Esempio n. 1
 function fts_fb_func($atts)
     $developer_mode = 'on';
     //Make sure everything is reset
     include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
     //Eventually add premium page file
     if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php')) {
         $FTS_Facebook_Reviews = new FTS_Facebook_Reviews();
         $review_atts = $FTS_Facebook_Reviews->shortcode_attributes();
         $FB_Shortcode = shortcode_atts($review_atts, $atts);
         //Load up some scripts for popup
     } elseif (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php')) {
         include WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/feed-them-premium/feeds/facebook/facebook-premium-feed.php';
         //Load up some scripts for popup
     } else {
         $FB_Shortcode = shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'type' => '', 'posts_displayed' => '', 'height' => '', 'album_id' => '', 'image_width' => '', 'image_height' => '', 'space_between_photos' => '', 'hide_date_likes_comments' => '', 'center_container' => '', 'image_stack_animation' => '', 'image_position_lr' => '', 'image_position_top' => ''), $atts);
         $FB_Shortcode['posts'] = '5';
     //Get Access Token
     $access_token = $this->get_access_token();
     //Error Check
     if (!$FB_Shortcode['id']) {
         return 'Please enter a username for this feed.';
     //View Link
     $fts_view_fb_link = $this->get_view_link($FB_Shortcode);
     //Get Cache Name
     $fb_cache_name = $this->get_fb_cache_name($FB_Shortcode);
     //Get language
     $language = $this->get_language($FB_Shortcode);
     //Get Response (AKA Page & Feed Information)
     $response = $this->get_facebook_feed_response($FB_Shortcode, $fb_cache_name, $access_token, $language);
     //Json decode data and build it from cache or response
     $page_data = json_decode($response['page_data']);
     $feed_data = json_decode($response['feed_data']);
     if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php') && is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php')) {
         //Make sure it's not ajaxing and we will allow the omition of certain album covers from the list by using omit_album_covers=0,1,2,3 in the shortcode
         if (!isset($_GET['load_more_ajaxing'])) {
             if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums') {
                 // omit_album_covers=0,1,2,3 for example
                 $omit_album_covers = $FB_Shortcode['omit_album_covers'];
                 $omit_album_covers_new = array();
                 $omit_album_covers_new = explode(',', $omit_album_covers);
                 foreach ($feed_data->data as $post_data) {
                     foreach ($omit_album_covers_new as $omit) {
         //Reviews Rating Filter
         if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews') {
             foreach ($feed_data->data as $key => $post_data) {
                 if ($post_data->rating < $FB_Shortcode['reviews_type_to_show']) {
     //	print_r($feed_data);
     //If events array Flip it so it's in proper order
     if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'events') {
         if ($feed_data->data) {
             usort($feed_data->data, function ($a, $b) {
                 $a = strtotime($a->start_time);
                 $b = strtotime($b->start_time);
                 return $a == $b ? 0 : ($a > $b ? 1 : -1);
             //	 $feed_data->data = array_reverse($feed_data->data);
     // return error if no data retreived
     if (!isset($feed_data->data) || empty($feed_data->data)) {
         //If Error msg.
         if (isset($feed_data->error->message)) {
             $output = 'Error: ' . $feed_data->error->message;
         if (isset($feed_data->error->type)) {
             $output .= '<br />Type: ' . $feed_data->error->type;
         if (isset($feed_data->error->code)) {
             $output .= '<br />Code: ' . $feed_data->error->code;
         if (isset($feed_data->error->error_subcode)) {
             $output .= '<br />Subcode:' . $feed_data->error->error_subcode;
         //If just code.
