Esempio n. 1
 public function Draw()
     $jsession = JFactory::getSession();
     $cid = $mid = 0;
     switch (JFactory::getApplication()->input->get("owner", NULL)) {
         case "component":
             $cid = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get("id", NULL);
         case "module":
             $mid = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get("id", NULL);
     $fsession = new FSession($jsession->getId(), $cid, $mid);
     // Store the answer in the session
     if ($fsession->Save($this->Answer, "captcha_answer")) {
         $this->DebugLog->Write("Answer saved into session");
     } else {
         $this->DebugLog->Write("Database query failed");
     // White background
     imagefill($this->Image['data'], 0, 0, $this->Colors['Background']);
     // Background grid
     $len = strlen($this->Question);
     // Space available for one single char. It is based on image width and number of characters to display
     $space = $this->Image['width'] / $len;
     // Single disturb characters rendering. Doubles the characters and halves the space
     for ($p = 0; $p < 2 * $len; ++$p) {
         // render a random character from ascii 33 and ascii 126
         $this->Render(chr(rand(33, 126)), $p, $space / 2, $this->Colors['Disturb']);
     // Single characters rendering
     for ($p = 0; $p < $len; ++$p) {
         $this->Render($this->Question[$p], $p, $space, $this->Colors['Text']);
     $this->DebugLog->Write("Render done");
     // Debug with &noimage=1
     if (JFactory::getApplication()->input->get("noimage", NULL)) {
     // Must not be cached neither by client browsers or proxies
     $now = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT";
     header("Expires: " . $now);
     header("Last-Modified: " . $now);
     // no-cache: cacheable, but mustn't use the response without first checking with the originating server
     // private: is intended for a single user and MUST NOT be cached by a shared cache
     // must-revalidate: MUST NOT use the entry after it becomes stale without first revalidating it with the origin server. In all circumstances an HTTP/1.1 cache MUST obey the must-revalidate directive; in particular, if the cache cannot reach the origin server for any reason, it MUST generate a 504 (Gateway Timeout) response.
     // max-age=0: The content is stale and should be validated before use.
     header("Cache-Control: no-cache, private, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
     header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"foxcaptcha.jpg\"");
     // Send the stream to the client browser
     $this->DebugLog->Write("Image sent to client");
Esempio n. 2
 * +----------------------------------------------------------
 * 应用程序初始化
 * +----------------------------------------------------------
 * @access public
 * +----------------------------------------------------------
 * @return void
 public static function init()
     global $_F;
     if (FConfig::get('global.debug')) {
         $_F['debug'] = true;
     if (FConfig::get('global.session.type') == 'db') {
         $handler = new FSession();
         session_set_save_handler(array(&$handler, "open"), array(&$handler, "close"), array(&$handler, "read"), array(&$handler, "write"), array(&$handler, "destroy"), array(&$handler, "gc"));
Esempio n. 3
 public function Show()
     // Load into <head> needed js only once and only if upload feature is enabled
     if (!(bool) $this->Params->get("uploaddisplay")) {
         return "";
     if (!isset($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS["ext_name"] . '_upload_js_loaded'])) {
         $placeholders = $values = array();
         $placeholders[] = '{%BROWSE_FILES%}';
         $placeholders[] = '{%FLOAT%}';
         $placeholders[] = '{%JCANCEL%}';
         $placeholders[] = '{%FAILED%}';
         $placeholders[] = '{%SUCCESS%}';
         $placeholders[] = '{%Action%}';
         $values[] = JTEXT::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_BROWSE_FILES');
         $values[] = $GLOBALS["left"];
         $values[] = JTEXT::_('JCANCEL');
         $values[] = JTEXT::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_FAILED');
         $values[] = JTEXT::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_SUCCESS');
         // Use "/" instead of "DS", since this string is used on client side in Javascript createUploader function
         $values[] = JURI::base(true) . '/components/' . $GLOBALS["com_name"] . '/lib/file-uploader.php';
         // Show main uploader javascript in <head> section as a source
         $this->js_load("fileuploader-min.js", 1, 0, $placeholders, $values);
         $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS["ext_name"] . '_upload_js_loaded'] = true;
     $id = $this->GetId();
     //$cid = ((bool)$this->Application->mid) ? 0 : $this->GetComponentId();
     $result = '<div style="clear:both;">' . '<label ' . 'style="' . '">' . $this->Params->get('upload') . ". " . JTEXT::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT') . " " . $this->human_readable($this->Params->get("uploadmax_file_size") * 1024) . '</label>' . '<div id="foxupload_' . $id . '" ' . '></div>' . PHP_EOL . "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">createUploader('foxupload_{$id}', " . $this->Application->cid . ", " . $this->Application->mid . ");</script>" . '<noscript>' . '<input ' . 'type="file" ' . 'name="foxstdupload"' . " />" . '</noscript>';
