/** * Get an user object * * Returns a reference to the global {@link JUser} object, only creating it * if it doesn't already exist. * * @param int $id The user to load - Can be an integer or string - If string, it is converted to ID automatically. * * @access public * @return object JUser */ function &getUser($id = null) { static $users; if (!isset($users)) { $users = array(); } if (is_null($id)) { $id = get_current_user_id(); } if (!isset($users[$id])) { $user = FiveTable::getInstance('user'); $user->load($id); $users[$id] =& $user; } return $users[$id]; }
/** * Function is responsible for authenticating users and redirecting * them upon a succesful login. * * @param unknown_type $username * @param unknown_type $password * @param unknown_type $remember */ function interal_authentication($username, $password, $remember = false) { //redirect if successful already if (is_user_logged_in()) { redirect(Router::url(array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'profile'))); } if (login_has_error()) { return false; } $user = FiveTable::getInstance('user'); if (!$user->authenticate($username, $password)) { set_error($user->getErrors()); login_has_error(1); } else { //success redirect(Router::url(array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'profile'))); } }
<?php /** * @Author Jonathon byrd * @link http://www.5twentystudios.com * @Package Five Twenty CMS * @SubPackage PublicMarketSpace * @Since 1.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 5Twenty Studios * */ defined('ABSPATH') or die("Cannot access pages directly."); //initializing $bizid = get_bizid(get_current_user_id()); $business = FiveTable::getInstance('business'); $business->load($bizid); require $view;
/** * Loads a row from the database and binds the fields to the object properties * * @access public * @param mixed Optional primary key. If not specifed, the value of current key is used * @return boolean True if successful */ function loadByParentAndName($parentCat, $name = null) { $parent = FiveTable::getInstance('categories'); $parent->loadByName($parentCat); if ($name === null) { return false; } $this->reset(); $db =& $this->getDBO(); $query = 'SELECT `col`.*' . ' FROM ' . $parent->_tbl . ' as cat' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->_relTable . ' ON ' . $this->_relTable . '.`catid` = `cat`.`id`' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->_tbl . ' col ON ' . $this->_relTable . '.`colid` = col.`id`' . ' WHERE `col`.`name` = ' . $db->Quote($name); $db->setQuery($query); if ($result = $db->loadAssoc()) { return $this->bind($result); } else { $this->setError($db->getErrorMsg()); return false; } }
/** * */ function getUserTable() { static $user; if (!isset($user)) { $user = FiveTable::getInstance('user'); $user->load($this->userid); } return $user; }
$_SESSION['registration']['reqtoken'] = 'PROMO'; $_SESSION['registration']['amt'] = 0.0; } //@todo process the credit card if ($has && !$promo) { $post['amount'] = '20.00'; $post['products'] = array(array('name' => 'Services Registration', 'price' => '20.00', 'qty' => '1', 'sku' => '02201')); $auth = apply_filters('captureCreditCard', $post); if ($auth['auth'] == 'ACCEPT') { $query = "update cybersource set reqid='" . $auth['reqid'] . "',reqtoken='" . $auth['reqtoken'] . "' where id='" . $csid . "'"; if (!mysql_query($query)) { die(ERROR_MSG_CRITICAL1); } $_SESSION['registration']['reqid'] = $auth['reqid']; $_SESSION['registration']['reqtoken'] = $auth['reqtoken']; $_SESSION['registration']['amt'] = BRequest::getVar('total'); } else { set_error($auth['errorMsg']); $has = false; } } //If there's no error, then redirect if ($has) { $groups =& FiveTable::getInstance('groups'); $groups->loadByUserID(get_current_user_id()); $groups->business = 1; $groups->store(); redirect(Router::url(array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'profile'))); } } require $view;
