Esempio n. 1
  * Responsible to display the generic login form.
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $my = FD::user();
     // If user is already logged in, they should not see this page.
     if ($my->id > 0) {
         return $this->redirect(FRoute::dashboard(array(), false));
     // Add page title
     // Add breadcrumb
     // Facebook codes.
     $facebook = FD::oauth('Facebook');
     $config = FD::config();
     $loginMenu = $config->get('');
     // Get any callback urls.
     $return = FD::getCallback();
     // If return value is empty, always redirect back to the dashboard
     if (!$return) {
         // Determine if there's a login redirection
         $urlFromCaller = FD::input()->getVar('return', '');
         if ($urlFromCaller) {
             $return = $urlFromCaller;
         } else {
             if ($loginMenu != 'null') {
                 $return = FRoute::getMenuLink($loginMenu);
             } else {
                 $return = FRoute::dashboard(array(), false);
             $return = base64_encode($return);
     } else {
         $return = base64_encode($return);
     if ($config->get('registrations.enabled')) {
         $profileId = $config->get('', 'default');
         if ($profileId === 'default') {
             $profileId = Foundry::model('profiles')->getDefaultProfile()->id;
         $options = array('visible' => SOCIAL_PROFILES_VIEW_MINI_REGISTRATION, 'profile_id' => $profileId);
         $fieldsModel = Foundry::model('fields');
         $fields = $fieldsModel->getCustomFields($options);
         if (!empty($fields)) {
             $fieldsLib = FD::fields();
             $session = JFactory::getSession();
             $registration = FD::table('Registration');
             $data = $registration->getValues();
             $args = array(&$data, &$registration);
             $fieldsLib->trigger('onRegisterMini', SOCIAL_FIELDS_GROUP_USER, $fields, $args);
             $this->set('fields', $fields);
     $this->set('return', $return);
     $this->set('facebook', $facebook);
     return parent::display('site/login/default');
Esempio n. 2
  * Responsible to display the generic login form via ajax
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
 public function form($tpl = null)
     $ajax = FD::ajax();
     $my = FD::user();
     // If user is already logged in, they should not see this page.
     if ($my->id > 0) {
         return $ajax->reject($this->getMessage());
     // Facebook codes.
     $facebook = FD::oauth('Facebook');
     // Get any callback urls.
     $return = FD::getCallback();
     // If return value is empty, always redirect back to the dashboard
     if (!$return) {
         $return = FRoute::dashboard(array(), false);
     // Determine if there's a login redirection
     $config = FD::config();
     $loginMenu = $config->get('');
     if ($loginMenu != 'null') {
         $return = FD::get('toolbar')->getRedirectionUrl($loginMenu);
     $return = base64_encode($return);
     $this->set('return', $return);
     $this->set('facebook', $facebook);
     if ($config->get('registrations.enabled')) {
         $profileId = $config->get('', 'default');
         if ($profileId === 'default') {
             $profileId = Foundry::model('profiles')->getDefaultProfile()->id;
         $options = array('visible' => SOCIAL_PROFILES_VIEW_MINI_REGISTRATION, 'profile_id' => $profileId);
         $fieldsModel = FD::model('Fields');
         $fields = $fieldsModel->getCustomFields($options);
         if (!empty($fields)) {
             $fieldsLib = FD::fields();
             $session = JFactory::getSession();
             $registration = FD::table('Registration');
             $data = $registration->getValues();
             $args = array(&$data, &$registration);
             $fieldsLib->trigger('onRegisterMini', SOCIAL_FIELDS_GROUP_USER, $fields, $args);
             $this->set('fields', $fields);
     $contents = parent::display('site/login/dialog.login');
     return $ajax->resolve($contents);
Esempio n. 3
  * Returns an array of folders / albums in a given folder since jomsocial only stores user images here.
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	$path	The path that contains the items.
  * @param	int 	$depth	The depth level to search for child items.
 public function getItems()
     if (!$this->exists) {
         return false;
     $my = JFactory::getUser();
     // @rule: Get user's albums
     require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php';
     $model = Foundry::model('Albums');
     $albums = $model->getAlbums($my->id, SOCIAL_TYPE_USER);
     if (!$albums) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->title = JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MM_MY_ALBUMS');
         $obj->type = 'folder';
         $obj->place = 'easysocial';
         $obj->path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         $obj->contents = array();
         return $obj;
     $data = array();
     $photosModel = Foundry::model('Photos');
     foreach ($albums as $album) {
         $container = array();
         // Get a list of photos from this album
         $photos = $photosModel->getPhotos(array('album_id' => $album->id, 'pagination' => false));
         // Get the album object.
         $albumObj = $this->getObject($album, 'album');
         $photosData = array();
         foreach ($photos as $photo) {
             // Get the photo object.
             $photoObj = $this->getObject($photo, 'photo');
             $photosData[] = $photoObj;
         $albumObj->contents = $photosData;
         $data[] = $albumObj;
     $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->type = 'folder';
     $obj->contents = $data;
     $obj->place = 'easysocial';
     $obj->path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     return $obj;
Esempio n. 4
 public function onUserAfterSave($user, $isnew, $success, $msg)
     if ($isnew) {
         // Initialise EasySocial's Foundry Framework
         // Include main file.
         $path = JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php';
         if (!JFile::exists($path)) {
             return false;
         // Include the foundry engine
         require_once $path;
         $success = true;
         // Check if Foundry exists
         if (!Foundry::exists()) {
         if (!$success) {
             return false;
         // Things that need to do here
         // 1. Insert user record into #__social_users
         // 2. Get the default profile
         // 3. Insert mapping into #__social_profiles_maps
         $userTable = Foundry::table('users');
         $state = $userTable->load($user['id']);
         // If no user is found in #__social_users, then only we insert
         // If user is found, means the registration is coming from EasySocial itself.
         // The purpose here is to insert the user data if the registration is handled by other services
         if (!$state) {
             // Assign the user id
             $userTable->user_id = $user['id'];
             // Filter the username so that it becomes a valid alias
             $alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($user['username']);
             // Check if the alias exists.
             $userModel = Foundry::model('Users');
             // Keep the original state of the alias
             $tmp = $alias;
             while ($userModel->aliasExists($alias, $user['id'])) {
                 // Generate a new alias for the user.
                 $alias = $tmp . '-' . rand(1, 150);
             $userTable->alias = $alias;
             $userTable->type = 'joomla';
             $profileModel = Foundry::model('Profiles');
             $defaultProfile = $profileModel->getDefaultProfile();
             if ($defaultProfile) {
             $controller = JRequest::getCmd('controller', '');
             if ($controller != 'registration') {
                 // if this user saving is coming from registration, then we dont add the user into finder. let the registration controller do the job.
                 // Get the user object now
                 $esUser = Foundry::user($user['id']);
                 // Sync the index
     return true;
Esempio n. 5
 public function buildPrivacyQuery($alias = 'a')
     $db = EasyBlogHelper::db();
     $my = JFactory::getUser();
     $config = EasyBlogHelper::getConfig();
     $my = JFactory::getUser();
     $esFriends = Foundry::model('Friends');
     $friends = $esFriends->getFriends($my->id, array('idonly' => true));
     if ($friends) {
         array_push($friends, $my->id);
     $alias = $alias . '.';
     // Insert query here.
     $queryWhere = ' AND (';
     $queryWhere .= ' ( ' . $alias . '`private`= 0 ) OR';
     $queryWhere .= ' ( (' . $alias . '`private` = 10) AND (' . $db->Quote($my->id) . ' > 0 ) ) OR';
     if (empty($friends)) {
         $queryWhere .= ' ( ( ' . $alias . '`private` = 30 ) AND ( 1 = 2 ) ) OR';
     } else {
         $queryWhere .= ' ( ( ' . $alias . '`private` = 30) AND ( ' . $alias . EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('SQL')->nameQuote('created_by') . ' IN (' . implode(',', $friends) . ') ) ) OR';
     $queryWhere .= ' ( (' . $alias . '`private` = 40) AND ( ' . $alias . EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('SQL')->nameQuote('created_by') . '=' . $my->id . ') )';
     $queryWhere .= ' )';
     return $queryWhere;
Esempio n. 6
  * Processes a legacy album tag into it's html counterpart
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function process($content, $userId = '')
     // Match the following tags
     $pattern = '/\\[embed=album\\](.*)\\[\\/embed\\]/i';
     preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     if (!empty($matches)) {
         $cfg = EasyBlogHelper::getConfig();
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             // The full text of the matched content.
             $text = $match[0];
             // The json string
             $jsonString = $match[1];
             // Let's parse the JSON string and get the result.
             $obj = json_decode($jsonString);
             // @task: When there's nothing there, we just return the original content.
             if ($obj === false) {
                 // @TODO: Remove the gallery tag.
                 return $content;
             $albumId = $obj->file;
             // @task: Ensure that the id is properly sanitized.
             $albumId = str_ireplace(array('/', '\\'), '', $albumId);
             $albumId = (int) $albumId;
             if ($obj->place == 'easysocial') {
                 if (!$this->includeEasySocial()) {
                 $model = Foundry::model('Photos');
                 $photos = $model->getPhotos(array('album_id' => $albumId, 'pagination' => false));
                 if (!$photos) {
                 $images = array();
                 foreach ($photos as $photo) {
                     $image = new stdClass();
                     $image->title = $photo->caption;
                     $image->original = $photo->getSource('original');
                     $image->thumbnail = $photo->getSource('thumbnail');
                     $images[] = $image;
             } else {
                 if (!$this->includeJomSocial()) {
                 // Let's get a list of photos from this particular album.