     $jsession = JFactory::getSession();
     $fsession = new FSession($jsession->getId(), $this->Application->cid, $this->Application->mid);
     $data = $fsession->Load('filelist');
     // Read the list from the session
     if ($data) {
         $filelist = explode("|", $data);
     } else {
         $filelist = array();
     if (count($filelist)) {
         // Previuosly completed uploads
         $result .= '<ul class="qq-upload-list">';
         foreach ($filelist as &$file) {
             $result .= '<li class="qq-upload-success" style="background-position:' . $GLOBALS["left"] . ';">' . '<span class="qq-upload-file" style="float:' . $GLOBALS["left"] . '">' . substr($file, 14) . '</span>' . '<span class="qq-upload-success-text" style="background-position:' . $GLOBALS["left"] . ';">' . JTEXT::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_SUCCESS') . '</span>' . '</li>';
         $result .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
     // Close row container
     $result .= "</div>" . PHP_EOL;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 4
 public function shenheAction()
     global $_F;
     // $_F["debug"] = true;
     $tid = FRequest::getPostInt('tid');
     $params = array("tid" => $tid);
     // $params =json_encode($params);
     // echo($params);
     $url = FConfig::get('global.service_mumu_url') . "/s/topic/IClose";
     // $url =  "http://yfservice.admin.docker:8081/s/topic/IClose";
     // echo( $url);
     //$cookie = "sid=306123456;uid=5000513;key=306123456";
     $cookie = "sid=" . FSession::get('sid') . ";uid=" . FSession::get('user_id') . ";key=" . FSession::get('sid');
     $params = FHttp::doPost($url, $params, $cookie);
     $params = json_decode($params);
     if ($params->status == "ok") {
         $this->showMessage("封闭成功", $messageType = 'success');
         echo "<script LANGUAGE='javascript'>guanbi('guanbi_" . $tid . "');</script>";
     } else {
         $this->showMessage("封闭失败", $messageType = 'success');
Esempio n. 5
 public function loginAction()
     global $_F;
     // $_F['debug'] = 1;
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         $username = trim($_POST['username']);
         $password = trim($_POST['password']);
         /*$checkCode = FRequest::getPostString('check_code');
                     if (!$checkCode) {
                         return $this->error('请输入验证码!');
         //            if ($checkCode != $_SESSION['rand_code']) {
         //                return $this->error('验证码错误!');
         //            }
         $refer = trim($_POST['refer']);
         if (strpos($refer, 'login')) {
             $refer = null;
         $managerTable = new FTable('manager');
         $encryptPassword = Service_Manager::getEncryptPassword($password);
         $managerData = $managerTable->where(array('username' => $username))->find();
         $managerLoginLogTable = new FTable('manager_login_log');
         $newLoginLogData = array('username' => $username, 'login_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'login_ip' => FRequest::getClientIP());
         if (!$managerData) {
             $newLoginLogData['result'] = 2;
             $newLoginLogData['comment'] = '用户名不存在';
             return $this->error('用户名不存在!');
         } else {
             if ($managerData['password'] == $encryptPassword) {
                 $user_id = $managerData['user_id'];
                 // 获取管理员user_id 和 密钥
                 $user_table = new FTable("user_main");
                 $user = $user_table->where(array("uid" => $user_id))->find();
                 //                    $auth_str = md5("{$managerData['username']}|{$managerData['password']}|{$managerData['gid']}");
                 FSession::set('manager_uid', $managerData['uid']);
                 FSession::set('user_id', $user_id);
                 FSession::set('sid', $user['sid']);
                 // 更新登录时间
                 $managerTable->where(array("uid" => $managerData['uid']))->update(array('last_login_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
                 $newLoginLogData['uid'] = $managerData['uid'];
                 $newLoginLogData['result'] = 1;
                 //                    FCookie::set('manager_auth', "{$managerData['uid']}\t{$auth_str}", 3600000);
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $newLoginLogData['result'] = 2;
                 $newLoginLogData['comment'] = '密码错误';
                 return $this->error('对不起,密码错误!');
Esempio n. 6
 * +----------------------------------------------------------
 * 应用程序初始化
 * +----------------------------------------------------------
 * @access public
 * +----------------------------------------------------------
 * @return void
 public static function init()
     $session_type = FConfig::get('global.session.type');
     if ($session_type == 'db') {
         $handler = new FSession();
         session_set_save_handler(array(&$handler, "open"), array(&$handler, "close"), array(&$handler, "read"), array(&$handler, "write"), array(&$handler, "destroy"), array(&$handler, "gc"));
     } elseif ($session_type == 'memcache') {
         ini_set('session.save_handler', 'memcache');
         ini_set('session.save_path', 'tcp:/' . '/');
         // . FConfig::get('global.memcache.ip')
         $handler = new FSession();
