->orientation === 'H' ? 'L' : 'P';
     // Retreive the name of the file
     $this->_title = $class->getName();
     // Show the headers in the export (could be 1 instead of true or 0 instead of false)
     $this->_showHeader = $data['savedExportModel']->include_column_names == true ? true : false;
     // Use database column names or human readable column names
     $this->_humanHeaders = $data['savedExportModel']->use_db_column_names == true ? false : true;
     // Get the findparams for the export
     $this->_findParams = $class->getFindParams();
     // Create the column model
     $this->_columnModel = $class->getColumnModel();
     // Create the store for this export
     $this->_store = $class->getStore();
Esempio n. 3
 protected function actionDownload($params)
     if (isset($params['path'])) {
         $folder = \GO\Files\Model\Folder::model()->findByPath(dirname($params['path']));
         $file = $folder->hasFile(\GO\Base\Fs\File::utf8Basename($params['path']));
     } else {
         $file = \GO\Files\Model\File::model()->findByPk($params['id'], false, true);
     if (!$file) {
         throw new \GO\Base\Exception\NotFound();
     if (!empty($params['random_code'])) {
         if ($file->random_code != $params['random_code']) {
             throw new \GO\Base\Exception\NotFound();
         if (time() > $file->expire_time) {
             throw new \Exception(\GO::t('downloadLinkExpired', 'files'));
     } else {
         $public = substr($file->path, 0, 6) == 'public';
         if (!$public) {
             if (!\GO::user()) {
             if (!$file->checkPermissionLevel(\GO\Base\Model\Acl::READ_PERMISSION)) {
                 throw new \GO\Base\Exception\AccessDenied();
     // Show the file inside the browser or give it as a download
     $inline = true;
     // Defaults to show inside the browser
     if (isset($params['inline']) && $params['inline'] == "false") {
         $inline = false;
     \GO\Base\Util\Http::outputDownloadHeaders($file->fsFile, $inline, !empty($params['cache']));
     $this->fireEvent('beforedownload', array(&$this, &$params, &$file));
Esempio n. 4
 public function actionRemoveDuplicates($params)
     $tasklist = \GO\Tasks\Model\Tasklist::model()->findByPk($params['tasklist_id']);
     if (!$tasklist) {
         throw new \GO\Base\Exception\NotFound();
     \GO\Files\Model\Folder::$deleteInDatabaseOnly = true;
     //close writing otherwise concurrent requests are blocked.
     $checkModels = array("GO\\Tasks\\Model\\Task" => array('name', 'start_time', 'due_time', 'rrule', 'user_id', 'tasklist_id'));
     foreach ($checkModels as $modelName => $checkFields) {
         if (empty($params['model']) || $modelName == $params['model']) {
             echo '<h1>' . \GO::t('removeDuplicates') . '</h1>';
             $checkFieldsStr = 't.' . implode(', t.', $checkFields);
             $findParams = \GO\Base\Db\FindParams::newInstance()->ignoreAcl()->select(', count(*) AS n, ' . $checkFieldsStr)->group($checkFields)->having('n>1');
             $findParams->getCriteria()->addCondition('tasklist_id', $tasklist->id);
             $stmt1 = \GO::getModel($modelName)->find($findParams);
             echo '<table border="1">';
             echo '<tr><td>ID</th><th>' . implode('</th><th>', $checkFields) . '</th></tr>';
             $count = 0;
             while ($dupModel = $stmt1->fetch()) {
                 $select = '';
                 if (\GO::getModel($modelName)->hasFiles()) {
                     $select .= ', t.files_folder_id';
                 $findParams = \GO\Base\Db\FindParams::newInstance()->ignoreAcl()->select($select . ', ' . $checkFieldsStr)->order('id', 'ASC');
                 $findParams->getCriteria()->addCondition('tasklist_id', $tasklist->id);
                 foreach ($checkFields as $field) {
                     $findParams->getCriteria()->addCondition($field, $dupModel->getAttribute($field));
                 $stmt = \GO::getModel($modelName)->find($findParams);
                 $first = true;
                 while ($model = $stmt->fetch()) {
                     echo '<tr><td>';
                     if (!$first) {
                         echo '<span style="color:red">';
                     echo $model->id;
                     if (!$first) {
                         echo '</span>';
                     echo '</th>';
                     foreach ($checkFields as $field) {
                         echo '<td>' . $model->getAttribute($field, 'html') . '</td>';
                     echo '</tr>';
                     if (!$first) {
                         if (!empty($params['delete'])) {
                             if ($model->hasLinks() && $model->countLinks()) {
                                 echo '<tr><td colspan="99">' . \GO::t('skippedDeleteHasLinks') . '</td></tr>';
                             } elseif (($filesFolder = $model->getFilesFolder(false)) && ($filesFolder->hasFileChildren() || $filesFolder->hasFolderChildren())) {
                                 echo '<tr><td colspan="99">' . \GO::t('skippedDeleteHasFiles') . '</td></tr>';
                             } else {
                     $first = false;
             echo '</table>';
             echo '<p>' . sprintf(\GO::t('foundDuplicates'), $count) . '</p>';
             echo '<br /><br /><a href="' . \GO::url('tasks/tasklist/removeDuplicates', array('delete' => true, 'tasklist_id' => $tasklist->id)) . '">' . \GO::t('clickToDeleteDuplicates') . '</a>';
Esempio n. 5
  * The function that will be called when importing users 
  * @param array $params
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception When the controller cannot be found, an exeption will be thrown
 protected function actionImport($params)
     $response = array();
     //		$params['updateExisting'] = true;
     $params['updateFindAttributes'] = 'username';
     $params['file'] = $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][0];
     if ($params['controller'] == 'GO\\Users\\Controller\\UserController') {
         $controller = new UserController();
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("No or wrong controller given");
     $response = array_merge($response, $controller->run("importCsv", $params, false));
     $response['success'] = true;
     return $response;
Esempio n. 6
  * Defaults to a CSV import.
