Esempio n. 1
 public function updateFromPost(Data_User $user)
     if (empty($_REQUEST['name'])) {
         throw new Exception('You did not type in a name for the foodle.');
     if (empty($_REQUEST['coldef'])) {
         throw new Exception('Did not get column definition.');
     $this->name = strip_tags($_REQUEST['name']);
     $this->descr = isset($_REQUEST['descr']) ? $_REQUEST['descr'] : '...';
     $this->descr = preg_replace('/\\s(http[^ ]*?)\\s/', '[\\1](\\1)', $this->descr);
     $this->descr = preg_replace('/<(http[^>]*)>/', '[\\1](\\1)', $this->descr);
     // $this->descr = strip_tags($this->descr, '<h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><p><a><strong><em><ul><ol><li><dd><dt><dl><hr><img><pre><code>');
     $this->descr = strip_tags($this->descr);
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['maxentries']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['maxentries'])) {
         $this->maxentries = strip_tags($_REQUEST['maxentries']);
         $this->maxcolumn = strip_tags($_REQUEST['maxentriescol']);
     } else {
         $this->maxentries = NULL;
         $this->maxcolumn = NULL;
     if (array_key_exists('anon', $_REQUEST) && !empty($_REQUEST['anon'])) {
         $this->allowanonymous = TRUE;
     } else {
         $this->allowanonymous = FALSE;
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['settimezone'])) {
         $this->timezone = $_REQUEST['settimezone'];
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['columntype'])) {
         $this->columntype = $_REQUEST['columntype'];
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['responsetype'])) {
         $this->responsetype = $_REQUEST['responsetype'];
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['groups'])) {
         if ($_REQUEST['groups'] == '-1') {
             $this->groupid = NULL;
         } else {
             $this->groupid = $_REQUEST['groups'];
     $this->extrafields = array();
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['extrafields_photo'])) {
         $this->extrafields[] = 'photo';
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['extrafields_org'])) {
         $this->extrafields[] = 'org';
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['extrafields_timezone'])) {
         $this->extrafields[] = 'timezone';
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['extrafields_location'])) {
         $this->extrafields[] = 'location';
     # echo '<pre>'; print_r($_REQUEST);  print_r($this); exit;
     $this->expire = strip_tags($_REQUEST['expire']);
     $this->datetime = $this->getDateTimeFromPost();
     $this->owner = $user->userid;
     $this->columns = FoodleUtils::parseOldColDef($_REQUEST['coldef']);
     if (empty($this->identifier)) {
     #echo '<pre>'; print_r($this); print_r($_REQUEST); echo '</pre>'; exit;
Esempio n. 2
 public function readFoodle($id)
     $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT *,\n\t\t\tIF(expire=0,null,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(expire)) AS expire_unix, \n\t\t\tIF(created=0,null,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created)) AS createdu, \n\t\t\tIF(updated=0,null,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated)) AS updatedu \n\t\t\tFROM def WHERE id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($id) . "'";
     try {
         $row = $this->q1($sql);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception('Could not lookup Foodle with id [' . $id . ']. May be it was deleted?');
     $foodle = new Data_Foodle($this);
     $foodle->identifier = $id;
     $foodle->name = $row['name'];
     $foodle->descr = stripslashes($row['descr']);
     $foodle->location = json_decode($row['location'], TRUE);
     $foodle->expire = $row['expire_unix'];
     $foodle->owner = $row['owner'];
     $foodle->allowanonymous = (bool) ($row['anon'] == '1');
     $foodle->columntype = isset($row['columntype']) ? $row['columntype'] : null;
     $foodle->responsetype = isset($row['responsetype']) ? $row['responsetype'] : 'default';
     $foodle->extrafields = Data_Foodle::decode($row['extrafields']);
     if (!empty($row['feed'])) {
         $foodle->feed = $row['feed'];
     $foodle->created = $row['createdu'];
     $foodle->updated = $row['updatedu'];
     $foodle->datetime = Data_Foodle::decode($row['datetime']);
     if (!empty($row['timezone'])) {
         $foodle->timezone = $row['timezone'];
     if (!empty($row['groupid'])) {
         $foodle->groupid = $row['groupid'];
     if (self::isJSON($row['columns'][0])) {
         #echo 'Use new encoding format';
         $foodle->columns = json_decode($row['columns'], TRUE);
     } else {
         #echo 'Using old decoding.';
         $foodle->columns = FoodleUtils::parseOldColDef($row['columns']);
     $maxdef = self::parseMaxDef($row['maxdef']);
     if (isset($row['restrictions'])) {
         $foodle->restrictions = json_decode($row['restrictions'], TRUE);
     } else {
         if ($maxdef[0]) {
             $foodle->maxentries = $maxdef[0];
             $foodle->maxcolumn = $maxdef[1];
             if ($foodle->maxcolumn === 0) {
                 $foodle->restrictions = array('rows' => $maxdef[0]);
             } else {
                 $foodle->restrictions = array('col' => array('col' => $maxdef[1] - 1, 'limit' => $maxdef[0]));
     $foodle->loadedFromDB = TRUE;
     return $foodle;