sentiment/feeling.</p> <p>In order to produce this system, a Text Classification technique has to be adapted to a given application domain. In this demo, the <a href=''>SemEval-2007 dataset</a> is of use for training the classifier, and the learnt model is then applied to processing similar world news headlines from The Washington Post:</p> <?php // Prepare classifier $classifier = new MultinomialNaiveBayes(); $classifier->setDatabase("semeval07"); // Prepare data $feeder = new FeedRSS(); $aFeeds = $feeder->getFood(""); foreach ($aFeeds as $feed) { $lab = $classifier->classify($feed["title"]); if ($lab == "NEG") { echo "<p class='neg'>"; } elseif ($lab == "NEU") { echo "<p class='neu'>"; } else { echo "<p class='pos'>"; } echo "• " . $feed["title"] . " - <a href='" . $feed["link"] . "'>Read more</a></p>"; } ?> <?php putFooter();
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../core/classification/MultinomialNaiveBayes.php"; include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../core/util/feeding/FeedRSS.php"; include dirname(__FILE__) . "/pagemaker.php"; putHeader("Text Categorisation and Topic/Domain Identification"); ?> <p>Identifies the semantic field of a given text and relates it to its corresponding topic or domain.</p> <p>In order to produce this system, a Text Classification technique has to be adapted to a given set of application domains. In this demo, the <a href=''>Reuters Transcribed Subset</a> is of use for training the classifier, and the learnt model is then applied to predicting the topic of the most read articles from Reuters:</p> <?php // Prepare classifier $classifier = new MultinomialNaiveBayes(); $classifier->setDatabase("ReutersTranscribedSubset"); // Prepare data $feeder = new FeedRSS(); $aFeeds = $feeder->getFood(""); foreach ($aFeeds as $feed) { $lab = $classifier->classify($feed["title"]); echo "<p><font color='#808080'>Topic: " . $lab . "</font><br />"; echo " <b>" . $feed["title"] . "</b>" . " - <a href='" . $feed["link"] . "'>Read more</a><br /> " . preg_replace("/<.+>/", "", $feed["desc"]) . "</p>"; } ?> <?php putFooter();