         if (isset($feed_data->error_msg)) {
             $output = 'Error: ' . $feed_data->error_msg;
         if (isset($feed_data->error_code)) {
             $output .= '<br />Code: ' . $feed_data->error_code;
         if (!$output && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' || $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' && empty($page_token)) {
             $page_token = get_option('fts_facebook_custom_api_token_biz');
             if ($page_token) {
                 return '<div style="clear:both; padding:15px 0;">No Reviews Found. Are you an Admin to the page? Also Make you sure you are using a Page Token and not an API token. (Instructions on Facebook Options page.)</div>';
             } else {
                 return '<div style="clear:both; padding:15px 0;">Please enter a Page Token on the Facebook Options page.</div>';
         } elseif (!$output && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums') {
             $output = 'No Albums Found. Have you created an API Token on the Facebook Options page?';
             return '<div style="clear:both; padding:15px 0;">' . $output . '</div>';
         } elseif (!$output && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos') {
             $output = 'No Album Photos Found. Have you created an API Token on the Facebook Options page?';
             return '<div style="clear:both; padding:15px 0;">' . $output . '</div>';
         } elseif (!$output && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'video_album') {
             $output = 'No Videos Found. Have you created an API Token on the Facebook Options page?';
             return '<div style="clear:both; padding:15px 0;">' . $output . '</div>';
         } elseif (!$output && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'events') {
             $output = 'No Posts Found. Have you created an API Token on the Facebook Settings page?';
             return $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'events' ? '' : '<div style="clear:both; padding:15px 0;">' . $output . '</div>';
     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT = '';
     //Make sure it's not ajaxing
     if (!isset($_GET['load_more_ajaxing'])) {
         //Get Response (AKA Page & Feed Information)
         $_REQUEST['fts_dynamic_name'] = trim($this->rand_string(10) . '_' . $FB_Shortcode['type']);
         //Create Dynamic Class Name
         $fts_dynamic_class_name = $this->get_fts_dynamic_class_name();
         // SOCIAL BUTTON
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fb_social_btn_placement($FB_Shortcode, $access_token, 'fb-like-top-above-title');
         $page_data->description = isset($page_data->description) ? $page_data->description : "";
         // fts-fb-header-wrapper (for grid)
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_Shortcode['grid'] !== 'yes' ? '<div class="fts-fb-header-wrapper">' : '';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-header">';
         // $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= our Facebook Page Title or About Text. Commented out the group description because in the future we will be adding the about description.
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_Shortcode['title'] == 'yes' || $FB_Shortcode['title'] == '' ? '<h1><a href="' . $fts_view_fb_link . '" target="_blank">' . $page_data->name . '</a></h1>' : '';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_Shortcode['description'] == 'yes' || $FB_Shortcode['description'] == '' ? '<div class="fts-jal-fb-group-header-desc">' . $this->fts_facebook_tag_filter($page_data->description) . '</div>' : '';
         //END Header
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
         // Close fts-fb-header-wrapper
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $FB_Shortcode['grid'] !== 'yes' && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'album_photos' && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'albums' ? '</div>' : '';
     //End check
     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fb_social_btn_placement($FB_Shortcode, $access_token, 'fb-like-top-below-title');
     // Feed Header
     //Make sure it's not ajaxing
     if (!isset($_GET['load_more_ajaxing'])) {
         if (!isset($FBtype) && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums' || !isset($FBtype) && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos' || $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
             if (isset($FB_Shortcode['video_album']) && $FB_Shortcode['video_album'] == 'yes') {
             } else {
                 wp_enqueue_script('fts-masonry-pkgd', plugins_url('feed-them-social/feeds/js/masonry.pkgd.min.js'), array('jquery'));
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<script>';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(window).load(function(){';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".' . $fts_dynamic_class_name . '").masonry({';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'itemSelector: ".fts-jal-single-fb-post"';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</script>';
