Esempio n. 1
    static function display_form($string)
        // Build the code to display the form in $string and return it
        // The form code will be appended to $string and returned
        global $captcha_path_cf;
        // used by secureimage.php
        $captcha_path_cf = FSCF_CAPTCHA_PATH;
        // Set up the styles for the form
        self::$style['hint'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['hint_style']);
        self::$style['textarea'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['textarea_style']);
        self::$style['checkbox'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['checkbox_style']);
        self::$style['option_label'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['option_label_style']);
        // option label
        self::$style['label'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['label_style']);
        // label
        self::$style['form'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['form_style']);
        self::$style['border'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['border_style']);
        self::$style['fieldset'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['fieldset_style']);
        self::$style['select'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['select_style']);
        self::$style['title'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['title_style']);
        self::$style['field'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['field_style']);
        // text fields
        self::$style['field_div'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['field_div_style']);
        self::$style['error'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['error_style']);
        self::$style['required'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['required_style']);
        self::$style['required_text'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['required_text_style']);
        self::$style['submit_div'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['submit_div_style']);
        self::$style['submit'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['button_style']);
        self::$style['reset'] = self::convert_css(self::$form_options['reset_style']);
        self::$aria_required = ' aria-required="true" ';
        $hidden = "\n";
        if (self::$contact_error) {
            // this is for some people who hide the form in a div, if there are validation errors, unhide it
            self::$form_options['form_style'] = str_replace('display: none;', '', self::$form_options['form_style']);
        $string .= '
<div id="FSContact' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('form_style') . '>';
        $form_attributes = '';
        if (!empty(self::$form_options['form_attributes'])) {
            $form_attributes = self::$form_options['form_attributes'] . ' ';
        if (self::$form_options['vcita_scheduling_button'] == 'true' && self::is_vcita_activated()) {
            $string .= "\n<div " . 'id="fscf_div_left_box' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('left_box_style') . ">";
        $anchor = '';
        if (self::$form_options['anchor_enable'] == 'true') {
            $anchor = '#FSContact' . self::$form_id_num;
        $string .= '
<form ' . self::$have_attach . 'action="' . esc_url(self::$form_action_url) . $anchor . '" id="fscf_form' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . $form_attributes . 'method="post">
        if (self::$form_options['border_enable'] == 'true') {
            $string .= '<fieldset id="fscf_form_fieldset' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('border_style') . ">\n";
            if (self::$form_options['title_border'] != '') {
                $string .= '<legend>';
                $string .= self::$form_options['title_border'];
                $string .= "</legend>\n";
        // check attachment directory
        $frm_id = self::$form_id_num;
        // needed for use w/in "" below.. can't use self::
        if (self::$have_attach) {
            if (self::$form_options['php_mailer_enable'] == 'php') {
                self::set_form_error("fscf_attach_dir{$frm_id}", __('Attachments are only supported when the Send Email function is set to WordPress. You can find this setting on the contact form settings page.', 'si-contact-form'));
            if (!is_dir(FSCF_ATTACH_DIR)) {
                self::set_form_error("fscf_attach_dir{$frm_id}", __('The temporary folder for the attachment field does not exist.', 'si-contact-form'));
            } else {
                if (!is_writable(FSCF_ATTACH_DIR)) {
                    self::set_form_error("fscf_attach_dir{$frm_id}", __('The temporary folder for the attachment field is not writable.', 'si-contact-form'));
                } else {
                    // delete files over 3 minutes old in the attachment directory
                    // full directory sweep cleanup
                    //self::clean_temp_dir( FSCF_ATTACH_DIR, 3 );
        // print input error message
        if (self::$contact_error) {
            // There are errors, so print the generic error message
            $string .= '      <div id="fscf_form_error' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('error_style') . ">\n";
            $string .= self::$form_options['error_correct'] != '' ? self::$form_options['error_correct'] : __('Please make corrections below and try again.', 'si-contact-form');
            $string .= "\n    </div>\n";
            // Print errors that appear at the top of the form
            $string .= self::echo_if_error("fscf_attach_dir{$frm_id}");
            $string .= self::echo_if_error('akismet');
        // Get the email-to list
        self::$contacts = self::get_contact_list(self::$form_id_num, self::$form_options['email_to']);
        if (empty(self::$contacts)) {
            // was $ctf_contacts
