Esempio n. 1
 function get_facebook_feed_response($FB_Shortcode, $fb_cache_name, $access_token, $language)
     if (false !== ($transient_exists = $this->fts_check_feed_cache_exists($fb_cache_name)) and !isset($_GET['load_more_ajaxing'])) {
         $response = $this->fts_get_feed_cache($fb_cache_name);
     } else {
         if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'page' && $FB_Shortcode['posts_displayed'] == 'page_only') {
             $mulit_data = array('page_data' => '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '?fields=id,name,description&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '');
             $mulit_data['feed_data'] = isset($_REQUEST['next_url']) ? $_REQUEST['next_url'] : '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '/posts?fields=id,caption,created_time,description,from,icon,link,message,name,object_id,picture,place,shares,source,status_type,story,to,type&limit=' . $FB_Shortcode['posts'] . '&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '';
         } elseif ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'events') {
             $date = date('Y-m-d');
             $mulit_data = array('page_data' => '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '?fields=id,name&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '');
             //Check If Ajax next URL needs to be used
             $mulit_data['feed_data'] = isset($_REQUEST['next_url']) ? $_REQUEST['next_url'] : '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '/events?since=' . $date . '&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '';
         } elseif ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums') {
             $mulit_data = array('page_data' => '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '?fields=id,name,description,link&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '');
             //Check If Ajax next URL needs to be used
             $mulit_data['feed_data'] = isset($_REQUEST['next_url']) ? $_REQUEST['next_url'] : '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '/albums?fields=id,created_time,name,from,link,cover_photo,count,updated_time,type&limit=' . $FB_Shortcode['posts'] . '&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '';
         } elseif ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos') {
             $mulit_data = array('page_data' => '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '?fields=id,name,description&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '');
             //Check If Ajax next URL needs to be used
             //The reason I did not create a whole new else if for the video album is because I did not want to duplicate all the code required to make the video because the videos gallery comes from the photo albums on facebook.
             if (isset($FB_Shortcode['video_album']) && $FB_Shortcode['video_album'] == 'yes') {
                 $mulit_data['feed_data'] = isset($_REQUEST['next_url']) ? $_REQUEST['next_url'] : '' . $FB_Shortcode['album_id'] . '/videos?fields=id,created_time,description,from,icon,link,message,name,object_id,picture,place,shares,source,to,type,format,embed_html&limit=' . $FB_Shortcode['posts'] . '&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '';
             } else {
                 $mulit_data['feed_data'] = isset($_REQUEST['next_url']) ? $_REQUEST['next_url'] : '' . $FB_Shortcode['album_id'] . '/photos?fields=id,caption,created_time,description,from,icon,link,message,name,object_id,picture,place,shares,source,status_type,story,to,type&limit=' . $FB_Shortcode['posts'] . '&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '';
         } elseif ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'hashtag') {
             $mulit_data = array('page_data' => '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '');
             //Check If Ajax next URL needs to be used
             $mulit_data['feed_data'] = isset($_REQUEST['next_url']) ? $_REQUEST['next_url'] : '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '&limit=' . $FB_Shortcode['posts'] . '&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '';
             //Check If Ajax next URL needs to be used
         } elseif ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'group') {
             $mulit_data = array('page_data' => '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '?fields=id,name,description&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '');
             //Check If Ajax next URL needs to be used
             $mulit_data['feed_data'] = isset($_REQUEST['next_url']) ? $_REQUEST['next_url'] : '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '/feed?fields=id,caption,created_time,description,from,icon,link,message,name,object_id,picture,place,shares,source,status_type,story,to,type&limit=' . $FB_Shortcode['posts'] . '&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '';
         } elseif ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews') {
             if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php')) {
                 $FTS_Facebook_Reviews = new FTS_Facebook_Reviews();
                 $mulit_data = $FTS_Facebook_Reviews->review_connection($FB_Shortcode, $access_token, $language);
             } else {
                 return 'Please Purchase and Activate the Feed Them Social Reviews plugin.';
         } else {
             $mulit_data = array('page_data' => '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '?fields=id,name,description&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '');
             //Check If Ajax next URL needs to be used
             $mulit_data['feed_data'] = isset($_REQUEST['next_url']) ? $_REQUEST['next_url'] : '' . $FB_Shortcode['id'] . '/feed?fields=id,caption,created_time,description,from,icon,link,message,name,object_id,picture,place,shares,source,status_type,story,to,type&limit=' . $FB_Shortcode['posts'] . '&access_token=' . $access_token . $language . '';