             if (!isset($FBtype) && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums' || !isset($FBtype) && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos') {
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-slicker-facebook-photos fts-slicker-facebook-albums ' . ($FB_Shortcode['video_album'] && $FB_Shortcode['video_album'] == 'yes' ? 'popup-video-gallery-fb' : ' popup-gallery-fb masonry js-masonry') . ' ' . ($FB_Shortcode['images_align'] ? ' popup-video-gallery-align-' . $FB_Shortcode['images_align'] : '') . ' popup-gallery-fb ' . $fts_dynamic_class_name . '" style="margin:auto;" data-masonry-options=\'{ "isFitWidth": ' . ($FB_Shortcode['center_container'] == 'no' ? 'false' : 'true') . ' ' . ($FB_Shortcode['image_stack_animation'] == 'no' ? ', "transitionDuration": 0' : '') . '}\'>';
             if ($FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-slicker-facebook-posts masonry js-masonry ' . ($FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes' ? 'popup-gallery-fb-posts ' : '') . ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' ? 'fts-reviews-feed ' : '') . $fts_dynamic_class_name . ' " style="margin:auto;" data-masonry-options=\'{ "isFitWidth": ' . ($FB_Shortcode['center_container'] == 'no' ? 'false' : 'true') . ' ' . ($FB_Shortcode['image_stack_animation'] == 'no' ? ', "transitionDuration": 0' : '') . '}\'>';
         } else {
             $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-group-display fts-simple-fb-wrapper ' . ($FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes' ? 'popup-gallery-fb-posts ' : '') . ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' ? 'fts-reviews-feed ' : '') . $fts_dynamic_class_name . ' ' . ($FB_Shortcode['height'] !== 'auto' && empty($FB_Shortcode['height']) == NULL ? 'fts-fb-scrollable" style="height:' . $FB_Shortcode['height'] . '"' : '"') . '>';
     //End ajaxing Check
     // Post Information
     $response_post_array = $this->get_post_info($feed_data, $FB_Shortcode, $access_token, $language);
     //Single event info call
     if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'events') {
         $single_event_array_response = $this->fts_get_feed_json($response_post_array);
     $set_zero = 0;
     foreach ($feed_data->data as $post_data) {
         //Define Type NOTE Also affects Load More Fucntion call
         $FBtype = isset($post_data->type) ? $post_data->type : "";
         if (!$FBtype && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos') {
             $FBtype = 'photo';
         if (!$FBtype && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'events') {
             $FBtype = 'events';
         $post_types = new FTS_Facebook_Feed_Post_Types();
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $post_types->feed_post_types($set_zero, $FBtype, $post_data, $FB_Shortcode, $response_post_array, $single_event_array_response);
     // END POST foreach
     if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php') && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'reviews' || is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php') && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews') {
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fts_facebook_loadmore($atts, $feed_data, $FBtype, $FB_Shortcode, $_REQUEST['fts_dynamic_name']);
     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
     // closing main div for fb photos, groups etc
     //only show this script if the height option is set to a number
     if ($FB_Shortcode['height'] !== 'auto' && empty($FB_Shortcode['height']) == NULL) {
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<script>';
         // this makes it so the page does not scroll if you reach the end of scroll bar or go back to top'
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery.fn.isolatedScrollFacebookFTS = function() {';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'this.bind("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function (e) {';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'var delta = e.wheelDelta || (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.wheelDelta) || -e.detail,';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'bottomOverflow = this.scrollTop + jQuery(this).outerHeight() - this.scrollHeight >= 0,';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'topOverflow = this.scrollTop <= 0;';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'if ((delta < 0 && bottomOverflow) || (delta > 0 && topOverflow)) {';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'e.preventDefault();';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '}';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'return this;';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '};';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-fb-scrollable").isolatedScrollFacebookFTS();';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</script>';