            $string .= '
		<div id="fscf_form_error_email' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('error_style') . '>' . __('ERROR: Misconfigured email address in options.', 'si-contact-form') . "\n    </div>\n";
        if (self::$global_options['enable_php_sessions'] == 'true') {
            // this feature only works when PHP sessions are enabled
            if (!empty($_SESSION["fsc_shortcode_hidden_{$frm_id}"])) {
                $hidden_fields = self::get_hidden_fields();
                if (!empty($hidden_fields)) {
                    foreach ($hidden_fields as $key => $value) {
                        $hidden .= "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr($key) . '" value="' . esc_attr($value) . '" />' . "\n";
            } else {
        // Add a hidden field if this is the admin preview, so that we return to the preview after submit
        if (is_admin()) {
            $hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="ctf_action" value="' . __('Preview Form', 'si-contact-form') . '" />' . "\n";
        $hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="fscf_submitted" value="0" />' . "\n";
        $hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="fs_postonce_' . self::$form_id_num . '" value="' . wp_hash(time()) . ',' . time() . '" />' . "\n";
        $hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="si_contact_action" value="send" />' . "\n";
        $hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="' . self::$form_id_num . '" />' . "\n";
        if (self::$form_options['req_field_label_enable'] == 'true' && self::$form_options['req_field_indicator_enable'] == 'true') {
            $string .= "\n" . '<div id="fscf_required' . self::$form_id_num . '">' . "\n";
            $string .= '  <span ' . self::get_this_css('required_style') . '>' . self::$form_options['req_field_indicator'] . '</span> <span ' . self::get_this_css('required_text_style') . '>';
            $string .= self::$form_options['tooltip_required'] != '' ? self::$form_options['tooltip_required'] : __('indicates required field', 'si-contact-form');
            $string .= "</span>\n</div>\n\n";
        // If there are multiple mail-to contacts, display a select form
        if (count(self::$contacts) > 1) {
            $string .= '<div id="fscf_div_clear_contact' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('clear_style') . '>' . "\n" . '  <div id="fscf_div_field_contact' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('field_left_style') . '>
    <div ' . self::get_this_css('title_style') . '>
      <label ' . self::get_this_css('label_style') . ' for="fscf_mail_to' . self::$form_id_num . '">';
            $string .= self::$form_options['title_dept'] != '' ? self::$form_options['title_dept'] : __('Select a contact:', 'si-contact-form');
            $string .= self::$req_field_ind . '</label>
    <div ' . self::get_this_css('field_div_style') . '>' . self::echo_if_error('contact') . '
      <select ' . self::get_this_css('select_style') . ' id="fscf_mail_to' . self::$form_id_num . '" name="mailto_id" ' . self::$aria_required . '>
            $string .= '       <option value="">';
            $string .= self::$form_options['title_select'] != '' ? esc_html(self::$form_options['title_select']) : esc_html(__('Select', 'si-contact-form'));
            $string .= "</option>\n";
            if (!isset($cid) && '' != self::$form_content['mailto_id']) {
                $cid = (int) self::$form_content['mailto_id'];
            $selected = '';
            foreach (self::$contacts as $k => $v) {
                if (!empty($cid) && $cid == $k) {
                    $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                $string .= '       <option value="' . $k . '"' . $selected . '>' . esc_attr($v['CONTACT']) . "</option>\n";
                $selected = '';
            $string .= '      </select>
        } else {
            $hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="mailto_id" value="1" />' . "\n";
        $open_fieldset = false;
        // is a fieldset field open?
        // A div class="fscf-clear" is used to group a field with any that follow it
        // $open_div tracks whether this div is currently open
        $open_div = false;
        $date_fields = array();
        // List of date fields
        self::$printed_tooltip_filetypes = 0;
        // ********** Go through all the fields and print them **********
        // fill in any missing defaults
        $field_opt_defaults = array('hide_label' => 'false', 'placeholder' => 'false');
        $fields_in_use = array();
        foreach (self::$form_options['fields'] as $key => $field) {
            // fill in any missing field options defaults
            foreach ($field_opt_defaults as $dfkey => $dfval) {
                if (!isset($field[$dfkey]) || empty($field[$dfkey])) {
                    $field[$dfkey] = $dfval;
            if ('true' == $field['disable']) {
            $fields_in_use[$field['slug']] = 1;
            if ('true' == $field['follow'] && $open_div) {
                $string .= '  <div id="fscf_div_follow' . self::$form_id_num . '_' . $key . '" ' . self::get_this_css('field_follow_style') . '>';
            } else {
                if ($open_div) {
                    // close the preceeding div used for grouping
                    $string .= "</div>\n";
                    $open_div = false;
                if ('fieldset' == $field['type'] || 'fieldset-close' == $field['type']) {
                    $string .= "\n" . '<div ' . self::get_this_css('clear_style') . "></div>\n";
                } else {
                    $open_div = true;
                    $string .= "\n" . '<div id="fscf_div_clear' . self::$form_id_num . '_' . $key . '" ' . self::get_this_css('clear_style') . '>' . "\n" . '  ';
                    $string .= '<div id="fscf_div_field' . self::$form_id_num . '_' . $key . '" ';