     } else {
         $handler = new FSession();
Esempio n. 7
 public function Show()
     if (!(bool) $this->Params->get("uploaddisplay")) {
         return "";
     $id = $this->GetId();
     //$cid = ((bool)$this->Application->mid) ? 0 : $this->GetComponentId();
     $action = JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . $GLOBALS["com_name"] . "&view=loader" . "&owner=" . $this->Application->owner . "&id=" . $this->Application->oid . "&root=none" . "&filename=none" . "&type=uploader");
     $label = "";
     $span = "";
     // Label beside: generates a label
     if ((bool) $this->Params->get("labelsdisplay")) {
         $label = '<label class="control-label">' . $this->Params->get('upload') . '</label>';
     } else {
         $span = '<span class="help-block">' . $this->Params->get('upload') . '</span>';
     $result = '<div class="control-group">' . $label . '<div class="controls">' . $span . '<div id="foxupload_' . $id . '"></div>' . '<span class="help-block">' . JText::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT') . " " . $this->human_readable($this->Params->get("uploadmax_file_size") * 1024) . '</span>' . '</div>' . "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">" . "jQuery(document).ready(function () {" . "if (typeof Joomla == 'undefined')" . "{" . "\tJoomla = {};" . "\tJoomla.JText =" . "\t{" . "\t\tstrings:{}," . "\t\t'_':function (key, def)" . "\t\t{" . "\t\t\treturn typeof this.strings[key.toUpperCase()] !== 'undefined' ? this.strings[key.toUpperCase()] : def;" . "\t\t}," . "\t\tload:function (object)" . "\t\t{" . "\t\t\tfor (var key in object)" . "\t\t\t{" . "\t\t\t\tthis.strings[key.toUpperCase()] = object[key];" . "\t\t\t}" . "\t\t\treturn this;" . "\t\t}" . "\t};" . "}" . "Joomla.JText.load(" . "{" . "\"COM_FOXCONTACT_BROWSE_FILES\":'" . JText::_("COM_FOXCONTACT_BROWSE_FILES") . "'," . "\"JCANCEL\":'" . JText::_("JCANCEL") . "'," . "\"COM_FOXCONTACT_FAILED\":'" . JText::_("COM_FOXCONTACT_FAILED") . "'," . "\"COM_FOXCONTACT_SUCCESS\":'" . JText::_("COM_FOXCONTACT_SUCCESS") . "'," . "\"COM_FOXCONTACT_NO_RESULTS_MATCH\":'" . JText::_("COM_FOXCONTACT_NO_RESULTS_MATCH") . "'" . "}" . ");" . "CreateUploadButton('foxupload_{$id}', '{$action}', " . $this->Application->cid . ", " . $this->Application->mid . ", '" . $this->Application->owner . "', " . $this->Application->oid . ");" . "});" . "</script>" . '<noscript>' . '<input ' . 'type="file" ' . 'name="foxstdupload"' . " />" . '</noscript>' . "</div>" . PHP_EOL;
     // control-group
     $jsession = JFactory::getSession();
     $fsession = new FSession($jsession->getId(), $this->Application->cid, $this->Application->mid);
     $data = $fsession->Load('filelist');
     // Read the list from the session
     if ($data) {
         $filelist = explode("|", $data);
     } else {
         $filelist = array();
     // List of files
     $result .= '<div class="control-group">' . '<div class="controls">';
     // Previuosly completed uploads
     $result .= '<ul id="uploadlist-' . $this->Application->owner . $this->Application->oid . '" class="qq-upload-list">';
     foreach ($filelist as &$file) {
         $result .= '<li class="qq-upload-success">' . '<span class="qq-upload-file">' . $this->format_filename(substr($file, 14)) . '</span>' . '<span class="qq-upload-success-text">' . JTEXT::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_SUCCESS') . '</span>' . '</li>';
     $result .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
     $result .= '</div>' . '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
     // control-group
     return $result;
Esempio n. 8
 function listAction()
     global $_F;
     //$_F["debug"] = true;
     $admin_uid = FSession::get('manager_uid');
     $uid = FRequest::getInt("uid");
     $page = max(1, FRequest::getInt('page'));
     $user_table = new FTable("user_detail");
     $user_nickname = $user_table->fields(array("nickname"))->where(array("uid" => $uid))->find();
     $where = array('uadd.uid' => $uid);
     $table = new FTable("user_address", "uadd");
     $useradds = $table->fields(array("uadd.uid", "uadd.addrid", "", "uadd.province", "", "uadd.address", "uadd.username"))->where($where)->page($page)->limit(20)->order(array("uadd.addrid" => "desc"))->select();
     $page_info = $table->getPagerInfo();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page_info);
     $this->assign("useradds", $useradds);
     $this->assign("uid", $uid);
     $this->assign("user_nickname", $user_nickname['nickname']);
Esempio n. 9
  * 用户资料首审
 function verifyUserFirstAction()
     $uid = FRequest::getInt("uid");
     $status = FRequest::getInt("status");
     $reason = FRequest::getString("reason");
     if (CommonUtil::parmIsEmpty($uid) || CommonUtil::parmIsEmpty($status)) {
         FResponse::output(CommonUtil::GetDefRes(201, "参数错误"));
     // 检测如果已经存在需要复审记录,则直接返回
     $table2 = new FTable("verify_user");
     $n = $table2->where(array("uid" => $uid, "flag" => 0))->count();
     if ($n > 0) {
         FResponse::output(CommonUtil::GetDefRes(200, "操作成功"));
     // 原子操作,开启事务处理
     try {
         // 修改用户资料修改记录状态
         $table = new FTable("update_record");
         $table->where(array("uid" => $uid, "status" => 0))->update(array("status" => 1));
         // 插入到复审的表里
         $table2 = new FTable("verify_user");
