Esempio n. 1
  * Saves a block type.
  * @param MatrixBlockTypeModel $blockType The block type to be saved.
  * @param bool                 $validate  Whether the block type should be validated before being saved.
  *                                        Defaults to `true`.
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return bool Whether the block type was saved successfully.
 public function saveBlockType(MatrixBlockTypeModel $blockType, $validate = true)
     if (!$validate || $this->validateBlockType($blockType)) {
         $transaction = craft()->db->getCurrentTransaction() === null ? craft()->db->beginTransaction() : null;
         try {
             $contentService = craft()->content;
             $fieldsService = craft()->fields;
             $originalFieldContext = $contentService->fieldContext;
             $originalFieldColumnPrefix = $contentService->fieldColumnPrefix;
             $originalOldFieldColumnPrefix = $fieldsService->oldFieldColumnPrefix;
             // Get the block type record
             $blockTypeRecord = $this->_getBlockTypeRecord($blockType);
             $isNewBlockType = $blockType->isNew();
             if (!$isNewBlockType) {
                 // Get the old block type fields
                 $oldBlockTypeRecord = MatrixBlockTypeRecord::model()->findById($blockType->id);
                 $oldBlockType = MatrixBlockTypeModel::populateModel($oldBlockTypeRecord);
                 $contentService->fieldContext = 'matrixBlockType:' . $blockType->id;
                 $contentService->fieldColumnPrefix = 'field_' . $oldBlockType->handle . '_';
                 $fieldsService->oldFieldColumnPrefix = 'field_' . $oldBlockType->handle . '_';
                 $oldFieldsById = array();
                 foreach ($oldBlockType->getFields() as $field) {
                     $oldFieldsById[$field->id] = $field;
                 // Figure out which ones are still around
                 foreach ($blockType->getFields() as $field) {
                     if (!$field->isNew()) {
                 // Drop the old fields that aren't around anymore
                 foreach ($oldFieldsById as $field) {
                 // Refresh the schema cache
             // Set the basic info on the new block type record
             $blockTypeRecord->fieldId = $blockType->fieldId;
             $blockTypeRecord->name = $blockType->name;
             $blockTypeRecord->handle = $blockType->handle;
             $blockTypeRecord->sortOrder = $blockType->sortOrder;
             // Save it, minus the field layout for now
             if ($isNewBlockType) {
                 // Set the new ID on the model
                 $blockType->id = $blockTypeRecord->id;
             // Save the fields and field layout
             // -------------------------------------------------------------
             $fieldLayoutFields = array();
             $sortOrder = 0;
             // Resetting the fieldContext here might be redundant if this isn't a new blocktype but whatever
             $contentService->fieldContext = 'matrixBlockType:' . $blockType->id;
             $contentService->fieldColumnPrefix = 'field_' . $blockType->handle . '_';
             foreach ($blockType->getFields() as $field) {
                 // Hack to allow blank field names
                 if (!$field->name) {
                     $field->name = '__blank__';
                 if (!$fieldsService->saveField($field, false)) {
                     throw new Exception(Craft::t('An error occurred while saving this Matrix block type.'));
                 $fieldLayoutField = new FieldLayoutFieldModel();
                 $fieldLayoutField->fieldId = $field->id;
                 $fieldLayoutField->required = $field->required;
                 $fieldLayoutField->sortOrder = ++$sortOrder;
                 $fieldLayoutFields[] = $fieldLayoutField;
             $contentService->fieldContext = $originalFieldContext;
             $contentService->fieldColumnPrefix = $originalFieldColumnPrefix;
             $fieldsService->oldFieldColumnPrefix = $originalOldFieldColumnPrefix;
             $fieldLayoutTab = new FieldLayoutTabModel();
             $fieldLayoutTab->name = 'Content';
             $fieldLayoutTab->sortOrder = 1;
             $fieldLayout = new FieldLayoutModel();
             $fieldLayout->type = ElementType::MatrixBlock;
             // Update the block type model & record with our new field layout ID
             $blockType->fieldLayoutId = $fieldLayout->id;
             $blockTypeRecord->fieldLayoutId = $fieldLayout->id;
             // Update the block type with the field layout ID
             if (!$isNewBlockType) {
                 // Delete the old field layout
             if ($transaction !== null) {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             if ($transaction !== null) {
             throw $e;
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Esempio n. 2
  * Assembles a field layout from post data.
  * @param bool $createTabs Whether to create tabs, or just assign the fields directly to the layout.
