public function saveConfigPmGmail($httpData) { G::LoadClass("pmGoogleApi"); $pmGoogle = new PMGoogleApi(); $result = new StdClass(); $result->success = true; if (!empty($httpData->status_pmgmail)) { $httpData->status_pmgmail = $httpData->status_pmgmail == 1 ? true : false; $pmGoogle->setStatusService($httpData->status_pmgmail); $message = G::LoadTranslation('ID_ENABLE_PMGMAIL') . ': ' . ($httpData->status_pmgmail ? G::LoadTranslation('ID_ENABLE') : G::LoadTranslation('ID_DISABLE')); $pmGoogle->setTypeAuthentication($httpData->typeAuth); if (!empty($httpData->email_service_account)) { $pmGoogle->setServiceAccountEmail($httpData->email_service_account); $message .= ', ' . G::LoadTranslation('ID_PMG_EMAIL') . ': ' . $httpData->email_service_account; } if (!empty($_FILES)) { if (!empty($_FILES['file_p12']) && $_FILES['file_p12']['error'] != 1) { if ($_FILES['file_p12']['tmp_name'] != '') { G::uploadFile($_FILES['file_p12']['tmp_name'], PATH_DATA_SITE, $_FILES['file_p12']['name']); $pmGoogle->setServiceAccountP12($_FILES['file_p12']['name']); $message .= ', ' . G::LoadTranslation('ID_PMG_FILE') . ': ' . $_FILES['file_p12']['name']; } } else { if (!empty($_FILES['file_json']) && $_FILES['file_json']['error'] != 1) { if ($_FILES['file_json']['tmp_name'] != '') { G::uploadFile($_FILES['file_json']['tmp_name'], PATH_DATA_SITE, $_FILES['file_json']['name']); $pmGoogle->setAccountJson($_FILES['file_json']['name']); $message .= ', ' . G::LoadTranslation('ID_PMG_FILE') . ': ' . $_FILES['file_json']['name']; } } else { $result->success = false; $result->fileError = true; print G::json_encode($result); die; } } } } else { $pmGoogle->setStatusService(false); $message = G::LoadTranslation('ID_ENABLE_PMGMAIL') . ': ' . G::LoadTranslation('ID_DISABLE'); } G::auditLog("Update Settings Gmail", $message); print G::json_encode($result); }
public function create($data) { try { parent::create($data); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Can't create Bpmn Project." . PHP_EOL . $e->getMessage())); } try { $wpData = array(); $wpData["PRO_UID"] = $this->getUid(); if (array_key_exists("PRJ_NAME", $data)) { $wpData["PRO_TITLE"] = $data["PRJ_NAME"]; } if (array_key_exists("PRJ_DESCRIPTION", $data)) { $wpData["PRO_DESCRIPTION"] = $data["PRJ_DESCRIPTION"]; } if (array_key_exists("PRJ_AUTHOR", $data)) { $wpData["PRO_CREATE_USER"] = $data["PRJ_AUTHOR"]; } if (array_key_exists("PRJ_TYPE", $data)) { $wpData["PRO_TYPE"] = $data["PRJ_TYPE"]; } if (array_key_exists("PRJ_CATEGORY", $data)) { $wpData["PRO_CATEGORY"] = $data["PRJ_CATEGORY"]; } $this->wp = new Project\Workflow(); $this->wp->create($wpData); //Add Audit Log $ogetProcess = new \Process(); $getprocess = $ogetProcess->load($this->getUid()); $nameProcess = $getprocess['PRO_TITLE']; \G::auditLog("ImportProcess", 'PMX File Imported ' . $nameProcess . ' (' . $this->getUid() . ')'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $prjUid = $this->getUid(); //$this->remove(); $bpmnProject = Project\Bpmn::load($prjUid); $bpmnProject->remove(); throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Can't create Bpmn Project with prj_uid: %s, workflow creation fails." . PHP_EOL . $e->getMessage(), $prjUid)); } }
/** * Update register device with userUid * * @param array $request_data * @param string $dev_uid * @param string $use_uid * @author Ronald Quenta <*****@*****.**> * */ public function updateDevice($dev_uid, $use_uid, $request_data) { $arrayData = array(); $arrayData['USR_UID'] = $use_uid; $arrayData['DEV_UID'] = $dev_uid; if (isset($request_data['deviceIdToken'])) { $arrayData['DEV_REG_ID'] = $request_data['deviceIdToken']; } if (isset($request_data['sysLanguage'])) { $arrayData['SYS_LANG'] = $request_data['sysLanguage']; } if (isset($request_data['deviceType'])) { $arrayData['DEV_TYPE'] = $request_data['deviceType']; } $oNoti = new \NotificationDevice(); $response = array(); if ($oNoti->update($arrayData)) { $response["message"] = G::LoadTranslation("ID_RECORD_SAVED_SUCCESFULLY"); G::auditLog("Update", "Device Save: Device ID (" . $oNoti->getDevUid() . ") "); } return $response; }
public function create($data) { try { parent::create($data); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Can't create Workflow Project." . PHP_EOL . $e->getMessage())); } try { $bpData = array(); $bpData["PRJ_UID"] = $this->getUid(); if (array_key_exists("PRO_TITLE", $data)) { $bpData["PRJ_NAME"] = $data["PRO_TITLE"]; } if (array_key_exists("PRO_DESCRIPTION", $data)) { $bpData["PRJ_DESCRIPTION"] = $data["PRO_DESCRIPTION"]; } if (array_key_exists("PRO_CREATE_USER", $data)) { $bpData["PRJ_AUTHOR"] = $data["PRO_CREATE_USER"]; } elseif (array_key_exists("USR_UID", $data)) { $bpData["PRJ_AUTHOR"] = $data["USR_UID"]; } $this->bp = new Project\Bpmn(); $this->bp->create($bpData); // At this time we will add a default diagram and process $this->bp->addDiagram(); $this->bp->addProcess(); //Add Audit Log $ogetProcess = new \Process(); $getprocess = $ogetProcess->load($this->getUid()); $nameProcess = $getprocess['PRO_TITLE']; \G::auditLog("ImportProcess", 'BPMN Imported ' . $nameProcess . ' (' . $this->getUid() . ')'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $prjUid = $this->getUid(); $this->remove(); throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Can't create Project with prj_uid: %s, workflow creation fails." . PHP_EOL . $e->getMessage(), $prjUid)); } }