         $id = $table2->insert(array("uid" => $uid, "status" => $status, "reason" => $reason, "aid" => FSession::get('user_id')));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $log = new FLogger("user_log");
         $log->append("verifyUserFirstAction:" . $e);
         FResponse::output(CommonUtil::GetDefRes(201, "操作失败"));
     // FResponse::output(CommonUtil::GetDefRes(200,"操作成功"));
     /*$table2 = new FTable("verify_user","vu");
       $verify_user = $table2->fields(array("")) ->where(array("vu.uid"=>$uid,"vu.flag"=>0))->find();*/
     $url = FConfig::get('global.service_mumu_url') . "/s/user/IUserInfoVerify";
     $res = Service_Common::secPost($url, array("id" => $id, "uid" => $uid, "level" => $status));
Esempio n. 10
 public function shenheAction()
     global $_F;
     // $_F["debug"] = true;
     $size = FRequest::getPostInt('size');
     $list = FRequest::getPostString('avatarlevel' . $size);
     $query = explode(",", $list);
     $params_uid = array("id" => $query[0], "status" => $query[1]);
     $url_rztz = FConfig::get('global.service_mumu_url') . "/s/user/ICertifyVideo";
     $cookie = "sid=" . FSession::get('sid') . ";uid=" . FSession::get('user_id') . ";key=" . FSession::get('sid');
     $params_rztz = FHttp::doPost($url_rztz, $params_uid, $cookie);
     $params = json_decode($params_rztz);
     if ($params->status == "ok") {
         // $this->showMessage("审核成功",$messageType = 'success');
     } else {
         // $this->showMessage("审核失败",$messageType = 'success');
     // $this->showMessage("审核失败",$messageType = 'success');
Esempio n. 11
 function listAction()
     global $_F;
     //$_F["debug"] = true;
     $province = FRequest::getString('province');
     $city = FRequest::getString('city');
     $gender = CommonUtil::getComParam(FRequest::getInt('gender'), 2);
     $age = FRequest::getInt('age');
     $table = new FTable("user_province_area");
     $provinces = $table->order(array("region_id" => "asc"))->select();
     if ($province) {
         $where = array("city" => $province);
         $user_province = new FTable("user_province_area");
         $user_provinces = $user_province->where($where)->find();
         $stm_str = "-" . $age . " year";
         $etm_str = "-" . ($age - 1) . " year";
         $stm_birthday = date("Y-01-01 00:00:00", strtotime($stm_str));
         $etm_birthday = date("Y-01-01 00:00:00", strtotime($etm_str));
         $query_str = " ud.birthday >= '" . $stm_birthday . "'  and ud.birthday < '" . $etm_birthday . "'  ";
         $user_table = new FTable("user_main", "um");
         $user = $user_table->where(array("um.gender" => $gender, "str" => $query_str))->leftJoin("user_detail", "ud", "um.uid=ud.uid")->find();
         $url = FConfig::get('global.service_mumu_url') . "/s/discovery/IAdjacent";
         //$url = "http://yfservice.admin.docker:8081/s/discovery/IAdjacent";
         $post_data = array("lng" => $user_provinces['x'], "lat" => $user_provinces['y'], "cur" => 1, "refresh" => true, "ps" => 30, "uid" => $user["uid"]);
         //$cookie = "sid=306123456;uid=5000513;key=306123456";
         $cookie = "sid=" . FSession::get('sid') . ";uid=" . FSession::get('user_id') . ";key=" . FSession::get('sid');
         $output = FHttp::doPost($url, $post_data, $cookie);
         // print_r($output);
         $output = json_decode($output);
         $status = $output->status;
         $users = $output->res;
         $users = $users->users;
         $users = $users->list;
         if (count($users) <= 30) {
             $post_data = array("lng" => $user_provinces['x'], "lat" => $user_provinces['y'], "cur" => 2, "refresh" => true, "ps" => 30, "uid" => $user["uid"]);
             $output2 = FHttp::doPost($url, $post_data, $cookie);
             $output2 = json_decode($output2);
             $users2 = $output2->res;
             $users2 = $users2->users;
             $users2 = $users2->list;
         $users = array_merge($users, $users2);
         $ids = array();
         foreach ($users as $u) {
             array_push($ids, $u->uid);
         if (count($ids) > 0) {
             $users_table = new FTable("user_main", "um");
             $u_arr = $users_table->fields(array("um.uid", "um.gender", "ud.localtag", "ud.birthday"))->where(array("um.uid" => array("in" => $ids)))->leftJoin("user_detail", "ud", "um.uid = ud.uid")->select();
         $u_m = array();
         foreach ($u_arr as $u) {
             $u_m[$u["uid"]] = $u;
         foreach ($users as &$u) {
             $uid = $u->uid;
             $r_u = $u_m[$uid];
             $u->age = CommonUtil::birthdayToAge($r_u["birthday"]);
             $u->tag = $r_u["localtag"];
             $u->gender = $r_u["gender"];
         $this->assign('users', $users);
         $this->assign('status', $status);
         $this->assign('province', $province);
         $this->assign('city', $city);
         $this->assign('age', $age);
     $this->assign('gender', $gender);
     $this->assign('provinces', $provinces);
Esempio n. 12
 function display($tpl = null)
     $this->Application = JFactory::getApplication();
     // The following code will access the Component-wide default parameters,
     // already overridden with those for the menu item (if applicable):
     $this->cparams = $this->Application->getParams('com_foxcontact');
     $this->Submitter = new FSubmitter($this->cparams, $this->messages);
     $this->FieldsBuilder = new FieldsBuilder($this->cparams, $this->messages);