                 $model = CFactory::getModel('photos');
                 // Always retrieve the list of albums first
                 $photos = $model->getAllPhotos($albumId);
                 if (!$photos) {
                 $images = array();
                 foreach ($photos as $photo) {
                     $image = new stdClass();
                     $image->title = $photo->caption;
                     $image->original = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/' . str_ireplace('\\', '/', $photo->image);
                     $image->thumbnail = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/' . str_ireplace('\\', '/', $photo->thumbnail);
                     $images[] = $image;
             $theme = EB::template();
             $theme->set('uid', uniqid());
             $theme->set('images', $images);
             $output = $theme->output('site/blogs/latest/blog.album');
             // Now, we'll need to alter the original contents.
             $content = str_ireplace($text, $output, $content);
     return $content;
Esempio n. 7
  * Triggered when a comment save occurs
  * @since	1.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	SocialTableComments	The comment object
  * @return
 public function onAfterCommentSave(&$comment)
     $allowed = array('photos.user.upload', 'albums.user.create', 'stream.user.upload', 'photos.user.add', 'photos.user.uploadAvatar', 'photos.user.updateCover');
     if (!in_array($comment->element, $allowed)) {
     // For likes on albums when user uploads multiple photos within an album
     if ($comment->element == 'albums.user.create') {
         // Since the uid is tied to the album we can get the album object
         $album = Foundry::table('Album');
         // Get the actor of the likes
         $actor = Foundry::user($comment->created_by);
         // Set the email options
         $emailOptions = array('title' => 'APP_USER_PHOTOS_EMAILS_COMMENT_ALBUM_ITEM_SUBJECT', 'template' => 'apps/user/photos/comment.album.item', 'permalink' => $album->getPermalink(true, true), 'comment' => $comment->comment, 'actor' => $actor->getName(), 'actorAvatar' => $actor->getAvatar(SOCIAL_AVATAR_SQUARE), 'actorLink' => $actor->getPermalink(true, true));
         $systemOptions = array('context_type' => $comment->element, 'context_ids' => $comment->uid, 'url' => $album->getPermalink(false, false, 'item', false), 'actor_id' => $comment->created_by, 'uid' => $comment->id, 'aggregate' => true);
         // Notify the owner of the photo first
         if ($comment->created_by != $album->user_id) {
             Foundry::notify('comments.item', array($album->user_id), $emailOptions, $systemOptions);
         // Get a list of recipients to be notified for this stream item
         // We exclude the owner of the note and the actor of the like here
         $recipients = $this->getStreamNotificationTargets($comment->uid, 'albums', 'user', 'create', array(), array($album->user_id, $comment->created_by));
         $emailOptions['template'] = 'apps/user/photos/comment.album.involved';
         // Notify other participating users
         Foundry::notify('comments.involved', $recipients, $emailOptions, $systemOptions);
     // For comments made on photos
     $allowed = array('photos.user.upload', 'stream.user.upload', 'photos.user.add', 'photos.user.uploadAvatar', 'photos.user.updateCover');
     if (in_array($comment->element, $allowed)) {
         // Get the actor of the likes
         $actor = Foundry::user($comment->created_by);
         // Set the email options
         $emailOptions = array('template' => 'apps/user/photos/', 'actor' => $actor->getName(), 'actorAvatar' => $actor->getAvatar(SOCIAL_AVATAR_SQUARE), 'actorLink' => $actor->getPermalink(true, true), 'comment' => $comment->comment);
         $systemOptions = array('context_type' => $comment->element, 'context_ids' => $comment->uid, 'actor_id' => $comment->created_by, 'uid' => $comment->id, 'aggregate' => true);
         // Standard email subject
         // If this item is multiple share on the stream, we need to get the photo id here.