} try { global $RBAC; switch ($RBAC->userCanAccess('PM_FACTORY')) { case -2: G::SendTemporalMessage('ID_USER_HAVENT_RIGHTS_SYSTEM', 'error', 'labels'); G::header('location: ../login/login'); die; break; case -1: G::SendTemporalMessage('ID_USER_HAVENT_RIGHTS_PAGE', 'error', 'labels'); G::header('location: ../login/login'); die; break; } require_once 'classes/model/CaseTrackerObject.php'; $oCaseTrackerObject = new CaseTrackerObject(); if (isset($_POST['form'])) { $value = $_POST['form']; } else { $value = $_POST; } $aFields = $oCaseTrackerObject->load($value['CTO_UID']); $aFields['CTO_CONDITION'] = $value['CTO_CONDITION']; $oCaseTrackerObject->update($aFields); $infoProcess = new Process(); $resultProcess = $infoProcess->load($value['PRO_UID']); G::auditLog('CaseTrackers', 'Save Condition Case Tracker Object (' . $value['CTO_UID'] . ', condition: ' . $value['CTO_CONDITION'] . ') in Process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"'); } catch (Exception $oException) { die($oException->getMessage()); }
public function remove ($SchUid) { $con = Propel::getConnection( CaseSchedulerPeer::DATABASE_NAME ); try { $oCaseScheduler = CaseSchedulerPeer::retrieveByPK( $SchUid ); if (! is_null( $oCaseScheduler )) { $fields = $this->Load( $SchUid ); $iResult = $oCaseScheduler->delete(); $con->commit(); //Add Audit Log G::auditLog("DeleteCaseScheduler", "Scheduler Name: ".$fields['SCH_NAME'].", Task: ".$fields['TAS_UID']); return $iResult; } else { throw (new Exception( 'This row doesn\'t exist!' )); } } catch (Exception $e) { $con->rollback(); throw ($e); } }
require_once 'classes/model/Step.php'; $oStep = new Step(); $sUidGrids = $oStep->lookingforUidGrids($sPRO_UID, $sDYNAFORM); $template->assign("URL_MABORAK_JS", G::browserCacheFilesUrl("/js/maborak/core/maborak.js")); $template->assign("URL_TRANSLATION_ENV_JS", G::browserCacheFilesUrl("/jscore/labels/" . SYS_LANG . ".js")); $template->assign("siteUrl", $http . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); $template->assign("sysSys", SYS_SYS); $template->assign("sysLang", SYS_LANG); $template->assign("sysSkin", SYS_SKIN); $template->assign("processUid", $sPRO_UID); $template->assign("dynaformUid", $sDYNAFORM); $template->assign("taskUid", $sTASKS); $template->assign("dynFileName", $sPRO_UID . "/" . $sDYNAFORM); $template->assign("formId", $G_FORM->id); $template->assign("scriptCode", $scriptCode); if (sizeof($sUidGrids) > 0) { foreach ($sUidGrids as $k => $v) { $template->newBlock('grid_uids'); $template->assign('siteUrl', $http . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $template->assign('gridFileName', $sPRO_UID . '/' . $v); } } print_r('<textarea cols="77" rows="26" style="width:100%; height:99%">' . htmlentities(str_replace('</body>', '</form></body>', str_replace('</form>', '', $template->getOutputContent()))) . '</textarea>'); G::auditLog('WebEntry', 'Generate web entry with single HTML (dynaform uid: ' . $sDYNAFORM . ') in process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); $aMessage['MESSAGE'] = $e->getMessage(); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('xmlform', 'xmlform', 'login/showMessage', '', $aMessage); G::RenderPage('publish', 'raw'); }
die; } $sDir = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['MAIN_DIRECTORY'])) { $_REQUEST['MAIN_DIRECTORY'] = $filter->xssFilterHard($_REQUEST['MAIN_DIRECTORY']); $sDir = $_REQUEST['MAIN_DIRECTORY']; } switch ($sDir) { case 'mailTemplates': $sDirectory = PATH_DATA_MAILTEMPLATES . $_REQUEST['pro_uid'] . PATH_SEP . $_REQUEST['filename']; G::auditLog('ProcessFileManager','Save template ('.$_REQUEST['filename'].') in process "'.$resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'].'"'); break; case 'public': $sDirectory = PATH_DATA_PUBLIC . $_REQUEST['pro_uid'] . PATH_SEP . $_REQUEST['filename']; G::auditLog('ProcessFileManager','Save public template ('.$_REQUEST['filename'].') in process "'.$resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'].'"'); break; default: $sDirectory = PATH_DATA_MAILTEMPLATES . $_REQUEST['pro_uid'] . PATH_SEP . $_REQUEST['filename']; break; } $fp = fopen($sDirectory, 'w'); $content = stripslashes($_REQUEST['fcontent']); $content = str_replace("@amp@", "&", $content); $content = base64_decode($content); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); $sDirectory = $filter->xssFilterHard($sDirectory); echo 'saved: ' . $sDirectory; } break;
/** * Remove the application document registry * * @param string $sGrpUid * @param string $sUserUid * @return string */ public function remove($sGrpUid, $sUserUid) { $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(GroupUserPeer::DATABASE_NAME); try { $oGroupUser = GroupUserPeer::retrieveByPK($sGrpUid, $sUserUid); if (!is_null($oGroupUser)) { $oConnection->begin(); $iResult = $oGroupUser->delete(); $oConnection->commit(); $oGrpwf = new Groupwf(); $grpName = $oGrpwf->loadByGroupUid($sGrpUid); $oUsr = new Users(); $usrName = $oUsr->load($sUserUid); G::auditLog("AssignUserToGroup", "Remove user: "******" (" . $sUserUid . ") from group " . $grpName['CON_VALUE'] . " (" . $sGrpUid . ") "); return $iResult; } else { throw new Exception('This row doesn\'t exist!'); } } catch (Exception $oError) { $oConnection->rollback(); throw $oError; } }