     $this->AjaxUploader = new FAjaxUploader($this->cparams, $this->messages);
     $this->Uploader = new FUploader($this->cparams, $this->messages);
     $this->FoxCaptcha = new FCaptcha($this->cparams, $this->messages);
     $this->JMessenger = new FJMessenger($this->cparams, $this->messages, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     $this->Antispam = new FAntispam($this->cparams, $this->messages, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     $this->AdminMailer = new FAdminMailer($this->cparams, $this->messages, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     $this->SubmitterMailer = new FSubmitterMailer($this->cparams, $this->messages, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     // Build $FormText
     $this->FormText .= $this->FieldsBuilder->Show();
     $this->FormText .= $this->AjaxUploader->Show();
     $this->FormText .= $this->FoxCaptcha->Show();
     $this->FormText .= $this->Antispam->Show();
     // Usually we want the submit button at the bottom
     $this->FormText .= $this->Submitter->Show();
     switch (0) {
         case $this->Submitter->IsValid():
         case $this->FieldsBuilder->IsValid():
         case $this->AjaxUploader->IsValid():
         case $this->Uploader->IsValid():
         case $this->FoxCaptcha->IsValid():
         case $this->Antispam->IsValid():
             // Spam check passed or disabled
         // Spam check passed or disabled
         case $this->JMessenger->Process():
         case $this->AdminMailer->Process():
         case $this->SubmitterMailer->Process():
             // None of the previous checks are failed
             // Avoid to show the Form and the button again
             $this->FormText = "";
             // Reset captcha solution in the session after read it, avoiding that a f****d lamer
             // abuse of the *same session* without request the captcha again, to send tons of email
             $jsession = JFactory::getSession();
             $fsession = new FSession($jsession->getId(), $this->Application->cid, $this->Application->mid);
     // Check for errors.
     if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) {
         JError::raiseError(500, implode('<br />', $errors));
         return false;
     // Display the view
Esempio n. 13
 public function Draw()
     $jsession = JFactory::getSession();
     $fsession = new FSession($jsession->getId(), JRequest::getVar("cid", NULL, 'GET'), JRequest::getVar("mid", NULL, 'GET'));
     // Store the answer in the session
     if ($fsession->Save($this->Answer, "captcha_answer")) {
         $this->DebugLog->Write("Answer saved into session");
     } else {
         $this->DebugLog->Write("Database query failed");
     // White background
     imagefill($this->Image['data'], 0, 0, $this->Colors['Background']);
     // Background grid
     $len = strlen($this->Question);
     // Space available for one single char. It is based on image width and number of characters to display
     $space = $this->Image['width'] / $len;
     // Single disturb characters rendering. Doubles the characters and halves the space
     for ($p = 0; $p < 2 * $len; ++$p) {
         // render a random character from ascii 33 and ascii 126
         $this->Render(chr(rand(33, 126)), $p, $space / 2, $this->Colors['Disturb']);
     // Single characters rendering
     for ($p = 0; $p < $len; ++$p) {
         $this->Render($this->Question[$p], $p, $space, $this->Colors['Text']);
     $this->DebugLog->Write("Render done");
     // Debug with ?cid=xxx&noimage=1
     if (JRequest::getVar("noimage", NULL, 'GET')) {
     // Prepare some useful headers
     header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
     header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
     // must not be cached by the client browser or any proxy
     header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
     header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     header("Content-Disposition:inline ; filename=fcaptcha.jpg");
     // Send the stream to the client browser
     $this->DebugLog->Write("Image sent to client");
Esempio n. 14
 public function shenheAction()
     global $_F;
     // $_F["debug"] = true;
     $size = FRequest::getPostInt('size');
     $list = array();
     for($j=1;$j <$size;$j++) {
         $list[$j-1] =FRequest::getPostString('avatarlevel'.$j);
     $list[$size-1] = FRequest::getPostString('avatarlevel'.$size);
     $list[0] = FRequest::getPostString('avatarlevel' . $size);
     $params = array("list" => $list);
     $query = explode(",", $list[0]);
     $query = $query[0];
     $params_uid = array("uid" => $query);
     $params = json_encode($params);
     //$this->showMessage($params,$messageType = 'success');
     // exit;
     $url = FConfig::get('global.service_mumu_url') . "/user/AdminSetAvatarStat";
     $params = Service_Common::post($url, $params);
     /*$url_rztz =  FConfig::get('global.service_mumu_url')."/s/user/ICertifyAvatar";
     $url_rztz = FConfig::get('global.service_mumu_url') . "/s/user/ICertifyAvatar";
     $cookie = "sid=" . FSession::get('sid') . ";uid=" . FSession::get('user_id') . ";key=" . FSession::get('sid');
     $params_rztz = FHttp::doPost($url_rztz, $params_uid, $cookie);
     $params = json_decode($params);
     /* $url_rztz =  FConfig::get('global.service_mumu_url')."/s/user/ICertifyAvatar";
