/** * 删除 * * @param int $id * @return string */ function del($id) { if ($id) { $row = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT askid FROM `#@__askanswer` WHERE id='{$id}'"); $query = "DELETE FROM #@__askanswer WHERE id='{$id}'"; if ($this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query)) { $query2 = "UPDATE `#@__ask` SET replies = replies - 1 WHERE id='{$row['askid']}'"; $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query2); global $cfg_basedir, $cfg_remote_site; //启用远程站点则创建FTP类 if ($cfg_remote_site == 'Y') { require_once DEDEINC . '/ftp.class.php'; if (file_exists(DEDEDATA . "/cache/inc_remote_config.php")) { require_once DEDEDATA . "/cache/inc_remote_config.php"; } if (empty($remoteuploads)) { $remoteuploads = 0; } if (empty($remoteupUrl)) { $remoteupUrl = ''; } //初始化FTP配置 $ftpconfig = array('hostname' => $rmhost, 'port' => $rmport, 'username' => $rmname, 'password' => $rmpwd); $ftp = new FTP(); $ftp->connect($ftpconfig); } $query = "SELECT url FROM `#@__uploads_ask` WHERE rid ='{$id}' AND type = 0"; $this->dsql->SetQuery($query); $this->dsql->Execute(); while ($row = $this->dsql->GetArray()) { if ($cfg_remote_site == 'Y' && $remoteuploads == 1) { $ftp->delete_file($row['url']); } else { @unlink($cfg_basedir . $row['url']); } } $this->dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__uploads_ask` WHERE rid ='{$id}' AND type = 0"); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } }