function gforms_autologin($user_id, $config, $entry, $password)
    $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($entry['form_id']);
    $user_login = apply_filters("gform_username_{$form['id']}", apply_filters('gform_username', GFUser::get_meta_value('username', $config, $form, $entry), $config, $form, $entry), $config, $form, $entry);
    $redirect_url = rgars($form, 'confirmation/url') ? rgars($form, 'confirmation/url') : get_bloginfo('home');
    //pass the above to the wp_signon function
    $result = wp_signon(array('user_login' => $user_login, 'user_password' => $password, 'remember' => false));
    if (!is_wp_error($result)) {
 function process_feed($feed)
     if (class_exists('GF_User_Registration')) {
     $form = $this->get_form();
     $entry = $this->get_entry();
     remove_filter('gform_disable_registration', '__return_true');
     GFUser::gf_create_user($entry, $form);
     // Make sure it's not run twice
     add_filter('gform_disable_registration', '__return_true');
  * Update the WordPress user profile based on the GF User Registration create feed
  * @since 1.11
  * @param array $form Gravity Forms form array
  * @param string $entry_id Gravity Forms entry ID
 public function update_user($form = array(), $entry_id = 0)
     if (!class_exists('GFAPI') || !class_exists('GFUser') || empty($entry_id)) {
     $entry = GFAPI::get_entry($entry_id);
      * Modify the entry details before updating the user
      * @since 1.11
      * @param array $entry GF entry
      * @param array $form GF form
     $entry = apply_filters('gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/entry', $entry, $form);
     // Trigger the User Registration update user method
     GFUser::update_user($entry, $form);
Esempio n. 4
 public static function maybe_prepopulate_form($form)
     $config = GFUserData::get_update_feed($form['id']);
     // if no feed, return form unmodified
     if (!$config) {
         return $form;
     } else {
         // if the user is not logged in, add action to hide form and display error message
         if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
             add_action('gform_get_form_filter_' . $form['id'], array('GFUser', 'hide_form'));
             return $form;
         } else {
             // prepopulate the form
             $form = GFUser::prepopulate_form($form, $config);
     return $form;
Esempio n. 5

define('WP_INSTALLING', true);
global $current_site;
// include GF User Registration functionality
require_once GFUser::get_base_path() . '/includes/signups.php';
function do_activate_header()
add_action('wp_head', 'do_activate_header');
function wpmu_activate_stylesheet()
    <style type="text/css">
        form { margin-top: 2em; }
        #submit, #key { width: 90%; font-size: 24px; }
        #language { margin-top: .5em; }
        .error { background: #f66; }
        span.h3 { padding: 0 8px; font-size: 1.3em; font-family: "Lucida Grande", Verdana, Arial, "Bitstream Vera Sans", sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: #333; }
add_action('wp_head', 'wpmu_activate_stylesheet');

<div id="content" class="widecolumn">
  * Update the WordPress user profile based on the GF User Registration create feed
  * @since 1.11
  * @param array $form Gravity Forms form array
  * @param string $entry_id Gravity Forms entry ID
  * @return void
 public function update_user($form = array(), $entry_id = 0)
     if (!class_exists('GFAPI') || !class_exists('GFUser') || empty($entry_id)) {
     $entry = GFAPI::get_entry($entry_id);
      * @filter `gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/entry` Modify entry details before updating the user via User Registration add-on
      * @since 1.11
      * @param array $entry Gravity Forms entry
      * @param array $form Gravity Forms form
     $entry = apply_filters('gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/entry', $entry, $form);
      * @since 1.14
     $config = GFUser::get_active_config($form, $entry);
      * @filter `gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/preserve_role` Keep the current user role or override with the role defined in the Create feed
      * @since 1.15
      * @param[in,out] boolean $preserve_role Preserve current user role Default: true
      * @param[in] array $config Gravity Forms User Registration feed configuration for the form
      * @param[in] array $form Gravity Forms form array
      * @param[in] array $entry Gravity Forms entry being edited
     $preserve_role = apply_filters('gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/preserve_role', true, $config, $form, $entry);
     if ($preserve_role) {
         $config['meta']['role'] = 'gfur_preserve_role';
      * Make sure the current display name is not changed with the update user method.
