Esempio n. 1
             if ($auto == 0) {
                 if ($_SESSION['USER_LEVEL'] == 1 or $_SESSION['USER_LEVEL'] == 2) {
                     $auto = 1;
                 } else {
                     $auto = null;
             $no = null;
             $_POST['web'] = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $_POST['web']);
             $_POST['web'] = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $_POST['web']);
             $_POST['web'] = str_replace(" ", "", $_POST['web']);
             $_POST['web'] = str_replace("  ", "", $_POST['web']);
             $text = htmlentities($_POST['com']);
             $parent = 1;
             $apps = app_param();
             $com = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'comment', array("", "{$link}", $_SESSION['USER_ID'], "{$_POST['name']}", "{$_POST['email']}", "{$_POST['web']}", date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()), "{$text}", "{$auto}", "{$apps}", "{$parent}", "{$parent}", "{$parent}"));
             if ($com and $auto) {
                 $notice = alert("info", comment_Notice_Info, true);
             } else {
                 $notice = alert("info", comment_Notice_Info2, true);
             if (empty($no)) {
                 $no = 1;
             //Comment will appear after page reload
             $link = "{$go_link}#comment-{$no}";
 } else {
     $notice = alert("error", comment_Notice_Error5, true);
Esempio n. 2
            $mod = explode("--", $file);
            $go = null;
            foreach ($mod as $val) {
                $val = str_replace("db_prefix_", FDBPrefix, $val);
                $val = str_replace("_site_title", "{$_POST['site']}", $val);
                $val = str_replace("_site_desc", "{$_POST['desc']}", $val);
                $go = $db->query("{$val}");
        if ($go) {
            notice('success', "SQL Query successfully!", 3);
        if (preg_match('/^.+@.+\\..+$/', $_POST['email'])) {
            $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'user', array("", "{$_POST['username']}", "Administrator", MD5("{$_POST['userpass']}"), "{$_POST['email']}", "1", "1", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ""));
            if ($qr) {
                $_SESSION['user'] = "******";
                $_SESSION['host'] = "";
                $_SESSION['success'] = 1;
        } else {
            notice('error', "Email or User are invalid!", 2);
    } else {
        notice('error', "Please fill the fields correctly!", 2);
if (isset($_POST['admin'])) {
    rename("_config.php", "config.php");
Esempio n. 3
            } else {
                notice('error', Status_Fail);
    } else {
        notice('error', Status_Invalid);
/*			 Add New contact				*/
if (isset($_POST['save_add']) or isset($_POST['apply_add'])) {
    $db = new FQuery();
    if (!empty($_POST['name']) and !empty($_POST['gender']) and !empty($_POST['group'])) {
        $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'contact', array("", "{$_POST['name']}", "{$_POST['gender']}", "{$_POST['email']}", "{$_POST['address']}", "{$_POST['city']}", "{$_POST['state']}", "{$_POST['country']}", "{$_POST['zip']}", "{$_POST['phone']}", "{$_POST['fax']}", "{$_POST['job']}", "{$_POST['photo']}", "{$_POST['web']}", "{$_POST['ym']}", "{$_POST['fb']}", "{$_POST['tw']}", "{$_POST['desc']}", "{$_POST['group']}", 1));
        if ($qr and isset($_POST['apply_add'])) {
            $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . 'contact', 'id', '', 'id DESC');
            $qr = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
            notice('success', Contact_Saved);
            redirect('?app=contact&act=edit&id=' . $qr['id'], 2);
        } elseif ($qr and isset($_POST['save_add'])) {
            notice('success', Contact_Saved);
            redirect('?app=contact', 2);
        } else {
            notice('error', Status_Fail);
    } else {
        notice('error', Status_Invalid);
Esempio n. 4
    if (!empty($_POST['name']) and !empty($_POST['cat']) and !empty($_POST['apps']) and !empty($_POST['link'])) {
        $param = '';
        // first value from $param
        if (isset($_POST['totalParam'])) {
            for ($p = 1; $p <= $_POST['totalParam']; $p++) {
                if ($p != $_POST['totalParam']) {