/** * Export PM tables * * @author : Erik Amaru Ortiz <*****@*****.**> */ public function export ($httpData) { require_once 'classes/model/AdditionalTables.php'; $at = new AdditionalTables(); $tablesToExport = G::json_decode( stripslashes( $httpData->rows ) ); try { $result = new stdClass(); G::LoadCLass( 'net' ); $net = new NET( G::getIpAddress() ); G::LoadClass( "system" ); $META = " \n-----== ProcessMaker Open Source Private Tables ==-----\n" . " @Ver: 1.0 Oct-2009\n" . " @Processmaker version: " . System::getVersion() . "\n" . " -------------------------------------------------------\n" . " @Export Date: " . date( "l jS \of F Y h:i:s A" ) . "\n" . " @Server address: " . getenv( 'SERVER_NAME' ) . " (" . getenv( 'SERVER_ADDR' ) . ")\n" . " @Client address: " . $net->hostname . "\n" . " @Workspace: " . SYS_SYS . "\n" . " @Export trace back:\n\n"; $EXPORT_TRACEBACK = Array (); $c = 0; foreach ($tablesToExport as $table) { $tableRecord = $at->load( $table->ADD_TAB_UID ); $tableData = $at->getAllData( $table->ADD_TAB_UID, null, null, false ); $table->ADD_TAB_NAME = $tableRecord['ADD_TAB_NAME']; $rows = $tableData['rows']; $count = $tableData['count']; array_push( $EXPORT_TRACEBACK, Array ('uid' => $table->ADD_TAB_UID,'name' => $table->ADD_TAB_NAME,'num_regs' => $tableData['count'],'schema' => $table->_SCHEMA ? 'yes' : 'no','data' => $table->_DATA ? 'yes' : 'no' ) ); } $sTrace = "TABLE UID TABLE NAME\tREGS\tSCHEMA\tDATA\n"; foreach ($EXPORT_TRACEBACK as $row) { $sTrace .= "{$row['uid']}\t{$row['name']}\t\t{$row['num_regs']}\t{$row['schema']}\t{$row['data']}\n"; } $META .= $sTrace; ///////////////EXPORT PROCESS $PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH = PATH_DATA . 'sites' . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . 'public' . PATH_SEP; $filenameOnly = strtolower( 'SYS-' . SYS_SYS . "_" . date( "Y-m-d" ) . '_' . date( "Hi" ) . ".pmt" ); $filename = $PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH . $filenameOnly; $fp = fopen( $filename, "wb" ); $bytesSaved = 0; $bufferType = '@META'; $fsData = sprintf( "%09d", strlen( $META ) ); $fsbufferType = sprintf( "%09d", strlen( $bufferType ) ); $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $fsbufferType ); //writing the size of $oData $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $bufferType ); //writing the $oData $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $fsData ); //writing the size of $oData $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $META ); //writing the $oData foreach ($tablesToExport as $table) { if ($table->_SCHEMA) { $oAdditionalTables = new AdditionalTables(); $aData = $oAdditionalTables->load( $table->ADD_TAB_UID, true ); $bufferType = '@SCHEMA'; $SDATA = serialize( $aData ); $fsUid = sprintf( "%09d", strlen( $table->ADD_TAB_UID ) ); $fsData = sprintf( "%09d", strlen( $SDATA ) ); $fsbufferType = sprintf( "%09d", strlen( $bufferType ) ); $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $fsbufferType ); //writing the size of $oData $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $bufferType ); //writing the $oData $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $fsUid ); //writing the size of xml file $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $table->ADD_TAB_UID ); //writing the xmlfile $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $fsData ); //writing the size of xml file $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $SDATA ); //writing the xmlfile } if ($table->_DATA) { //export data $oAdditionalTables = new additionalTables(); $tableData = $oAdditionalTables->getAllData( $table->ADD_TAB_UID, null, null, false ); $SDATA = serialize( $tableData['rows'] ); $bufferType = '@DATA'; $fsbufferType = sprintf( "%09d", strlen( $bufferType ) ); $fsTableName = sprintf( "%09d", strlen( $table->ADD_TAB_NAME ) ); $fsData = sprintf( "%09d", strlen( $SDATA ) ); $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $fsbufferType ); //writing type size $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $bufferType ); //writing type $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $fsTableName ); //writing the size of xml file $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $table->ADD_TAB_NAME ); //writing the xmlfile $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $fsData ); //writing the size of xml file $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $SDATA ); //writing the xmlfile } G::auditLog("ExportTable", $table->ADD_TAB_NAME." (".$table->ADD_TAB_UID.") "); } fclose( $fp ); $filenameLink = "pmTables/streamExported?f=$filenameOnly"; $size = round( ($bytesSaved / 1024), 2 ) . " Kb"; $meta = "<pre>" . $META . "</pre>"; $filename = $filenameOnly; $link = $filenameLink; $result->success = true; $result->filename = $filenameOnly; $result->link = $link; $result->message = "Generated file: $filenameOnly, size: $size"; } catch (Exception $e) { $result = new stdClass(); $result->success = false; $result->message = $e->getMessage(); } return $result; }
//SUB_APPLICATION INSERT $res = $appCache->triggerSubApplicationInsert($lang, false); //CONTENT UPDATE $res = $appCache->triggerContentUpdate($lang, true); //$result->info[] = array("name" => "Trigger CONTENT UPDATE", "value" => $res); //build using the method in AppCacheView Class $res = $appCache->fillAppCacheView($lang); //$result->info[] = array ('name' => 'build APP_CACHE_VIEW', 'value'=> $res); //set status in config table $confParams = array('LANG' => $lang, 'STATUS' => 'active'); $conf->aConfig = $confParams; $conf->saveConfig('APP_CACHE_VIEW_ENGINE', '', '', ''); $result = new StdClass(); $result->success = true; $result->msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_TITLE_COMPLETED'); G::auditLog("BuildCache"); echo G::json_encode($result); } catch (Exception $e) { $confParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'status' => 'failed'); $appCacheViewEngine = $oServerConf->setProperty('APP_CACHE_VIEW_ENGINE', $confParams); echo '{success: false, msg:"' . $e->getMessage() . '"}'; } break; case 'recreate-root': $user = $_POST['user']; $passwd = $_POST['password']; $server = $_POST['host']; $aServer = split(":", $server); $serverName = $aServer[0]; $port = count($aServer) > 1 ? $aServer[1] : "none"; list($sucess, $msgErr) = testConnection(DB_ADAPTER, $serverName, $user, $passwd, $port);
