protected function executeExecImagick()
     // Step 1. Generate the watermark
     $op = '';
     // store original values
     $fileType = $this->outputType;
     $targetFile = $this->targetFile;
     $this->outputAlpha = true;
     if ($this->type == 'text') {
         $this->outputType = 'png';
         $this->targetFile = FileSystemUtils::secureTmpname($this->workDir, 'watermark', '.' . $this->outputType);
         $op .= " -background transparent";
         $op .= " -fill '{$this->fontColor}'";
         if (!empty($this->fontFamily)) {
             $op .= " -font '{$this->fontFamily}'";
         if (!empty($this->fontStyle)) {
             $op .= " -style '{$this->fontStyle}'";
         if (!empty($this->fontWeight)) {
             $op .= " -weight '{$this->fontWeight}'";
         $op .= " -size {$this->width}x{$this->height}";
         if (!empty($this->fontSize)) {
             $op .= " -pointsize {$this->fontSize}";
         $op .= " caption:\"" . preg_replace('/"/', '\\"', $this->text) . "\"";
         $watermark = ImagickExecFilterHelper::executeFilter($this, $op, true);
     } else {
         if ($this->type == 'image') {
             $watermark = $this->image;
     // Step 2. Apply the watermark
     // restore original values
     $this->outputType = $fileType;
     $this->targetFile = $targetFile;
     /** This only works with IM > 6.5.3-4 **/
     /*$op = "\"{$watermark}\"";
             $op .= " -compose dissolve";
             $op .= " -define compose:args={$this->opacity}";
             $op .= " -gravity {$this->anchor}";
             $op .= " -geometry {$this->offsetX}{$this->offsetY}";
             $op .= " -composite";
             $image = ImagickExecFilterHelper::executeFilter($this, $op);*/
     $inFile = escapeshellarg($this->sourceFile);
     $outFile = escapeshellarg($this->targetFile);
     $op = " -dissolve {$this->opacity}";
     $op .= " -gravity {$this->anchor}";
     $op .= " -geometry {$this->offsetX}{$this->offsetY}";
     $op .= " \"{$watermark}\"";
     $op .= " {$inFile}";
     if ($this->outputAlpha != null) {
         if ($this->outputAlpha == true) {
             $op .= " -alpha On";
         } else {
             $op .= " -alpha Off";
     $op .= " -quality {$this->outputQuality}";
     $cmdParams = "{$op} {$outFile}";
     $cmd = "{$this->imageCompositeExecPath} {$cmdParams} 2>&1";
     $retval = 1;
     $output = array();
     exec($cmd, $output, $retval);
     if ($retval > 0) {
         throw new ImageFilterException("Image filter process failed", $output);
     return $this->targetFile;
 protected function executeExecImagick()
     // get the width of the original image
     $retval = 1;
     $output = array();
     exec("{$this->imageIdentifyExecPath} -format %w " . escapeshellarg($this->sourceFile) . " 2>&1", $output, $retval);
     if ($retval > 0) {
         throw new ImageFilterException("Unable to read source file.");
     $width = $output[0] - $this->padding * 2;
     // Step 1. Generate the photo credit
     $op = '';
     // store original values
     $targetFile = $this->targetFile;
     $this->targetFile = FileSystemUtils::secureTmpname($this->workDir, 'credit', '.' . $this->outputType);
     $op .= " -background '{$this->backgroundColor}'";
     if ($this->fontColor != null) {
         $op .= " -fill '{$this->fontColor}'";
     if ($this->fontFamily != null) {
         $op .= " -font '{$this->fontFamily}'";
     if ($this->fontStyle != null) {
         $op .= " -style '{$this->fontStyle}'";
     if ($this->fontWeight != null) {
         $op .= " -weight '{$this->fontWeight}'";
     $op .= " -pointsize {$this->fontSize}";
     // Force height to fontSize because IM < version 6.5.2-4 will ignore -pointsize to make the text fill the maximum width specified
     // I think this will limit all credit to 1 line of text
     $op .= " -size {$width}x{$this->fontSize}";
     $op .= " -gravity {$this->anchor}";
     $op .= " label:\"" . preg_replace('/"/', '\\"', $this->text) . "\"";
     $op .= " -bordercolor '{$this->backgroundColor}'";
     $op .= " -border {$this->padding}x{$this->padding}";
     $credit = ImagickExecFilterHelper::executeFilter($this, $op, true);
     // Step 2. Apply the photo credit
     // restore original values
