Esempio n. 1
$t->ok($f->getWidgetSchema() == $widgetSchema, '->setWidgetSchema() sets the current widget schema');
$schema = $f->getWidgetSchema();
$t->ok($schema['first_name'] == $widgets['first_name'], '->setWidgets() sets field widgets');
$t->ok($schema['last_name'] == $widgets['last_name'], '->setWidgets() sets field widgets');
$f->setWidget('name', $w3 = new sfWidgetFormInputText());
$t->ok($f->getWidget('name') == $w3, '->setWidget() sets a widget for a field');
// ArrayAccess interface
$t->diag('ArrayAccess interface');
$f = new FormTest();
$f->setWidgetSchema(new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('first_name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(array('default' => 'Fabien')), 'last_name' => new sfWidgetFormInputText(), 'image' => new sfWidgetFormInputFile())));
$f->setValidatorSchema(new sfValidatorSchema(array('first_name' => new sfValidatorPass(), 'last_name' => new sfValidatorPass(), 'image' => new sfValidatorPass())));
$f->setDefaults(array('image' => 'default.gif'));
$f->embedForm('embedded', new sfForm());
$t->ok($f['first_name'] instanceof sfFormField, '"sfForm" implements the ArrayAccess interface');
$t->is($f['first_name']->render(), '<input type="text" name="first_name" value="Fabien" id="first_name" />', '"sfForm" implements the ArrayAccess interface');
try {
    $f['image'] = 'image';
    $t->fail('"sfForm" ArrayAccess implementation does not permit to set a form field');
} catch (LogicException $e) {
    $t->pass('"sfForm" ArrayAccess implementation does not permit to set a form field');
$t->ok(isset($f['image']), '"sfForm" implements the ArrayAccess interface');
$t->ok(!isset($f['image']), '"sfForm" implements the ArrayAccess interface');
$t->ok(!array_key_exists('image', $f->getDefaults()), '"sfForm" ArrayAccess implementation removes form defaults');
$v = $f->getValidatorSchema();
$t->ok(!isset($v['image']), '"sfForm" ArrayAccess implementation removes the widget and the validator');
Esempio n. 2
$t->is($f->getOption('bar'), 'foo', '->setOption() changes the value of an option');
// ->setDefault() ->getDefault() ->hasDefault() ->setDefaults() ->getDefaults()
$t->diag('->setDefault() ->getDefault() ->hasDefault() ->setDefaults() ->getDefaults()');
$f = new FormTest();
$f->setDefaults(array('first_name' => 'Fabien'));
$t->is($f->getDefaults(), array('first_name' => 'Fabien'), 'setDefaults() sets the form default values');
$f->setDefault('last_name', 'Potencier');
$t->is($f->getDefaults(), array('first_name' => 'Fabien', 'last_name' => 'Potencier'), 'setDefault() sets a default value');
$t->is($f->hasDefault('first_name'), true, 'hasDefault() returns true if the form has a default value for the given field');
$t->is($f->hasDefault('name'), false, 'hasDefault() returns false if the form does not have a default value for the given field');
$t->is($f->getDefault('first_name'), 'Fabien', 'getDefault() returns a default value for a given field');
$t->is($f->getDefault('name'), null, 'getDefault() returns null if the form does not have a default value for a given field');
$f = new FormTest();
$f->setDefaults(array('first_name' => 'Fabien'));
$t->is($f->getDefault('_csrf_token'), $f->getCSRFToken('*mygreatsecret*'), '->getDefaults() keeps the CSRF token default value');
// ::enableCSRFProtection() ::disableCSRFProtection() ->isCSRFProtected()
$t->diag('::enableCSRFProtection() ::disableCSRFProtection()');
$f1 = new FormTest();
$t->ok($f1->isCSRFProtected(), '::enableCSRFProtection() enabled CSRF protection for all future forms');
$f2 = new FormTest();
$t->ok(!$f2->isCSRFProtected(), '::disableCSRFProtection() disables CSRF protection for all future forms');
$t->ok($f1->isCSRFProtected(), '::enableCSRFProtection() enabled CSRF protection for all future forms');
$t->ok(!$f2->isCSRFProtected(), '::disableCSRFProtection() disables CSRF protection for all future forms');
$f = new FormTest(array(), array(), false);
$t->ok(!$f->isCSRFProtected(), '->isCSRFProtected() returns true if the form is CSRF protected');