  * Custom fields can be specified in the header with cf\$categoryName\$fieldName
  * eg. name,attribute,cf\Test\Textfield
  * Command line:
  * ./groupoffice biling/order/import --file=/path/to/file.csv --delimiter=, --enclosure="
  * @param array $params 
 protected function actionImport($params)
     $summarylog = new \GO\Base\Component\SummaryLog();
     \GO::$disableModelCache = true;
     //for less memory usage
     //close writing otherwise concurrent requests are blocked.
     $attributeIndexMap = isset($params['attributeIndexMap']) ? $attributeIndexMap = json_decode($params['attributeIndexMap'], true) : array();
     if (is_file($params['file'])) {
         if (!isset($params['importType'])) {
             $params['importType'] = 'Csv';
         $fileClassName = 'GO\\Base\\Fs\\' . $params['importType'] . 'File';
         if ($params['importType'] == 'Xls' && !empty($params['maxColumnNr'])) {
             $importFile = new $fileClassName($params['file'], $params['maxColumnNr']);
         } else {
             $importFile = new $fileClassName($params['file']);
         if (!empty($params['delimiter'])) {
             $importFile->delimiter = $params['delimiter'];
         if (!empty($params['enclosure'])) {
             $importFile->enclosure = $params['enclosure'];
         if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
             if (!empty($importFile->delimiter)) {
                 echo "Delimiter: " . $importFile->delimiter . "\n";
             if (!empty($importFile->enclosure)) {
                 echo "Enclosure: " . $importFile->enclosure . "\n";
             echo "File: " . $importFile->path() . "\n\n";
         if (!$importFile->convertToUtf8()) {
             exit("ERROR: Could not convert to UTF8. Is the file writable?\n\n");
         $headers = $importFile->getRecord();
         //Map the field headers to the index in the record.
         //eg. name=>2,user_id=>4, etc.
         if (empty($attributeIndexMap)) {
             for ($i = 0, $m = count($headers); $i < $m; $i++) {
                 if (substr($headers[$i], 0, 3) == 'cf\\') {
                     $cf = $this->_resolveCustomField($headers[$i]);
                     if ($cf) {
                         $attributeIndexMap[$i] = $cf;
                 } else {
                     $attributeIndexMap[$i] = $headers[$i];
         while ($record = $importFile->getRecord()) {
             $attributes = array();
             $model = false;
             foreach ($attributeIndexMap as $index => $attributeName) {
                 if ($index >= 0) {
                     $attributes[trim($attributeName)] = $record[$index];
             if (!empty($params['updateExisting']) && !empty($params['updateFindAttributes'])) {
                 $findBy = explode(',', $params['updateFindAttributes']);
                 $attr = array();
                 foreach ($findBy as $attrib) {
                     $attr[$attrib] = $attributes[$attrib];
                 $model = \GO::getModel($this->model)->findSingleByAttributes($attr);
             if (!$model) {
                 $model = new $this->model();
             // If there are given baseparams to the importer
             if (isset($params['importBaseParams'])) {
                 $baseParams = json_decode($params['importBaseParams'], true);
                 foreach ($baseParams as $attr => $val) {
                     $attributes[$attr] = $val;
             if ($this->beforeImport($params, $model, $attributes, $record)) {
                 //					//Unset some default attributes set in the code
                 //					$defaultAttributes = $model->defaultAttributes();
                 //					foreach($defaultAttributes as $column => $value)
                 //						unset($model->{$column});
                 $columns = $model->getColumns();
                 foreach ($columns as $col => $attr) {
                     if (isset($attributes[$col])) {
                         //						if($attr['gotype']=='unixtimestamp' || $attr['gotype']=='unixdate'){
                         //							$attributes[$col]=strtotime($attributes[$col]);
                         if ($attr['gotype'] == 'number') {
                             $attributes[$col] = preg_replace('/[^.,\\s0-9]+/', '', $attributes[$col]);
                 foreach ($attributes as $name => $value) {
                     $attributes[$name] = trim($value);
                     if (empty($attributes[$name])) {
                 // True is set because import needs to be checked by the model.
                 $model->setAttributes($attributes, $params['importType'] != 'Xls');
                 try {
                     if ($model->save()) {
                         $this->afterImport($model, $attributes, $record);
                     } else {
                         $nameStr = !empty($record[0]) ? $record[0] : '"' . \GO::t('namelessItem') . '"';
                         $summarylog->addError($nameStr, implode("\n", $model->getValidationErrors()));
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $summarylog->addError($record[0], $e->getMessage());
                 //					try{
                 //						$model->save();
                 //						$summarylog->addSuccessful();
                 //					}
                 //					catch(\Exception $e){
                 //						$summarylog->addError($record[0], $e->getMessage());
                 //					}
                 //	$summarylog->add();
     } else {
         //$summarylog->addError('NO FILE FOUND', 'There is no file found that can be imported!');
     return $summarylog;