Esempio n. 1
 // start new form object
 $form = new Form();
 $form->addForm("testForm", "post", $PHP_SELF);
 $form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n");
 $form->addField("hidden", "action", "", "update");
 $form->addField("hidden", "con_id", "", $con_id);
 $form->addField("hidden", "searchLink", "", $searchLink);
 //$form->addHtml('<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update">');
 $form->addHtml('<h1>' . $con_fname . ' ' . $con_sname . '</h1>');
 $formName = 'form1';
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header"><u>C</u>ontact</div>');
 $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">');
 $form->addData(${$formName}, $_POST);
 $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'))));
 $formName = 'form2';
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header"><u>A</u>ddress</div>');
 $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">');
 // show old address from import
 if ($con_oldaddr && !$render_addresses) {
     $form->addHtml($form->addRow('textarea', 'con_oldaddr', 'Old Address', $con_oldaddr, array('style' => 'width:400px', 'readonly' => 'readonly'), '', 'Please re-enter this address into the form below'));
 // add address table
 // add new address
 $form->addRow('radio', 'p2c_type', 'Type', 'Home', '', db_enum("pro2con", "p2c_type", "array"));
Esempio n. 2
 $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">');
 //$form->addHtml(renderNotes('access_arrangements',$dea_id,array('viewform'=>2,'label'=>'Access Info')));
 //$form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit",$formName,"","Save Changes",array('class'=>'submit'))));
 $formName = 'form3';
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Marketing Details</div>');
 $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">');
 $form->addData($formData3, $_GET);
 $form->addHtml(renderNotes('hip', $dea_id, array('viewform' => 3, 'label' => 'Additional info notes')));
 $form->addHtml('<div style="clear:both"></div>');
 $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit')) . $form->makeField("button", $formName, "", "PDF settings", array('class' => 'button', 'onClick' => "document.location.href='" . WS_YII_URL . "Instruction/editPdfSettings?instructionId=" . $dea_id . "'"))));
 $formName = 'form4';
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">State of Trade</div>');
 $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">');
 if ($dea_status == 'Proofing' && !in_array('Editor', $_SESSION["auth"]["roles"])) {
     $form->addHtml('<p class="appInfo">Submitted to the proofing list. Only Editors can change the status</p>');
     $form->addData($formData4, $_GET);
     $form->addHtml(renderNotes('sot', $dea_id, array('viewform' => 4, 'label' => 'Status Notes')));
     $buttons = $form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'));
 } else {
     if (is_array($additional_fields)) {
         $form->addData($additional_fields, $_GET);
Esempio n. 3
            $form2->addField("hidden", "app_id", "", $_GET["app_id"]);
            $form2->addField("hidden", "off_id", "", $_GET["off_id"]);
            $form2->addField("hidden", "carry", "", $_GET["carry"]);
            $form2->addField("hidden", "cli_name", "", $_GET["cli_name"]);
            $form2->addField("hidden", "date", "", $_GET["date"]);
            if ($form_title2b) {
            } else {
                $form2->addLegend('New Client');
            $form2->addData($formData1, $_GET);
            // allow lettings staff to enter applicants with no address
            // name of this button is noaddress, which is used on following page
            if (in_array('SuperAdmin', $_SESSION["auth"]["roles"]) || $_SESSION["auth"]["default_scope"] == 'Lettings') {
                $form2->addHtml($form2->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", "noaddress", "", "Save Changes (with no address)", array('class' => 'submit'))));
            $form2->addRow('radio', 'p2c_type', 'Address Type', 'Home', '', db_enum("pro2cli", "p2c_type", "array"));
            if (!$_GET["pro_pro_id"]) {
                $form2->ajaxPostcode("by_freetext", "pro");
            } else {
                $form2->addData($formData2, $_GET);
                $form2->addHtml($form2->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", "", "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'))));
            $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $return), 'search' => array('title' => 'Client Search', 'label' => 'Client Search', 'link' => 'client_search.php'));
            $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
            $additional_js = '
function validateForm() {
Esempio n. 4
 if (!$_GET["action"]) {
     $form = new Form();
     $form->addForm("", "GET", $PHP_SELF);
     $form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n");
     $form->addField("hidden", "action", "", "update");
     $form->addField("hidden", "stage", "", "2");
     $form->addField("hidden", "off_id", "", $off_id);
     $form->addField("hidden", "return", "", $_GET["return"]);
     $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Submit Offer</div>');
     $form->addRow("textarea", "send", "Letter to Vendor", $offer_text, array('style' => 'width:450px;height:450px'));
     $form->addRow("checkbox", "send", "Send By", array("Post", "Email"), array(), array('Post' => 'Post', 'Email' => 'Email'));