     if ($params->status == "ok") {
         //$this->showMessage("审核成功",$messageType = 'success');
     } else {
         $this->showMessage("审核失败", $messageType = 'success');
Esempio n. 15
	// Fields properties
	$captcha['show'] = (bool)$params->get("stdcaptchadisplay");
	// $captcha['label'] = $params->get("stdcaptcha");
	$captcha['src'] = JURI::base(true) . '/components/com_foxcontact/lib/captcha-drawer.php?cid=0&mid=' . $module->id;
	$captcha['transparent'] = JURI::base(true) . '/media/com_foxcontact/images/transparent.gif';
	//$captcha['id'] = 'fcaptcha_mid_' . $module->id;
	$captcha['width'] = $params->get("stdcaptchawidth", "");
	$captcha['height'] = $params->get("stdcaptchaheight", "");

	$upload['show'] = (bool)$params->get("uploaddisplay");
	$direction = intval(JFactory::getLanguage()->get('rtl', 0));
	$style['float'] = $direction ? "right" : "left";
	$upload['label'] = $params->get("upload");
	$jsession = JFactory::getSession();
	$fsession = new FSession($jsession->getId(), 0, $module->id);
	$data = $fsession->Load('filelist');  // Read the list from the session
	if ($data) $upload['filelist'] = explode("|", $data);
	else $upload['filelist'] = array();

	if (intval($params->get("top_textdisplay", "0"))) $toptext = $params->get("top_text", "");	
	else $toptext = "";
	if (!empty($toptext)) $toptext = '<div class="foxmessage" style="clear:both;">' . $toptext . '</div>';

	if (intval($params->get("bottom_textdisplay", "0"))) $bottomtext = $params->get("bottom_text", "");	
	else $bottomtext = "";
	if (!empty($bottomtext)) $bottomtext = '<div class="foxmessage" style="clear:both;">' . $bottomtext . '</div>';

	$page_subheading = $params->get("page_subheading", "");

	// Module xml
Esempio n. 16
    case $fcaptcha->IsValid():
    case $antispam->IsValid():
        // Spam check passed or disabled
    // Spam check passed or disabled
    case $jMessenger->Process():
    case $newsletter->Process():
    case $acymailing->Process():
    case $jnews->Process():
    case $adminMailer->Process():
    case $submitterMailer->Process():
        // None of the previous checks are failed
        // Avoid to show the Form and the button again
        $form_text = "";
        // Reset the solution of the captcha in the session after read,
        // avoiding further uses (abuses) of the same valid session,
        // in order to send tons of email
        $jsession = JFactory::getSession();
        $fsession = new FSession($jsession->getId(), 0, $module->id);
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath($app->scope, $params->get('layout', 'default'));
Esempio n. 17
  * 检查验证码是否正确
 public static function checkCaptcha($captcha)
     return $captcha == FSession::get('captcha');
Esempio n. 18
 protected function DoUpload()
     //Retrieve file details from uploaded file, sent from upload form
     $file = JRequest::getVar('foxstdupload', NULL, 'files', 'array');
     // $file is null when a browser with javascipt didn't send $_FILES at all
     // $file['error'] is UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE when a browser without javascipt sent $_FILES empty
     if (!$this->Submitted || !$file || $file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
         return true;
     $upload_directory = JPATH_SITE . "/components/" . $GLOBALS["com_name"] . "/uploads/";
     if (!is_writable($upload_directory)) {
         $this->MessageBoard->Add(JText::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_ERR_DIR_NOT_WRITABLE'), FoxMessageBoard::error);
         return false;
     // Check for http $_FILES upload errors
     if ($file['error']) {
         // case 1 UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini';
         // case 2 UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form';
         // case 3 UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded';
         // case 4 UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: 'No file was uploaded';
         // case 6 UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: 'Missing a temporary folder';
         // case 7 UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: 'Failed to write file to disk';
         // case 8 UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: 'File upload stopped by extension';
         $this->MessageBoard->Add(JText::sprintf($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_ERR_UPLOAD', $file['error']), FoxMessageBoard::error);
         return false;
     // Check file size
     $size = $file['size'];
     if ($size == 0) {
         $this->MessageBoard->Add(JText::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_ERR_FILE_EMPTY'), FoxMessageBoard::error);
         return false;
     $max_filesize = intval($this->Params->get("uploadmax_file_size", "0")) * KB;
     if ($size > $max_filesize) {
         $this->MessageBoard->Add(JText::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_ERR_FILE_TOO_LARGE'), FoxMessageBoard::error);
         return false;
     $mimetype = new FMimeType();
     if (!$mimetype->Check($file['tmp_name'], $this->Params)) {
         // Noo need to delete the file uploaded
         $this->MessageBoard->Add(JText::_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_ERR_MIME') . " [" . $mimetype->Mimetype . "]", FoxMessageBoard::error);
         return false;
     //Import filesystem libraries. Perhaps not necessary, but does not hurt