         $response = $this->fts_get_feed_json($mulit_data);
         //Make sure it's not ajaxing
         if (!isset($_GET['load_more_ajaxing']) && !empty($response['feed_data'])) {
             //Create Cache
             $this->fts_create_feed_cache($fb_cache_name, $response);
     // end main else
     return $response;
    function feed_post_types($set_zero, $FBtype, $post_data, $FB_Shortcode, $response_post_array, $single_event_array_response = null)
        //Reviews Plugin
        if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php')) {
            $FTS_Facebook_Reviews = new FTS_Facebook_Reviews();
        $fts_dynamic_vid_name_string = trim($this->rand_string(10) . '_' . $FB_Shortcode['type']);
        if ($set_zero == $FB_Shortcode['posts']) {
        //Create Facebook Variables
        $FBfinalstory = '';
        $first_dir = '';
        $FBpicture = isset($post_data->picture) ? $post_data->picture : "";
        $FBlink = isset($post_data->link) ? $post_data->link : "";
        $FBname = isset($post_data->name) ? $post_data->name : '';
        $FBcaption = isset($post_data->caption) ? $post_data->caption : "";
        $FBmessage = isset($post_data->message) ? $post_data->message : (isset($post_data->review_text) ? $post_data->review_text : '') . '';
        $FBdescription = isset($post_data->description) ? $post_data->description : "";
        $FBstory = isset($post_data->story) ? $post_data->story : "";
        $FBicon = isset($post_data->icon) ? $post_data->icon : "";
        $FBby = isset($post_data->properties->text) ? $post_data->properties->text : "";
        $FBbylink = isset($post_data->properties->href) ? $post_data->properties->href : "";
        $FBpost_share_count = isset($post_data->shares->count) ? $post_data->shares->count : "";
        $FBpost_like_count_array = isset($post_data->likes->data) ? $post_data->likes->data : "";
        $FBpost_comments_count_array = isset($post_data->comments->data) ? $post_data->comments->data : "";
        $FBpost_object_id = isset($post_data->object_id) ? $post_data->object_id : "";
        $FBalbum_photo_count = isset($post_data->count) ? $post_data->count : "";
        $FBalbum_cover = isset($post_data->cover_photo->id) ? $post_data->cover_photo->id : "";
        // youtube and vimeo embed url
        $FBvideo_embed = isset($post_data->source) ? $post_data->source : "";
        $FBvideo = isset($post_data->embed_html) ? $post_data->embed_html : "";
        $FBvideoPicture = isset($post_data->format[2]->picture) ? $post_data->format[2]->picture : "";
        if ($FBalbum_cover) {
            $photo_data = json_decode($response_post_array[$FBalbum_cover . '_photo']);
        if (isset($post_data->id)) {
            $FBpost_id = $post_data->id;
            $FBpost_full_ID = explode('_', $FBpost_id);
            if (isset($FBpost_full_ID[0])) {
                $FBpost_user_id = $FBpost_full_ID[0];
            if (isset($FBpost_full_ID[1])) {
                $FBpost_single_id = $FBpost_full_ID[1];
        if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums' && !$FBalbum_cover) {
        //Create Post Data Key
        if (isset($post_data->object_id)) {
            $post_data_key = $post_data->object_id;
        } else {
            $post_data_key = $post_data->id;
        //Count Likes/Shares/
        $lcs_array = $this->get_likes_shares_comments($response_post_array, $post_data_key, $FBpost_share_count);
        $FBlocation = isset($post_data->location) ? $post_data->location : "";
        $FBembed_vid = isset($post_data->embed_html) ? $post_data->embed_html : "";
        $FBfromName = isset($post_data->from->name) ? $post_data->from->name : "";
        $FBfromName = preg_quote($FBfromName, "/");
        $FBstory = isset($post_data->story) ? $post_data->story : "";
        $CustomDateCheck = get_option('fts-date-and-time-format');
        if ($CustomDateCheck) {
            $CustomDateFormat = get_option('fts-date-and-time-format');
        } else {
            $CustomDateFormat = 'F jS, Y \\a\\t g:ia';
        $createdTime = isset($post_data->created_time) ? $post_data->created_time : '';
        $CustomTimeFormat = strtotime($createdTime);
        if (!empty($FBstory)) {
            $FBfinalstory = preg_replace('/\\b' . $FBfromName . 's*?\\b(?=([^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)/i', '', $FBstory, 1);
        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT = '';
        switch ($FBtype) {
            case 'video':
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-single-fb-post fts-fb-video-post-wrap" ';
                if (isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'style="width:' . $FB_Shortcode['colmn_width'] . '; margin:' . $FB_Shortcode['space_between_posts'] . '"';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '>';
            case 'app':
            case 'cover':
            case 'profile':
            case 'mobile':
            case 'wall':
            case 'normal':
            case 'photo':
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-single-fb-post  fts-fb-photo-post-wrap" ';
                if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos' || $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums') {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'style="width:' . $FB_Shortcode['image_width'] . ' !important; height:' . $FB_Shortcode['image_height'] . '!important; margin:' . $FB_Shortcode['space_between_photos'] . '!important"';
                if (isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'style="width:' . $FB_Shortcode['colmn_width'] . '; margin:' . $FB_Shortcode['space_between_posts'] . '"';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '>';
            case 'album':
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-single-fb-post" ';
                if (isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'style="width:' . $FB_Shortcode['colmn_width'] . '; margin:' . $FB_Shortcode['space_between_posts'] . '"';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '>';
