public function actionCreate($location = null) { $project = new Project(); $project->location_id = $location; $project->created_by_user_id = Yii::app()->user->id; $project->champs = array($project->created_by_user_id); if (!isset($_POST['Project'])) { $this->render('create', array('model' => $project)); Yii::app()->end(); } $project->attributes = $_POST['Project']; $project->slug = slugify($project->name); if (isset($_POST['ajax'])) { echo CActiveForm::validate($project, null, false); Yii::app()->end(); } if (!$project->validate()) { $this->render('create', array('model' => $project)); Yii::app()->end(); } $feed = new Feed(); $feed->followers = array($project->created_by_user_id); $feed->save(); $project->feed_id = $feed->id; if (!$project->save()) { Yii::log('Project::save() failed. $errors = ' . print_r($project->getErrors(), true), 'error', 'app.project.create'); $form->addError('save', 'Failed save the new project.'); $this->render('create', array('model' => $project)); $feed->delete(); Yii::app()->end(); } $this->renderText('window.parent.location = "' . $this->createUrl('view', array('id' => $project->id)) . '";'); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Region(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Region'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Region']; if (null === $model->slug || '' === $model->slug) { $model->slug = slugify($model->name); } $feed = new Feed(); $feed->save(); $model->feed_id = $feed->id; if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } else { $feed->delete(); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
function feed_controller() { global $mysqli, $redis, $session, $route, $feed_settings; $result = false; require_once "Modules/feed/feed_model.php"; $feed = new Feed($mysqli, $redis, $feed_settings); if ($route->format == 'html') { if ($route->action == "list" && $session['write']) { $result = view("Modules/feed/Views/feedlist_view.php", array()); } else { if ($route->action == "api" && $session['write']) { $result = view("Modules/feed/Views/feedapi_view.php", array()); } } } else { if ($route->format == 'json') { // Public actions available on public feeds. if ($route->action == "list") { if ($session['read']) { if (!isset($_GET['userid']) || isset($_GET['userid']) && $_GET['userid'] == $session['userid']) { $result = $feed->get_user_feeds($session['userid']); } else { if (isset($_GET['userid']) && $_GET['userid'] != $session['userid']) { $result = $feed->get_user_public_feeds(get('userid')); } } } else { if (isset($_GET['userid'])) { $result = $feed->get_user_public_feeds(get('userid')); } } } elseif ($route->action == "create" && $session['write']) { $result = $feed->create($session['userid'], get('tag'), get('name'), get('datatype'), get('engine'), json_decode(get('options'))); } elseif ($route->action == "updatesize" && $session['write']) { $result = $feed->update_user_feeds_size($session['userid']); } elseif ($route->action == "buffersize" && $session['write']) { $result = $feed->get_buffer_size(); // To "fetch" multiple feed values in a single request //,567,890 } elseif ($route->action == "fetch" && $session['read']) { $feedids = (array) explode(",", get('ids')); for ($i = 0; $i < count($feedids); $i++) { $feedid = (int) $feedids[$i]; if ($feed->exist($feedid)) { // if the feed exists $result[$i] = $feed->get_value($feedid); // null is a valid response } else { $result[$i] = false; } // false means feed not found } } else { $feedid = (int) get('id'); // Actions that operate on a single existing feed that all use the feedid to select: // First we load the meta data for the feed that we want if ($feed->exist($feedid)) { $f = $feed->get($feedid); // if public or belongs to user if ($f['public'] || $session['userid'] > 0 && $f['userid'] == $session['userid'] && $session['read']) { if ($route->action == "timevalue") { $result = $feed->get_timevalue($feedid); } else { if ($route->action == 'data') { $skipmissing = 1; $limitinterval = 1; if (isset($_GET['skipmissing']) && $_GET['skipmissing'] == 0) { $skipmissing = 0; } if (isset($_GET['limitinterval']) && $_GET['limitinterval'] == 0) { $limitinterval = 0; } $result = $feed->get_data($feedid, get('start'), get('end'), get('interval'), $skipmissing, $limitinterval); } else { if ($route->action == "value") { $result = $feed->get_value($feedid); } else { if ($route->action == "get") { $result = $feed->get_field($feedid, get('field')); } else { if ($route->action == "aget") { $result = $feed->get($feedid); } else { if ($route->action == 'histogram') { $result = $feed->histogram_get_power_vs_kwh($feedid, get('start'), get('end')); } else { if ($route->action == 'kwhatpower') { $result = $feed->histogram_get_kwhd_atpower($feedid, get('min'), get('max')); } else { if ($route->action == 'kwhatpowers') { $result = $feed->histogram_get_kwhd_atpowers($feedid, get('points')); } } } } } } } } } // write session required if (isset($session['write']) && $session['write'] && $session['userid'] > 0 && $f['userid'] == $session['userid']) { // Storage engine agnostic if ($route->action == 'set') { $result = $feed->set_feed_fields($feedid, get('fields')); } else { if ($route->action == "insert") { $result = $feed->insert_data($feedid, time(), get("time"), get("value")); } else { if ($route->action == "update") { $result = $feed->update_data($feedid, time(), get("time"), get('value')); } else { if ($route->action == "delete") { $result = $feed->delete($feedid); } else { if ($route->action == "getmeta") { $result = $feed->get_meta($feedid); } else { if ($route->action == "csvexport") { $result = $feed->csv_export($feedid, get('start'), get('end'), get('interval'), get('timeformat')); } else { if ($route->action == "process") { if ($f['engine'] != Engine::VIRTUALFEED) { $result = array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Feed is not Virtual'); } else { if ($route->subaction == "get") { $result = $feed->get_processlist($feedid); } else { if ($route->subaction == "set") { $result = $feed->set_processlist($feedid, post('processlist')); } else { if ($route->subaction == "reset") { $result = $feed->reset_processlist($feedid); } } } } } } } } } } } if ($f['engine'] == Engine::MYSQL || $f['engine'] == Engine::MYSQLMEMORY) { if ($route->action == "export") { $result = $feed->mysqltimeseries_export($feedid, get('start')); } else { if ($route->action == "deletedatapoint") { $result = $feed->mysqltimeseries_delete_data_point($feedid, get('feedtime')); } else { if ($route->action == "deletedatarange") { $result = $feed->mysqltimeseries_delete_data_range($feedid, get('start'), get('end')); } } } } elseif ($f['engine'] == Engine::PHPTIMESERIES) { if ($route->action == "export") { $result = $feed->phptimeseries_export($feedid, get('start')); } } elseif ($f['engine'] == Engine::PHPFIWA) { if ($route->action == "export") { $result = $feed->phpfiwa_export($feedid, get('start'), get('layer')); } } elseif ($f['engine'] == Engine::PHPFINA) { if ($route->action == "export") { $result = $feed->phpfina_export($feedid, get('start')); } } } } else { $result = array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Feed does not exist'); } } } } return array('content' => $result); }
function delete($id) { global $database, $db, $event; if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $id)) { $id = User::loginid2id($id); } if (empty($id) || !isset($id)) { return false; } if (!$event->on('User.delete', array('id'=>$id))) return false; $db->query('SELECT id FROM '.$database['prefix'].'Feeds WHERE owner='.$id); while ($data = $db->fetch()) { Feed::delete($data->id); } $db->free(); return $db->execute('DELETE FROM '.$database['prefix'].'Users WHERE id="'.$id.'"'); }
function feed_controller() { global $mysqli, $redis, $session, $route, $feed_settings; $result = false; include "Modules/feed/feed_model.php"; $feed = new Feed($mysqli, $redis, $feed_settings); if ($route->format == 'html') { if ($route->action == "list" && $session['write']) { $result = view("Modules/feed/Views/feedlist_view.php", array()); } if ($route->action == "api" && $session['write']) { $result = view("Modules/feed/Views/feedapi_view.php", array()); } } if ($route->format == 'json') { // Public actions available on public feeds. if ($route->action == "list") { if (!isset($_GET['userid']) && $session['read']) { $result = $feed->get_user_feeds($session['userid']); } if (isset($_GET['userid']) && $session['read'] && $_GET['userid'] == $session['userid']) { $result = $feed->get_user_feeds($session['userid']); } if (isset($_GET['userid']) && $session['read'] && $_GET['userid'] != $session['userid']) { $result = $feed->get_user_public_feeds(get('userid')); } if (isset($_GET['userid']) && !