      * @since 1.15
     $config['meta']['displayname'] = $this->match_current_display_name($entry['created_by']);
      * @filter `gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/config` Modify the User Registration Addon feed configuration
      * @since 1.14
      * @param[in,out] array $config Gravity Forms User Registration feed configuration for the form
      * @param[in] array $form Gravity Forms form array
      * @param[in] array $entry Gravity Forms entry being edited
     $config = apply_filters('gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/config', $config, $form, $entry);
     $is_create_feed = $config && rgars($config, 'meta/feed_type') === 'create';
     // Only update if it's a create feed
     if (!$is_create_feed) {
     // The priority is set to 3 so that default priority (10) will still override it
     add_filter('send_password_change_email', '__return_false', 3);
     add_filter('send_email_change_email', '__return_false', 3);
     // Trigger the User Registration update user method
     GFUser::update_user($entry, $form, $config);
     remove_filter('send_password_change_email', '__return_false', 3);
     remove_filter('send_email_change_email', '__return_false', 3);
 function load_gfur_signup_functionality()
     // include GF User Registration functionality
     require_once GFUser::get_base_path() . '/includes/signups.php';
 public static function handle_submission()
     if (!wp_verify_nonce(rgpost('action_nonce'), 'action') && !check_admin_referer('action_nonce', 'action_nonce')) {
         die('You have failed...');
     require_once GFUser::get_base_path() . '/includes/signups.php';
     self::$errors = '';
     self::$message = '';
     $action = rgpost('single_action');
     $action = !$action ? rgpost('action') != -1 ? rgpost('action') : rgpost('action2') : $action;
     $items = rgpost('item') ? array(rgpost('item')) : rgpost('items');
     foreach ($items as $key) {
         switch ($action) {
             case 'delete':
                 $success = GFUserSignups::delete_signup($key);
                 if ($success) {
                     self::$message = _n('Item deleted.', 'Items deleted.', count($items), 'graivtyformsuserregistration');
                 } else {
                     self::$errors = _n('There was an issue deleting this item.', 'There was an issue deleting one or more selected items.', count($items), 'graivtyformsuserregistration');
             case 'activate':
                 $userdata = GFUserSignups::activate_signup($key);
                 if (!is_wp_error($userdata) && rgar($userdata, 'user_id')) {
                     self::$message = _n('Item activated.', 'Items activated.', count($items), 'graivtyformsuserregistration');
                 } else {
                     self::$errors = _n('There was an issue activating this item', 'There was an issue activating one or more selected items', count($items), 'graivtyformsuserregistration');
                     if (is_wp_error($userdata)) {
                         $errors = reset($userdata->errors);
                         self::$errors .= ": " . $errors[0];
Esempio n. 9
if ($sys_use_ssl && !session_issecure()) {
    //force use of SSL for login
    header('Location: https://' . getStringFromServer('HTTP_HOST') . getStringFromServer('REQUEST_URI'));
if (!$theme_id || !is_numeric($theme_id)) {
    $theme_id = $HTML->getThemeIdFromName($sys_theme);
if (getStringFromRequest('submit')) {
    	Adding call to library rather than
    	logic that used to be coded in this page
    if (!form_key_is_valid(getStringFromRequest('form_key'))) {
    $new_user = new GFUser();
    $register = $new_user->create($unix_name, $firstname, $lastname, $password1, $password2, $email, $mail_site, $mail_va, $language_id, $timezone, $jabber_address, $jabber_only, $theme_id, '', $address, $address2, $phone, $fax, $title, $ccode);
    if ($register) {
        echo $HTML->header(array('title' => 'Register Confirmation'));
        printf(_('<p>Congratulations. You have registered on %1$s.  <p> You are now being sent a confirmation email to verify your email address. Visiting the link sent to you in this email will activate your account.'), $sys_name);
        echo $HTML->footer(array());
    } else {
        $feedback = $new_user->getErrorMessage();
$HTML->header(array('title' => 'User Account Registration'));
if (isset($feedback)) {
    print "<p><span class=\"error\">{$feedback} {$register_error}</span>";
if (!isset($timezone) || empty($timezone) || !eregi('^[-a-z0-9_/]*?$', $timezone)) {
Esempio n. 10
 function __construct($signup)
     // @alex: not sure this is a good thing to do?