     $this->targetFile = $targetFile;
     $op = '';
     if ($this->type == 'overlay') {
         $op .= " -gravity {$this->anchor}";
         $op .= " -draw 'image over 0,0 0,0 \"{$credit}\"'";
     } else {
         if ($this->type == 'add') {
             $op .= " -background '{$this->backgroundColor}'";
             $op .= " {$credit}";
             if (preg_match('/^North/i', $this->anchor)) {
                 $op .= " +swap";
             if (preg_match('/^(North|South)$/i', $this->anchor)) {
                 $op .= " -gravity Center";
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('/East$/i', $this->anchor)) {
                     $op .= " -gravity East";
             $op .= " -append";
     return ImagickExecFilterHelper::executeFilter($this, $op);
 protected function _importPhotosFromJson($file)
     try {
         $contents = file_get_contents($file);
         $json = JSONUtils::decode($contents);
         foreach ($json as $v) {
             echo "importing {$v->title}...";
             $url = $v->src;
             $parts = parse_url($url);
             $slug = SlugUtils::createSlug(basename($parts['path']));
             preg_match('/(\\.\\w*)$/', $parts['path'], $ext);
             $nodeRef = $this->NodeRefService->oneFromAspect('@images');
             $nodeRef = $this->NodeRefService->generateNodeRef($nodeRef, $slug);
             $node = $nodeRef->generateNode();
             if (!$this->NodeService->refExists($node->getNodeRef())) {
                 // go fetch file from url
                 $data = $this->HttpRequest->fetchURL($url);
                 // create a unique output file name
                 $sourceFile = FileSystemUtils::secureTmpname($this->workDir, 'urlfetch', !empty($ext[1]) ? strtolower($ext[1]) : null);
                 file_put_contents($sourceFile, $data);
                 $node->Title = rtrim($v->title);
                 $node->Status = "published";
                 $node->ActiveDate = $this->DateFactory->newStorageDate();
                 $node = $this->ImageService->storeMedia($sourceFile, $node, basename($parts['path']));
                 echo "done\n";
             } else {
                 echo "exists\n";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo "Exception: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
  * Checks and prepares the image for use.
  * @param  $data  base64 encoded data string
  * @return string file path on disk
  * @throws ImageFilterException
 protected function prepareImageData($data)
     if (is_array($data)) {
         $uploadedFiles = $this->Request->getUploadedFiles();
         $sourceFileName = $data['filename'];
         $filename = null;
         foreach ($uploadedFiles as $uploadFile) {
             if ($uploadFile->getName() == $sourceFileName) {
                 $filename = $uploadFile->getTemporaryName();
         if (empty($filename)) {
             throw new ImageFilterException("File '{$filename}' was not uploaded");
         $file = file_get_contents($filename);
     } else {
         if (preg_match('/^data:/', $data)) {
             $data = substr($data, strpos($data, ",") + 1);
             if (!($file = base64_decode($data, true))) {
                 throw new ImageFilterException('Data string is not a valid base64 encoded file.');
         } else {
             throw new ImageFilterException('No file was provided.');
     // create a unique output file name
     $sourceFile = FileSystemUtils::secureTmpname($this->workDir, 'base64fetch');
     file_put_contents($sourceFile, $file);
     return $sourceFile;
  * Gets the local file from supplied file node.
  * @return array [sourceFile], [sourceFileName]
 protected function getSourceFileFromNode($fileNode)
     $element = $fileNode->getNodeRef()->getElement();
     list($storageFacility, $sfParams) = $this->deriveStorageFacility($element);
     $file = $storageFacility->getFile($sfParams, $fileNode->Title, true);
     $contents = $file->getContents();
     // create a unique output file name
     $sourceFile = FileSystemUtils::secureTmpname($this->workDir, 'sffetch');
     file_put_contents($sourceFile, $contents);
     $sourceFileName = basename($fileNode->Title);
     return array($sourceFile, $sourceFileName);