        //output Single Post Wrap
        //Don't $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= if Events Feed
        if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'events') {
            //Right Wrap
            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-right-wrap">';
            //Top Wrap (Exluding : albums, album_photos, and hiding)
            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos' && $FB_Shortcode['hide_date_likes_comments'] == 'yes' || $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums' && $FB_Shortcode['hide_date_likes_comments'] == 'yes' ? '' : '<div class="fts-jal-fb-top-wrap">';
            //User Thumbnail
            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-user-thumb">';
            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<a href="' . ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' ? $post_data->reviewer->id : $post_data->from->id) . '" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="' . ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' ? $post_data->reviewer->name : $post_data->from->name) . '" src="' . ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' ? $post_data->reviewer->id : $post_data->from->id) . '/picture"/></a>';
            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
            if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos' && $FB_Shortcode['hide_date_likes_comments'] == 'yes' || $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums' && $FB_Shortcode['hide_date_likes_comments'] == 'yes') {
            } else {
                $fb_hide_shared_by_etc_text = get_option('fb_hide_shared_by_etc_text');
                $fb_hide_shared_by_etc_text = isset($fb_hide_shared_by_etc_text) && $fb_hide_shared_by_etc_text == 'no' ? '' : $FBfinalstory;
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' && is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php') ? '<span class="fts-jal-fb-user-name"><a href="' . $post_data->reviewer->id . '/" target="_blank">' . $post_data->reviewer->name . '</a>' . $FTS_Facebook_Reviews->reviews_rating_format($FB_Shortcode, $post_data->rating) . '</span>' : '<span class="fts-jal-fb-user-name"><a href="' . $post_data->from->id . '" target="_blank">' . $post_data->from->name . '</a>' . $fb_hide_shared_by_etc_text . '</span>';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<span class="fts-jal-fb-post-time">' . date($CustomDateFormat, $CustomTimeFormat) . '</span><div class="clear"></div>';
                //Comments Count
                $FBpost_id_final = substr($FBpost_id, strpos($FBpost_id, "_") + 1);
                //filter messages to have urls
                //Output Message
                if ($FBmessage) {
                    // here we trim the words for the premium version. The $FB_Shortcode['words'] string actually comes from the javascript
                    if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php') && array_key_exists('words', $FB_Shortcode) || is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php') && array_key_exists('words', $FB_Shortcode)) {
                        $more = isset($more) ? $more : "";
                        $trimmed_content = $this->fts_custom_trim_words($FBmessage, $FB_Shortcode['words'], $more);
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= !empty($trimmed_content) ? '<div class="fts-jal-fb-message">' . $trimmed_content . '</div><div class="clear"></div>' : '';
                        //If POPUP
                        //$FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes' ? '<div class="fts-fb-caption"><a href="'.$FBlink.'" class="fts-view-on-facebook-link" target="_blank">'.__('View on Facebook', 'feed-them-social').'</a></div> ' : '';
                    } else {
                        $FB_final_message = $this->fts_facebook_tag_filter($FBmessage);
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-message">';
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= nl2br($FB_final_message);
                        //If POPUP
                        //		$FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes' ? '<div class="fts-fb-caption"><a href="'.$FBlink.'" class="fts-view-on-facebook-link" target="_blank">'.__('View on Facebook', 'feed-them-social').'</a></div> ' : '';
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div> ';
                } elseif (!$FBmessage && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos' || !$FBmessage && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums') {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-description-wrap">';
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBname ? $this->fts_facebook_post_desc($FBname, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype, NULL, $FBby) : '';
                    //Output Photo Caption
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBcaption ? $this->fts_facebook_post_cap($FBcaption, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype) : '';
                    //Photo Count
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBalbum_photo_count ? $FBalbum_photo_count . ' Photos' : '';
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBlocation ? $this->fts_facebook_location($FBtype, $FBlocation) : '';
                    //Output Photo Description
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBdescription ? $this->fts_facebook_post_desc($FBdescription, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype, NULL, $FBby) : '';
                    //Output Photo Description
                    if (isset($FB_Shortcode['popup']) && $FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes') {
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-fb-caption fts-fb-album-view-link" style="display:block;">';
                        if ($FBalbum_cover) {
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<a href="' . $FBalbum_cover . '/picture" class="fts-view-album-photos-large" target="_blank">' . __('View Photo', 'feed-them-social') . '</a></div>';
                        } elseif (isset($FB_Shortcode['video_album']) && $FB_Shortcode['video_album'] == 'yes') {
                            if ($FB_Shortcode['play_btn'] !== 'yes') {
                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<a href="' . $post_data->source . '"  data-poster="' . $post_data->format[3]->picture . '" id="fts-view-vid1-' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name_string . '" class="fts-view-fb-videos-large fts-view-fb-videos-btn fb-video-popup-' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name_string . '">' . __('View Video', 'feed-them-social') . '</a>';
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
                        } else {
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<a href="' . $FBpost_id . '/picture" class="fts-view-album-photos-large" target="_blank">' . __('View Photo', 'feed-them-social') . '</a></div>';
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-fb-caption"><a class="view-on-facebook-albums-link" href="' . $FBlink . '" target="_blank">' . __('View on Facebook', 'feed-them-social') . '</a></div>';
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
                // end .fts-jal-fb-top-wrap
        //end if for show name date and comments
        //Post Type Build
        switch ($FBtype) {
            // START STATUS POST
            case 'status':
                //  && !$FBpicture == '' makes it so the attachment unavailable message does not show up
                if (!$FBpicture && !$FBname && !$FBdescription && !$FBpicture == '') {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-link-wrap">';
                    //Output Link Picture
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBpicture ? $this->fts_facebook_post_photo($FBlink, $FB_Shortcode, $post_data->from->name, $post_data->picture) : '';
                    if ($FBname || $FBcaption || $FBdescription) {
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-description-wrap">';
                        //Output Link Name
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBname ? $this->fts_facebook_post_name($FBlink, $FBname, $FBtype) : '';
                        //Output Link Caption
                        if ($FBcaption == 'Attachment Unavailable. This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you.') {
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-caption" style="width:100% !important">';
                            _e('This user\'s permissions are keeping you from seeing this post. Please Click "View on Facebook" to view this post on this group\'s facebook wall.', 'feed-them-social');
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
                        } else {
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fts_facebook_post_cap($FBcaption, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype);
                        //Output Link Description
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBdescription ? $this->fts_facebook_post_desc($FBdescription, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype) : '';
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                // Start Multiple Events
            // Start Multiple Events
            case 'events':
                $single_event_id = $post_data->id;
                $single_event_info = json_decode($single_event_array_response['event_single_' . $single_event_id . '_info']);
                $single_event_location = json_decode($single_event_array_response['event_single_' . $single_event_id . '_location']);
                $single_event_cover_photo = json_decode($single_event_array_response['event_single_' . $single_event_id . '_cover_photo']);
                //Event Cover Photo
                $event_cover_photo = isset($single_event_cover_photo->cover->source) ? $single_event_cover_photo->cover->source : "";
                $event_description = isset($single_event_info->description) ? $single_event_info->description : "";
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-right-wrap fts-events-list-wrap">';
                //Link Picture
                $FB_event_name = isset($single_event_info->name) ? $single_event_info->name : "";
                $FB_event_location = isset($single_event_location->place->name) ? $single_event_location->place->name : "";
                $FB_event_city = isset($single_event_location->place->location->city) ? $single_event_location->place->location->city . ', ' : "";
                $FB_event_state = isset($single_event_location->place->location->state) ? $single_event_location->place->location->state : "";
                $FB_event_street = isset($single_event_location->place->location->street) ? $single_event_location->place->location->street : "";
                $FB_event_zip = isset($single_event_location->place->location->zip) ? ' ' . $single_event_location->place->location->zip : "";
                $FB_event_latitude = isset($single_event_location->place->location->latitude) ? $single_event_location->place->location->latitude : "";
                $FB_event_longitude = isset($single_event_location->place->location->longitude) ? $single_event_location->place->location->longitude : "";
                $FB_event_start_time = date($CustomDateFormat, strtotime($single_event_info->start_time));
                //Output Photo Description
                if (!empty($event_cover_photo)) {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= isset($FB_Shortcode['popup']) && $FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes' && is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php') ? '<a href="' . $event_cover_photo . '" class="fts-jal-fb-picture fts-fb-large-photo" target="_blank"><img class="fts-fb-event-photo" src="' . $event_cover_photo . '"></a>' : '<a href="' . $single_event_id . '" target="_blank" class="fts-jal-fb-picture fts-fb-large-photo"><img class="fts-fb-event-photo" src="' . $event_cover_photo . '" /></a>';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-message">';
