Esempio n. 1
 public function getNeighborhood()
     $images = FilterImage::all();
     $filter = Filter::take(1)->get()[0];
     $filters = Filter::all();
     return View::make('site.neighborhood', array('images' => $images, 'text' => $filter->text, 'paragraph_title' => $filter->paragraph_title, 'filters' => $filters));
 public function run()
     $success = File::cleanDirectory($this->getImagesPath());
     File::put($this->getImagesPath() . '.gitignore', File::get(public_path() . '/../app/storage/cache/.gitignore'));
     // Create images for all filters. In this phase images for all the filter will be the same
     $filters = Filter::all();
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         FilterImage::create(['filter_id' => $filter->id, 'image_name' => $this->copyImage(public_path() . '/backup_images/filters/gym.jpg')]);
         //            FilterImage::create([
         //                'filter_id' => $filter->id,
         //                'image_name' => $this->copyImage(public_path().'/backup_images/filters/hero.jpg')
         //            ]);
         //            FilterImage::create([
         //                'filter_id' => $filter->id,
         //                'image_name' => $this->copyImage(public_path().'/backup_images/filters/kitchen.jpg')
         //            ]);
         //            FilterImage::create([
         //                'filter_id' => $filter->id,
         //                'image_name' => $this->copyImage(public_path().'/backup_images/filters/living.jpg')
         //            ]);
Esempio n. 3
  * Formats setting
  * @uses  InputFilter::filters
  * @uses  Assets::tabledrag
  * @uses  Config::load
  * @uses  Message::error
  * @uses  Filter::all
 public function action_configure()
     $id = $this->request->param('id', NULL);
     // Get required format
     $format = $this->_format->get($id);
     $config = Config::load('inputfilter');
     if (is_null($format)) {
         Log::error('Attempt to access non-existent format id :id', array(':id' => $id));
         Message::error(__('Text Format doesn\'t exists!'));
         $this->request->redirect(Route::get('admin/format')->uri(), 404);
     $fallback_format = (int) $config->default_format;
     $formats = $this->_format->get_all();
     $formats[$id]['id'] = $id;
     $all_roles = ORM::factory('role')->find_all()->as_array('id', 'name');
     $filters = Filter::all();
     $enabled_filters = $formats[$id]['filters'];
     // Form attributes
     $params = array('id' => $id, 'action' => 'configure');
     $this->title = __('Configure %name format', array('%name' => $format['name']));
     $view = View::factory('admin/format/form')->set('roles', $all_roles)->set('filters', $filters)->set('enabled_filters', $enabled_filters)->set('format', $format)->set('params', $params);
     if ($this->valid_post('filter')) {
         unset($_POST['filter'], $_POST['_token'], $_POST['_action']);
         Message::info(__('Not implemented yet!'));
Esempio n. 4
  * Method to run all enabled filters by the format id on given string
  * @param  object  $text       The text object to be filtered.
  * @return string  $text       The filtered text
 public static function process($text)
     $config = Config::load('inputfilter');
     if (!array_key_exists($text->format, $config->get('formats')) or !isset($text->format)) {
         //make sure a valid format id exists, if not set default format id
         $text->format = (int) $config->get('default_format', 1);
     $filters = $config->formats[$text->format]['filters'];
     $filter_info = Filter::all();
     //sort filters by weight
     $filters = Arr::array_sort($filters, 'weight');
     // Give filters the chance to escape HTML-like data such as code or formulas.
     foreach ($filters as $name => $filter) {
         $prepare_callback = $filter_info[$name]->prepare_callback;
         if ($filter['status'] and !empty($prepare_callback)) {
             $text->text = Filter::execute($prepare_callback, $text->text, $text->format, $filter);
     // Perform filtering
     foreach ($filters as $name => $filter) {
         $process_callback = $filter_info[$name]->process_callback;
         if ($filter['status'] and !empty($process_callback)) {
             $text->text = Filter::execute($process_callback, $text->text, $text->format, $filter);
     return $text->text;
  * Handle submitted settings.
  * @return
 public function postIndex()
     if (Input::has('api_key_id')) {
         $api_key_id = Setting::where('key', 'api_key_id')->firstOrFail();
         $api_key_id->value = Input::get('api_key_id');
     if (Input::has('api_key_verification_code')) {
         $api_key_verification_code = Setting::where('key', 'api_key_verification_code')->firstOrFail();
         $api_key_verification_code->value = Input::get('api_key_verification_code');
     if (Input::has('api_key_character_id')) {
         $api_key_character_id = Setting::where('key', 'api_key_character_id')->firstOrFail();
         $api_key_character_id->value = Input::get('api_key_character_id');
     if (Input::has('home_region_id')) {
         $home_region_id = Setting::where('key', 'home_region_id')->firstOrFail();
         $home_region_id->value = Input::get('home_region_id');
     if (Input::has('systems')) {
         // Clean up the input in case the JS screwed up somewhere.
         $input = preg_replace('/^,|,$/', '', Input::get('systems'));
         $systems = Setting::where('key', 'systems')->firstOrFail();
         $systems->value = $input;
     if (Input::has('alliances')) {
         // Clean up the input in case the JS screwed up somewhere.
         $input = preg_replace('/^,|,$/', '', Input::get('alliances'));
         $alliances = Setting::where('key', 'alliances')->firstOrFail();
         $alliances->value = $input;
         // We also need to populate the alliances table with these new alliances.