<?php if (isset($_POST['form'])) { $sValue = $_POST['form']; } else { $sValue = $_POST; } unset($sValue['SAVE']); if (!isset($sValue['CT_DERIVATION_HISTORY'])) { $sValue['CT_DERIVATION_HISTORY'] = 0; } if (!isset($sValue['CT_MESSAGE_HISTORY'])) { $sValue['CT_MESSAGE_HISTORY'] = 0; } require_once 'classes/model/CaseTracker.php'; $oCaseTracker = new CaseTracker(); $oCaseTracker->update($sValue); $infoProcess = new Process(); $resultProcess = $infoProcess->load($sValue['PRO_UID']); if ($sValue['CT_DERIVATION_HISTORY'] == 1) { $type[] = "Routing History"; } if ($sValue['CT_MESSAGE_HISTORY'] == 1) { $type[] = "Messages History"; } G::auditLog('CaseTrackers', 'Save Case Tracker Properties (' . $sValue['CT_MAP_TYPE'] . ' - ' . implode(', ', $type) . ') in Process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"');
unset($oClass); if ($fVersionOld > $fVersionNew) { throw new Exception(G::loadTranslation('ID_RECENT_VERSION_PLUGIN')); } $res = $tar->extract(PATH_PLUGINS); } else { throw new Exception(G::loadTranslation('ID_FILE_CONTAIN_CLASS_PLUGIN', SYS_LANG, array("filename" => $filename, "className" => $sClassName))); } if (!file_exists(PATH_PLUGINS . $sClassName . '.php')) { throw new Exception(G::loadTranslation('ID_FILE_PLUGIN_NOT_EXISTS', SYS_LANG, array("pluginFile" => $pluginFile))); } require_once PATH_PLUGINS . $pluginFile; $oPluginRegistry->registerPlugin($sClassName, PATH_PLUGINS . $sClassName . ".php"); $size = file_put_contents(PATH_DATA_SITE . "plugin.singleton", $oPluginRegistry->serializeInstance()); $details = $oPluginRegistry->getPluginDetails($pluginFile); $oPluginRegistry->installPlugin($details->sNamespace); $oPluginRegistry->setupPlugins(); //get and setup enabled plugins $size = file_put_contents(PATH_DATA_SITE . "plugin.singleton", $oPluginRegistry->serializeInstance()); $response = $oPluginRegistry->verifyTranslation($details->sNamespace); G::auditLog("InstallPlugin", "Plugin Name: " . $details->sNamespace); //if ($response->recordsCountSuccess <= 0) { //throw (new Exception( 'The plugin ' . $details->sNamespace . ' couldn\'t verify any translation item. Verified Records:' . $response->recordsCountSuccess)); //} G::header("Location: pluginsMain"); die; } catch (Exception $e) { $_SESSION['__PLUGIN_ERROR__'] = $e->getMessage(); G::header('Location: pluginsMain'); die; }
G::LoadClass('processMap'); $oProcessMap = new ProcessMap(); $oProcessMap->upCaseTrackerObject($_POST['CTO_UID'], $_POST['PRO_UID'], $_POST['STEP_POSITION']); $oProcessMap->getCaseTrackerObjectsCriteria($_POST['PRO_UID']); $infoProcess = new Process(); $resultProcess = $infoProcess->load($_POST['PRO_UID']); G::auditLog('CaseTrackers', 'Move Up Case Tracker Object (' . $_POST['CTO_UID'] . ') in Process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"'); break; case 'downCaseTrackerObject': G::LoadClass('processMap'); $oProcessMap = new ProcessMap(); $oProcessMap->downCaseTrackerObject($_POST['CTO_UID'], $_POST['PRO_UID'], $_POST['STEP_POSITION']); $oProcessMap->getCaseTrackerObjectsCriteria($_POST['PRO_UID']); $infoProcess = new Process(); $resultProcess = $infoProcess->load($_POST['PRO_UID']); G::auditLog('CaseTrackers', 'Move Down Case Tracker Object (' . $_POST['CTO_UID'] . ') in Process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"'); break; case 'editStagesMap': $oTemplatePower = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'tracker/stages_Map.html'); $oTemplatePower->prepare(); $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent('template', '', '', '', $oTemplatePower); $oHeadPublisher =& headPublisher::getSingleton(); $oHeadPublisher->addScriptCode(' var pb=leimnud.dom.capture("tag.body 0"); Sm=new stagesmap(); Sm.options = { target : "sm_target", dataServer: "../tracker/tracker_Ajax", uid : "' . $_POST['PRO_UID'] . '", lang : "' . SYS_LANG . '",
public function removeTranslationEnvironment ($locale) { $filePath = $this->envFilePath; if (strpos( $locale, self::$localeSeparator ) !== false) { list ($LAN_ID, $IC_UID) = explode( '-', strtoupper( $locale ) ); } else { $LAN_ID = $locale; $IC_UID = '__INTERNATIONAL__'; } if (file_exists( $filePath )) { $environments = unserialize( file_get_contents( $filePath ) ); if (! isset( $environments[$LAN_ID][$IC_UID] )) { return null; } unset( $environments[$LAN_ID][$IC_UID] ); file_put_contents( $filePath, serialize( $environments ) ); if (file_exists( PATH_CORE . "META-INF" . PATH_SEP . "translation." . $locale )) { G::rm_dir( PATH_DATA . "META-INF" . PATH_SEP . "translation." . $locale ); } if (file_exists( PATH_CORE . PATH_SEP . 'content' . PATH_SEP . 'translations' . PATH_SEP . 'processmaker' . $locale . '.po' )) { G::rm_dir( PATH_CORE . PATH_SEP . 'content' . PATH_SEP . 'translations' . PATH_SEP . 'processmaker' . $locale . '.po' ); } G::auditLog("DeleteLanguage", "Language: ".$locale); } }
if ($value['TRI_UID'] != '') { $oTrigger->load($value['TRI_UID']); } else { $oTrigger->create($value); $value['TRI_UID'] = $oTrigger->getTriUid(); $swCreate = false; } $oTrigger->update($value); if ($swCreate) { //Add Audit Log $fields = $oTrigger->load($value['TRI_UID']); $description = "Trigger Name: " . $fields['TRI_TITLE'] . ", Trigger Uid: " . $value['TRI_UID']; if (isset($fields['TRI_DESCRIPTION'])) { $description .= ", Description: " . $fields['TRI_DESCRIPTION']; } if (isset($value["TRI_WEBBOT"])) { $description .= ", [EDIT CODE]"; } G::auditLog("UpdateTrigger", $description); } //if (! isset( $_POST['mode'] )) { // $oProcessMap->triggersList( $value['PRO_UID'] ); //} $response["success"] = true; $response["msg"] = G::LoadTranslation("ID_TRIGGERS_SAVED"); } catch (Exception $e) { $response["success"] = false; $response["msg"] = $e->getMessage(); } echo G::json_encode($response); }