                //Link Name
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_event_name ? $this->fts_facebook_post_name('' . $single_event_id . '', $FB_event_name, $FBtype) : '';
                //Link Caption
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_event_start_time ? '<div class="fts-fb-event-time">' . $FB_event_start_time . '</div>' : '';
                //Link Description
                if (!empty($FB_event_location)) {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-fb-location"><span class="fts-fb-location-title">' . $FB_event_location . '</span>';
                    //Street Adress
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_event_street;
                    //City & State
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= ($FB_event_city or $FB_event_state) ? '<br/>' . $FB_event_city . $FB_event_state . $FB_event_zip : '';
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
                //Get Directions
                if (!empty($FB_event_latitude) && !empty($FB_event_longitude)) {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<a target="_blank" class="fts-fb-get-directions" href="' . $FB_event_latitude . ',' . $FB_event_longitude . '
">Get Directions</a>';
                if (!empty($single_event_ticket_info) && !empty($single_event_ticket_info)) {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<a target="_blank" class="fts-fb-ticket-info" href="' . $single_event_ticket_info->ticket_uri . '">Ticket Info</a>';
                //Output Message
                if (!empty($FB_Shortcode['words']) && $event_description && is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php')) {
                    // here we trim the words for the premium version. The $FB_Shortcode['words'] string actually comes from the javascript
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fts_facebook_post_desc($event_description, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype, NULL, $FBby, $FB_Shortcode['type']);
                } else {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fts_facebook_post_desc($event_description, $FBtype, NULL, $FBby, $FB_Shortcode['type']);
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                // START LINK POST
            // START LINK POST
            case 'link':
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-link-wrap">';
                //start url check
                $url = $FBlink;
                $url_parts = parse_url($url);
                $host = $url_parts['host'];
                if ($host == '') {
                    $spliturl = $url_parts['path'];
                    $path_components = explode('/', $spliturl);
                    $first_dir = $path_components[1];
                    $event_id_number = isset($path_components[2]) && $path_components[2] ? $path_components[2] : '';
                //end url check
                if ($host == '' and $first_dir == 'events') {
                    $event_url = '' . $event_id_number . '/?access_token=' . $access_token . '';
                    $event_data = json_decode(file_get_contents($event_url));
                    $FB_event_name = isset($event_data->name) ? $event_data->name : "";
                    $FB_event_location = isset($event_data->location) ? $event_data->location : "";
                    $FB_event_city = isset($event_data->venue->city) ? $event_data->venue->city : "";
                    $FB_event_state = isset($event_data->venue->state) ? $event_data->venue->state : "";
                    $date = date('Y-m-d');
                    $FB_event_start_time = date($CustomDateFormat, strtotime($event_data->start_time));
                    //Link Wrap
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<a href="' . $FBlink . '" target="_blank" class="fts-jal-fb-picture"><img class="fts-fb-event-photo" src="' . $event_id_number . '/picture"></img></a>';
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-description-wrap">';
                    //Output Link Name
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_event_name ? $this->fts_facebook_post_name($FBlink, $FB_event_name, $FBtype) : '';
                    //Output Link Caption
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_event_start_time ? '<div class="fts-fb-event-time">' . $FB_event_start_time . '</div>' : '';
                    //Output Link Description
                    if (!empty($FB_event_location)) {
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-fb-location">' . $FB_event_location;
                        //City & State
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_event_city || $FB_event_state ? ' in ' . $FB_event_city . ', ' . $FB_event_state . '' : '';
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                //end if event
                //Output Link Picture
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBpicture ? $this->fts_facebook_post_photo($FBlink, $FB_Shortcode, $post_data->from->name, $post_data->picture) : '';
                $FB_Shortcode['words'] = isset($FB_Shortcode['words']) ? $FB_Shortcode['words'] : "";
                //Description Wrap
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-description-wrap">';
                //Output Link Name
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBname ? $this->fts_facebook_post_name($FBlink, $FBname, $FBtype) : '';
                //Output Link Caption
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBcaption ? $this->fts_facebook_post_cap($FBcaption, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype) : '';
                //Output Link Description
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBdescription ? $this->fts_facebook_post_desc($FBdescription, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype) : '';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                // START VIDEO POST
