public static function get_instance() { if (!isset(self::$instance) && !self::$instance instanceof FooGallery_Plugin) { self::$instance = new FooGallery_Plugin(); } return self::$instance; }
/** * Adds a gallery insert button into the editor * * @param string $buttons the existing media buttons * * @return string $buttons the amended media buttons */ public function add_media_button($buttons) { //render the gallery modal add_action('admin_footer', array($this, 'render_gallery_modal')); $foogallery = FooGallery_Plugin::get_instance(); $foogallery->register_and_enqueue_js('admin-foogallery-editor.js'); $buttons .= '<a href="#" class="button foogallery-modal-trigger" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Add Gallery From %s', 'foogallery'), foogallery_plugin_name())) . '" style="padding-left: .4em;">'; $buttons .= '<span class="wp-media-buttons-icon dashicons dashicons-format-gallery"></span> ' . sprintf(__('Add %s', 'foogallery'), foogallery_plugin_name()) . '</a>'; return $buttons; }
function foogallery_settings() { if (isset($_GET['settings-updated'])) { ?> <div id="message" class="updated"> <p><strong><?php printf(__('%s settings updated.', 'foogallery'), foogallery_plugin_name()); ?> </strong></p> </div> <?php } $instance = FooGallery_Plugin::get_instance(); $instance->admin_settings_render_page(); }
function admin_print_scripts() { $page = safe_get_from_request('page'); $foogallery = FooGallery_Plugin::get_instance(); $foogallery->register_and_enqueue_js('admin-page-' . $page . '.js'); }
/** * Return the FooGallery saved setting, or a default value * * @param string $key The key for the setting * * @param bool $default The default if no value is saved or found * * @return mixed */ function foogallery_get_setting($key, $default = false) { $foogallery = FooGallery_Plugin::get_instance(); return $foogallery->options()->get($key, foogallery_get_default($key, $default)); }
<?php $instance = FooGallery_Plugin::get_instance(); $api = new FooGallery_Extensions_API(); $extensions = $api->get_all(); $has_errors = $api->has_extension_loading_errors(); $categories = $api->get_all_categories(); $show_message = safe_get_from_request('show_message'); if ('yes' === $show_message) { $result = get_transient(FOOGALLERY_EXTENSIONS_MESSAGE_TRANSIENT_KEY); } $tagline = apply_filters('foogallery_admin_extensions_tagline', sprintf(__('Extensions make %s even more awesome, without bloating the core plugin.', 'foogallery'), foogallery_plugin_name())); $show_foobot = apply_filters('foogallery_admin_show_foobot', true); ?> <style> .foogallery-badge-foobot { position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 0; background: url(<?php echo FOOGALLERY_URL; ?> assets/foobot_small.png) no-repeat; width: 82px; height: 150px; z-index: 100; } .foogallery-text { font-size: 18px; margin: 10px 0; }
$api = new FooGallery_Extensions_API(); //clear any extenasion cache $api->clear_cached_extensions(); $extension_slugs = $api->get_all_slugs(); //get all gallery templates $template_slugs = array(); foreach (foogallery_gallery_templates() as $template) { $template_slugs[] = $template['slug']; } //get all activated plugins $plugins = array(); foreach (get_option('active_plugins') as $plugin_slug => $plugin) { $plugins[] = $plugin; } $current_theme = wp_get_theme(); $foogallery = FooGallery_Plugin::get_instance(); $settings = $foogallery->options()->get_all(); $debug_info = array(__('FooGallery version', 'foogallery') => $info['version'], __('WordPress version', 'foogallery') => $wp_version, __('Activated Theme', 'foogallery') => $current_theme['Name'], __('WordPress URL', 'foogallery') => get_site_url(), __('PHP version', 'foogallery') => phpversion(), __('PHP GD Loaded', 'foogallery') => extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info') ? foogallery_gdversion() : __('Not found!', 'foogallery'), __('Extensions Endpoint', 'foogallery') => $api->get_extensions_endpoint(), __('Extensions Errors', 'foogallery') => $api->has_extension_loading_errors() == true ? $api->get_extension_loading_errors_response() : __('Nope, all good', 'foogallery'), __('Extensions', 'foogallery') => $extension_slugs, __('Extensions Active', 'foogallery') => array_keys($api->get_active_extensions()), __('Gallery Templates', 'foogallery') => $template_slugs, __('Lightboxes', 'foogallery') => apply_filters('foogallery_gallery_template_field_lightboxes', array()), __('Settings', 'foogallery') => $settings, __('Active Plugins', 'foogallery') => $plugins); $debug_info = apply_filters('foogallery_admin_debug_info', $debug_info); ?> <style> .foogallery-debug { width: 100%; font-family: "courier new"; height: 500px; } </style> <div class="wrap about-wrap"> <h1><?php echo $title; ?>