Esempio n. 1
 copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'] . $newFileName);
 AccessLog::addLogEntry($id, 'I');
  * Send out email notifications to reviewers
 $file_obj = new FileData($id, $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME);
 $get_full_name = $user_obj->getFullName();
 $full_name = $get_full_name[0] . ' ' . $get_full_name[1];
 $department = $file_obj->getDepartment();
 $reviewer_obj = new Reviewer($id, $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME);
 $reviewer_list = $reviewer_obj->getReviewersForDepartment($department);
 $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s T');
 // Build email for general notices
 $mail_subject = msg('checkinpage_file_was_checked_in');
 $mail_body2 = msg('checkinpage_file_was_checked_in') . "\n\n";
 $mail_body2 .= msg('label_filename') . ':  ' . $file_obj->getName() . "\n\n";
 $mail_body2 .= msg('label_status') . ': ' . msg('addpage_new') . "\n\n";
 $mail_body2 .= msg('date') . ': ' . $date . "\n\n";
 $mail_body2 .= msg('addpage_uploader') . ': ' . $full_name . "\n\n";
 $mail_body2 .= msg('email_thank_you') . ',' . "\n\n";
 $mail_body2 .= msg('email_automated_document_messenger') . "\n\n";
 $mail_body2 .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['base_url'] . "\n\n";
 $email_obj = new Email();
 $email_obj->setFrom($full_name . ' <' . $user_obj->getEmailAddress() . '>');
 // clean up and back to main page
 $last_message = msg('message_document_checked_in');
Esempio n. 2
} else {
    // all checks completed
    /* to avoid problems with some browsers,
          download script should not include parameters on the URL
          so let's use a form and pass the parameters via POST
    // form not yet submitted
    // display information on how to initiate download
    if (!isset($submit)) {
        draw_header('View File', $last_message);
        $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('file_id', $filedata->getId());
    } else {
        $id = $filedata->getId();
        $realname = $filedata->getName();
        // get the filename
        $filename = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'] . $_POST['id'] . '.dat';
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
            // send headers to browser to initiate file download
            header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . rawurlencode($realname));
            // Call the plugin API
        } else {
            echo 'File not readable...';
Esempio n. 3
    $date = date("D F d Y");
    $time = date("h:i A");
    $get_full_name = $user_obj->getFullName();
    $full_name = $get_full_name[0] . ' ' . $get_full_name[1];
    $mail_from = $full_name . ' <' . $user_obj->getEmailAddress() . '>';
    $mail_headers = "From: {$mail_from}";
    $mail_subject = msg('email_subject_review_status');
    $mail_greeting = msg('email_greeting') . ":\n\r\t" . msg('email_i_would_like_to_inform');
    $mail_body = msg('email_was_declined_for_publishing_at') . ' ' . $time . ' on ' . $date . ' ' . msg('email_because_you_did_not_revise') . ' ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['revision_expiration'] . ' ' . msg('days');
    $mail_salute = "\n\r\n\r" . msg('email_salute') . ",\n\r{$full_name}";
    foreach ($data_result as $row) {
        $file_obj = new FileData($row['id'], $pdo);
        $user_obj = new User($file_obj->getOwner(), $pdo);
        $mail_to = $user_obj->getEmailAddress();
        if ($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['demo'] == 'False') {
            mail($mail_to, $mail_subject . $file_obj->getName(), $mail_greeting . $file_obj->getName() . ' ' . $mail_body . $mail_salute, $mail_headers);
//do not show file
if ($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['file_expired_action'] == 1) {
    $reviewer_comments = 'To=' . msg('author') . ';Subject=' . msg('message_file_expired') . ';Comments=' . msg('email_file_was_rejected_because') . ' ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['revision_expiration'] . ' ' . msg('days');
    foreach ($data_result as $row) {
        $file_obj = new FileData($row['id'], $pdo);
//lock file, not check-outable
if ($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['file_expired_action'] == 2) {
    foreach ($data_result as $row) {
Esempio n. 4
if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) {
require_once "AccessLog_class.php";
$last_message = isset($_REQUEST['last_message']) ? $_REQUEST['last_message'] : '';
$secureurl_obj = new phpsecureurl();
$lrequest_id = $_REQUEST['id'];
//save an original copy of id
if (strchr($_REQUEST['id'], '_')) {
    list($_REQUEST['id'], $lrevision_id) = explode('_', $_REQUEST['id']);
    $lrevision_dir = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['revisionDir'] . '/' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '/';
if (!isset($_GET['submit'])) {
    draw_header(msg('view') . ' ' . msg('file'), $last_message);
    $file_obj = new FileData($_REQUEST['id'], $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME);
    $file_name = $file_obj->getName();
    $file_id = $file_obj->getId();
    $realname = $file_obj->getName();
    // Get the suffix of the file so we can look it up
    // in the $mimetypes array
    $suffix = '';
    if (strchr($realname, '.')) {
        // Fix by blackwes
        $prefix = substr($realname, 0, strrpos($realname, "."));
        $suffix = strtolower(substr($realname, strrpos($realname, ".") + 1));
    $lmimetype = File::mime_by_ext($suffix);
    //echo "Realname is $realname<br>";
    //echo "prefix = $prefix<br>";
    //echo "suffix = $suffix<br>";
    //echo "mime:$lmimetype";
Esempio n. 5
 $message = urlencode(msg('message_document_added'));
  * Send out email notifications to reviewers
 $file_obj = new FileData($fileId, $pdo);
 $get_full_name = $user_obj->getFullName();
 $full_name = $get_full_name[0] . ' ' . $get_full_name[1];
 $from = $user_obj->getEmailAddress();
 $department = $file_obj->getDepartment();
 $reviewer_obj = new Reviewer($fileId, $pdo);
 $reviewer_list = $reviewer_obj->getReviewersForDepartment($department);
 $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s T');
 // Build email for general notices
 $mail_subject = msg('addpage_new_file_added');
 $mail_body2 = msg('email_a_new_file_has_been_added') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
 $mail_body2 .= msg('label_filename') . ':  ' . $file_obj->getName() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
 $mail_body2 .= msg('label_status') . ': ' . msg('addpage_new') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
 $mail_body2 .= msg('date') . ': ' . $date . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
 $mail_body2 .= msg('addpage_uploader') . ': ' . $full_name . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
 $mail_body2 .= msg('email_thank_you') . ',' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
 $mail_body2 .= msg('email_automated_document_messenger') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
 $mail_body2 .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['base_url'] . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
 $email_obj = new Email();
 //email_users_id($mail_from, $reviewer_list, $mail_subject, $mail_body2, $mail_headers);
 // Call the plugin API
Esempio n. 6
 $id_field = explode(' ', trim($checkbox));
 foreach ($id_field as $key => $value) {
     // Check to make sure the current file_id is in their list of reviewable ID's
     if (in_array($value, $id_array)) {
         $fileid = $value;
         $file_obj = new FileData($fileid, $pdo);
         $user_obj = new User($file_obj->getOwner(), $pdo);
         $mail_to = $user_obj->getEmailAddress();
         $dept_id = $file_obj->getDepartment();
         // Build email for author notification
         if (isset($_POST['send_to_users'][0]) && in_array('owner', $_POST['send_to_users'])) {
             // Lets unset this now so the new array will just be user_id's
             $_POST['send_to_users'] = array_slice($_POST['send_to_users'], 1);
             $mail_body1 = $comments . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             $mail_body1 .= msg('email_your_file_has_been_authorized') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             $mail_body1 .= msg('label_filename') . ':  ' . $file_obj->getName() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             $mail_body1 .= msg('label_status') . ': ' . msg('message_authorized') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             $mail_body1 .= msg('date') . ': ' . $date . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             $mail_body1 .= msg('label_reviewer') . ': ' . $full_name . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             $mail_body1 .= msg('email_thank_you') . ',' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             $mail_body1 .= msg('email_automated_document_messenger') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             $mail_body1 .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['base_url'] . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             if ($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['demo'] == 'False') {
                 mail($mail_to, $mail_subject . " " . $file_obj->getName(), $mail_body1, $mail_headers);
         AccessLog::addLogEntry($fileid, 'Y', $pdo);
         // Build email for general notices
         $mail_subject = !empty($_REQUEST['subject']) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['subject']) : $file_obj->getName() . ' ' . msg('email_added_to_repository');