            // START VIDEO POST
            case 'video':
                $video_data = json_decode($response_post_array[$post_data_key . '_video']);
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-vid-wrap">';
                if (!empty($FBpicture)) {
                    if (strpos($FBvideo_embed, 'fbcdn') > 0 && !empty($video_data->format)) {
                        if (!empty($video_data->format)) {
                            foreach ($video_data->format as $video_data_format) {
                                if ($video_data_format->filter == 'native') {
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-fluid-videoWrapper-html5">';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<video controls poster="' . $video_data_format->picture . '" width="100%;" style="max-width:100%;">';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<source src="' . $video_data->source . '" type="video/mp4">';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</video>';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="slicker-facebook-album-photoshadow"></div>';
                    } else {
                        if (strpos($FBvideo_embed, 'fbcdn') > 0 && empty($video_data->format)) {
                            $fts_dynamic_vid_name_string = trim($this->rand_string(10) . '_' . $FB_Shortcode['type']);
                            $fts_dynamic_vid_name = 'feed_dynamic_video_class' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name_string;
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-vid-picture ' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name . '"><img border="0" alt="' . $post_data->from->name . '" src="' . $post_data->picture . '"/> <div class="fts-jal-fb-vid-play-btn"></div>';
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-fluid-videoWrapper-html5"><video id="' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name . '" controls width="100%;" style="max-width:100%;"><source src="" type="video/mp4"></video></div><div class="slicker-facebook-album-photoshadow"></div></div>';
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<script>jQuery(document).ready(function() {';
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name . '").bind("click", function() {';
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).addClass("fts-vid-div");';
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'if(jQuery(this).hasClass("fts-jal-fb-vid-picture")){var video = jQuery("#' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name . '"); video[0].src = "' . $video_data->source . '";video[0].load(); video[0].play();}';
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).removeClass("fts-jal-fb-vid-picture"); ';
                            if (isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-slicker-facebook-posts").masonry( "reloadItems");';
                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-slicker-facebook-posts").masonry( "layout" );';
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});</script>';
                        } else {
                            //Create Dynamic Class Name
                            $fts_dynamic_vid_name_string = trim($this->rand_string(10) . '_' . $FB_Shortcode['type']);
                            $fts_dynamic_vid_name = 'feed_dynamic_video_class' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name_string;
                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-vid-picture ' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name . '"><img border="0" alt="' . $post_data->from->name . '" src="' . $post_data->picture . '"/> <div class="fts-jal-fb-vid-play-btn"></div></div>';
                            // strip Youtube URL then ouput Iframe and script
                            if (strpos($FBlink, 'youtube') > 0) {
                                //		$pattern = '#^(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be/|youtube\.com(?:/embed/|/v/|/watch\?v=|/watch\?.+&v=))([\w-]{11})(?:.+)?$#x';
                                //		preg_match($pattern, $FBlink, $matches);
                                //		$youtubeURLfinal = $matches[1];
                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<script>jQuery(document).ready(function() {';
                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name . '").click(function() {';
                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).addClass("fts-vid-div");';
                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).removeClass("fts-jal-fb-vid-picture");';
                                //		$FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).prepend(\'<div class="fts-fluid-videoWrapper"><iframe height="281" class="video'.$FBpost_id.'" src="'.$youtubeURLfinal.'?autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>\');';
                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).prepend(\'<div class="fts-fluid-videoWrapper"><iframe height="281" class="video' . $FBpost_id . '" src="' . $FBvideo_embed . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>\');';
                                if (isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-slicker-facebook-posts").masonry( "reloadItems");';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-slicker-facebook-posts").masonry( "layout" );';
                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});</script>';
                            } else {
                                if (strpos($FBlink, '') > 0) {
                                    //		$pattern = '#^(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be/|youtube\.com(?:/embed/|/v/|/watch\?v=|/watch\?.+&v=))([\w-]{11})(?:.+)?$#x';
                                    //		preg_match($pattern, $FBlink, $matches);
                                    //		$youtubeURLfinal = $matches[1];