     //Clean up filename to get rid of strange characters like spaces and others
     $filename = JFile::makeSafe($file['name']);
     // Assign a random unique id to the file name, to avoid that lamers can force the server to execute their uploaded shit
     $filename = uniqid() . "-" . $filename;
     $dest = $upload_directory . $filename;
     // Todo: This attempt doesn't intercept the exception
     JFile::upload($file['tmp_name'], $dest);
     catch (Exception $e)
     return false;
     if (!JFile::upload($file['tmp_name'], $dest)) {
         return false;
     // Upload successful. Add an element to the uploads list
     $jsession =& JFactory::getSession();
     $fsession = new FSession($jsession->getId(), $this->Application->cid, $this->Application->mid);
     // session_id, cid, mid
     // Store the answer in the session
     $data = $fsession->Load('filelist');
     // Read the list from the session
     if ($data) {
         $filelist = explode("|", $data);
     } else {
         $filelist = array();
     $filelist[] = $filename;
     // Append this file to the list
     $data = implode("|", $filelist);
     $fsession->Save($data, "filelist");
     return true;
Esempio n. 19
 function display($tpl = null)
     $this->Application = JFactory::getApplication();
     // Access the Component-wide default parameters, already overridden with those for the menu item (if applicable):
     //$this->cparams = $this->Application->getParams('com_foxcontact');
     // Can't use getParams('com_foxcontact') because JRegistry::merge converts StdClass properties to arrays
     $this->cparams = $this->Application->getMenu()->getActive()->params;
     // Set Meta Description
     if ($description = $this->cparams->get('menu-meta_description')) {
     // Set Meta Keywords
     if ($keywords = $this->cparams->get('menu-meta_keywords')) {
         $this->document->setMetadata('keywords', $keywords);
     // Set robots (index, follow)
     if ($robots = $this->cparams->get('robots')) {
         $this->document->setMetadata('robots', $robots);
     $foxDocument = FoxDocument::getInstance();
     // User interface stylesheet
     $foxDocument->addResource(array("root" => "media", "filename" => "chosen", "type" => "css"));
     $foxDocument->addResource(array("root" => "media", "filename" => "bootstrap", "type" => "css"));
     // User selected stylesheet
     $stylesheet = $this->cparams->get("css", "bootstrap.css");
     // Removes the extension part from the file name
     $stylesheet = preg_replace("/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}\$/", "", $stylesheet);
     $foxDocument->addResource(array("root" => "components", "filename" => $stylesheet, "type" => "css"));
     $this->MessageBoard = new FoxMessageBoard();
     $this->Submitter = new FSubmitter($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard);
     $this->FieldsBuilder = new FieldsBuilder($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard);
     $this->AjaxUploader = new FAjaxUploader($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard);
     $this->Uploader = new FUploader($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard);
     $this->FoxCaptcha = new FCaptcha($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard);
     $this->JMessenger = new FJMessenger($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     $this->Antispam = new FAntispam($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     $this->Newsletter = new FNewsletter($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     $this->AcyMailing = new FAcyMailing($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     $this->JNews = new FJNewsSubscriber($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     $this->AdminMailer = new FAdminMailer($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     $this->SubmitterMailer = new FSubmitterMailer($this->cparams, $this->MessageBoard, $this->FieldsBuilder);
     $this->FormText .= $this->FieldsBuilder->Show();
     $this->FormText .= $this->AjaxUploader->Show();
     $this->FormText .= $this->AcyMailing->Show();
     $this->FormText .= $this->JNews->Show();
     $this->FormText .= $this->FoxCaptcha->Show();
     $this->FormText .= $this->Antispam->Show();
     $this->FormText .= $this->Submitter->Show();
     switch (0) {
         case $this->Submitter->IsValid():
         case $this->FieldsBuilder->IsValid():
         case $this->AjaxUploader->IsValid():
         case $this->Uploader->IsValid():
         case $this->FoxCaptcha->IsValid():
         case $this->Antispam->IsValid():
         case $this->JMessenger->Process():
         case $this->Newsletter->Process():
         case $this->AcyMailing->Process():
         case $this->JNews->Process():
         case $this->AdminMailer->Process():
         case $this->SubmitterMailer->Process():
             // None of the previous checks are failed
             // Avoid to show the Form and the button again
             $this->FormText = "";
             // Reset captcha solution in the session after reading,
             // avoiding further uses (abuses) of the same valid session,
             // in order to send tons of email
             $jsession = JFactory::getSession();
             $fsession = new FSession($jsession->getId(), $this->Application->cid, $this->Application->mid);
     // Check for errors.
