Esempio n. 1
 protected function setLoginErrorAndQuit($message)
     if (isset($message)) {
         FlashMessage::flash('LoginError', $message);
         header('Location: /account.php');
Esempio n. 2
 private function setLoginErrorAndQuit($message)
     if (isset($message)) {
         FlashMessage::flash('LoginError', $message);
         header('Location: /admin.php');
Esempio n. 3
 public static function displayFlash($messageName, $type = '')
     if (isset($messageName)) {
         if ($type == 'message') {
             echo '<div class="col-md-12">';
             echo '<div class="alert alert-success flash-alert">';
             echo '<a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</a>' . FlashMessage::flash($messageName);
             echo '</div><br />';
             echo '</div>';
             return true;
         } else {
             echo '<div class="col-md-12">';
             echo '<div class="alert alert-danger flash-alert">';
             echo '<a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</a>' . FlashMessage::flash($messageName);
             echo '</div><br />';
             echo '</div>';
             return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 4
 public function registerNewUser($user_group = 1)
     if (empty($_POST['user_name'])) {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Username cannot be empty.');
     } elseif (empty($_POST['user_password_new']) || empty($_POST['user_password_repeat'])) {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Password cannot be empty.');
     } elseif ($_POST['user_password_new'] !== $_POST['user_password_repeat']) {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('RegisterError', 'Passwords do not match.');
     } elseif (!passwordPolicyMatch($_POST['user_password_new'])) {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Password does not match');
     } elseif (strlen($_POST['user_name']) > 64 || strlen($_POST['user_name']) < 2) {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Password does not conform to the password policy.<br />' . passwordPolicyWritten());
     } elseif (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*[_.-]?[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $_POST['user_name'])) {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Username does not match the naming scheme. Only letters, numbers, underscores, and periods are allowed');
     } elseif (empty($_POST['user_email'])) {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Email cannot be empty.');
     } elseif (strlen($_POST['user_email']) > 64) {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Email cannot be longer than 64 characters.');
     } elseif (!filter_var($_POST['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Your email address is not in a valid email format.');
     } elseif (!empty($_POST['user_name']) && strlen($_POST['user_name']) <= 64 && strlen($_POST['user_name']) >= 2 && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*[_.-]?[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $_POST['user_name']) && !empty($_POST['user_email']) && strlen($_POST['user_email']) <= 64 && filter_var($_POST['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) && !empty($_POST['user_password_new']) && !empty($_POST['user_password_repeat']) && $_POST['user_password_new'] === $_POST['user_password_repeat']) {
         if ($this->db_connection = startPDOConnection()) {
             //Trim the whitespace
             $user_name = trim($_POST['user_name']);
             $user_fullname = trim($_POST['user_fullname']);
             $user_email = trim($_POST['user_email']);
             $user_password = $_POST['user_password_new'];
             $user_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $user_password_hash = password_hash($user_password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
             if (isset($_POST['account_type']) && $_POST['account_type'] == 'admin') {
                 $account_type = 'admin';
             } else {
                 $account_type = 'clients';
             // Check if the user/email address is already taken or not
             if ($stmt = $this->db_connection->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $account_type . ' WHERE username=? OR email=?')) {
                 if ($stmt->execute(array($user_name, $user_email))) {
                     if ($stmt->rowCount() == 1) {
                         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Sorry, that username or email address is already taken.');
                     } else {
                         $stmt = null;
                         // Prepare and bind the database to insert the administrator account
                         if ($stmt = $this->db_connection->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . $account_type . ' (username, password, email, name, created) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)')) {
                             if ($stmt->execute(array($user_name, $user_password_hash, $user_email, $user_fullname, $user_created))) {
                                 FlashMessage::flash('RegisterSuccess', $user_name . ' has been created successfully.');
                                 header('Location: /admin/newaccount.php');
                             } else {
                                 $this->setErrorAndQuit('Sorry, your registration failed.<br />Please go back and try again.');
                         } else {
                             $this->setErrorAndQuit('Sorry, your registration failed.<br />Please go back and try again.');
                 } else {
                     $this->setErrorAndQuit('There was a problem connecting to the database.<br />Please try again.');
             } else {
                 $this->setErrorAndQuit('There was a problem connecting to the database.<br />Please try again.');
         } else {
             $this->setErrorAndQuit('There was a problem connecting to the database.<br />Please try again.');
     } else {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Sorry, your registration failed.<br />Please go back and try again.');
Esempio n. 5
 public function setAdminPWFromPost()
     if (isset($_POST['user_currentpassword'], $_POST['user_newpassword'], $_POST['user_repeatpassword'], $_SESSION['user_name'])) {
         if ($this->verifyAdminPW($_SESSION['user_name'], $_POST['user_currentpassword'])) {
             if ($_POST['user_newpassword'] == $_POST['user_repeatpassword']) {
                 if (strlen($_POST['user_newpassword']) >= Config::get('security/passwordLength')) {
                     if ($this->setAdminPW($_SESSION['user_name'], $_POST['user_newpassword'])) {
                         FlashMessage::flash('ChangePWSuccess', 'Your password was changed successfully');
                         header('Location: /changepw.php');
                     } else {
                         $this->setErrorAndQuit('Your password could not be changed due to a database error. Please try again.');
                 } else {
                     $this->setErrorAndQuit('The new password must be ' . Config::get('security/passwordLength') . '+ characters long. Please try again.');
             } else {
                 $this->setErrorAndQuit('The passwords you entered did not match. Please try again.');
         } else {
             $this->setErrorAndQuit('The password you entered was incorrect. Please try again.');
     } else {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('The required fields were not filled in.');
     $this->setErrorAndQuit('Your password could not be changed.');
Esempio n. 6

require_once '../resources/core/init.php';
if (isset($_POST['InputSubmit'])) {
    require_once RESOURCE_DIR . 'functions/sendEmail.php';
    // Send email
    if (isset($_POST['InputName'], $_POST['InputEmail'], $_POST['InputMessage'])) {
        $body = 'From: ' . sanitize($_POST['InputName']) . '<br />' . 'From Email: ' . sanitize($_POST['InputEmail']) . '<br />' . 'Message: ' . sanitize($_POST['InputMessage']);
        if (sendEmail($body)) {
            FlashMessage::flash('ContactSuccess', 'The email message was sent. You should hear a response within 24 hours.');
        } else {
            FlashMessage::flash('ContactError', 'The email could not be sent. Please contact ' . sanitize(Config::get('email/to')) . ' directly.');
        header('Location: /contact.php');
require_once RESOURCE_DIR . 'views/contact.php';
Esempio n. 7
 public function deleteHubFromPost()
     if (isset($_POST['delete_hub'], $_POST['hub_name'])) {
         if ($this->deleteHub($_POST['hub_name'], $_SESSION['user_name'])) {
             FlashMessage::flash('ManageHubMessage', sanitize('The hub ' . $_POST['hub_name'] . ' was deleted'));
             header('Location: /client/manage.php');
     } else {
         $this->setErrorAndQuit('The required fields were not provided');
     $this->setErrorAndQuit('The hub ' . $_POST['hub_name'] . ' could not be deleted');