function run() { $data = array(); $adam = new HelloWorld(); $eve = new HelloWorld(); $ga = new GA(); $ga->population = array($adam, $eve); add_data_for_chart($ga->population); $ga->fitness_function = array('HelloWorldProgram', 'fitness'); //Uses the 'total' function as fitness function $ga->num_couples = 1; //4 couples per generation (when possible) $ga->death_rate = 2; //No kills per generation $ga->generations = 50; //Executes 100 generations $ga->crossover_functions = array('string' => 'avg_char_code'); //Array with functions, like $property=>$func $ga->mutation_function = 'char_gradual_change'; //Uses the 'inc' function as mutation function $ga->mutation_rate = 60; //10% mutation rate $ga->evolve(); //Run add_data_for_chart($ga->population); //add_data_for_chart(GA::select($ga->population, $ga->fitness_function, 1)); //The best $this->show_stats($ga); }
function run() { $data = array(); $adam = new Digit(); $eve = new Digit(); $ga = new GA(); $ga->population = array($adam, $eve); //add_data_for_chart($ga->population); $ga->fitness_function = array('DigitProgram', 'fitness'); //Uses the 'total' function as fitness function $ga->num_couples = 1; //4 couples per generation (when possible) $ga->death_rate = 2; //2 kills per generation $ga->generations = 50; //Executes 100 generations $ga->crossover_functions = array('digit' => 'crossover'); //Array with functions, like $property=>$func $ga->mutation_function = 'mutation'; //Uses the 'inc' function as mutation function $ga->mutation_rate = 60; //10% mutation rate $ga->evolve(); //Run echo "<pre>"; //print_r($ga); echo "</pre>"; //add_data_for_chart($ga->population); //add_data_for_chart(GA::select($ga->population, $ga->fitness_function, 1)); //The best //$this->show_stats($ga); }
function devices() { $this->init(); $data = $this->conf_data; /* $this->conf_data['css'] = array('index.css','ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.css'); $this->conf_data['js'] = array('common.js','jquery.min.js','jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.min.js','raphael-min.js','popup.js','analytics2.js'); $this->conf_data['content_view'] = 'content/devices.php'; $data = $this->conf_data; Doo::loadClass('Movie'); $mv = new Movie(); $data['content_data_graph'] = $mv->get_devices_graph(); $data['content_data'] = $mv->get_devices(); */ $data['title'] = 'UseeTV - Devices'; $data['content_view'] = 'content/new_devices.php'; if (!$this->start) { $this->start = 0; } $data['limit'] = $this->limit; $data['gdtto'] = $this->gdtto; $data['gdtform'] = $this->gdtform; Doo::loadClass('GA'); $ga = new GA(); $data['content_data'] = $ga->get_devices_bydate($this->start_date, $this->end_date, $this->start, $data['limit']); $data['graph'] = $ga->get_devices_graph($this->start_date, $this->end_date); $data['filter_action'] = 'devices'; $data['table_row_option'] = array(20, 100, 500, 1000, 10000); $data['label'] = 'devices'; $data['filter_tipe'] = false; $this->view()->renderc(Doo::conf()->language . '/t3', $data); }
print_r($x); echo '</pre>'; } //This will be the mutation function. Just increments the property. function inc($x) { return $x + 1; } //This will be the fitness function. Is just the sum of all properties. function total($obj) { return $obj->p1 + $obj->p2; } $t1 = new Test(1, 4); $t2 = new Test(3, 2); $ga = new GA(); $ga->population = array($t1, $t2); $ga->fitness_function = 'total'; //Uses the 'total' function as fitness function $ga->num_couples = 1; //1 couple per generation $ga->death_rate = 0; //1 death per generation $ga->generations = 10; //Executes 10 generations $ga->crossover_functions = 'max'; //Uses the 'max' (built-in) function as crossover function $ga->mutation_function = 'inc'; //Uses the 'inc' function as mutation function $ga->mutation_rate = 1; //1% mutation rate
<?php Doo::loadClass('UserSession'); Doo::loadClass('GA'); $ga = new GA(); $usession = new UserSession(); $username = $usession->uget('username'); ?> <div class="list_wrapper"> <?/*<h1>User List</h1>*/ ?> <content> <?php $pg_link = $_GET['page'] ? '&page=' . $_GET['page'] : ''; $sch_link = $_GET['search'] ? '&search=' . $_GET['search'] : ''; $utype_link = $_GET['userProvider'] ? '&userProvider=' . $_GET['userProvider'] : ''; $uregional_link = $_GET['speedyRegional'] ? '&speedyRegional=' . $_GET['speedyRegional'] : ''; ?> <?php if (!$_REQUEST['print'] && false) { ?> <div style="margin:5px;"> <form class="navbar-search pull-right" action="<?php echo DOO::conf()->SUBFOLDER . $data['filter_action']; ?> " method="POST" > <input type="text" class="search-query" placeholder="Search" value="<?php echo $_GET['search'] ? $_GET['search'] : ''; ?> " name="search" autocomplete="off"> </form> <div class="clear"></div>
function moviestat() { Doo::loadClass('GA'); $ga = new GA(); $ppv = $ga->get_viewed_tovi($this->ppv_cat_code); $svod = $ga->get_viewed_tovi($this->svod_cat_code); $out = array('ppv' => $ppv, 'svod' => $svod); var_dump($out); //echo json_encode($out); exit; }
function moviePpv() { Doo::loadHelper('DooPager'); Doo::loadClass('Movie'); Doo::loadClass('GA'); $ga = new GA(); $mv = new Movie(); $data = $this->conf_data; $data['title'] = 'UseeTV - PPV Movie'; $data['content_view'] = 'content/ppv_movie.php'; $data['ga_stats'] = $ga->get_viewed_tovi($this->ppv_cat_code); $data['content_data'] = $mv->get_movie_by_category($this->ppv_cat_code, $this->gsearch); /* $data['mv_name'] = array_map(create_function('$k,$v','return array($v["show_name"]=>$v["small_image1"]);'), array_keys($data['content_data']),array_values($data['content_data'])); */ $data['ppv_start_date'] = $this->ppv_start_date; $data['filter_action'] = 'ppv/movie'; $data['table_row_option'] = array(20, 100, 500, 1000, 10000); $data['label'] = 'Movie PPV'; $this->view()->renderc(Doo::conf()->language . '/t3', $data); }
<?php set_time_limit(0); ini_set("memory_limit", "256M"); require_once './lib/ga.php'; //echo mt_rand() % 100; //exit(); //CREAMOS UN NUEVO OBJETO GA //exit('222'); $ga = new GA(1); //ESTABLECEMOS EL OBJETIVO $ga->setObjective(0, 1080); //INICIALIZAMOS EL OBJETO $ga->startUp(0); //EMPEZAMOS LA EVOLUCIÓN $bests = $ga->start(0);