/** * Remove the Prolication document registry * * @param array $aData or string $ProUid * @return string * */ public function remove($ProUid) { if (is_array($ProUid)) { $ProUid = isset($ProUid['DYN_UID']) ? $ProUid['DYN_UID'] : ''; } try { $oPro = DynaformPeer::retrieveByPK($ProUid); if (!is_null($oPro)) { $title = $oPro->getDynTitle(); $type = $oPro->getDynType(); $description = $oPro->getDynDescription(); Content::removeContent('DYN_TITLE', '', $oPro->getDynUid()); Content::removeContent('DYN_DESCRIPTION', '', $oPro->getDynUid()); $iResult = $oPro->delete(); //Add Audit Log G::auditLog("DeleteDynaform", "Dynaform Title: " . $title . ", Type: " . $type . ", Description: " . $description); if (file_exists(PATH_DYNAFORM . $oPro->getProUid() . PATH_SEP . $oPro->getDynUid() . '.xml')) { unlink(PATH_DYNAFORM . $oPro->getProUid() . PATH_SEP . $oPro->getDynUid() . '.xml'); } if (file_exists(PATH_DYNAFORM . $oPro->getProUid() . PATH_SEP . $oPro->getDynUid() . '_tmp0.xml')) { unlink(PATH_DYNAFORM . $oPro->getProUid() . PATH_SEP . $oPro->getDynUid() . '_tmp0.xml'); } if (file_exists(PATH_DYNAFORM . $oPro->getProUid() . PATH_SEP . $oPro->getDynUid() . '.html')) { unlink(PATH_DYNAFORM . $oPro->getProUid() . PATH_SEP . $oPro->getDynUid() . '.html'); } if (file_exists(PATH_DYNAFORM . $oPro->getProUid() . PATH_SEP . $oPro->getDynUid() . '_tmp0.html')) { unlink(PATH_DYNAFORM . $oPro->getProUid() . PATH_SEP . $oPro->getDynUid() . '_tmp0.html'); } return $iResult; } else { throw new Exception("The row '{$ProUid}' in table Dynaform doesn't exist!"); } } catch (Exception $oError) { throw $oError; } }
* License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * For more information, contact Colosa Inc, 2566 Le Jeune Rd., * Coral Gables, FL, 33134, USA, or email */ if (($RBAC_Response = $RBAC->userCanAccess("PM_FACTORY")) != 1) { return $RBAC_Response; } require_once 'classes/model/Triggers.php'; $oTrigger = new Triggers(); if ($_POST['form']['TRI_UID'] != '') { $oTrigger->load($_POST['form']['TRI_UID']); } else { $oTrigger->create($_POST['form']); $_POST['form']['TRI_UID'] = $oTrigger->getTriUid(); } $oTrigger->update($_POST['form']); $triggerFields = $oTrigger->load($_POST['form']['TRI_UID']); $proUid = $triggerFields['PRO_UID']; $infoProcess = new Process(); $resultProcess = $infoProcess->load($proUid); G::auditLog('EditEvent', 'Save trigger from event (' . $_POST['form']['TRI_UID'] . ') in process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"');
fclose($file); fclose($fileData); /////// $path = PATH_TRUNK; //$path = PATH_OUTTRUNK; if (EnterpriseUtils::checkFolderPermissions($path, true) == false) { $str = $path . " " . "directory, its sub-directories or file is not writable. Read the wiki for <a href=\"\" onclick=\", \\'_blank\\'); return (false);\">Upgrading ProcessMaker</a>.<br /> The file is downloaded in " . $fileName . "<br />"; throw new Exception($str); } /////// $result = install($fileName); if ($result["status"] == "OK") { $response["status"] = $result["status"]; //OK $response["message"] = $result["message"]; G::auditLog("InstallPlugin", "Plugin Name: " . $file); } else { throw new Exception($result["message"]); } } catch (Exception $e) { $response["message"] = $e->getMessage(); $status = 0; } if ($status == 0) { $response["status"] = "ERROR"; } echo G::json_encode($response); break; case "list": $status = 1; $response = new stdclass();
echo '{success: true}'; } catch (Exception $ex) { echo '{success: false, error: ' . $ex->getMessage() . '}'; } break; case 'canDeleteCategory': require_once 'classes/model/Process.php'; $proc = new Process(); $aProcess = $proc->getAllProcessesByCategory(); $catUID = $_REQUEST['CAT_UID']; $response = isset($aProcess[$catUID]) ? 'false' : 'true'; echo $response; break; case 'deleteCategory': try { require_once 'classes/model/ProcessCategory.php'; $catUID = $_REQUEST['cat_uid']; $cat = new ProcessCategory(); $cat->setCategoryUid($catUID); $catName = $cat->loadByCategoryId($catUID); $cat->delete(); G::auditLog("DeleteCategory", "Category Name: " . $catName . " Category ID: (" . $catUID . ") "); echo '{success: true}'; } catch (Exception $ex) { echo '{success: false, error: ' . $ex->getMessage() . '}'; } break; default: echo 'default'; } }
case "finish": if ($addon === null) { throw new Exception("No addon specified to {$action}"); } $addon->setState(); break; case "disable": case "enable": if ($addon === null) { throw new Exception("No addon specified to {$action}"); } $result["success"] = $addon->setEnabled($action == "enable"); if ($action == "enable") { G::auditLog("EnablePlugin", "Plugin Name: " . $_REQUEST['addon']); } else { G::auditLog("DisablePlugin", "Plugin Name: " . $_REQUEST['addon']); } break; case "install": $status = 1; try { if (EnterpriseUtils::getInternetConnection() == 0) { throw new Exception("Enterprise Plugins Manager no connected to internet."); } /////// $aux = explode("?", $addon->getAddonDownloadUrl()); $url = $aux[0]; if (EnterpriseUtils::checkConnectivity($url) == false) { throw new Exception("Server {$url} not available."); } if ($addon === null) {
$sObjectUID = ''; switch ($sValue['OP_OBJ_TYPE']) { case 'ANY': /*case 'ANY_DYNAFORM': case 'ANY_INPUT': case 'ANY_OUTPUT':*/ $sObjectUID = ''; break; case 'DYNAFORM': $sObjectUID = $sValue['DYNAFORMS']; break; case 'INPUT': $sObjectUID = $sValue['INPUTS']; break; case 'OUTPUT': $sObjectUID = $sValue['OUTPUTS']; break; } require_once 'classes/model/ObjectPermission.php'; $oOP = new ObjectPermission(); $aData = array('OP_UID' => G::generateUniqueID(), 'PRO_UID' => $sValue['PRO_UID'], 'TAS_UID' => $sValue['TAS_UID'], 'USR_UID' => (string) $sUserGroup, 'OP_USER_RELATION' => $iRelation, 'OP_TASK_SOURCE' => $sValue['OP_TASK_SOURCE'], 'OP_PARTICIPATE' => $sValue['OP_PARTICIPATE'], 'OP_OBJ_TYPE' => $sValue['OP_OBJ_TYPE'], 'OP_OBJ_UID' => $sObjectUID, 'OP_ACTION' => $sValue['OP_ACTION'], 'OP_CASE_STATUS' => $sValue['OP_CASE_STATUS']); $oOP->fromArray($aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $oOP->save(); G::LoadClass('processMap'); $oProcessMap = new ProcessMap(); $oProcessMap->getObjectsPermissionsCriteria($sValue['PRO_UID']); $infoProcess = new Processes(); $resultProcess = $infoProcess->getProcessRow($sValue['PRO_UID']); $participation = $sValue['OP_PARTICIPATE'] == 1 ? "YES" : "NO"; G::auditLog('ProcessPermissions', 'Add Permission (group or user: '******'|', $sValue['GROUP_USER'])) . ', permission: ' . $sValue['OP_ACTION'] . ', status case: ' . $sValue['OP_CASE_STATUS'] . ', type: ' . $sValue['OP_OBJ_TYPE'] . ', participation required: ' . $participation . ') in Process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"');