<?php /** * @Author Jonathon byrd * @link http://www.5twentystudios.com * @Package Five Twenty CMS * @SubPackage PublicMarketSpace * @Since 1.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 5Twenty Studios * */ defined('ABSPATH') or die("Cannot access pages directly."); //initializing $user = FiveTable::getInstance('user'); if (BRequest::getVar('verify', false)) { // LOGIN USER mysql_query("update user set status='active' where secToken='" . BRequest::getVar('verify', false) . "'") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("select id,username,email,zip from user where secToken='" . BRequest::getVar('verify', false) . "'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); set_session($row[0], stripslashes($row[1]), stripslashes($row[2]), $row[3]); $user->load(get_current_user_id()); set_notice('Please make sure to update your password before continuing.'); } //redirect if successful if (!is_user_logged_in()) { redirect(Router::url(array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'login'))); } //loading the user $user->load(get_current_user_id()); if ($post = BRequest::get('post', false)) { //$user->load( get_current_user_id() );
$urlCat = false; if (isset($url['category'])) { $urlCat = $url['category']; } $urlCol = false; if (isset($url['collection'])) { $urlCol = $url['collection']; } $urlAss = false; if (isset($url['assortments'])) { $urlAss = $url['assortments']; } if ($urlCat == 'services') { $type = 'services'; $product = FiveTable::getInstance('services'); $products = $product->getServices($urlCol, $urlAss); } else { $type = 'products'; $product = FiveTable::getInstance('products'); $products = $product->getProducts($urlCat, $urlCol, $urlAss); } if (!$products || empty($products)) { echo '<div class="site_errors rounded-eight">No ' . ucfirst($type) . ' are currently in this view.</div>'; } else { foreach ((array) $products as $product) { if (!$products) { continue; } require $view; } }
/** * Method converts the Assoc list into a class list. */ function loadList($key = '', $type) { if (!($results = $this->loadAssocList($key))) { return false; } $products = array(); foreach ((array) $results as $key => $result) { if (!$result) { continue; } $product = FiveTable::getInstance($type); $product->reset(); $product->bind($result); $products[$key] = $product; } return $products; }
<?php /** * @Author Jonathon byrd * @link http://www.5twentystudios.com * @Package Five Twenty CMS * @SubPackage PublicMarketSpace * @Since 1.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 5Twenty Studios * */ defined('ABSPATH') or die("Cannot access pages directly."); //redirect if successful if (!is_user_logged_in()) { redirect(Router::url(array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'login'))); } //initializing $service = FiveTable::getInstance('services'); $bizid = get_bizid(get_current_user_id()); $service->loadByBizID($bizid); if ($post = BRequest::get('post', false)) { if ($service->save($post)) { set_notice("Profile Saved."); } else { set_error($service->getErrors()); } } require $view;
$collection = FiveTable::getInstance('collections'); $collections = $collection->loadAll($urlCat); $categoryUrl = 'collections'; $catList = array(); foreach ((array) $collections as $col) { if (!$col) { continue; } $catList[$col->id] = array(); $catList[$col->id]['name'] = strtoupper($col->name); $catList[$col->id]['url'] = array('controller' => 'categories', 'action' => $urlCat); $catList[$col->id]['url'][] = $col->name; } //If we're being asked for an assortment if ($urlCol) { $assortment = FiveTable::getInstance('assortments'); $assortments = $assortment->loadByParents($urlCat, $urlCol); $categoryUrl = 'assortments'; $catList = array(); foreach ((array) $assortments as $ass) { if (!$ass) { continue; } $catList[$ass->id] = array(); $catList[$ass->id]['name'] = strtoupper($ass->name); $catList[$ass->id]['url'] = array('controller' => 'categories', 'action' => $urlCat, $urlCol, $ass->name); } } } ?> <div class="widget">
