/** * Get locations of objects. * * <code> * $results = GeoMashupDB::get_object_locations( array( * 'object_name' => 'user', * 'minlat' => 30, * 'maxlat' => 40, * 'minlon' => -106, * 'maxlat' => -103 ) * ); * </code> * * @since 1.3 * * @param string $query_args Override default args. * @return array Array of matching rows. */ public static function get_object_locations($query_args = '') { global $wpdb; $default_args = array('minlat' => null, 'maxlat' => null, 'minlon' => null, 'maxlon' => null, 'radius_km' => null, 'radius_mi' => null, 'map_cat' => null, 'tax_query' => null, 'map_post_type' => 'any', 'object_name' => 'post', 'show_future' => 'false', 'suppress_filters' => false, 'limit' => 0, 'map_offset' => 0); $query_args = wp_parse_args($query_args, $default_args); // Construct the query $object_name = $query_args['object_name']; $object_store = self::object_storage($object_name); if (empty($object_store)) { return null; } // Giving tables an alias was a mistake, now filters depend on them $field_string = "gmlr.object_id, gmlr.geo_date, o.{$object_store['label_column']} as label, gml.*"; $table_string = "{$wpdb->prefix}geo_mashup_locations gml " . "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}geo_mashup_location_relationships gmlr " . $wpdb->prepare('ON gmlr.object_name = %s AND gmlr.location_id = gml.id ', $object_name) . "INNER JOIN {$object_store['table']} o ON o.{$object_store['id_column']} = gmlr.object_id"; $wheres = array(); $groupby = ''; $having = ''; if ('post' == $object_name) { $field_string .= ', o.post_author'; if ($query_args['show_future'] == 'true') { $wheres[] = 'post_status in ( \'publish\',\'future\' )'; } else { if ($query_args['show_future'] == 'only') { $wheres[] = 'post_status = \'future\''; } else { $wheres[] = 'post_status = \'publish\''; } } } else { if ('comment' == $object_name) { $wheres[] = 'comment_approved = \'1\''; } } $location_args = wp_array_slice_assoc($query_args, array_keys(GM_Location_Query::get_defaults())); $location_query = new GM_Location_Query($location_args); // Handle inclusion and exclusion of terms if (!empty($query_args['tax_query']) and is_array($query_args['tax_query'])) { $tax_query = $query_args['tax_query']; } else { $tax_query = array(); } if (!empty($query_args['map_cat'])) { $cats = preg_split('/[,\\s]+/', $query_args['map_cat']); $escaped_include_ids = array(); $escaped_exclude_ids = array(); foreach ($cats as $cat) { if (is_numeric($cat)) { if ($cat < 0) { $escaped_exclude_ids[] = abs($cat); $escaped_exclude_ids = array_merge($escaped_exclude_ids, get_term_children($cat, 'category')); } else { $escaped_include_ids[] = intval($cat); $escaped_include_ids = array_merge($escaped_include_ids, get_term_children($cat, 'category')); } } else { // Slugs might begin with a dash, so we only include them $term = get_term_by('slug', $cat, 'category'); if ($term) { $escaped_include_ids[] = $term->term_id; $escaped_include_ids = array_merge($escaped_include_ids, get_term_children($term->term_id, 'category')); } } } if (!empty($escaped_include_ids)) { $tax_query[] = array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'terms' => $escaped_include_ids, 'field' => 'term_id'); } if (!empty($escaped_exclude_ids)) { $tax_query[] = array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'terms' => $escaped_exclude_ids, 'operator' => 'NOT IN', 'field' => 'term_id'); } } // end if map_cat exists if (!empty($tax_query)) { $tax_clauses = get_tax_sql($tax_query, 'o', $object_store['id_column']); $table_string .= $tax_clauses['join']; $wheres[] = preg_replace('/^ AND/', '', $tax_clauses['where']); $groupby = 'GROUP BY gmlr.object_id'; } if ('post' == $object_name) { // Handle inclusion and exclusion of post types if ('any' == $query_args['map_post_type']) { $include_post_types = ''; $searchable_post_types = GeoMashup::get_searchable_post_types(); if (!empty($searchable_post_types)) { $include_post_types .