public function update($aData, $aFields = array()) { $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(AdditionalTablesPeer::DATABASE_NAME); try { $oAdditionalTables = AdditionalTablesPeer::retrieveByPK($aData['ADD_TAB_UID']); if (!is_null($oAdditionalTables)) { $oAdditionalTables->fromArray($aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); if ($oAdditionalTables->validate()) { $oConnection->begin(); $iResult = $oAdditionalTables->save(); $oConnection->commit(); $addTabDescription = ($aData["ADD_TAB_DESCRIPTION"] != "")? ", Description: " . $aData["ADD_TAB_DESCRIPTION"] : "."; G::auditLog("UpdatePmtable", "PM Table Name: ".$aData['ADD_TAB_NAME'] . $addTabDescription . ", PM Table ID: (".$aData['ADD_TAB_UID'].") "); } else { $sMessage = ''; $aValidationFailures = $oAdditionalTables->getValidationFailures(); foreach ($aValidationFailures as $oValidationFailure) { $sMessage .= $oValidationFailure->getMessage() . '<br />'; } throw(new Exception('The registry cannot be updated!<br />' . $sMessage)); } } else { throw(new Exception('This row doesn\'t exist!')); } } catch (Exception $oError) { $oConnection->rollback(); throw($oError); } }
public function removeUserFromDepartment($DepUid, $UsrUid) { $aFields = array('USR_UID' => $UsrUid, 'DEP_UID' => '', 'USR_REPORTS_TO' => ''); try { $oUser = UsersPeer::retrieveByPk($UsrUid); $user = $oUser->loadDetailed($UsrUid); $dptoTitle = $this->Load($DepUid); if (is_object($oUser) && get_class($oUser) == 'Users') { //$oDepto = new Users(); $oUser->setDepUid(''); $oUser->setUsrReportsTo(''); $oUser->save(); G::auditLog("RemoveUsersFromDepartament", "Remove user " . $user['USR_USERNAME'] . "( " . $UsrUid . ") from departament " . $dptoTitle['DEPO_TITLE'] . " (" . $DepUid . ") "); } } catch (exception $oError) { throw $oError; } }
function deleteSkin() { G::LoadSystem('inputfilter'); $filter = new InputFilter(); try { $_REQUEST['SKIN_FOLDER_ID'] = $filter->xssFilterHard($_REQUEST['SKIN_FOLDER_ID']); if (!isset($_REQUEST['SKIN_FOLDER_ID'])) { throw new Exception(G::LoadTranslation('ID_SKIN_FOLDER_REQUIRED')); } if ($_REQUEST['SKIN_FOLDER_ID'] == "classic") { throw new Exception(G::LoadTranslation('ID_SKIN_FOLDER_NOT_DELETEABLE')); } $folderId = $_REQUEST['SKIN_FOLDER_ID']; if (!is_dir(PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . $folderId)) { throw new Exception(G::LoadTranslation('ID_SKIN_NOT_EXISTS')); } //Delete G::rm_dir(PATH_CUSTOM_SKINS . $folderId); $response['success'] = true; $response['message'] = "{$folderId} deleted"; G::auditLog("DeleteSkin", "Skin Name: " . $folderId); } catch (Exception $e) { $response['success'] = false; $response['error'] = $response['message'] = $e->getMessage(); $response = $filter->xssFilterHard($response); print_r(G::json_encode($response)); } }
public function export() { G::LoadSystem('i18n_po'); G::LoadClass("system"); //get labels MichelangeloFE try { $oTranslation = new Translation(); $MichelangeloFE = PATH_HOME . "../workflow/public_html/lib/js"; if (file_exists($MichelangeloFE)) { $labels = self::readLabelsDirectory($MichelangeloFE, true); foreach ($labels as $label) { $oTranslation->addTranslation('LABEL', 'ID_MAFE_' . G::encryptOld($label), 'en', $label); } } } catch (Exception $e) { error_log($e->getMessage()); } //creating the .po file $sPOFile = PATH_CORE . 'content' . PATH_SEP . 'translations' . PATH_SEP . MAIN_POFILE . '.' . $_GET['LOCALE'] . '.po'; $poFile = new i18n_PO($sPOFile); $poFile->buildInit(); $language = new Language(); $locale = $_GET['LOCALE']; $_TARGET_LANG = $_GET['LOCALE']; $_BASE_LANG = 'en'; if (strpos($locale, Translation::$localeSeparator) !== false) { list($LAN_ID, $IC_UID) = explode(Translation::$localeSeparator, $_GET['LOCALE']); $iCountry = new IsoCountry(); $iCountryRecord = $iCountry->findById($IC_UID); if (!isset($iCountryRecord['IC_UID'])) { throw new Exception("Country Target ID '{$_GET['LAN_ID']}' doesn't exist!"); } $sCountry = $iCountryRecord['IC_NAME']; } else { $LAN_ID = $locale; $sCountry = $IC_UID = ''; } $langRecord = $language->findById($LAN_ID); if (!isset($langRecord['LAN_NAME'])) { throw new Exception("Language Target ID \"{$LAN_ID}\" doesn't exist!"); } $sLanguage = $langRecord['LAN_NAME']; //setting headers $poFile->addHeader('Project-Id-Version', 'ProcessMaker ' . System::getVersion()); $poFile->addHeader('POT-Creation-Date', ''); $poFile->addHeader('PO-Revision-Date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $poFile->addHeader('Last-Translator', ''); $poFile->addHeader('Language-Team', 'Colosa Developers Team <*****@*****.