require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/members/a/bo/FTPFileGroup.php5'); header("Content-type: text/plain"); session_start(); // // REMOVE THIS LINE WHEN OUT OF DEV // if (!isset($_SESSION['ccuserid'])) { $_SESSION['ccuserid'] = 7; } if (!$_SESSION['ccuserid']) { echo getJSONError(array(1, "Not logged in")); } else { $rsPaths = FTPFileGroupDB::retrieveForUserId($_SESSION['ccuserid']); $arPaths = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rsPaths); $i++) { array_push($arPaths, $rsPaths[$i]->toHashMap()); } echo getJSONResult(array("groupList" => $arPaths)); } function getJSONResult($result) { return json_encode(array("result" => $result)); } function getJSONError($errors) { return json_encode(array("errors" => $errors)); }
} else { $groupId = $_POST["group_id"]; unset($_POST["group_id"]); // If no groupId was provided, look one up for the current user, // if none no groups exist, we'll create a default one and use that; // otherwise, if one exists with a name of "Default Group", we'll use that; // otherwise, an error is thrown back since a group must be specified. if (!($groupId)) { $ar = FTPFileGroupDB::retrieveForUserId($_SESSION["ccuserid"]); if ($ar == null) { $ftpFileGroup = new FTPFileGroup(); $ftpFileGroup->setUserId($_SESSION["ccuserid"]); $ftpFileGroup->setName("Default Group"); FTPFileGroupDB::save($ftpFileGroup); $groupId = $ftpFileGroup->getGroupId(); } else if (sizeof($ar) == 1) { if ($ar[0]->getName() == "Default Group") { $groupId = $ar[0]->getGroupId(); } } } // same test as above, if we still don't have one, then don't proceed if (($groupId)) { $successful = false; $arFtpSiteIds = array(); if (sizeof($_POST) == 0) {
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/members/a/bo/FTPPath.php5'); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/members/a/bo/FTPFileGroup.php5'); header("Content-type: text/plain"); session_start(); // // REMOVE THIS LINE WHEN OUT OF DEV // if (!isset($_SESSION['ccuserid'])) { $_SESSION['ccuserid'] = 7; } if (!$_SESSION['ccuserid']) { echo getJSONError(array(1, "Not logged in")); } else { $arGroups = FTPFileGroupDB::retrieveForUserId($_SESSION["ccuserid"]); if ($arGroups != null) { $groupId = $arGroups[0]->getGroupId(); } if (!groupId) { echo getJSONError(array(3, "Group Id required")); } else { $arPathRecords = FTPPathDB::retrieveForGroupId($groupId); $arOut = array(); if ($arPathRecords != null) { foreach ($arPathRecords as $pathRecord) { $paths = explode(chr(13), $pathRecord->getPath()); foreach ($paths as $path) {