     foreach ($signup as $key => $value) {
         $this->{$key} = $value;
     $this->meta = unserialize($signup->meta);
     $this->lead = RGFormsModel::get_lead($this->meta['lead_id']);
     $this->form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($this->lead['form_id']);
     $this->config = GFUser::get_active_config($this->form, $this->lead);
 * GGF function - add options section to user registration setting page
 * @since 1.2
function ggf_options_section($config, $form, $is_validation_error)
    //get options
    $ggfSettings = $config['meta']['ggf_settings'];
    //address fields
    $address_fields = array(__('Street', 'GGF') => 'street', __('Apt', 'GGF') => 'apt', __('City', 'GGF') => 'city', __('State', 'GGF') => 'state', __('State long name', 'GGF') => 'state_long', __('Zipcode', 'GGF') => 'zipcode', __('Country', 'GGF') => 'country', __('Country long name', 'GGF') => 'country_long', __('Full Address', 'GGF') => 'address', __('Formatted Address', 'GGF') => 'formatted_address', __('Latitude', 'GGF') => 'lat', __('Longitude', 'GGF') => 'lng');
    $gmwbp_use = isset($ggfSettings['address_fields']['gmwbp']['use']) && $ggfSettings['address_fields']['gmwbp']['use'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    if (function_exists('gmw_loaded') || class_exists('GEO_my_WP')) {
        $addons = get_option('gmw_addons');
        if (!isset($addons['friends'])) {
            $message = '<span style="color:#666;font-weight:normal">' . __('You must activate "Friends Locator" add-on in GEO my WP\'s', 'GGF') . ' <a href="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gmw-add-ons">' . __('"Add-ons"', 'GGF') . '</a> ' . __('page', 'GGF') . '</a></span>';
            $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
        } else {
            $disabled = '';
            $message = '';
    } else {
        $gmw_on = array();
        $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
        $message = '<span style="color:#666;font-weight:normal"> requires <a href="" target="_blank">GEO my WP</a> plugin</span>';
    <div id="ggf_options" class="ggf_options">
    _e('GEO Fields Options', 'GGF');
					<td colspan="2" class="gf_sub_settings_cell">
		                <div class="gf_animate_sub_settings">
		                    		<th style="border: 1px solid #eee;background: #f7f7f7;padding:8px 5px;"><?php 
    _e('Address Field', 'GGF');
									<th style="border: 1px solid #eee;background: #f7f7f7;padding:8px 5px;"><?php 
    _e('User Meta', 'GGF');
    if (class_exists('BuddyPress')) {
										<th style="border: 1px solid #eee;background: #f7f7f7;padding:8px 5px;"><?php 
        _e('Xprofile fields', 'GGF');
    foreach ($address_fields as $name => $value) {
										<tr id="ggf_address_field_address" class="child_setting_row" style="">
			            					<th style="text-transform:capitalize;text-align: left;font-weight: normal;min-width: 170px;"><?php 
        echo $name;
			            						<input type="text" id="ggf_user_meta_address_field_'.$value.'" name="ggf_settings[address_fields][user_meta_fields][<?php 
        echo $value;
]" size="25px" class="ggf_user_meta_address_field" value="<?php 
        if (isset($ggfSettings['address_fields']['user_meta_fields'][$value])) {
            echo $ggfSettings['address_fields']['user_meta_fields'][$value];
        if (class_exists('BuddyPress')) {
			            						<select name="ggf_settings[address_fields][bp_fields][<?php 
            echo $value;
													<option value="0"><?php 
            _e('N/A', 'GGF');
            foreach (GFUser::get_buddypress_fields() as $field) {
														<option value="<?php 
                echo $field['value'];
" <?php 
                if (isset($ggfSettings['address_fields']['bp_fields']) && $field['value'] == $ggfSettings['address_fields']['bp_fields'][$value]) {
                    echo ' selected="selected"';
                echo $field['name'];
    <div id="gmw_options" class="gmw_options">
