Esempio n. 1
  * Compile an asset collection.
  * @param  Basset\Collection  $collection
  * @return void
 protected function compile(Collection $collection)
     $force = isset($_SERVER['CLI']['FORCE']);
     // If the compile path does not exist attempt to create it.
     if (!File::exists($this->compilePath)) {
     $groups = $collection->getAssets();
     if (empty($groups)) {
         echo "The collection '{$collection->getName()}' has no assets to compile.\n";
     foreach ($groups as $group => $assets) {
         $path = $this->compilePath . '/' . $collection->getCompiledName($group);
         // We only compile a collection if a compiled file doesn't exist yet or if a change to one of the assets
         // in the collection is detected by comparing the last modified times.
         if (File::exists($path) and File::modified($path) >= $collection->lastModified($group)) {
             // If the force flag has been set then we'll recompile, otherwise this collection does not need
             // to be changed.
             if (!$force) {
                 echo "The {$group}s for the collection '{$collection->getName()}' do not need to be compiled.\n";
         $compiled = $collection->compile($group);
         echo "Successfully compiled {$collection->getCompiledName($group)}\n";
         File::put($path, $compiled);
Esempio n. 2
 public static function cleanCache($force = false)
     $cacheFiles = glob(CACHE_PATH . DS . '*', GLOB_NOSORT);
     // $cacheFiles += glob(TMP_PUBLIC_PATH . DS . '*', GLOB_NOSORT);
     $minToKeep = !$force ? time() - 12 * 3600 : time();
     foreach ($cacheFiles as $cacheFile) {
         $age = File::modified($cacheFile);
         if ($age < $minToKeep) {
             $tabFile = explode(DS, $cacheFile);
             ThinLog(Arrays::last($tabFile) . ' => ' . date('d/m/Y H:i:s', $age), null, 'suppression cache');
Esempio n. 3
 protected function expired()
     $viewRedis = container()->getViewRedis();
     if (true !== $viewRedis) {
         if (!File::exists($this->compiled()) || !File::exists($this->_viewFile)) {
             return true;
         return File::modified($this->_viewFile) > File::modified($this->compiled());
     } else {
         $key = sha1($this->_viewFile) . '::age';
         $age = context()->redis()->get($key);
         if (strlen($age)) {
             $age = (int) $age;
             return File::modified($this->_viewFile) || File::modified(__FILE__) > $age;
         return true;
Esempio n. 4
        $path = dirname($file) . '/' . $import;
        if (File::exists($path) || File::exists($path .= '.less')) {
            $paths[] = $path;
            $paths = array_merge($paths, $imports($path));
    return $paths;
$compile = function ($input_file, $output_file) use($imports) {
    try {
        $latest = File::modified($input_file);
        foreach ($imports($input_file) as $import) {
            $import_modified = File::modified($import);
            $latest = $import_modified > $latest ? $import_modified : $latest;
        if (!File::exists($output_file) || $latest > File::modified($output_file)) {
            $cache = lessc::cexecute($input_file);
            File::put($output_file, $cache['compiled']);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        exit('lessc fatal error:<br />' . $ex->getMessage());
if (isset($config['directories'])) {
    foreach ($config['directories'] as $less_dir => $css_dir) {
        $less_dir = rtrim($less_dir, '/') . '/';
        foreach (glob($less_dir . '*.[Ll][Ee][Ss][Ss]') as $less) {
            $css = rtrim($css_dir, '/') . '/' . basename($less, '.less') . '.css';
            $compile($less, $css);
Esempio n. 5
$config = Config::get('composeur');
$my_bundle = function () {
    if (!Request::cli()) {
        return false;
    foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $key => $val) {
        if (strpos($val, 'composeur::') === 0) {
            echo 'my bundle';
            return true;
    return false;
if (!$my_bundle() && isset($config['auto_update']) && $config['auto_update']) {
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/tasks/setup.php';
    $cli = new Composeur_Setup_Task();
    if (!$cli->test()) {
    if (!$cli->has_lock()) {
    if (File::modified($cli->dir() . 'composer.json') < File::modified(path('app') . 'config/composeur.php')) {
$composer_autoload = path('base') . 'vendor/autoload.php';
if (File::exists($composer_autoload)) {
    require $composer_autoload;
Esempio n. 6

Route::get('(:bundle)/rejigger.js', array('as' => 'rejigger_js', function () {
    return View::make('rejigger::js');
Route::get('(:bundle)/version', array('as' => 'rejigger_version', function () {
    // Don't let the controller mistake this for a regular AJAX call
    $uri = \Rejigger\URI::resolve(Input::get('uri'));
    $route = \Laravel\Routing\Router::route('GET', $uri);
    $response = $route->call();
    $version = md5($response->content);
    // Parse out resources (css & script)
    preg_match_all('/\\<script[^\\>]+src=\\"(?P<src>[^\\"]+)\\"[^\\>]*\\>/i', $response->content, $scripts);
    preg_match_all('/\\<link[^\\>]+href=\\"(?P<href>[^\\"]+)\\"[^\\>]*\\>/i', $response->content, $styles);
    preg_match_all('/\\<img[^\\>]+src=\\"(?P<src>[^\\"]+)\\"[^\\>]*\\>/i', $response->content, $images);
    $resources = array_merge($scripts['src'], $styles['href'], $images['src']);
    $public = path('public');
    foreach ($resources as $resource) {
        $resource = $public . str_replace(\Laravel\URL::base(), '', $resource);
        if (\Laravel\File::exists($resource)) {
            $version .= File::modified($resource);
    return '{ "version": "' . md5($version) . '" }';