     $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Send and Save", array('class' => 'submit'))));
     $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $_GET["return"]), 'search' => array('title' => 'Property Search', 'label' => 'Property Search', 'link' => 'property_search.php'));
     $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
     $page->setTitle("Submit Offer");
     $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
$formData1 = array('notes' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Reason for Cancelling', 'value' => '', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'noteInput')));
$form = new Form();
$form->addForm("app_form", "POST", $PHP_SELF);
$form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n");
$form->addField("hidden", "action", "", "update");
$form->addField("hidden", "app_id", "", $app_id);
$form->addField("hidden", "searchLink", "", urlencode($return));
$form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Cancel ' . $app["type"] . '</div>');
$form->addHtml('<p class="appInfo">Please remember to inform all vendors/landlords and/or viewers that this appointment has been cancelled</p>');
$form->addData($formData1, $_POST);
$form->addHtml(renderNotes('appointment_cancel', $app_id, array('label' => 'Cancellation Notes')));
$buttons = $form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'));
if (!$_POST["action"]) {
    if ($_GET["searchLink"]) {
    	$searchLink = str_replace("%3F","?",replaceQueryStringArray($_GET["searchLink"],array('app_id'))).'&jumpto='.$hour;
    if ($_GET["msg"]) {
        $onLoad .= 'javascript:hideMsg();';
        $msg = '
	<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
	function hideMsg(){
Esempio n. 6
 $form->addField("hidden", "searchLink", "", $searchLink);
 //$form->addHtml('<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update">');
 $form->addHtml('<h1>' . $cli_fname . ' ' . $cli_sname . '</h1>');
 $formName = 'form1';
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Contact</div>');
 $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">');
 $form->addData(${$formName}, $_POST);
 $form->addHtml(renderNotes('client_general', $cli_id, array('viewform' => '1', 'label' => 'General Notes')));
 //$form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit",$formName,"","Save Changes",array('class'=>'submit'))));
 $buttons = $form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'));
 //$buttons .= $form->makeField("button",$formName,"","Contact Log",array('class'=>'button','onClick'=>'javascript:contactLog('.$cli_id.')'));
 $buttons .= '<a href="clientContactLog.php?modal=false&cli_id=' . $cli_id . '&height=450&width=650" title="Client Contact Log" class="thickbox">Contact Log</a>';
 $formName = 'form2';
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Address</div>');
 $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '" style="">');
 // show old address from import
 if ($cli_oldaddr && !$render_addresses) {
     $form->addHtml('<p class="appInfo">Please re-enter this address into the form below</p>');
     $form->addHtml($form->addRow('textarea', 'cli_oldaddr', 'Old Address', $cli_oldaddr, array('style' => 'width:400px', 'readonly' => 'readonly'), '', ''));
 // add address table
 // add new address
Esempio n. 7
         $viewers[$row["viewer_id"]] = $row["viewer_name"];
 $formData1 = array('calendarID' => array('type' => 'select_branch_2', 'label' => 'Branch', 'value' => $app["branch"], 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium')), 'app_user' => array('type' => 'select_user', 'label' => 'Negotiator', 'value' => $app["user"], 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium'), 'options' => array('' => '(unassigned)')), 'app_date' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'label' => 'Date', 'value' => $app["date"], 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium', 'readonly' => 'readonly')), 'app_time' => array('type' => 'time', 'label' => 'Start Time', 'value' => $app["time"]), 'app_duration' => array('type' => 'select_duration', 'label' => 'Duration', 'value' => $duration, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium'), 'options' => array('format' => 'long')), 'notes' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Add ' . $app["type"] . ' Note', 'value' => $app["notes"], 'attributes' => array('class' => 'noteInput'), 'tooltip' => 'Only notes relating to the viewer(s). Notes that relate to a specific property should be entered on the confirmation page'));
 if ($expired) {
     // dont allow new notes to be added
     $renderReadOnlyValue = 'true';
     $renderNotesArrayOptions = array('label' => 'Viewing Notes', 'layout' => 'readonly');
 } else {
     $renderReadOnlyValue = NULL;
     $renderNotesArrayOptions = array('label' => 'Viewing Notes');
 $form->addData($formData1, $_POST);
 $form->addHtml(renderNotes('appointment', $app_id, $renderNotesArrayOptions));
 $form->addHtml(renderViewerTable($viewers, $app_id, $renderReadOnlyValue));
 $form->addHtml(renderAttendeeTable($attendees, $app_id, $renderReadOnlyValue));
 $form->addHtml(renderDealTable($deals, $app_id, $in_past));
 if (!$expired) {
     $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("button", $formName, "", "Add Properties", array('class' => 'submit', 'onClick' => 'javascript:document.location.href=\'viewing_add.php?stage=viewing_address&app_id=' . $app_id . '&return=' . urlencode($_GET["searchLink"]) . '\';'))));