                    // find out if this field preceeds a follow field or vcita enabled (narrow), else it needs to be (wide)
                    if (isset(self::$form_options['fields'][$key + 1]) && self::$form_options['fields'][$key + 1]['follow'] == 'true' || self::$form_options['vcita_scheduling_button'] == 'true' && self::is_vcita_activated()) {
                        $string .= self::get_this_css('field_prefollow_style') . '>';
                    } else {
                        $string .= self::get_this_css('field_left_style') . '>';
                    // wide
            // Display code common to all/most field types
            if (!in_array($field['type'], array('fieldset', 'fieldset-close', 'hidden'))) {
                if ($field['notes'] != '') {
                    $string .= "\n" . self::ctf_notes($field['notes']);
                if ('checkbox' != $field['type'] && $field['standard'] < 1 && 'false' == $field['hide_label']) {
                    // hiding the label
                    // Standard field labels can be changed in options, so don't print them here
                    // single checkbox labels are printed next to the checkbox
                    $string .= "\n    <div " . ' id="fscf_label' . self::$form_id_num . '_' . $key . '" ' . self::get_this_css('title_style') . '>
      <label ';
                    $string .= $field['label_css'] != '' ? self::convert_css($field['label_css']) : self::get_this_css('label_style');
                    $string .= ' for="fscf_field' . self::$form_id_num . '_' . $key . '">' . esc_html($field['label']);
                    $string .= 'true' == $field['req'] ? self::$req_field_ind : '';
                    $string .= "</label>\n    </div>";
                } else {
                    if ('checkbox' == $field['type'] && $field['standard'] < 1 || 'true' == $field['hide_label']) {
                        // single checkbox keep the div to maintain style left alignment (no label here), or hide label was checked
                        $string .= "\n    <div " . ' id="fscf_label' . self::$form_id_num . '_' . $key . '" ' . self::get_this_css('title_style');
                        $string .= ">\n    </div>";
                self::$aria_required = $field['req'] && 'true' == self::$form_options['aria_required'] ? ' aria-required="true" ' : '';
            switch ($field['type']) {
                case 'fieldset':
                    if ($open_fieldset) {
                        $string .= "</fieldset>\n";
                    if ($field['notes'] != '') {
                        $string .= "\n" . self::ctf_notes($field['notes']);
                    $string .= "\n<fieldset" . ' id="fscf_fieldset' . self::$form_id_num . '_' . $key . '" ';
                    $string .= $field['label_css'] != '' ? self::convert_css($field['label_css']) : self::get_this_css('fieldset_style');
                    $string .= '>
                    if ('false' == $field['hide_label']) {
                        $string .= '	  <legend>' . esc_html($field['label']) . "</legend>\n";
                    $open_fieldset = true;
                case 'fieldset-close':
                    if ($open_fieldset) {
                        $string .= "</fieldset>\n";
                    $open_fieldset = false;
                case 'hidden':
                    $string .= '      <input type="hidden" name="' . $field['slug'] . '" value="' . esc_attr(self::$form_content[$field['slug']]) . '" />' . "\n";
                case 'password':
                    $string .= '    <div ' . self::get_this_css('field_div_style') . '>' . self::echo_if_error($field['slug']) . "\n" . '      <input ';
                    $string .= $field['input_css'] != '' ? self::convert_css($field['input_css']) : self::get_this_css('field_style');
                    $string .= ' type="password" id="fscf_field' . self::$form_id_num . '_' . $key . '" name="' . $field['slug'] . '" value=""' . '" ' . self::$aria_required . ' ';
                    if ($field['max_len'] != '') {
                        $string .= ' maxlength="' . $field['max_len'] . '"';
                    if ($field['attributes'] != '') {
                        $string .= ' ' . $field['attributes'];
                    $string .= " />\n    </div>\n";
                case 'text':
                case 'email':
                case 'url':
                    $string .= self::display_field_text($key, $field);
                case 'textarea':
                    $string .= self::display_field_textarea($key, $field);
                case 'select':
                case 'select-multiple':
                    $string .= self::display_field_select($key, $field);
                case 'checkbox':
                case 'checkbox-multiple':
                case 'radio':
                    $string .= self::display_field_checkbox($key, $field);
                case 'date':
                    $string .= self::display_field_date($key, $field);
                    $date_fields[] = $key;
                case 'time':
                    $string .= self::display_field_time($key, $field);
                case 'attachment':
                    $string .= self::display_field_attachment($key, $field);
            // end switch
            if ('fieldset' != $field['type'] && 'fieldset-close' != $field['type'] && 'hidden' != $field['type']) {
                if ($field['notes_after'] != '') {
                    $string .= self::ctf_notes($field['notes_after']) . "\n";
            if ($open_div) {
                $string .= "  </div>\n";
                // close field div
        // end foreach (go through fields)
        // action hook for form display after fields
        $string = apply_filters('si_contact_display_after_fields', $string, self::$style, self::$form_errors, self::$form_id_num);
        // Are there any date fields?