     //end $FB_Shortcode['height'] !== 'auto' && empty($FB_Shortcode['height']) == NULL
     //Make sure it's not ajaxing
     if (!isset($_GET['load_more_ajaxing'])) {
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div><div id="fb-root"></div>';
         if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php') && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'reviews' || is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php') && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews') {
             if ($FB_Shortcode['loadmore'] == 'button') {
                 // fts-fb-header-wrapper
                 if ($FB_Shortcode['grid'] !== 'yes') {
                     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-fb-load-more-wrapper">';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div id="loadMore_' . $_REQUEST['fts_dynamic_name'] . '" style="';
                 if ($FB_Shortcode['loadmore_btn_maxwidth'] !== '') {
                     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'max-width:' . $FB_Shortcode['loadmore_btn_maxwidth'] . ';';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'margin:' . $FB_Shortcode['loadmore_btn_margin'] . ' auto ' . $FB_Shortcode['loadmore_btn_margin'] . '" class="fts-fb-load-more">' . __('Load More', 'feed-them-social') . '</div>';
                 if ($FB_Shortcode['grid'] !== 'yes') {
                     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
     //End Check
     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fb_social_btn_placement($FB_Shortcode, $access_token, 'fb-like-below');
     return $FTS_FB_OUTPUT;
 function fts_fb_func($atts)
     // masonry snippet in fts-global
     wp_enqueue_script('fts-global', plugins_url('feed-them-facebook/feeds/js/fts-global.js'), array('jquery'));
     $developer_mode = 'on';
     //Make sure everything is reset
     include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
     //Eventually add premium page file
     if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php')) {
         $FTS_Facebook_Reviews = new FTS_Facebook_Reviews();
         $review_atts = $FTS_Facebook_Reviews->shortcode_attributes();
         $FB_Shortcode = shortcode_atts($review_atts, $atts);
         //Load up some scripts for popup
     } elseif (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php')) {
         include WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/feed-them-premium/feeds/facebook/facebook-premium-feed.php';
         //Load up some scripts for popup
     } else {
         $FB_Shortcode = shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'type' => '', 'posts' => '', 'posts_displayed' => '', 'height' => '', 'album_id' => '', 'image_width' => '', 'image_height' => '', 'space_between_photos' => '', 'hide_date_likes_comments' => '', 'center_container' => '', 'image_stack_animation' => '', 'image_position_lr' => '', 'image_position_top' => ''), $atts);
         if ($FB_Shortcode['posts'] == NULL) {
             $FB_Shortcode['posts'] = '5';
     //Get Access Token
     $access_token = $this->get_access_token();
     if (!$FB_Shortcode['id']) {
         return 'Please enter a username for this feed.';
     if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' && !is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php')) {
         return '<div style="clear:both; padding:15px 0;">You must have FTS Facebook Reviews extension active to see this feed.</div>';
     $FB_count_offset = get_option('fb_count_offset');
     //View Link
     $fts_view_fb_link = '';
     //Get Cache Name
     $fb_cache_name = '';
     //Get language
     $language = '';
     //Get Response (AKA Page & Feed Information) ERROR CHECK inside this function
     $response2 = $this->get_facebook_feed_response($FB_Shortcode, $fb_cache_name, $access_token, $language);
     $feed_data_check = json_decode($response2['feed_data']);
     $set_zero = 0;
     foreach ($feed_data_check->data as $post_count) {
         $FBmessage = isset($post_count->message) ? $post_count->message : "";
         $FBstory = isset($post_count->story) ? $post_count->story : "";
         $FBtype = isset($post_count->type) ? $post_count->type : "";
         // This is the method to skip empty posts or posts that are simply about changing settings or other non important post types.
         // We will count all the ones that are like this and add that number to the output of posts to offset the posts we are filtering out.
         if ($FBtype == 'status' && $FBmessage == '' && $FBstory == '' || $FBtype == 'status' && strpos($FBstory, 'changed the privacy setting') !== false || $FBtype == 'status' && strpos($FBstory, 'an admin of the group') !== false || $FBtype == 'status' && strpos($FBstory, 'created the group') !== false || $FBtype == 'event' && strpos($FBstory, 'added an event') !== false) {
         } elseif ($feed_data_check->data == 0) {
             $set_zero = '7';
     // END POST foreach
     // Result of the foreach loop above minus the empty posts and offset by those posts the actual number of posts entered is shown.