/** * Loads a row from the database and binds the fields to the object properties * * @access public * @param mixed Optional primary key. If not specifed, the value of current key is used * @return boolean True if successful */ function loadByParents($parentCat = null, $parentCol = null) { $category = FiveTable::getInstance('categories'); $category->loadByName($parentCat); $collection = FiveTable::getInstance('collections'); $collection->loadByParentAndName($parentCat, $parentCol); $cacid = get_cacid($category->id, $collection->id); $this->reset(); $db =& $this->getDBO(); $query = "select `" . $this->_tbl . "`.* from rel_cac_assts rca \n\t\t\t\t\tjoin rel_cats_cols rcac on rca.cacid=rcac.id \n\t\t\t\t\tleft join categories cat on rcac.catid=cat.id\n\t\t\t\t\tleft join collections col on rcac.colid=col.id\n\n\t\t\t\t\tleft join assortments on rca.asstid = `" . $this->_tbl . "`.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere rca.cacid='" . $cacid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\torder by `" . $this->_tbl . "`.sortOrder asc, `" . $this->_tbl . "`.name asc"; $db->setQuery($query); if ($result = $db->loadList($this->_tbl_key, $this->_type)) { return $result; } else { $this->setError($db->getErrorMsg()); return false; } }
/** * Function is responsible for loading the group class if it hasn't already been loaded. */ function loadGroup() { if (!$this->_groups) { $this->_groups = FiveTable::getInstance('groups'); } if (!isset($this->_groups->id) || !$this->_groups->id) { $this->_groups->load($this->id); @($_SESSION['user']['group']['admin'] = $this->_groups->admin); @($_SESSION['user']['group']['business'] = $this->_groups->business); @($_SESSION['user']['group']['user'] = $this->_groups->user); } return true; }
/** * method is responsible for loading products from a category * @param $catName */ function getCategoryProducts($catName = null) { $category = FiveTable::getInstance('categories'); $category->loadByName($catName); $db =& $this->getDBO(); $db->resetTree(); $db->setTree('SELECT', '`' . $this->_tbl . '`.*'); $db->setTree('FROM', '`#__rel_prod_cca`'); $db->setTree('INNER JOIN', '`' . $this->_tbl . '` ON `#__rel_prod_cca`.prodid=' . $this->_tbl . '.id'); $db->setTree('WHERE', '`' . $this->_tbl . '`.`status`=' . $db->Quote('active')); $db->setTree('WHERE', '`#__rel_prod_cca`.catid = ' . $db->Quote($category->id)); if (BRequest::getCmd('p', false) == 'h' && BRequest::getCmd('s', false) == 'r' && BRequest::getCmd('r', false) == 'o') { $db->setTree('ORDER BY', '`' . $this->_tbl . '`.`price` DESC'); } elseif (BRequest::getCmd('p', false) == 'l' && BRequest::getCmd('s', false) == 'r' && BRequest::getCmd('r', false) == 'o') { $db->setTree('ORDER BY', "`{$this->_tbl}`.`price` ASC"); } elseif (BRequest::getCmd('s', false) == 'l' && BRequest::getCmd('r', false) == 'o') { //@todo doesn't work as expected $db->setTree('SELECT', "sum((`likes`.`like`)) AS `tlikes`"); $db->setTree('LEFT JOIN', "`likes` ON `{$this->_tbl}`.`id` = `likes`.`itemid`"); $db->setTree('ORDER BY', "tlikes ASC"); } elseif (BRequest::getCmd('s', false) == 'r' && BRequest::getCmd('r', false) == 'n') { $db->setTree('ORDER BY', "`{$this->_tbl}`.`dateAdded` DESC"); } elseif (BRequest::getCmd('s', false) == 'r' && BRequest::getCmd('r', false) == 'o') { $db->setTree('ORDER BY', "`{$this->_tbl}`.`dateAdded` ASC"); } elseif (BRequest::getCmd('s', false) == 'r') { //@todo doesn't work as expected $db->setTree('SELECT', "sum((`ratings`.`like`)) AS `ratingsum`"); $db->setTree('LEFT JOIN', "`ratings` ON `{$this->_tbl}`.`id` = `ratings`.`itemid`"); $db->setTree('ORDER BY', "ratingsum ASC"); } //default ordering if (empty($sql['ORDER BY'])) { $db->setTree('ORDER BY', "`prod_name` ASC"); } $per_page = config('products.per_page'); $db->setTree('LIMIT', $per_page); if ($offset = (BRequest::getInt('ppage', 1) - 1) * $per_page) { $db->setTree('OFFSET', $offset); } $q = $db->queryTree(); if ($results = $db->loadList($this->_tbl_key, $this->_type)) { return $results; } return false; }