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<script>';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name . '").click(function() {';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).addClass("fts-vid-div");';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).removeClass("fts-jal-fb-vid-picture");';
                                    // $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).prepend(\'<div class="fts-fluid-videoWrapper"><iframe height="281" class="video'.$FBpost_id.'" src="'.$youtubeURLfinal.'?autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>\');';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).prepend(\'<div class="fts-fluid-videoWrapper"><iframe height="281" class="video' . $FBpost_id . '" src="' . $FBvideo_embed . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>\');';
                                    if (isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-slicker-facebook-posts").masonry( "reloadItems");';
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-slicker-facebook-posts").masonry( "layout" );';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</script>';
                                } else {
                                    if (strpos($FBlink, 'vimeo') > 0) {
                                        //			$pattern = '/(\d+)/';
                                        //			preg_match($pattern, $FBlink, $matches);
                                        //			$vimeoURLfinal = $matches[0];
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<script>';
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {';
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name . '").click(function() {';
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).addClass("fts-vid-div");';
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).removeClass("fts-jal-fb-vid-picture");';
                                        //		$FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).prepend(\'<div class="fts-fluid-videoWrapper"><iframe src="'.$vimeoURLfinal.'?autoplay=1" class="video'.$FBpost_id.'" height="390" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div>\');';
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).prepend(\'<div class="fts-fluid-videoWrapper"><iframe src="' . $FBvideo_embed . '" class="video' . $FBpost_id . '" height="390" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div>\');';
                                        if (isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-slicker-facebook-posts").masonry( "reloadItems");';
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-slicker-facebook-posts").masonry( "layout" );';
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</script>';
                                    } else {
                                        if (strpos($FBlink, 'soundcloud') > 0) {
                                            //Get the SoundCloud URL
                                            $url = $FBlink;
                                            //Get the JSON data of song details with embed code from SoundCloud oEmbed
                                            $getValues = file_get_contents('' . $url . '&auto_play=true&iframe=true');
                                            //Clean the Json to decode
                                            $decodeiFrame = substr($getValues, 1, -2);
                                            //json decode to convert it as an array
                                            $jsonObj = json_decode($decodeiFrame);
                                            //Change the height of the embed player if you want else uncomment below line
                                            // echo str_replace('height="400"', 'height="140"', $jsonObj->html);
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<script>';
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {';
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name . '").click(function() {';
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).addClass("fts-vid-div");';
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(this).removeClass("fts-jal-fb-vid-picture");';
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '	jQuery(this).prepend(\'<div class="fts-fluid-videoWrapper">' . $jsonObj->html . '</div>\');';
                                            if (isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
                                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-slicker-facebook-posts").masonry( "reloadItems");';
                                                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-slicker-facebook-posts").masonry( "layout" );';
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                                            $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</script>';
                if ($FBname || $FBcaption || $FBdescription) {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-description-wrap fb-id' . $FBpost_id . '">';
                    //Output Video Name
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBname ? $this->fts_facebook_post_name($FBlink, $FBname, $FBtype, $FBpost_id) : '';
                    //Output Video Caption
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBcaption ? $this->fts_facebook_post_cap($FBcaption, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype, $FBpost_id) : '';
                    //Output Video Description
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBdescription ? $this->fts_facebook_post_desc($FBdescription, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype, $FBpost_id) : '';
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                //START PHOTO POST
            //START PHOTO POST
            case 'photo':
                //Wrapping with if statement to prevent Notice on some facebook page feeds.
                if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'group') {
                    $photo_source = json_decode($response_post_array[$post_data_key . '_group_post_photo']);
                //Group or page?