$session['read']) { $result = $feed->get_user_public_feeds(get('userid')); } } elseif ($route->action == "getid" && $session['read']) { $result = $feed->get_id($session['userid'], get('name')); } elseif ($route->action == "create" && $session['write']) { $result = $feed->create($session['userid'], get('name'), get('datatype'), get('engine'), json_decode(get('options'))); } elseif ($route->action == "updatesize" && $session['write']) { $result = $feed->update_user_feeds_size($session['userid']); // To "fetch" multiple feed values in a single request //,567,890 } elseif ($route->action == "fetch" && $session['read']) { $feedids = (array) explode(",", get('ids')); for ($i = 0; $i < count($feedids); $i++) { $feedid = (int) $feedids[$i]; if ($feed->exist($feedid)) { $result[$i] = (double) $feed->get_value($feedid); } else { $result[$i] = ""; } } } else { $feedid = (int) get('id'); // Actions that operate on a single existing feed that all use the feedid to select: // First we load the meta data for the feed that we want if ($feed->exist($feedid)) { $f = $feed->get($feedid); // if public or belongs to user if ($f['public'] || $session['userid'] > 0 && $f['userid'] == $session['userid'] && $session['read']) { if ($route->action == "value") { $result = $feed->get_value($feedid); } if ($route->action == "timevalue") { $result = $feed->get_timevalue_seconds($feedid); } if ($route->action == "get") { $result = $feed->get_field($feedid, get('field')); } // '/[^\w\s-]/' if ($route->action == "aget") { $result = $feed->get($feedid); } if ($route->action == 'histogram') { $result = $feed->histogram_get_power_vs_kwh($feedid, get('start'), get('end')); } if ($route->action == 'kwhatpower') { $result = $feed->histogram_get_kwhd_atpower($feedid, get('min'), get('max')); } if ($route->action == 'kwhatpowers') { $result = $feed->histogram_get_kwhd_atpowers($feedid, get('points')); } if ($route->action == 'data') { $result = $feed->get_data($feedid, get('start'), get('end'), get('dp')); } if ($route->action == 'average') { $result = $feed->get_average($feedid, get('start'), get('end'), get('interval')); } if ($route->action == 'history') { $result = $feed->get_history($feedid, get('start'), get('end'), get('interval')); } } // write session required if (isset($session['write']) && $session['write'] && $session['userid'] > 0 && $f['userid'] == $session['userid']) { // Storage engine agnostic if ($route->action == 'set') { $result = $feed->set_feed_fields($feedid, get('fields')); } if ($route->action == "insert") { $result = $feed->insert_data($feedid, time(), get("time"), get("value")); } if ($route->action == "update") { $result = $feed->update_data($feedid, time(), get("time"), get('value')); } if ($route->action == "delete") { $result = $feed->delete($feedid); } if ($route->action == "getmeta") { $result = $feed->get_meta($feedid); } if ($route->action == "csvexport") { $feed->csv_export($feedid, get('start'), get('end'), get('interval')); } if ($f['engine'] == Engine::TIMESTORE) { if ($route->action == "export") { $result = $feed->timestore_export($feedid, get('start'), get('layer')); } if ($route->action == "exportmeta") { $result = $feed->timestore_export_meta($feedid); } if ($route->action == "scalerange") { $result = $feed->timestore_scale_range($feedid, get('start'), get('end'), get('value')); } } elseif ($f['engine'] == Engine::MYSQL) { if ($route->action == "export") { $result = $feed->mysqltimeseries_export($feedid, get('start')); } if ($route->action == "deletedatapoint") { $result = $feed->mysqltimeseries_delete_data_point($feedid, get('feedtime')); } if ($route->action == "deletedatarange") { $result = $feed->mysqltimeseries_delete_data_range($feedid, get('start'), get('end')); } } elseif ($f['engine'] == Engine::PHPTIMESERIES) { if ($route->action == "export") { $result = $feed->phptimeseries_export($feedid, get('start')); } } elseif ($f['engine'] == Engine::PHPFIWA) { if ($route->action == "export") { $result = $feed->phpfiwa_export($feedid, get('start'), get('layer')); } } elseif ($f['engine'] == Engine::PHPFINA) { if ($route->action == "export") { $result = $feed->phpfina_export($feedid, get('start')); } } } } else { $result = array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Feed does not exist'); } } } return array('content' => $result); }
$id = $_POST['id']; if(empty($id)) { $response['error'] = -1; $response['message'] = _t('잘못된 접근입니다.'); } else { if (!isLoggedIn()) { $response['error'] = 1; $response['message'] = _t('로그인 한 사람만 이 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.'); } else { $ids = explode(',', $id); foreach($ids as $id) { if(empty($id)) continue; $feed = Feed::getAll($id); if(isAdmin() || $feed['owner'] == getLoggedId()) { Feed::delete($id); } else { $response['error'] = -1; $response['message'] = _t('잘못된 접근입니다.'); break; } } } } func::printRespond($response); ?>