**>'); $poFile->addHeader('MIME-Version', '1.0'); $poFile->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'); $poFile->addHeader('Content-Transfer_Encoding', '8bit'); $poFile->addHeader('X-Poedit-Language', ucwords($sLanguage)); $poFile->addHeader('X-Poedit-Country', ucwords($sCountry)); $poFile->addHeader('X-Poedit-SourceCharset', 'utf-8'); $poFile->addHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '8bit'); $aLabels = array(); $aMsgids = array('' => true); // selecting all translations records of base language 'en' on TRANSLATIONS table $oCriteria = new Criteria('workflow'); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(TranslationPeer::TRN_CATEGORY); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(TranslationPeer::TRN_ID); $oCriteria->addSelectColumn(TranslationPeer::TRN_VALUE); $oCriteria->add(TranslationPeer::TRN_LANG, 'en'); $oDataset = TranslationPeer::doSelectRS($oCriteria); $oDataset->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $targetLangRecords = array(); // retrieve the translation for the target language if ($LAN_ID != 'en') { // only if it is different language than base language 'en' $c = new Criteria('workflow'); $c->addSelectColumn(TranslationPeer::TRN_CATEGORY); $c->addSelectColumn(TranslationPeer::TRN_ID); $c->addSelectColumn(TranslationPeer::TRN_VALUE); $c->add(TranslationPeer::TRN_LANG, $_GET['LOCALE']); $ds = TranslationPeer::doSelectRS($c); $ds->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); while ($ds->next()) { $row = $ds->getRow(); $targetLangRecords[$row['TRN_CATEGORY'] . '/' . $row['TRN_ID']] = $row['TRN_VALUE']; } } // get the respective translation for each english label while ($oDataset->next()) { $aRow1 = $oDataset->getRow(); $trnCategory = trim($aRow1['TRN_CATEGORY']); # Validation, validate that the TRN_CATEGORY contains valid characteres preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+/", $trnCategory, $sTestResult); // IF the translations id "TRN_ID" has invalid characteres or has not accepted categories if ($sTestResult[0] !== $trnCategory || $trnCategory != 'LABEL' && $trnCategory != 'JAVASCRIPT') { $oTranslation = new Translation(); $oTranslation->remove($aRow1['TRN_CATEGORY'], $aRow1['TRN_ID'], 'en'); //remove not accepted translations continue; //jump to next iteration } // retrieve the translation for the target language if ($LAN_ID != 'en') { // only if it is different language than base language 'en' if (isset($targetLangRecords[$aRow1['TRN_CATEGORY'] . '/' . $aRow1['TRN_ID']])) { $msgstr = $targetLangRecords[$aRow1['TRN_CATEGORY'] . '/' . $aRow1['TRN_ID']] != '' ? $targetLangRecords[$aRow1['TRN_CATEGORY'] . '/' . $aRow1['TRN_ID']] : $aRow1['TRN_VALUE']; } else { $msgstr = $aRow1['TRN_VALUE']; } } else { //if not just copy the same $msgstr = $aRow1['TRN_VALUE']; } $msgid = trim($aRow1['TRN_VALUE']); $msgstr = trim($msgstr); if (isset($aMsgids[$msgid])) { $msgid = '[' . $aRow1['TRN_CATEGORY'] . '/' . $aRow1['TRN_ID'] . '] ' . $msgid; } $poFile->addTranslatorComment('TRANSLATION'); $poFile->addTranslatorComment($aRow1['TRN_CATEGORY'] . '/' . $aRow1['TRN_ID']); $poFile->addReference($aRow1['TRN_CATEGORY'] . '/' . $aRow1['TRN_ID']); $poFile->addTranslation(stripcslashes($msgid), stripcslashes($msgstr)); $aMsgids[$msgid] = true; } //$timer->setMarker('end making 1th .po from db'); //find all xml files into PATH_XMLFORM $aXMLForms = glob(PATH_XMLFORM . '*/*.xml'); //from a sublevel to $aXMLForms2 = glob(PATH_XMLFORM . '*/*/*.xml'); $aXMLForms = array_merge($aXMLForms, $aXMLForms2); $aEnglishLabel = array(); $aOptions = array(); $nodesNames = array(); G::loadSystem('dynaformhandler'); foreach ($aXMLForms as $xmlFormPath) { $xmlFormFile = str_replace(chr(92), '/', $xmlFormPath); $xmlFormFile = str_replace(PATH_XMLFORM, '', $xmlFormPath); $dynaForm = new dynaFormHandler($xmlFormPath); $dynaNodes = $dynaForm->getFields(); //get all fields of each xmlform foreach ($dynaNodes as $oNode) { $sNodeName = $oNode->nodeName; //$arrayNode = $dynaForm->getArray($oNode, Array('type', $_BASE_LANG, $_BASE_LANG)); $arrayNode = $dynaForm->getArray($oNode); //if has not native language translation if (!isset($arrayNode[$_BASE_LANG]) || !isset($arrayNode['type']) || isset($arrayNode['type']) && in_array($arrayNode['type'], $this->exceptionFields)) { continue; //just continue with the next node } // Getting the Base Origin Text if (!is_array($arrayNode[$_BASE_LANG])) { $originNodeText = trim($arrayNode[$_BASE_LANG]); } else { $langNode = $arrayNode[$_BASE_LANG][0]; $originNodeText = $langNode['__nodeText__']; } // Getting the Base Target Text if (isset($arrayNode[$_TARGET_LANG])) { if (!is_array($arrayNode[$_TARGET_LANG])) { $targetNodeText = trim($arrayNode[$_TARGET_LANG]); } else { $langNode = $arrayNode[$_TARGET_LANG][0]; $targetNodeText = $langNode['__nodeText__']; } } else { $targetNodeText = $originNodeText; } $nodeName = $arrayNode['__nodeName__']; $nodeType = $arrayNode['type']; $msgid = $originNodeText; // if the nodeName already exists in the po file, we need to create other msgid if (isset($aMsgids[$msgid])) { $msgid = '[' . $xmlFormFile . '?' . $nodeName . '] ' . $originNodeText; } $poFile->addTranslatorComment($xmlFormFile . '?' . $nodeName); $poFile->addTranslatorComment($xmlFormFile); $poFile->addReference($nodeType . ' - ' . $nodeName); $poFile->addTranslation(stripslashes($msgid), stripslashes($targetNodeText)); $aMsgids[$msgid] = true; //if this node has options child nodes if (isset($arrayNode[$_BASE_LANG]) && isset($arrayNode[$_BASE_LANG][0]) && isset($arrayNode[$_BASE_LANG][0]['option'])) { $originOptionNode = $arrayNode[$_BASE_LANG][0]['option']; //get the options $targetOptionExists = false; if (isset($arrayNode[$_TARGET_LANG]) && isset($arrayNode[$_TARGET_LANG][0]) && isset($arrayNode[$_TARGET_LANG][0]['option'])) { $targetOptionNode = $arrayNode[$_TARGET_LANG][0]['option']; $targetOptionExists = true; } if (!is_array($originOptionNode)) { if (is_string($originOptionNode)) { $poFile->addTranslatorComment($xmlFormFile . '?' . $nodeName . '-' . $originOptionNode); $poFile->addTranslatorComment($xmlFormFile); $poFile->addReference($nodeType . ' - ' . $nodeName . ' - ' . $originOptionNode); $poFile->addTranslation(stripslashes($msgid), stripslashes($originOptionNode)); } } else { foreach ($originOptionNode as $optionNode) { $optionName = $optionNode['name']; $originOptionValue = $optionNode['__nodeText__']; if ($targetOptionExists) { $targetOptionValue = getMatchDropdownOptionValue($optionName, $targetOptionNode); if ($targetOptionValue === false) { $targetOptionValue = $originOptionValue; } } else { $targetOptionValue = $originOptionValue; } $msgid = '[' . $xmlFormFile . '?' . $nodeName . '-' . $optionName . ']'; $poFile->addTranslatorComment($xmlFormFile . '?' . $nodeName . '-' . $optionName); $poFile->addTranslatorComment($xmlFormFile); $poFile->addReference($nodeType . ' - ' . $nodeName . ' - ' . $optionName); $poFile->addTranslation($msgid, stripslashes($targetOptionValue)); } } } } //end foreach } G::auditLog("ExportLanguage", "Language: " . $_GET['LOCALE']); G::streamFile($sPOFile, true); }
