public static function replace_single_shortcode($shortcodes, $short_key, $tag, $entry, $display, $args, &$content) { global $post; $conditional = preg_match('/^\\[if/s', $shortcodes[0][$short_key]) ? true : false; $foreach = preg_match('/^\\[foreach/s', $shortcodes[0][$short_key]) ? true : false; $atts = shortcode_parse_atts($shortcodes[3][$short_key]); $tag = FrmFieldsHelper::get_shortcode_tag($shortcodes, $short_key, compact('conditional', 'foreach')); if (strpos($tag, '-')) { $switch_tags = array('post-id', 'created-at', 'updated-at', 'created-by', 'updated-by', 'parent-id'); if (in_array($tag, $switch_tags)) { $tag = str_replace('-', '_', $tag); } unset($switch_tags); } $tags = array('event_date', 'entry_count', 'detaillink', 'editlink', 'deletelink', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'created_by', 'updated_by', 'evenodd', 'post_id', 'parent_id', 'id'); if (in_array($tag, $tags)) { $args['entry'] = $entry; $args['tag'] = $tag; $args['conditional'] = $conditional; $function = 'do_shortcode_' . $tag; self::$function($content, $atts, $shortcodes, $short_key, $args, $display); return; } $field = FrmField::getOne($tag); if (!$field) { return; } if (!$foreach && !$conditional && isset($atts['show']) && ($atts['show'] == 'field_label' || $atts['show'] == 'description')) { // get the field label or description and return before any other checking $replace_with = $atts['show'] == 'field_label' ? $field->name : $field->description; $content = str_replace($shortcodes[0][$short_key], $replace_with, $content); return; } $sep = isset($atts['sep']) ? $atts['sep'] : ', '; if ($field->form_id == $entry->form_id) { $replace_with = FrmProEntryMetaHelper::get_post_or_meta_value($entry, $field, $atts); } else { // get entry ids linked through repeat field or embeded form $child_entries = FrmProEntry::get_sub_entries($entry->id, true); $replace_with = FrmProEntryMetaHelper::get_sub_meta_values($child_entries, $field, $atts); $replace_with = FrmAppHelper::array_flatten($replace_with); } $atts['entry_id'] = $entry->id; $atts['entry_key'] = $entry->item_key; $atts['post_id'] = $entry->post_id; $replace_with = apply_filters('frmpro_fields_replace_shortcodes', $replace_with, $tag, $atts, $field); self::get_file_from_atts($atts, $field, $replace_with); if (isset($atts['show']) && $atts['show'] == 'count') { $replace_with = is_array($replace_with) ? count($replace_with) : !empty($replace_with); } else { if (is_array($replace_with) && !$foreach) { $replace_with = FrmAppHelper::array_flatten($replace_with); $replace_with = implode($sep, $replace_with); } } if ($foreach) { $atts['short_key'] = $shortcodes[0][$short_key]; $args['display'] = $display; self::check_conditional_shortcode($content, $replace_with, $atts, $tag, 'foreach', $args); } else { if ($conditional) { $atts['short_key'] = $shortcodes[0][$short_key]; self::check_conditional_shortcode($content, $replace_with, $atts, $tag, 'if', array('field' => $field)); } else { if (empty($replace_with) && $replace_with != '0') { $replace_with = ''; if ($field->type == 'number') { $replace_with = '0'; } } else { $replace_with = FrmFieldsHelper::get_display_value($replace_with, $field, $atts); } self::trigger_shortcode_atts($atts, $display, $args, $replace_with); $content = str_replace($shortcodes[0][$short_key], $replace_with, $content); } } }
public static function add_repeating_value_to_entry($field, &$entry) { // If field is in a repeating section if ($entry->form_id != $field->form_id) { // get entry ids linked through repeat field or embeded form $child_entries = FrmProEntry::get_sub_entries($entry->id, true); $val = FrmProEntryMetaHelper::get_sub_meta_values($child_entries, $field); if (!empty($val)) { //Flatten multi-dimensional arrays if (is_array($val)) { $val = FrmAppHelper::array_flatten($val); } $entry->metas[$field->id] = $val; } } else { $val = ''; FrmProEntriesHelper::get_dynamic_list_values($field, $entry, $val); $entry->metas[$field->id] = $val; } }