= "o.post_type IN ('" . join("', '", array_map('esc_sql', $searchable_post_types)) . "')"; } $wheres[] = $include_post_types; } else { if (!is_array($query_args['map_post_type'])) { $query_args['map_post_type'] = preg_split('/[,\\s]+/', $query_args['map_post_type']); } $wheres[] = "o.post_type IN ('" . join("', '", $query_args['map_post_type']) . "')"; } } if (!empty($query_args['object_id'])) { $wheres[] = 'gmlr.object_id = ' . esc_sql($query_args['object_id']); } else { if (!empty($query_args['object_ids'])) { $wheres[] = 'gmlr.object_id IN ( ' . esc_sql($query_args['object_ids']) . ' )'; } } if (!empty($query_args['exclude_object_ids'])) { $wheres[] = 'gmlr.object_id NOT IN ( ' . esc_sql($query_args['exclude_object_ids']) . ' )'; } list($l_cols, $l_join, $l_where, $l_groupby) = $location_query->get_sql('o', $object_store['id_column']); $field_string .= $l_cols; $table_string .= $l_join; if (empty($groupby) and !empty($l_groupby)) { $groupby = 'GROUP BY ' . $l_groupby; } $where = empty($wheres) ? '' : 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $wheres) . $l_where; $sort = isset($query_args['sort']) ? $query_args['sort'] : $object_store['sort']; $sort = empty($sort) ? '' : 'ORDER BY ' . esc_sql($sort); $offset = absint($query_args['map_offset']); $limit = absint($query_args['limit']); if ($limit or $offset) { $limit = " LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}"; } else { $limit = ''; } if (!$query_args['suppress_filters']) { $field_string = apply_filters('geo_mashup_locations_fields', $field_string); $table_string = apply_filters('geo_mashup_locations_join', $table_string); $where = apply_filters('geo_mashup_locations_where', $where); $sort = apply_filters('geo_mashup_locations_orderby', $sort); $groupby = apply_filters('geo_mashup_locations_groupby', $groupby); $limit = apply_filters('geo_mashup_locations_limits', $limit); $suppress_post_filters = defined('GEO_MASHUP_SUPPRESS_POST_FILTERS') && GEO_MASHUP_SUPPRESS_POST_FILTERS; if ('post' === $object_name and !$suppress_post_filters and isset($GLOBALS['sitepress'])) { // Ok, we're catering to WPML here. If we ever integrate with a WP_Query object for posts, // this could be made more general // This filter will include all translatable post types, I hope add_filter('get_translatable_documents', array(__CLASS__, 'wpml_filter_get_translatable_documents')); // Apply post query filters, changing posts table references to our alias // As of WPML 2.9 these calls can trigger undefined variable notices $table_string = $GLOBALS['sitepress']->posts_join_filter($table_string, null); $table_string = str_replace($wpdb->posts . '.', 'o.', $table_string); $where = $GLOBALS['sitepress']->posts_where_filter($where, null); $where = str_replace($wpdb->posts . '.', 'o.', $where); remove_filter('get_translatable_documents', array(__CLASS__, 'wpml_filter_get_translatable_documents')); } } $query_string = "SELECT {$field_string} FROM {$table_string} {$where} {$groupby} {$having} {$sort} {$limit}"; $wpdb->query($query_string); return $wpdb->last_result; }
function test_gm_location_query() { global $wpdb; $unlocated_user_ids = $this->factory->user->create_many(2); $nv_user_id = $this->factory->user->create(); $nv_location = $this->get_nv_test_location(); GeoMashupDB::set_object_location('user', $nv_user_id, $nv_location, false); $location_query = new GM_Location_Query(array('minlat' => $nv_location->lat - 1, 'maxlat' => $nv_location->lat + 1, 'minlon' => $nv_location->lng - 1, 'maxlon' => $nv_location->lng + 1)); list($cols, $join, $where, $groupby) = $location_query->get_sql($wpdb->users, 'ID'); $this->assertNotContains('distance_km', $cols, 'Got a distance_km column for a non-radius query.'); $this->assertEmpty($groupby, 'Got a groupby value for a non-radius query.'); $sql = "SELECT {$wpdb->users}.ID\n\t\t\tFROM {$wpdb->users}{$join}\n\t\t\tWHERE 1=1{$where}\n\t\t"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $this->assertCount(1, $results); $this->assertEquals($nv_user_id, $results[0]->ID); }