  * @return FieldLayoutModel
 public function assembleLayoutFromPost($createTabs = true)
     $postedFieldLayout = craft()->request->getPost('fieldLayout', array());
     $requiredFields = craft()->request->getPost('requiredFields', array());
     $tabs = array();
     $fields = array();
     $tabSortOrder = 0;
     foreach ($postedFieldLayout as $tabName => $fieldIds) {
         $tabFields = array();
         foreach ($fieldIds as $fieldSortOrder => $fieldId) {
             $field = array('fieldId' => $fieldId, 'required' => in_array($fieldId, $requiredFields), 'sortOrder' => $fieldSortOrder + 1);
             $tabFields[] = $field;
         $fields = array_merge($fields, $tabFields);
         if ($createTabs) {
             $tabs[] = array('name' => urldecode($tabName), 'sortOrder' => $tabSortOrder, 'fields' => $tabFields);
     $layout = new FieldLayoutModel();
     return $layout;
Esempio n. 3
  * Creates initial database content for the install.
  * @access private
  * @param $inputs
  * @return null
 private function _createDefaultContent($inputs)
     // Default tag set
     Craft::log('Creating the Default tag set.');
     $tagSet = new TagSetModel();
     $tagSet->name = Craft::t('Default');
     $tagSet->handle = 'default';
     // Save it
     if (craft()->tags->saveTagSet($tagSet)) {
         Craft::log('Default tag set created successfully.');
     } else {
         Craft::log('Could not save the Default tag set.', LogLevel::Warning);
     // Default field group
     Craft::log('Creating the Default field group.');
     $group = new FieldGroupModel();
     $group->name = Craft::t('Default');
     if (craft()->fields->saveGroup($group)) {
         Craft::log('Default field group created successfully.');
     } else {
         Craft::log('Could not save the Default field group.', LogLevel::Warning);
     // Heading field
     Craft::log('Creating the Heading field.');
     $headingField = new FieldModel();
     $headingField->groupId = $group->id;
     $headingField->name = Craft::t('Heading');
     $headingField->handle = 'heading';
     $headingField->translatable = true;
     $headingField->type = 'PlainText';
     if (craft()->fields->saveField($headingField)) {
         Craft::log('Heading field created successfully.');
     } else {
         Craft::log('Could not save the Heading field.', LogLevel::Warning);
     // Body field
     Craft::log('Creating the Body field.');
     $bodyField = new FieldModel();
     $bodyField->groupId = $group->id;
     $bodyField->name = Craft::t('Body');
     $bodyField->handle = 'body';
     $bodyField->translatable = true;
     $bodyField->type = 'RichText';
     $bodyField->settings = array('configFile' => 'Standard.json');
     if (craft()->fields->saveField($bodyField)) {
         Craft::log('Body field created successfully.');
     } else {
         Craft::log('Could not save the Body field.', LogLevel::Warning);
     // Tags field
     Craft::log('Creating the Tags field.');
     $tagsField = new FieldModel();
     $tagsField->groupId = $group->id;
     $tagsField->name = Craft::t('Tags');
     $tagsField->handle = 'tags';
     $tagsField->type = 'Tags';
     $tagsField->settings = array('source' => 'tagset:' . $tagSet->id);
     if (craft()->fields->saveField($tagsField)) {
         Craft::log('Tags field created successfully.');
     } else {
         Craft::log('Could not save the Tags field.', LogLevel::Warning);
     // Homepage global set
     Craft::log('Creating the Homepage global set.');
     $homepageLayoutFields = array(array('fieldId' => $headingField->id, 'sortOrder' => 1), array('fieldId' => $bodyField->id, 'sortOrder' => 2));
     $homepageLayout = new FieldLayoutModel();
     $homepageLayout->type = ElementType::GlobalSet;
     $homepageGlobalSet = new GlobalSetModel();
     $homepageGlobalSet->name = Craft::t('Homepage');
     $homepageGlobalSet->handle = 'homepage';
     if (craft()->globals->saveSet($homepageGlobalSet)) {
         Craft::log('Homepage global set created successfully.');
     } else {
         Craft::log('Could not save the Homepage global set.', LogLevel::Warning);
     // Homepage content
     $vars = array('siteName' => ucfirst(craft()->request->getServerName()));
     Craft::log('Setting the Homepage content.');
     $homepageGlobalSet->locale = $inputs['locale'];
     $homepageGlobalSet->getContent()->setAttributes(array('heading' => Craft::t('Welcome to {siteName}!', $vars), 'body' => '<p>' . Craft::t('It’s true, this site doesn’t have a whole lot of content yet, but don’t worry. Our web developers have just installed the CMS, and they’re setting things up for the content editors this very moment. Soon {siteName} will be an oasis of fresh perspectives, sharp analyses, and astute opinions that will keep you coming back again and again.', $vars) . '</p>'));
     if (craft()->globals->saveContent($homepageGlobalSet)) {
         Craft::log('Homepage content set successfully.');
     } else {
         Craft::log('Could not set the Homepage content.', LogLevel::Warning);
     // News section
     Craft::log('Creating the News section.');
     $newsLayoutFields = array(array('fieldId' => $bodyField->id, 'required' => true, 'sortOrder' => 1), array('fieldId' => $tagsField->id, 'sortOrder' => 2));
     $newsLayoutTabs = array(array('name' => Craft::t('Content'), 'sortOrder' => 1, 'fields' => $newsLayoutFields));
     $newsLayout = new FieldLayoutModel();
     $newsLayout->type = ElementType::Entry;
     $newsSection = new SectionModel();
     $newsSection->name = Craft::t('News');
     $newsSection->handle = 'news';
     $newsSection->hasUrls = true;
     $newsSection->template = 'news/_entry';
     $newsSection->setLocales(array($inputs['locale'] => SectionLocaleModel::populateModel(array('locale' => $inputs['locale'], 'urlFormat' => 'news/{postDate.year}/{slug}'))));
     if (craft()->sections->saveSection($newsSection)) {
         Craft::log('News section created successfully.');
     } else {
         Craft::log('Could not save the News section.', LogLevel::Warning);
     // News entry
     Craft::log('Creating a News entry.');
     $newsEntry = new EntryModel();
     $newsEntry->sectionId = $newsSection->id;
     $newsEntry->locale = $inputs['locale'];
     $newsEntry->authorId = $this->_user->id;
     $newsEntry->enabled = true;
     $newsEntry->getContent()->title = Craft::t('We just installed Craft!');
     $newsEntry->getContent()->setAttributes(array('body' => '<p>' . Craft::t('Craft is the CMS that’s powering {siteName}. It’s beautiful, powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use, and it’s made by Pixel &amp; Tonic. We can’t wait to dive in and see what it’s capable of!', $vars) . '</p><!--pagebreak--><p>' . Craft::t('This is even more captivating content, which you couldn’t see on the News index page because it was entered after a Page Break, and the News index template only likes to show the content on the first page.') . '</p><p>' . Craft::t('Craft: a nice alternative to Word, if you’re making a website.') . '</p>'));
     if (craft()->entries->saveEntry($newsEntry)) {
         Craft::log('News entry created successfully.');
     } else {
         Craft::log('Could not save the News entry.', LogLevel::Warning);
  * Assembles a field layout.
  * @param array      $postedFieldLayout
  * @param array|null $requiredFields
  * @return FieldLayoutModel
 public function assembleLayout($postedFieldLayout, $requiredFields)
     $tabs = array();
     $fields = array();
     $tabSortOrder = 0;
     foreach ($postedFieldLayout as $tabName => $fieldIds) {
         $tabFields = array();
         foreach ($fieldIds as $fieldSortOrder => $fieldId) {
             $field = new FieldLayoutFieldModel();
             $field->fieldId = $fieldId;
             $field->required = in_array($fieldId, $requiredFields);
             $field->sortOrder = $fieldSortOrder + 1;
             $fields[] = $field;
             $tabFields[] = $field;
         $tab = new FieldLayoutTabModel();
         $tab->name = urldecode($tabName);
         $tab->sortOrder = $tabSortOrder;
         $tabs[] = $tab;
     $layout = new FieldLayoutModel();
     return $layout;
  * Attempt to import a field layout.
  * @param array $fieldLayoutDef
  * @return FieldLayoutModel
 private function _importFieldLayout(array $fieldLayoutDef)
     $layoutTabs = array();
     $layoutFields = array();
     if (array_key_exists('tabs', $fieldLayoutDef)) {
         $tabSortOrder = 0;
         foreach ($fieldLayoutDef['tabs'] as $tabName => $tabDef) {
             $layoutTabFields = array();
             foreach ($tabDef as $fieldHandle => $required) {
                 $fieldSortOrder = 0;
                 $field = craft()->fields->getFieldByHandle($fieldHandle);
                 if ($field) {
                     $layoutField = new FieldLayoutFieldModel();
                     $layoutField->setAttributes(array('fieldId' => $field->id, 'required' => $required, 'sortOrder' => ++$fieldSortOrder));
                     $layoutTabFields[] = $layoutField;
                     $layoutFields[] = $layoutField;
             $layoutTab = new FieldLayoutTabModel();
             $layoutTab->setAttributes(array('name' => $tabName, 'sortOrder' => ++$tabSortOrder));
             $layoutTabs[] = $layoutTab;
     } else {
         if (array_key_exists('fields', $fieldLayoutDef)) {
             $fieldSortOrder = 0;
             foreach ($fieldLayoutDef['fields'] as $fieldHandle => $required) {
                 $field = craft()->fields->getFieldByHandle($fieldHandle);
                 if ($field) {
                     $layoutField = new FieldLayoutFieldModel();
                     $layoutField->setAttributes(array('fieldId' => $field->id, 'required' => $required, 'sortOrder' => ++$fieldSortOrder));
                     $layoutFields[] = $layoutField;
     $fieldLayout = new FieldLayoutModel();
     $fieldLayout->type = ElementType::Entry;
     return $fieldLayout;