    _e('GEO my WP options', 'GGF');
        <div id="gmw_settings_use" class="margin_vertical_10" style="">
        	<label class="left_header">
    _e("Save members location with GEO my WP", "GGF");
 <a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="gf_tooltip tooltip" title="<?php 
    _e('Saving member location to make it searchable with GEO my WP.', 'GGF');
        	<input type="hidden" value="0" name="ggf_settings[address_fields][gmwbp][use]" />
            <input type="checkbox" id="gmw_gf_on" value="1" <?php 
    echo $disabled;
 name="ggf_settings[address_fields][gmwbp][use]" <?php 
    echo $gmwbp_use;
        	<label for="gmw_settings_use" class="checkbox-label"><?php 
    echo $message;
 function process_add_on_feed($feed_add_on, $feed)
     $form = $this->get_form();
     $entry = $this->get_entry();
     if (is_subclass_of($feed_add_on['class'], 'GFFeedAddOn')) {
         $add_on = call_user_func(array($feed_add_on['class'], 'get_instance'));
         $add_on->process_feed($feed, $entry, $form);
     } else {
         // Legacy add-ons
         switch ($feed_add_on['slug']) {
             case 'gravityformszapier':
                 if (class_exists('GFZapier')) {
                     GFZapier::send_form_data_to_zapier($entry, $form);
             case 'gravityformsuserregistration':
                 if (class_exists('GFUser')) {
                     GFUser::gf_create_user($entry, $form);
    function entry_detail_approval_box($form, $entry)
        global $current_user;
        if (!isset($entry['approval_status'])) {
        if (isset($_POST['gf_approvals_status']) && check_admin_referer('gf_approvals')) {
            $new_status = $_POST['gf_approvals_status'];
            gform_update_meta($entry['id'], 'approval_status_' . $current_user->ID, $new_status);
            $entry['approval_status_' . $current_user->ID] = $new_status;
            $entry_approved = true;
            $entry_rejected = false;
            foreach ($this->get_feeds($form['id']) as $feed) {
                if ($feed['is_active'] && $this->is_feed_condition_met($feed, $form, $entry)) {
                    $approver = $feed['meta']['approver'];
                    if (!empty($entry['approval_status_' . $approver])) {
                        if ($entry['approval_status_' . $approver] != 'approved') {
                            $entry_approved = false;
                        if ($new_status == 'rejected') {
                            $entry_rejected = true;
            if ($entry_rejected) {
                gform_update_meta($entry['id'], 'approval_status', 'rejected');
                $entry['approval_status'] = 'rejected';
                do_action('gform_approvals_entry_rejected', $entry, $form);
            } elseif ($entry_approved) {
                gform_update_meta($entry['id'], 'approval_status', 'approved');
                $entry['approval_status'] = 'approved';
                // Integration with the User Registration Add-On
                if (class_exists('GFUser')) {
                    GFUser::gf_create_user($entry, $form);
                // Integration with the Zapier Add-On
                if (class_exists('GFZapier')) {
                    GFZapier::send_form_data_to_zapier($entry, $form);
                do_action('gform_approvals_entry_approved', $entry, $form);
            $notifications_to_send = GFCommon::get_notifications_to_send('form_approval', $form, $entry);
            foreach ($notifications_to_send as $notification) {
                GFCommon::send_notification($notification, $form, $entry);
        $status = __('Pending Approval', 'gravityformsapprovals');
        $approve_icon = '<i class="fa fa-check" style="color:green"></i>';
        $reject_icon = '<i class="fa fa-times" style="color:red"></i>';
        if ($entry['approval_status'] == 'approved') {
            $status = $approve_icon . ' ' . __('Approved', 'gravityformsapprovals');
        } elseif ($entry['approval_status'] == 'rejected') {