 many deals(link_deal_to_appointment), many clients(viewer - cli2app), many attendees(use2app)
 property (link_deal_to_appointment)
 vendors (link_client_to_instruction)
 if (!$render) {
     echo error_message(array('No properties selected (only available properties can be emailed)'));
 $form = new Form();
 $form->addForm("", "GET", $PHP_SELF);
 $form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n");
 $form->addField("hidden", "action", "", "send");
 $form->addField("hidden", "dea_id_original", "", $_GET["dea_id"]);
 $form->addField("hidden", "searchLink", "", $_GET["searchLink"]);
 $formName = 'form1';
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Send Email</div>');
 $form->addHtml('<div id="inset">' . $render . '</div>');
 $form->addData($formData1, $_GET);
 $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", "", "", "Send", array('class' => 'submit'))));
 $navbar_array = array('back' => array('title' => 'Back', 'label' => 'Back', 'link' => $searchLink), 'search' => array('title' => 'Property Search', 'label' => 'Property Search', 'link' => 'property_search.php'));
 $navbar = navbar2($navbar_array);
 $page = new HTML_Page2($page_defaults);
 $page->setTitle("Send Email");
 $page->setBodyAttributes(array('onLoad' => $onLoad));
 $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
Esempio n. 9
 $numRows = $q->numRows();
 while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) {
     $negotiators[$row["use_id"]] = $row["use_name"];
 $formData1 = array('app_title' => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Title', 'value' => $app_type . ': ' . $cli_name, 'attributes' => array('style' => 'width:250px'), 'group' => 'Title'), 'cli_tel' => array('type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Tel', 'options' => $tels, 'group' => 'Title', 'last_in_group' => 1), 'app_neg' => array('type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Negotiator', 'value' => $app_neg, 'default' => $_SESSION["auth"]["use_id"], 'options' => $negotiators, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium')), 'app_date' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'label' => 'Date', 'value' => $app_date, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium')), 'app_time' => array('type' => 'time', 'label' => 'Start Time', 'value' => $app_time), 'app_duration' => array('type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Estimated Duration', 'value' => $duration, 'options' => array('5' => '5 minutes', '10' => '10 minutes', '15' => '15 minutes', '20' => '20 minutes', '25' => '25 minutes', '30' => '30 minutes', '45' => '45 minutes', '60' => '1 hour', '75' => '1 hour, 15 minutes', '90' => '1 hour, 30 minutes'), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'medium')));
 $form = new Form();
 $form->addForm("app_form", "GET", $PHP_SELF);
 $form->addHtml("<div id=\"standard_form\">\n");
 $form->addField("hidden", "action", "", "update");
 $form->addField("hidden", "app_id", "", $app_id);
 $form->addField("hidden", "searchLink", "", urlencode($searchLink));
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">' . $app_type . '</div>');
 $form->addData($formData1, $_GET);
 $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'))));
 $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("button", $formName, "", "Add Properties", array('class' => 'submit', 'onClick' => 'javascript:document.location.href=\'viewing_add.php?stage=viewing_address&cli_id=' . $cli_id . '&app_id=' . $app_id . '\';'))));
 $page->addScriptDeclaration('document.write(getCalendarStyles());var popcal = new CalendarPopup("popCalDiv");popcal.showYearNavigation(); ');
 $page->addBodyContent('<div id="content">');
Esempio n. 10
 $form->addField("hidden", "searchLink", "", urlencode($searchLink));
 $form->addHtml('<h1>' . $pro_addr . ' (' . $dea_type . ')</h1>');
 $formName = 'form1';
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Particulars</div>');
 $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">');
 if (!$pro_area) {
     $form->addData($formDataArea, $_POST);
 $form->addData($formData1, $_POST);
 $form->addHtml($form->addRow('textarea', 'dea_notes_production', 'Add Production Note', '', array('class' => 'noteInput'), '', ''));
 $form->addHtml(renderNotes('deal_production', $dea_id, array('viewform' => '1', 'label' => 'Production Notes')));
 $buttons = $form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'));
 $buttons .= $form->makeField("button", "", "", "Summary", array('class' => 'button', 'onClick' => 'document.location.href=\'deal_summary.php?dea_id=' . $dea_id . '\''));
 $buttons .= $form->makeField("button", "", "", "Copy", array('class' => 'button', 'onClick' => 'document.location.href=\'deal_copy.php?dea_id=' . $dea_id . '\''));
 $formName = 'form2';
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Descriptions</div>');
 $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '" style="">');
 $form->addData($formData2, $_POST);
 $form->addHtml($form->addDiv($form->makeField("submit", $formName, "", "Save Changes", array('class' => 'submit'))));
 $formName = 'form5';
 $form->addHtml('<div class="block-header">Features</div>');
 $form->addHtml('<div id="' . $formName . '">');
 $feature_form = $form->makeField('select', 'featureId', 'Feature', '', '', db_lookup("feature", "feature", "array", "", "fea_title"));