     //			$FB_Shortcode['posts'] = $result;
     if (!empty($FB_count_offset)) {
         $set_zero = $FB_count_offset;
         $unsetCount = $FB_Shortcode['posts'] + $set_zero;
         $FB_Shortcode['posts'] = $unsetCount;
     } else {
         $unsetCount = $FB_Shortcode['posts'] + $set_zero;
         $FB_Shortcode['posts'] = $unsetCount;
     ////////////////////// END ///////////////////////
     print $set_zero;
     print $FB_Shortcode['posts'];
     //View Link
     $fts_view_fb_link = $this->get_view_link($FB_Shortcode);
     //Get Cache Name
     $fb_cache_name = $this->get_fb_cache_name($FB_Shortcode);
     //Get language
     $language = $this->get_language($FB_Shortcode);
     //Get Response (AKA Page & Feed Information) ERROR CHECK inside this function
     $response = $this->get_facebook_feed_response($FB_Shortcode, $fb_cache_name, $access_token, $language);
     //Json decode data and build it from cache or response
     $page_data = json_decode($response['page_data']);
     $feed_data = json_decode($response['feed_data']);
     //If No Response or Error then return
     if (is_array($response) && isset($response[0]) && isset($response[1]) && $response[0] == false) {
         return $response[1];
     if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php')) {
         //Make sure it's not ajaxing and we will allow the omition of certain album covers from the list by using omit_album_covers=0,1,2,3 in the shortcode
         if (!isset($_GET['load_more_ajaxing'])) {
             if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums') {
                 // omit_album_covers=0,1,2,3 for example
                 $omit_album_covers = $FB_Shortcode['omit_album_covers'];
                 $omit_album_covers_new = array();
                 $omit_album_covers_new = explode(',', $omit_album_covers);
                 foreach ($feed_data->data as $post_data) {
                     foreach ($omit_album_covers_new as $omit) {
     //Reviews Rating Filter
     if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php') && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews') {
         foreach ($feed_data->data as $key => $post_data) {
             if ($post_data->rating < $FB_Shortcode['reviews_type_to_show']) {
     //If events array Flip it so it's in proper order
     if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'events') {
         if ($feed_data->data) {
             usort($feed_data->data, function ($a, $b) {
                 $a = strtotime($a->start_time);
                 $b = strtotime($b->start_time);
                 return $a == $b ? 0 : ($a > $b ? 1 : -1);
             //	 $feed_data->data = array_reverse($feed_data->data);
     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT = '';
     //Make sure it's not ajaxing
     if (!isset($_GET['load_more_ajaxing'])) {
         //Get Response (AKA Page & Feed Information)
         $_REQUEST['fts_dynamic_name'] = trim($this->rand_string(10) . '_' . $FB_Shortcode['type']);
         //Create Dynamic Class Name
         $fts_dynamic_class_name = $this->get_fts_dynamic_class_name();
         // SOCIAL BUTTON
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fb_social_btn_placement($FB_Shortcode, $access_token, 'fb-like-top-above-title');
         $page_data->description = isset($page_data->description) ? $page_data->description : "";
         $page_data->name = isset($page_data->name) ? $page_data->name : "";
         // fts-fb-header-wrapper (for grid)
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] !== 'yes' && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'album_photos' && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'albums' ? '<div class="fts-fb-header-wrapper">' : '';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-header">';
         if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php')) {
             // $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= our Facebook Page Title or About Text. Commented out the group description because in the future we will be adding the about description.
             $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= isset($FB_Shortcode['title']) && $FB_Shortcode['title'] == 'yes' ? '<h1><a href="' . $fts_view_fb_link . '" target="_blank">' . $page_data->name . '</a></h1>' : '';
             $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= isset($FB_Shortcode['description']) && $FB_Shortcode['description'] == 'yes' ? '<div class="fts-jal-fb-group-header-desc">' . $this->fts_facebook_tag_filter($page_data->description) . '</div>' : '';
         } else {
             // $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= our Facebook Page Title or About Text. Commented out the group description because in the future we will be adding the about description.
