Esempio n. 1
 public static function read($data)
     $database_books = Database_Books::getInstance();
     $output = array();
     $data = Filter_String::string2array($data);
     foreach ($data as &$entry) {
         $entry = trim($entry);
         $entry = explode("=", $entry);
         if (count($entry) != 2) {
         $book = trim($entry[0]);
         $book = $database_books->getIdFromEnglish($book);
         if ($book == 0) {
         $abbrev = trim($entry[1]);
         if ($abbrev == "") {
         // Array (book => abbrev) does not support multiple abbreviations for one book,
         // but array (abbrev => book) does.
         $output[$abbrev] = intval($book);
     return $output;
Esempio n. 2
$checks_sentences = new Checks_Sentences();
$end_marks = $database_config_bible->getSentenceStructureEndPunctuation($bible);
$center_marks = $database_config_bible->getSentenceStructureMiddlePunctuation($bible);
$check_versification = $database_config_bible->getCheckChaptesVersesVersification($bible);
$check_well_formed_usfm = $database_config_bible->getCheckWellFormedUsfm($bible);
$checks_usfm = new Checks_Usfm($bible);
$check_missing_punctuation_end_verse = $database_config_bible->getCheckMissingPunctuationEndVerse($bible);
$check_patterns = $database_config_bible->getCheckPatterns($bible);
$checking_patterns = $database_config_bible->getCheckingPatterns($bible);
$checking_patterns = Filter_String::string2array($checking_patterns);
$checking_patterns = array_filter($checking_patterns, 'strlen');
$books = $database_bibles->getBooks($bible);
if ($check_versification) {
    Checks_Versification::books($bible, $books);
foreach ($books as $book) {
    $chapters = $database_bibles->getChapters($bible, $book);
    if ($check_versification) {
        Checks_Versification::chapters($bible, $book, $chapters);
    foreach ($chapters as $chapter) {
        $chapterUsfm = $database_bibles->getChapter($bible, $book, $chapter);
        $verses = Filter_Usfm::getVerseNumbers($chapterUsfm);
        if ($check_versification) {
            Checks_Versification::verses($bible, $book, $chapter, $verses);
Esempio n. 3
 public function response()
     // The databases to access.
     $database_config_user = Database_Config_User::getInstance();
     $database_volatile = Database_Volatile::getInstance();
     $database_bibles = Database_Bibles::getInstance();
     // The resources to display in the Consistency tool.
     $resources = array();
     $resources[] = Access_Bible::clamp($database_config_user->getBible());
     $resources = array_merge($resources, $database_config_user->getConsistencyResources());
     // The passages entered in the Consistency tool.
     $passages = $database_volatile->getValue($this->id, "passages");
     $passages = trim($passages);
     $passages = Filter_String::string2array($passages);
     // The translations from the Consistency tool.
     $translations = $database_volatile->getValue($this->id, "translations");
     $translations = trim($translations);
     $translations = Filter_String::string2array($translations);
     // Contains the response to display.
     $response = array();
     // Go through the passages interpreting them.
     $previousPassage = array(1, 1, 1);
     foreach ($passages as $line) {
         $line = trim($line);
         if ($line == "") {
         $range_sequence = Filter_Books::handleSequencesRanges($line);
         foreach ($range_sequence as $line) {
             $passage = Filter_Books::interpretPassage($previousPassage, $line);
             if ($passage[0] != 0) {
                 $book = $passage[0];
                 $chapter = $passage[1];
                 $verse = $passage[2];
                 $line = Filter_Books::linkForOpeningEditorAt($book, $chapter, $verse);
                 $line .= " ";
                 // Check whether the chapter identifier has changed for this reference.
                 // If so, set a flag so the data can be re-assembled for this verse.
                 // If there was no change, then the data can be fetched from the volatile database.
                 $redoPassage = false;
                 $passageKey = "{$book}.{$chapter}.{$verse}";
                 $currentChapterId = $database_bibles->getChapterId($resources[0], $book, $chapter);
                 $storedChapterId = $database_volatile->getValue($this->id, "{$passageKey}.id");
                 if ($currentChapterId != $storedChapterId) {
                     $database_volatile->setValue($this->id, "{$passageKey}.id", $currentChapterId);
                     $redoPassage = true;
                 // Go through each resource.
                 foreach ($resources as $resource) {
                     // Produce new verse text if the passage is to be redone, or else fetch the existing text.
                     if ($redoPassage) {
                         $text = $this->verseText($resource, $book, $chapter, $verse);
                         if ($translations != "") {
                             $text = Filter_Markup::words($translations, $text);
                         $database_volatile->setValue($this->id, "{$passageKey}.{$resource}", $text);
                     } else {
                         $text = $database_volatile->getValue($this->id, "{$passageKey}.{$resource}");
                     // Formatting.
                     if (count($resources) > 1) {
                         $line .= "<br>";
                     $line .= $text;
                 $response[] = $line;
                 $previousPassage = $passage;
             } else {
                 $response[] = '<span class="error">' . Locale_Translate::_("Unknown passage") . " " . $line . '</span>';
     $output = "";
     foreach ($response as $line) {
         $output .= "<div>{$line}</div>\n";
     return $output;
Esempio n. 4
 if ($currentbook) {
     $ipc_focus = Ipc_Focus::getInstance();
     $book = $ipc_focus->getBook();
     $bookhits = array();
     foreach ($hits as $hit) {
         $details = $database_search->getBiblePassage($hit);
         if ($book == $details['book']) {
             $bookhits[] = $hit;
     $hits = $bookhits;
 // Deal with how to share the results.
 if ($sharing != "load") {
     $loadedHits = $database_volatile->getValue($identifier, "hits");
     $loadedHits = Filter_String::string2array($loadedHits);
     if ($sharing == "add") {
         $hits = array_merge($loadedHits, $hits);
     if ($sharing == "remove") {
         $hits = array_diff($loadedHits, $hits);
     if ($sharing == "intersect") {
         $hits = array_intersect($loadedHits, $hits);
     $hits = array_unique($hits);
 // Generate one string from the hits.
 $output = "";
 foreach ($hits as $hit) {
     $output .= "{$hit}\n";
Esempio n. 5
 public function import($name, $data)
     // Delete existing mapping with this name.
     // Begin a transaction for better speed.
     Database_SQLite::exec($this->db, "BEGIN;");
     $lastPassage = array(1, 1, 1);
     $lastOriginal = array(1, 1, 1);
     $name = Database_SQLiteInjection::no($name);
     $data = Filter_String::string2array($data);
     foreach ($data as $line) {
         // Each line looks like this:
         // Haggai 2:15 = Haggai 2:14
         // At the left is the passage in this versification.
         // At the right is the passage in the original Hebrew and Greek versification.
         $line = trim($line);
         if ($line == "") {
         // Cut the line into two: The two passages.
         $entry = explode("=", $line);
         if (count($entry) != 2) {
         $passage = trim($entry[0]);
         $original = trim($entry[1]);
         $passage = Filter_Books::interpretPassage($lastPassage, $passage);
         $lastPassage = $passage;
         $original = Filter_Books::interpretPassage($lastOriginal, $original);
         $lastOriginal = $original;
         $book = (int) $passage[0];
         $chapter = (int) $passage[1];
         $verse = (int) $passage[2];
         $origbook = (int) $original[0];
         $origchapter = (int) $original[1];
         $origverse = (int) $original[2];
         $query = "INSERT INTO maps VALUES ('{$name}', {$book}, {$chapter}, {$verse}, {$origbook}, {$origchapter}, {$origverse});";
         Database_SQLite::exec($this->db, $query);
     // Commit the transaction.
     Database_SQLite::exec($this->db, "COMMIT;");