Esempio n. 1
  * The code that needs to be called when the cron is running
  * If $this->enableUserAndGroupSupport() returns TRUE then the run function 
  * will be called for each $user. (The $user parameter will be given)
  * If $this->enableUserAndGroupSupport() returns FALSE then the 
  * $user parameter is null and the run function will be called only once.
  * @param CronJob $cronJob
  * @param \GO\Base\Model\User $user [OPTIONAL]
 public function run(CronJob $cronJob, \GO\Base\Model\User $user = null)
     $stmt = \GO::getDbConnection()->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" . \GO::config()->db_name . "`;");
     $database_usage = 0;
     while ($r = $stmt->fetch()) {
         $database_usage += $r['Data_length'];
         $database_usage += $r['Index_length'];
     \GO::config()->save_setting('database_usage', $database_usage);
     $folder = new \GO\Base\Fs\Folder(\GO::config()->file_storage_path);
     \GO::config()->save_setting('file_storage_usage', $folder->calculateSize());
     if (\GO::modules()->postfixadmin) {
         $findParams = \GO\Base\Db\FindParams::newInstance()->select('sum(`usage`) AS `usage`')->ignoreAcl()->single();
         $result = \GO\Postfixadmin\Model\Mailbox::model()->find($findParams);
         \GO::config()->save_setting('mailbox_usage', $result->usage * 1024);