        if (count($date_fields) > 0) {
        // ********** Display stuff at the bottom of form **********
        // close final outer container for field and follow groups
        if ($open_div) {
            $string .= '</div>
<div ' . self::get_this_css('clear_style') . '></div>' . "\n";
        if (self::is_captcha_enabled(self::$form_id_num)) {
            $string .= self::display_captcha() . "\n";
        // hidden empty honeypot field, if enabled
        if (self::$form_options['honeypot_enable'] == 'true') {
            $honeypot_slug = self::get_todays_honeypot_slug($fields_in_use);
            $string .= '        ' . self::echo_if_error($honeypot_slug) . '
<div style="display:none;">
     <label for="' . $honeypot_slug . self::$form_id_num . '"><small>' . __('Leave this field empty', 'si-contact-form') . '</small></label>
     <input type="text" name="' . $honeypot_slug . '" id="' . $honeypot_slug . self::$form_id_num . '" value="" />
        // Display the submit button
        $string .= "\n<div " . 'id="fscf_submit_div' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('submit_div_style') . '>
		<input type="submit" id="fscf_submit' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('button_style') . ' value="';
        $string .= self::$form_options['title_submit'] != '' ? esc_attr(self::$form_options['title_submit']) : esc_attr(__('Submit', 'si-contact-form'));
        $string .= '" ';
        if (!empty(self::$form_options['submit_attributes'])) {
            $string .= self::$form_options['submit_attributes'] . ' ';
        if (self::$form_options['enable_areyousure'] == 'true') {
            $msg = self::$form_options['title_areyousure'] != '' ? esc_html(addslashes(self::$form_options['title_areyousure'])) : esc_html(addslashes(__('Are you sure?', 'si-contact-form')));
            $string .= ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . $msg . '\')" ';
        $string .= '/> ';
        if (self::$form_options['enable_reset'] == 'true') {
            $string .= '<input type="reset" id="fscf_reset' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('reset_style') . ' value="';
            $string .= self::$form_options['title_reset'] != '' ? esc_attr(self::$form_options['title_reset']) : esc_attr(__('Reset', 'si-contact-form'));
            $msg = addslashes(__('Do you really want to reset the form?', 'si-contact-form'));
            $string .= '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $msg . '\')" />';
        $string .= "\n</div>\n";
        if (self::$form_options['border_enable'] == 'true') {
            $string .= "</fieldset>\n";
        $string .= $hidden;
        // Close the form
        $string .= "\n</form>\n";
        if (self::$form_options['enable_credit_link'] == 'true') {
            $string .= "\n    <p " . self::convert_css(self::$form_options['powered_by_style']) . '>' . __('Powered by', 'si-contact-form') . ' <a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Fast Secure Contact Form', 'si-contact-form') . "</a></p>\n";
        if (self::$form_options['vcita_scheduling_button'] == 'true' && self::is_vcita_activated()) {
            $string .= "</div>\n<div " . 'id="fscf_div_right_box' . self::$form_id_num . '" ' . self::get_this_css('right_box_style') . ">\n";
            $string = self::display_vcita_scheduler_button($string);
            $string .= "\n</div>\n";
        $string .= '</div>';
        // closes fscf-container
        $string .= "\r\n<div " . self::get_this_css('clear_style') . "></div>\n";
        if (self::$placeholder && self::$form_options['external_style'] == 'false') {
            self::$add_placeholder_script = 1;
            // for adding the javascript
            $placeholder_style = self::$form_options['placeholder_style'];
            if (preg_match("/^style=\"(.*)\"\$/i", $placeholder_style, $matches)) {
                $placeholder_style = $matches[1];
            if (preg_match("/^class=\"(.*)\"\$/i", $placeholder_style, $matches)) {
                $placeholder_style = $matches[1];
            $string .= '
<style type="text/css">

/* Placeholder Style - WebKit browsers - Safari, Chrome */
::-webkit-input-placeholder { ' . $placeholder_style . ' }

/* Placeholder Style - Mozilla Firefox 4 - 18 */
:-moz-placeholder { ' . $placeholder_style . ' }

/* Placeholder Style - Mozilla Firefox 19+ */
::-moz-placeholder { ' . $placeholder_style . ' }

/* Placeholder Style - Internet Explorer 10+ */
:-ms-input-placeholder { ' . $placeholder_style . ' }

        $string .= "\n" . '<!-- Fast Secure Contact Form plugin ' . FSCF_VERSION . ' - end - -->' . "\n";
        return $string;