            $status = $reject_icon . ' ' . __('Rejected', 'gravityformsapprovals');
		<div class="postbox">
        echo $status;

			<div style="padding:10px;">
        $has_been_approved = false;
        $current_user_is_approver = false;
        foreach ($this->get_feeds($form['id']) as $feed) {
            if ($feed['is_active']) {
                $approver = $feed['meta']['approver'];
                if ($feed['is_active'] && $this->is_feed_condition_met($feed, $form, $entry)) {
                    $user_info = get_user_by('id', $approver);
                    $status = $entry['approval_status_' . $approver];
                    if ($status === false) {
                        $status = 'pending';
                    } elseif ($status != 'pending') {
                        $has_been_approved = true;
                    if ($status === false || $status == 'pending') {
                        if ($current_user->ID == $approver) {
                            $current_user_is_approver = true;
                    echo '<li>' . $user_info->display_name . ': ' . $status . '</li>';
        if ($has_been_approved) {
            add_action('gform_entrydetail_update_button', array($this, 'remove_entrydetail_update_button'), 10);
        if ($current_user_is_approver) {
						<form method="post" id="sidebar_form" enctype='multipart/form-data'>
							<button name="gf_approvals_status" value="approved" type="submit" class="button">
            echo $approve_icon;
            _e('Approve', 'gravityformsapprovals');
							<button name="gf_approvals_status" value="rejected" type="submit" class="button">
            echo $reject_icon;
            _e('Reject', 'gravityformsapprovals');
 public function trigger_workflow_complete($form, $entry)
     // Integration with the User Registration Add-On
     if (class_exists('GFUser')) {
         GFUser::gf_create_user($entry, $form);
     // Integration with the Zapier Add-On
     if (class_exists('GFZapier')) {
         GFZapier::send_form_data_to_zapier($entry, $form);
     GFAPI::send_notifications($form, $entry, 'workflow_complete');
  * Update the WordPress user profile based on the GF User Registration create feed
  * @since 1.11
  * @param array $form Gravity Forms form array
  * @param string $entry_id Gravity Forms entry ID
  * @return void
 public function update_user($form = array(), $entry_id = 0)
     if (!class_exists('GFAPI') || !class_exists('GFUser') || empty($entry_id)) {
     $entry = GFAPI::get_entry($entry_id);
      * @filter `gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/entry` Modify entry details before updating the user via User Registration add-on
      * @since 1.11
      * @param array $entry Gravity Forms entry
      * @param array $form Gravity Forms form
     $entry = apply_filters('gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/entry', $entry, $form);
      * @since 1.14
     $config = GFUser::get_active_config($form, $entry);
      * @filter `gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/config` Modify the User Registration Addon feed configuration
      * @since 1.14
      * @param[in,out] array $config Gravity Forms User Registration feed configuration for the form
      * @param[in] array $form Gravity Forms form array
      * @param[in] array $entry Gravity Forms entry being edited
     $config = apply_filters('gravityview/edit_entry/user_registration/config', $config, $form, $entry);
     $this->_user_before_update = get_userdata($entry['created_by']);
     // The priority is set to 3 so that default priority (10) will still override it
     add_filter('send_password_change_email', '__return_false', 3);
     add_filter('send_email_change_email', '__return_false', 3);
     // Trigger the User Registration update user method
     GFUser::update_user($entry, $form, $config);
     remove_filter('send_password_change_email', '__return_false', 3);
     remove_filter('send_email_change_email', '__return_false', 3);