     if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) {
         $this->Application->enqueueMessage(implode('<br />', $errors), 'error');
         //return false;
     // Display the view
Esempio n. 20
  * 安全post请求,会追加当前登录用户cookie
 public static function secPost($url, $params)
     $cookie = "sid=" . FSession::get('sid') . ";uid=" . FSession::get('user_id') . ";key=" . FSession::get('sid');
     $res = FHttp::doPost($url, $params, $cookie);
     $params = json_decode($res);
     if ($params->status == "ok") {
         $res = CommonUtil::GetDefRes(200, "正确");
     } else {
         $res = CommonUtil::GetDefRes(201, "错误");
     echo "----" . $res;
     return $res;
Esempio n. 21
 public function HandleUpload($uploadDirectory)
     $this->DebugLog->Write("HandleUpload() started");
     if (!is_writable($uploadDirectory)) {
         $this->DebugLog->Write("Directory " . $uploadDirectory . " is not writable");
         return array('error' => JFactory::getLanguage()->_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_ERR_DIR_NOT_WRITABLE'));
     $this->DebugLog->Write("Directory " . $uploadDirectory . " is ok");
     // Check file size
     $size = $this->get_file_size();
     if ($size == 0) {
         $this->DebugLog->Write("File size is 0");
         return array('error' => JFactory::getLanguage()->_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_ERR_FILE_EMPTY'));
     $this->DebugLog->Write("File size is > 0");
     // uploadmax_file_size defaults to 0 to prevent hack attempts
     $max = $this->Params->get("uploadmax_file_size", 0) * KB;
     // and < max limit
     if ($size > $max) {
         $this->DebugLog->Write("File size too large ({$size} > {$max})");
         return array('error' => JFactory::getLanguage()->_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_ERR_FILE_TOO_LARGE'));
     $this->DebugLog->Write("File size ({$size} / {$max}) is ok");
     // Clean file name
     $filename = preg_replace("/[^\\w\\.-_]/", "_", $this->get_file_name());
     // Assign a random unique id to the file name, to avoid that lamers can force the server to execute their uploaded shit
     $filename = uniqid() . "-" . $filename;
     $full_filename = $uploadDirectory . $filename;
     if (!$this->save_file($full_filename)) {
         $this->DebugLog->Write("Error saving file");
         return array('error' => JFactory::getLanguage()->_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_ERR_SAVE_FILE'));
     $this->DebugLog->Write("File saved");
     $mimetype = new FMimeType();
     if (!$mimetype->Check($full_filename, $this->Params)) {
         // Delete the file uploaded
         $this->DebugLog->Write("File type [" . $mimetype->Mimetype . "] is not allowed. Allowed types are:" . PHP_EOL . print_r($mimetype->Allowed, true));
         return array('error' => JFactory::getLanguage()->_($GLOBALS["COM_NAME"] . '_ERR_MIME') . " [" . $mimetype->Mimetype . "]");
     $this->DebugLog->Write("File type [" . $mimetype->Mimetype . "] is allowed");
     $cid = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get("cid", NULL);
     $mid = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get("mid", NULL);
     $owner = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get("owner", NULL);
     $id = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get("id", NULL);
     $jsession = JFactory::getSession();
     $fsession = new FSession($jsession->getId(), $cid, $mid);
     // Store the answer in the session
     $data = $fsession->Load('filelist');
     // Read the list from the session
     if ($data) {
         $filelist = explode("|", $data);
     } else {
         $filelist = array();
     $filelist[] = $filename;
     // Append this file to the list
     $data = implode("|", $filelist);
     $fsession->Save($data, "filelist");
     $this->Log->Write("File " . $filename . " uploaded succesful.");
     $this->DebugLog->Write("File uploaded succesful.");
     return array("success" => true);