         $response = API::eveOnline('eve/AllianceList', 'version=1');
         foreach ($response->body->result->rowset->row as $row) {
             if (strpos($input, (string) $row['allianceID']) !== FALSE) {
                 $alliance = Alliance::find($row['allianceID']);
                 if (!isset($alliance->id)) {
                     $alliance = new Alliance();
                     $alliance->id = $row['allianceID'];
                     $alliance->allianceName = $row['name'];
     if (Input::has('shipping_cost')) {
         $shipping_cost = Setting::where('key', 'shipping_cost')->firstOrFail();
         $shipping_cost->value = Input::get('shipping_cost');
     // Process default filters.
     DB::table('filters')->update(array('is_default' => 0));
     $filters = Filter::all();
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         if (Input::has($filter->categoryName)) {
             $category = Filter::find($filter->categoryID);
             $category->is_default = 1;
     return Redirect::to('settings');
 public function getDutchKillsPage($id = null)
     $filters = Filter::all();
     $data = array('filters' => $filters);
     $data['filterImages'] = FilterImage::all();
     if ($id) {
         $filter = Filter::find($id);
         $data['text'] = $filter->text;
         $data['paragraph_title'] = $filter->paragraph_title;
     } else {
         $data['text'] = "";
         $data['paragraph_title'] = "";
     return View::make('admin.dutch-kills', $data);
 public function testAll()
     $pass = function () {
         return TRUE;
     $fail = function () {
         return FALSE;
     $filter = Filter::all([$pass]);
     $filter = Filter::all([$pass, $fail]);
 public function home()
     // Retrieve the number of days since tracking began.
     $earliest_date = DB::select('SELECT killTime FROM kills ORDER BY killTime ASC LIMIT 1');
     if (isset($earliest_date[0])) {
         $days_running = (time() - strtotime($earliest_date[0]->killTime)) / 60 / 60 / 24;
     } else {
         $days_running = 1;
     // How many items to show per page.
     $per_page = 30;
     // Get the page requested.
     $page = Input::get('page');
     if (!isset($page)) {
         $page = 1;
     // Check whether any filters are active.
     $active_filters = Input::get('filter');
     $active_meta_filters = Input::get('meta');
     $active_blueprint_filters = Input::get('blueprint');
     $whereraw = array();
     $filter_url = '';
     $search_term = '';
     // If a search term was supplied, just use that.
     if (Input::get('q')) {
         $search_term = Input::get('q');
         $whereraw[] = 'typeName LIKE "%' . $search_term . '%"';
         $filter_url .= '&q=' . $search_term;
     } else {
         // If no filters are set, apply the default ones.
         if (!isset($active_filters)) {
             $active_filters = array();
             $default_filters = Filter::where('is_default', 1)->get();
             foreach ($default_filters as $default_filter) {
                 array_push($active_filters, $default_filter->categoryName);
         // Check whether a filter on tech/meta level has been applied.
         if (count($active_meta_filters)) {
             // Loop through all active filters and construct the aggregate query.
             foreach ($active_meta_filters as $active_meta_filter) {
                 $meta_filter_raw[] = 'metaGroupName = "' . $active_meta_filter . '"';
             // Bundle up all the filters.
             $whereraw[] = implode(' or ', $meta_filter_raw);
             // Make a URL to use in links.
             $filter_url .= '&meta[]=' . implode('&meta[]=', $active_meta_filters);
         // Check whether there are any filters on the existence of blueprints.
         if (count($active_blueprint_filters)) {
             // Loop through all active filters and construct the aggregate query.
             foreach ($active_blueprint_filters as $active_blueprint_filter) {
                 $value = $active_blueprint_filter == 'Yes' ? 1 : 0;
                 $blueprint_filter_raw[] = 'allowManufacture = ' . $value;
             // Bundle up all the filters.
             $whereraw[] = implode(' or ', $blueprint_filter_raw);
             // Make a URL to use in links.
             $filter_url .= '&blueprint[]=' . implode('&blueprint[]=', $active_blueprint_filters);
         if (count($active_filters)) {
             // Loop through all active filters and construct the aggregate query.
             foreach ($active_filters as $active_filter) {
                 $active_filter_raw[] = 'categoryName = "' . $active_filter . '"';
             // Bundle up all the filters.
             $whereraw[] = implode(' or ', $active_filter_raw);
             // Make a URL to use in links.
             $filter_url .= '&filter[]=' . implode('&filter[]=', $active_filters);
     // Query the database for the chosen items.
     $items = Item::selectedItems($page, $whereraw, $per_page);
     // Load the template to display all the items.
     return View::make('home')->with('items', $items)->with('days_running', $days_running)->with('page', $page)->with('filter_url', $filter_url)->with('pages', Item::getRowCount($whereraw) / $per_page)->nest('sidebar', 'filters', array('filters' => Filter::all()->sortBy('categoryName'), 'meta_filters' => array('Meta 0', 'Meta 1', 'Meta 2', 'Meta 3', 'Meta 4', 'Meta 5', 'Tech II'), 'active_filters' => $active_filters, 'active_meta_filters' => $active_meta_filters, 'active_blueprint_filters' => $active_blueprint_filters, 'search_term' => $search_term));