                $photo_source_final = isset($photo_source->full_picture) && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'group' ? $photo_source->full_picture : '' . $FBpost_object_id . '/picture';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-link-wrap fts-album-photos-wrap"';
                if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos' || $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums') {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'style="line-height:' . $FB_Shortcode['image_height'] . ' !important;"';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '>';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= isset($FB_Shortcode['popup']) && $FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes' ? '<div class="fts-fb-caption"><a href="' . $FBlink . '" class="fts-view-on-facebook-link" target="_blank">' . __('View on Facebook', 'feed-them-social') . '</a></div> ' : '';
                //Output Photo Picture
                if ($FBpost_object_id) {
                    if ($FBpost_object_id) {
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<a href="' . (isset($FB_Shortcode['popup']) && $FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes' ? $photo_source_final : $FBlink) . '" target="_blank" class="fts-jal-fb-picture fts-fb-large-photo"><img border="0" alt="' . $post_data->from->name . '" src="' . $photo_source_final . '"></a>';
                    } else {
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<a href="' . (isset($FB_Shortcode['popup']) && $FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes' ? $photo_source_final : $FBlink) . '" target="_blank" class="fts-jal-fb-picture fts-fb-large-photo"><img border="0" alt="' . $post_data->from->name . '" src="' . $photo_source_final . '"></a>';
                } elseif ($FBpicture) {
                    if ($FBpost_object_id) {
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fts_facebook_post_photo($FBlink, $FB_Shortcode, $post_data->from->name, '' . $FBpost_object_id . '/picture');
                    } else {
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= isset($FB_Shortcode['video_album']) && $FB_Shortcode['video_album'] == 'yes' ? $this->fts_facebook_post_photo($FBlink, $FB_Shortcode, $post_data->from->name, $post_data->format[1]->picture) : $this->fts_facebook_post_photo($FBlink, $FB_Shortcode, $post_data->from->name, '' . $FBpost_id . '/picture/');
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="slicker-facebook-album-photoshadow"></div>';
                // FB Video play button for facebook videos. This button takes data from our a tag and along with additional js in the magnific-popup.js we can now load html5 videos. SO lightweight this way because no pre-loading of videos are on the page. We only show the posterboard on mobile devices because tablets and desktops will auto load the videos. SRL
                if (isset($FB_Shortcode['video_album']) && $FB_Shortcode['video_album'] == 'yes') {
                    if ($FB_Shortcode['play_btn'] == 'yes') {
                        $fb_play_btn_visible = isset($FB_Shortcode['play_btn_visible']) && $FB_Shortcode['play_btn_visible'] == 'yes' ? ' visible-video-button' : '';
                        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<a href="' . $post_data->source . '" data-poster="' . $post_data->format[3]->picture . '" id="fts-view-vid1-' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name_string . '" title="' . $FBdescription . '" class="fts-view-fb-videos-btn fb-video-popup-' . $fts_dynamic_vid_name_string . $fb_play_btn_visible . ' fts-slicker-backg" style="height:' . $FB_Shortcode['play_btn_size'] . ' !important; width:' . $FB_Shortcode['play_btn_size'] . '; line-height: ' . $FB_Shortcode['play_btn_size'] . '; font-size:' . $FB_Shortcode['play_btn_size'] . '"><span class="fts-fb-video-icon" style="height:' . $FB_Shortcode['play_btn_size'] . ' width:' . $FB_Shortcode['play_btn_size'] . '; line-height:' . $FB_Shortcode['play_btn_size'] . '; font-size:' . $FB_Shortcode['play_btn_size'] . '"></span></a>';
                if (!$FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos') {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-description-wrap" style="display:none">';
                    //Output Photo Name
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBname ? $this->fts_facebook_post_name($FBlink, $FBname, $FBtype) : '';
                    //Output Photo Caption
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBcaption ? $this->fts_facebook_post_cap($FBcaption, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype) : '';
                    //Output Photo Description
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBdescription ? $this->fts_facebook_post_desc($FBdescription, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype, NULL, $FBby) : '';
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                // START ALBUM POST
            // START ALBUM POST
            case 'app':
            case 'cover':
            case 'profile':
            case 'mobile':
            case 'wall':
            case 'normal':
            case 'album':
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-link-wrap fts-album-photos-wrap"';
                if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos' || $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums') {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'style="line-height:' . $FB_Shortcode['image_height'] . ' !important;"';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '>';
                //Output Photo Picture
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBalbum_cover ? $this->fts_facebook_post_photo($FBlink, $FB_Shortcode, $post_data->from->name, $post_data->cover_photo->id) : '';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="slicker-facebook-album-photoshadow"></div>';
                if (!$FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums') {
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-description-wrap">';
                    //Output Photo Name
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBname ? $this->fts_facebook_post_name($FBlink, $FBname, $FBtype) : '';
                    //Output Photo Caption
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBcaption ? $this->fts_facebook_post_cap($FBcaption, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype) : '';
                    //Output Photo Description
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FBdescription ? $this->fts_facebook_post_desc($FBdescription, $FB_Shortcode, $FBtype, NULL, $FBby) : '';
                    $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
                $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>';
        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
        $FBpost_single_id = isset($FBpost_single_id) ? $FBpost_single_id : "";
        $final_FBpost_like_count = isset($final_FBpost_like_count) ? $final_FBpost_like_count : "";
        $final_FBpost_comments_count = isset($final_FBpost_comments_count) ? $final_FBpost_comments_count : "";
        $single_event_id = isset($single_event_id) ? $single_event_id : "";
        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fts_facebook_post_see_more($FBlink, $lcs_array, $FBtype, $FBpost_id, $FB_Shortcode, $FBpost_user_id, $FBpost_single_id, $single_event_id, $post_data);
        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
        $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
        return $FTS_FB_OUTPUT;