G::SendTemporalMessage('ID_USER_HAVENT_RIGHTS_SYSTEM', 'error', 'labels'); G::header('location: ../login/login'); die; break; default: G::SendTemporalMessage('ID_USER_HAVENT_RIGHTS_PAGE', 'error', 'labels'); G::header('location: ../login/login'); die; break; } } try { require_once 'classes/model/ObjectPermission.php'; $oOP = new ObjectPermission(); $oOP = ObjectPermissionPeer::retrieveByPK($_GET['OP_UID']); $sProcessUID = $oOP->getProUid(); $oOP->delete(); $result->success = true; $result->msg = G::LoadTranslation('ID_REPORTTABLE_REMOVED'); G::LoadClass('processMap'); $oProcessMap = new ProcessMap(); $oProcessMap->getObjectsPermissionsCriteria($sProcessUID); } catch (Exception $e) { $result->success = false; $result->msg = $e->getMessage(); } print G::json_encode($result); $infoProcess = new Processes(); $resultProcess = $infoProcess->getProcessRow($sProcessUID); G::auditLog('DeletePermissions', 'Delete Permissions (' . $_GET['OP_UID'] . ') in Process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"');
function deletePermissionRole($ROL_UID, $PER_UID) { $crit = new Criteria(); $crit->add(RolesPermissionsPeer::ROL_UID, $ROL_UID); $crit->add(RolesPermissionsPeer::PER_UID, $PER_UID); RolesPermissionsPeer::doDelete($crit); $o = new RolesPermissions(); $o->setPerUid($PER_UID); $permission = $o->getPermissionName($PER_UID); $role = $this->load($ROL_UID); G::auditLog("DeletePermissionToRole", "Delete Permission " . $permission . " (" . $PER_UID . ") from Role " . $role['ROL_NAME'] . " (" . $ROL_UID . ") "); }
} else { $oTaskSaveNextPattern = new Task(); $taskNextInfo = $oTaskSaveNextPattern->load($aRow['ROU_NEXT_TASK']); $titleNextTask = $taskNextInfo['TAS_TITLE']; if ($aRow['ROU_CONDITION'] == '') { $tasksAffected .= 'From -> ' . $titleTask . ' : ' . $aData['TASK'] . ' To -> ' . $titleNextTask . ' : ' . $aRow['ROU_NEXT_TASK'] . ' Condition -> Empty ; '; } else { $tasksAffected .= 'From -> ' . $titleTask . ' : ' . $aData['TASK'] . ' To -> ' . $titleNextTask . ' : ' . $aRow['ROU_NEXT_TASK'] . ' Condition -> ' . $aFields['ROU_CONDITION'] . ' ; '; } } unset($aFields); } $oProcessNewPattern = new Process(); $processInfo = $oProcessNewPattern->load($aData['PROCESS']); $titleProcess = $processInfo['PRO_TITLE']; G::auditLog("DerivationRule", 'PROCESS NAME : ' . $titleProcess . ' : ' . $aData['PROCESS'] . ' Change Routing Rule From : ' . $aData['ROU_TYPE'] . ' Details : ROU_TYPE_OLD -> ' . $aData['ROU_TYPE_OLD'] . ' ROU_TYPE ->' . $aData['ROU_TYPE'] . ' ' . $tasksAffected); break; case 'DISCRIMINATOR': //Girish ->Added to save changes, while editing the route foreach ($aData['GRID_DISCRIMINATOR_TYPE'] as $iKey => $aRow) { $aFields['PRO_UID'] = $aData['PROCESS']; $aFields['TAS_UID'] = $aData['TASK']; $aFields['ROU_NEXT_TASK'] = $aRow['ROU_NEXT_TASK']; $aFields['ROU_CASE'] = $iKey; $aFields['ROU_TYPE'] = $aData['ROU_TYPE']; $aFields['ROU_CONDITION'] = $aRow['ROU_CONDITION']; $aFields['ROU_OPTIONAL'] = $aRow['ROU_OPTIONAL']; $routeData = $oTasks->getRouteByType($aData['PROCESS'], $aRow['ROU_NEXT_TASK'], $aData['ROU_TYPE']); foreach ($routeData as $route) { $sFields['ROU_UID'] = $route['ROU_UID']; $sFields['ROU_CONDITION'] = $aRow['ROU_CONDITION'];
G::LoadClass('processMap'); $oProcessMap = new ProcessMap(); $infoProcess = new Processes(); $resultProcess = $infoProcess->getProcessRow($_POST['PRO_UID']); switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'availableSupervisorDynaforms': $oProcessMap->availableSupervisorDynaforms($_POST['PRO_UID']); break; case 'assignSupervisorDynaform': $oProcessMap->assignSupervisorStep($_POST['PRO_UID'], 'DYNAFORM', $_POST['DYN_UID']); G::auditLog('AssignSupervisorDynaform', 'Assign Supervisor Dynaform (' . $_POST['DYN_UID'] . ') in Process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"'); break; case 'removeSupervisorDynaform': $oProcessMap->removeSupervisorStep($_POST['STEP_UID'], $_POST['PRO_UID'], 'DYNAFORM', $_POST['DYN_UID'], $_POST['STEP_POSITION']); G::auditLog('RemoveSupervisorDynaform', 'Remove Supervisor Dynaform (' . $_POST['DYN_UID'] . ') in Process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"'); break; case 'availableSupervisorInputs': $oProcessMap->availableSupervisorInputs($_POST['PRO_UID']); break; case 'assignSupervisorInput': $oProcessMap->assignSupervisorStep($_POST['PRO_UID'], 'INPUT_DOCUMENT', $_POST['INP_DOC_UID']); G::auditLog('AssignSupervisorInput', 'Assign Supervisor Input (' . $_POST['INP_DOC_UID'] . ') in Process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"'); break; case 'removeSupervisorInput': $oProcessMap->removeSupervisorStep($_POST['STEP_UID'], $_POST['PRO_UID'], 'INPUT_DOCUMENT', $_POST['INP_DOC_UID'], $_POST['STEP_POSITION']); G::auditLog('RemoveSupervisorInput', 'Remove Supervisor Input (' . $_POST['INP_DOC_UID'] . ') in Process "' . $resultProcess['PRO_TITLE'] . '"'); break; } } catch (Exception $oException) { die($oException->getMessage()); }