             $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<h1><a href="' . $fts_view_fb_link . '" target="_blank">' . $page_data->name . '</a></h1>';
             $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-group-header-desc">' . $this->fts_facebook_tag_filter($page_data->description) . '</div>';
         //END Header
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
         // Close fts-fb-header-wrapper
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] !== 'yes' && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'album_photos' && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'albums' ? '</div>' : '';
     //End check
     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fb_social_btn_placement($FB_Shortcode, $access_token, 'fb-like-top-below-title');
     // Feed Header
     //Make sure it's not ajaxing
     if (!isset($_GET['load_more_ajaxing'])) {
         if (!isset($FBtype) && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums' || !isset($FBtype) && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos' || isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
             if (isset($FB_Shortcode['video_album']) && $FB_Shortcode['video_album'] == 'yes') {
             } else {
                 wp_enqueue_script('fts-masonry-pkgd', plugins_url('feed-them-facebook/feeds/js/masonry.pkgd.min.js'), array('jquery'));
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<script>';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(window).load(function(){';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".' . $fts_dynamic_class_name . '").masonry({';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'itemSelector: ".fts-jal-single-fb-post"';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</script>';
             if (!isset($FBtype) && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'albums' || !isset($FBtype) && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos') {
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-slicker-facebook-photos fts-slicker-facebook-albums ' . (isset($FB_Shortcode['video_album']) && $FB_Shortcode['video_album'] && $FB_Shortcode['video_album'] == 'yes' ? 'popup-video-gallery-fb' : ' popup-gallery-fb masonry js-masonry') . ' ' . (isset($FB_Shortcode['images_align']) && $FB_Shortcode['images_align'] ? ' popup-video-gallery-align-' . $FB_Shortcode['images_align'] : '') . ' popup-gallery-fb ' . $fts_dynamic_class_name . '" style="margin:auto;" data-masonry-options=\'{ "isFitWidth": ' . ($FB_Shortcode['center_container'] == 'no' ? 'false' : 'true') . ' ' . ($FB_Shortcode['image_stack_animation'] == 'no' ? ', "transitionDuration": 0' : '') . '}\'>';
             if (isset($FB_Shortcode['grid']) && $FB_Shortcode['grid'] == 'yes') {
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-slicker-facebook-posts masonry js-masonry ' . ($FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes' ? 'popup-gallery-fb-posts ' : '') . ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' ? 'fts-reviews-feed ' : '') . $fts_dynamic_class_name . ' " style="margin:auto;" data-masonry-options=\'{ "isFitWidth": ' . ($FB_Shortcode['center_container'] == 'no' ? 'false' : 'true') . ' ' . ($FB_Shortcode['image_stack_animation'] == 'no' ? ', "transitionDuration": 0' : '') . '}\'>';
         } else {
             $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-jal-fb-group-display fts-simple-fb-wrapper ' . (isset($FB_Shortcode['popup']) && $FB_Shortcode['popup'] == 'yes' ? 'popup-gallery-fb-posts ' : '') . ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews' ? 'fts-reviews-feed ' : '') . $fts_dynamic_class_name . ' ' . ($FB_Shortcode['height'] !== 'auto' && empty($FB_Shortcode['height']) == NULL ? 'fts-fb-scrollable" style="height:' . $FB_Shortcode['height'] . '"' : '"') . '>';
     //End ajaxing Check
     // Post Information
     $response_post_array = $this->get_post_info($feed_data, $FB_Shortcode, $access_token, $language);
     //Single event info call
     if ($FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'events') {
         $single_event_array_response = $this->fts_get_feed_json($response_post_array);
     $set_zero = 0;
     //LOOP to fix Post count!
     foreach ($feed_data->data as $k => $v) {
         if ($k >= $FB_Shortcode['posts']) {
     // Loop for all facebook feeds.