         if ($comment->element == 'stream.user.upload') {
             // Since this item is tied to the stream, we need to load the stream object
             $stream = Foundry::table('Stream');
             // Get the photo object from the context id of the stream
             $model = Foundry::model('Stream');
             $origin = $model->getContextItem($comment->uid);
             $photo = Foundry::table('Photo');
             // Get the permalink to the photo
             $emailOptions['permalink'] = $stream->getPermalink(true, true);
             $systemOptions['url'] = $stream->getPermalink(false, false, false);
             $element = 'stream';
             $verb = 'upload';
         // For single photo items on the stream
         if ($comment->element == 'photos.user.upload' || $comment->element == 'photos.user.add' || $comment->element == 'photos.user.uploadAvatar' || $comment->element == 'photos.user.updateCover') {
             // Get the photo object
             $photo = Foundry::table('Photo');
             // Get the permalink to the photo
             $emailOptions['permalink'] = $photo->getPermalink(true, true);
             $systemOptions['url'] = $photo->getPermalink(false, false, 'item', false);
             $element = 'photos';
             $verb = 'upload';
         if ($comment->element == 'photos.user.uploadAvatar') {
             $verb = 'uploadAvatar';
         if ($comment->element == 'photos.user.updateCover') {
             $verb = 'updateCover';
         $emailOptions['title'] = $ownerTitle;
         // @points:
         // Assign points for the author for liking this item
         $photo->assignPoints('photos.comment.add', $comment->created_by);
         // Notify the owner of the photo first
         if ($photo->user_id != $comment->created_by) {
             Foundry::notify('comments.item', array($photo->user_id), $emailOptions, $systemOptions);
         // Get additional recipients since photos has tag
         $additionalRecipients = array();
         $this->getTagRecipients($additionalRecipients, $photo);
         // Get a list of recipients to be notified for this stream item
         // We exclude the owner of the note and the actor of the like here
         $recipients = $this->getStreamNotificationTargets($comment->uid, $element, 'user', $verb, $additionalRecipients, array($photo->user_id, $comment->created_by));
         $emailOptions['title'] = $involvedTitle;
         $emailOptions['template'] = 'apps/user/photos/';
         // Notify other participating users
         Foundry::notify('comments.involved', $recipients, $emailOptions, $systemOptions);
Esempio n. 8
  * Displays the application output in the canvas.
  * @since   1.0
  * @access  public
  * @param   int   The user id that is currently being viewed.
  * @return  string  Layout path
 public function display($userId = null, $docType = null)
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     $lang->load('plg_app_user_q2c_boughtproducts', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
     $path = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_quick2cart' . DS . 'helper.php';
     if (!class_exists('comquick2cartHelper')) {
         JLoader::register('comquick2cartHelper', $path);
     $product_path = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_quick2cart' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'product.php';
     if (!class_exists('productHelper')) {
         JLoader::register('productHelper', $product_path);
     // Get the user params
     $params = $this->getUserParams($userId);
     // Get the app params
     $appParams = $this->app->getParams();
     // Get the blog model
     $no_of_porducts = $params->get('total', '10');
     $privacy = $params->get('profile_show_friends', 'onlyme');
     $pin_width = (int) $appParams->get('pin_width', 145);
     $pin_padding = (int) $appParams->get('pin_padding', 3);
     // Get profile id
     $model = new productHelper();
     // $target_data = $model->getUserStores($user->id,$no_of_stores);
     $no_authorize = '';
     $target_data = '';
     $my = Foundry::user();
     $logged_id = $my->id;
     if ($privacy === 'onlyme') {
         if ($logged_id == $userId) {
             $target_data = $model->getUserRecentlyBoughtproducts($userId, $no_of_porducts);
         } else {
             $no_authorize = 'no';
             $this->set('no_authorize', $no_authorize);
     } elseif ($privacy === 'friend') {
         $check = Foundry::model('Friends')->isFriends($logged_id, $userId);
         if ($check == 1 || $logged_id == $userId) {
             $target_data = $model->getUserRecentlyBoughtproducts($userId, $no_of_porducts);
         } else {
             $no_authorize = 'no';
             $this->set('no_authorize', $no_authorize);
     } elseif ($privacy === 'fof') {
         // $my = Foundry::user($userId);
         $check_friend = Foundry::model('Friends')->isFriends($logged_id, $userId);
         $friendlist = Foundry::model('Friends')->getFriends($userId);
         foreach ($friendlist as $ids) {
             $check_fof = Foundry::model('Friends')->isFriends($logged_id, $ids->id);
             if ($check_fof == 1 || $logged_id == $userId) {
                 $check_friendoffriend = 1;
         if ($check_friend == 1 || $logged_id == $userId && $check_friendoffriend == 1) {
             $target_data = $model->getUserRecentlyBoughtproducts($userId, $no_of_porducts);
         } else {
             $no_authorize = 'no';
             $this->set('no_authorize', $no_authorize);
     } elseif ($privacy === 'all') {
         $target_data = $model->getUserRecentlyBoughtproducts($userId, $no_of_porducts);
     } else {
         $target_data = '';
     $this->set('no_authorize', $no_authorize);
     $this->set('target_data', $target_data);
     $this->set('userId', $userId);
     $this->set('privacy', $privacy);
     $this->set('pin_width', $pin_width);
     $this->set('pin_padding', $pin_padding);
     echo parent::display('profile/default');