     foreach ($feed_data->data as $post_data) {
         $FBmessage = isset($post_data->message) ? $post_data->message : "";
         $FBstory = isset($post_data->story) ? $post_data->story : "";
         $FBtype = isset($post_data->type) ? $post_data->type : "";
         // This is the method to skip empty posts or posts that are simply about changing settings or other non important post types
         if ($FBtype == 'status' && $FBmessage == '' && $FBstory == '' || $FBtype == 'status' && strpos($FBstory, 'changed the privacy setting') !== false || $FBtype == 'status' && strpos($FBstory, 'an admin of the group') !== false || $FBtype == 'status' && strpos($FBstory, 'created the group') !== false || $FBtype == 'event' && strpos($FBstory, 'added an event') !== false) {
             // 	unset($post_data);
         } else {
             //Define Type NOTE Also affects Load More Fucntion call
             if (!$FBtype && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'album_photos') {
                 $FBtype = 'photo';
             if (!$FBtype && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'events') {
                 $FBtype = 'events';
             $post_types = new FTS_Facebook_Feed_Post_Types();
             $single_event_array_response = isset($single_event_array_response) ? $single_event_array_response : '';
             $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $post_types->feed_post_types($set_zero, $FBtype, $post_data, $FB_Shortcode, $response_post_array, $single_event_array_response);
     // END POST foreach
     // this will show our new feed array including the offset
     echo '<pre>';
     echo '</pre>';
     if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php') && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'reviews' || is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php') && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews') {
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fts_facebook_loadmore($atts, $feed_data, $FBtype, $FB_Shortcode, $_REQUEST['fts_dynamic_name']);
     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
     // closing main div for fb photos, groups etc
     //only show this script if the height option is set to a number
     if ($FB_Shortcode['height'] !== 'auto' && empty($FB_Shortcode['height']) == NULL) {
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<script>';
         // this makes it so the page does not scroll if you reach the end of scroll bar or go back to top'
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery.fn.isolatedScrollFacebookFTS = function() {';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'this.bind("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function (e) {';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'var delta = e.wheelDelta || (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.wheelDelta) || -e.detail,';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'bottomOverflow = this.scrollTop + jQuery(this).outerHeight() - this.scrollHeight >= 0,';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'topOverflow = this.scrollTop <= 0;';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'if ((delta < 0 && bottomOverflow) || (delta > 0 && topOverflow)) {';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'e.preventDefault();';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '}';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '});';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'return this;';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '};';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'jQuery(".fts-fb-scrollable").isolatedScrollFacebookFTS();';
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</script>';
     //end $FB_Shortcode['height'] !== 'auto' && empty($FB_Shortcode['height']) == NULL
     //Make sure it's not ajaxing
     if (!isset($_GET['load_more_ajaxing'])) {
         $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="clear"></div><div id="fb-root"></div>';
         if (is_plugin_active('feed-them-premium/feed-them-premium.php') && $FB_Shortcode['type'] !== 'reviews' || is_plugin_active('feed-them-social-facebook-reviews/feed-them-social-facebook-reviews.php') && $FB_Shortcode['type'] == 'reviews') {
             if ($FB_Shortcode['loadmore'] == 'button') {
                 // fts-fb-header-wrapper
                 if ($FB_Shortcode['grid'] !== 'yes') {
                     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div class="fts-fb-load-more-wrapper">';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '<div id="loadMore_' . $_REQUEST['fts_dynamic_name'] . '" style="';
                 if ($FB_Shortcode['loadmore_btn_maxwidth'] !== '') {
                     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'max-width:' . $FB_Shortcode['loadmore_btn_maxwidth'] . ';';
                 $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= 'margin:' . $FB_Shortcode['loadmore_btn_margin'] . ' auto ' . $FB_Shortcode['loadmore_btn_margin'] . '" class="fts-fb-load-more">' . __('Load More', 'feed-them-facebook') . '</div>';
                 if ($FB_Shortcode['grid'] !== 'yes') {
                     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= '</div>';
     //End Check
     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= $this->fb_social_btn_placement($FB_Shortcode, $access_token, 'fb-like-below');
     $FTS_FB_OUTPUT .= ob_get_clean();
     return $FTS_FB_OUTPUT;