                    @($param = $param . $_POST["nameParam{$p}"] . "=" . $_POST['param' . $p] . ';\\n');
                } else {
                    @($param = $param . $_POST['param' . $p]);
        @($param = str_replace('"', "'", "{$_POST['editor']}"));
        @($parameter .= $param);
        $param = str_replace('"', "'", $param);
        $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'menu', array("", "{$_POST['cat']}", "{$_POST['name']}", "{$_POST['link']}", "{$_POST['apps']}", "{$_POST['parent_id']}", "{$_POST['status']}", "{$_POST['short']}", "{$_POST['level']}", "0", "{$_POST['title']}", "{$_POST['show_title']}", "{$_POST['sub_name']}", "{$_POST['class']}", "{$_POST['style']}", "{$parameter}", ""));
        if ($qr and isset($_POST['apply_add'])) {
            $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . 'menu', 'id', '', 'id DESC');
            $qr = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
            notice('success', Menu_Saved, 2);
            redirect('?app=menu&view=edit&id=' . $qr['id']);
        } elseif ($qr and isset($_POST['save_add'])) {
            notice('success', Menu_Saved, 2);
        } else {
            notice('error', Status_Invalid);
    } else {
        notice('error', Status_Invalid);
Esempio n. 5
         if (@multipleSelect($pars)) {
             @($pars = multipleSelect($pars));
         } else {
             @($pars = $pars);
         @($param .= $_POST["nameParam{$p}"] . "=" . $pars . ';\\n');
 $page = @$_POST['page'];
 $page = @multipleSelect($page);
 @($parameter = str_replace('"', "'", "{$_POST['editor']}"));
 @($parameter = $parameter . $param);
 if (checkLocalhost()) {
     $parameter = str_replace(FLocal . "media/", "media/", $parameter);
 $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'module', array("", "{$_POST['title']}", "{$_POST['folder']}", "{$_POST['position']}", "{$_POST['short']}", "{$_POST['level']}", "{$_POST['status']}", "{$page}", "{$parameter}", "{$_POST['class']}", "{$_POST['style']}", "{$_POST['show_title']}"));
 if ($qr and isset($_POST['apply_add'])) {
     $db = new FQuery();
     $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . 'module', 'id', '', 'id DESC');
     $qr = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
     $_SESSION['NOTICE'] = alert('success', New_Module_Saved);
     redirect('?app=module&act=edit&id=' . $qr['id']);
 } elseif ($qr and isset($_POST['save_add'])) {
     alert('success', New_Module_Saved, 0, 0, 'NOTICE_REF');
     if ($qr) {
         redirect('?app=module', 1);
 } else {
     $_SESSION['NOTICE_ADD'] = alert('error', Status_Invalid, 0, 0, 'NOTICE');
Esempio n. 6
* @copyright	Copyright (C) 2014 Fiyo CMS.
* @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.
if (!isset($_POST['user'])) {
    die('Access Denied!');
define('_FINDEX_', 1);
require '../../../system/jscore.php';
$db = new FQuery();
$user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user']);
$sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . "user", "*", "status=1 AND user='******' AND password='******'pass']) . "'");
$qr = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$jml = mysql_affected_rows();
if ($jml > 0) {
    $_SESSION['USER_ID'] = $qr['id'];
    $_SESSION['USER'] = $qr['user'];
    $_SESSION['USER_NAME'] = $qr['name'];
    $_SESSION['USER_EMAIL'] = $qr['email'];
    $_SESSION['USER_LEVEL'] = $qr['level'];
    $_SESSION['USER_LOG'] = $qr['time_log'];
    $time_log = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $db->update(FDBPrefix . 'user', array("time_log" => "{$time_log}"), "id={$qr['id']}");
    $db->delete(FDBPrefix . "session_login", "user_id={$qr['id']}");
    $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . "session_login", array("{$qr['id']}", "{$qr['user']}", "{$qr['level']}", date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
if ($qr or !empty($_SESSION['USER_ID']) and $_SESSION['USER_LEVEL'] <= 3 and userInfo()) {
    echo "{ \"status\":\"1\" , \"alert\":\"" . alert('success', Login_Success) . "\"}";
} else {
    echo "{ \"status\":\"0\" , \"alert\":\"" . alert('error', Login_Error) . "\"}";
Esempio n. 7
* @version		2.0
* @package		Fiyo CMS
* @copyright	Copyright (C) 2014 Fiyo CMS.
* @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.
defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied');
$db = new FQuery();
/*		   Add category article			*/
if (isset($_POST['save_category']) or isset($_POST['add_category'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['name'])) {
        $_POST['name'] = str_replace('"', '', $_POST['name']);
        $_POST['name'] = str_replace("'", '', $_POST['name']);
        $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'article_category', array("", "{$_POST['name']}", "{$_POST['parent_id']}", "{$_POST['desc']}", "{$_POST['keys']}", "{$_POST['level']}"));
        if ($qr and isset($_POST['add_category'])) {
            notice('success', Category_Added, 2);
        } else {
            if ($qr and isset($_POST['save_category'])) {
                $sql2 = $db->select(FDBPrefix . 'article_category', 'id', '', 'id DESC LIMIT 1');
                notice('success', Category_Added, 2);
                $qrs = mysql_fetch_array($sql2);
            } else {
                $_SESSION['NOTICE_ERROR'] = alert('error', Status_Invalid);
    } else {
        $_SESSION['NOTICE_ERROR'] = alert('error', Status_Invalid);
Esempio n. 8
function add_permalink($title, $cat = NULL, $pid = null, $ext = null, $next = null)
    $page = _Page;
    if (!preg_match("/[0-9]/", $page)) {
        $page = null;
    if (SEF_URL and !checkHomePage() and !$page) {
        $db = new FQuery();
        $eqpos = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "=");
        $tapos = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?");
        if ($eqpos > 0 and $tapos > 0 and empty($_GET['page'])) {
            $permalink = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($title));
            if (app_param('app') == 'article' and app_param('view') == 'item') {
                while (substr_count($permalink, '/')) {
                    $permalink = str_replace("/", "-", $permalink);
            $category = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($cat));
            if (!empty($cat)) {
                $permalink = strtolower($category) . "/" . $permalink;
            } else {
                $permalink = $permalink;
            while (substr_count($permalink, "[")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("[", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "]")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("]", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "(")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("(", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, ")")) {
                $permalink = str_replace(")", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "{")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("{", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "}")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("}", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "&amp;")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("&amp;", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "&")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("&", "", $permalink);
            /************ ? removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "?")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("?", "", $permalink);
            /************ + removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "+")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("+", "", $permalink);
            /************ # removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "#")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("#", "", $permalink);
            /************ & removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "\\&")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("\\&", "", $permalink);
            /************ . removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, ".")) {
                $permalink = str_replace(".", "-", $permalink);
            /************ ! removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "!")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("!", "", $permalink);
            /************ ` removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "`")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("`", "", $permalink);
            /************ ' removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "'")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("'", "", $permalink);
            /************ " removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "\"")) {
                $permalink = str_replace('"', "", $permalink);
            /************ ; removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, ";")) {
                $permalink = str_replace(';', "", $permalink);
            /************ " removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '|')) {
                $permalink = str_replace('|', "", $permalink);
            /************ % removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '%')) {
                $permalink = str_replace('%', "", $permalink);
            /************ * removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '*')) {
                $permalink = str_replace('*', "", $permalink);
            /************ ^ removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '^')) {
                $permalink = str_replace('^', "", $permalink);
            /************ \ removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '\\')) {
                $permalink = str_replace("\\", "", $permalink);
            /************ \ removal **************/
            /************ , removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, ',')) {
                $permalink = str_replace(",", "", $permalink);
            /************ $ removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '$')) {
                $permalink = str_replace("\$", "", $permalink);
            /************ @ removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '@')) {
                $permalink = str_replace("@", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "--")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("--", "-", $permalink);
            if (empty($pid)) {
                $pid = Page_ID;
            $link = getLink();
            if (!empty($category) and empty($ext)) {
                $permalink = $permalink . SEF_EXT;
            } else {
                if (!empty($ext)) {
                    $ext = str_replace(".", "", $ext);
                    $permalink = "{$permalink}.{$ext}";
            if (check_permalink('link', $link)) {
                redirect(FUrl . $permalink);
            } else {
                if (!empty($permalink)) {
                    if ($c = check_permalink('permalink', $permalink)) {
                        $x = 2;
                        $permalink = str_replace(SEF_EXT, "", $permalink);
                        while ($c) {
                            $p = "{$permalink}-{$x}";
                            $c = check_permalink('permalink', $p . SEF_EXT);
                        $permalink = $p . SEF_EXT;
                    if (!empty($permalink) and $permalink != "-" and !empty($link)) {
                        $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'permalink', array("", "{$link}", "{$permalink}", $pid, 1, 0));
                    if (isset($qr)) {
                        redirect(FUrl . $permalink);
Esempio n. 9
 $webmail = "noreply@{$domain}";
 if ($activator == 0) {
     $pass = MD5($_POST['password']);
     $s = 0;
 } else {
     if ($activator == 1) {
         $pass = MD5($_POST['password']);
         $s = 1;
     } else {
         if ($activator == 2) {
             $pass = MD5($_POST['password']);
             $s = 0;
 $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'user', array("", "{$_POST['user']}", "{$_POST['user']}", $pass, "{$_POST['email']}", "{$s}", "{$group}", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "{$key}"));
 if ($qr) {
     if ($activator == 2) {
         if ($siteLang == 'id') {
             $subject = "Aktifasi Akun Baru";
             $message = "<p>Hi, {$_POST['user']},</p> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>Terimakasih sudah bergabung bersama kami di {$siteName}.</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>Kami perlu melakukan konfirmasi untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda.<br>Klik link berikut untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda. :</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p><a href='" . FUrl . "?{$keys}' {$btnClass}> Aktifasi Akun </a></p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>Jaga selalu data Anda dari segala sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan.<br>Terimakasih.</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>&nbsp;</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p><b>{$siteName}.</b><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . FUrl . "</p>";
         } else {
             $subject = "New Account Activation";
             $message = "<p>Hi, {$_POST['user']},</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>Thank you, you have to register and join us on {$siteName}.</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>We need to confirm to activate your account.<br>Click the following link to activate your account:</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p><a href='" . FUrl . "?{$keys}' {$btnClass}> Account Activation </a></p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>Please save your data account carefully.<br>Thankyou.</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>&nbsp;</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p><b>{$siteName}.</b><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . FUrl . "</p>";
     } else {
         if ($siteLang == 'id') {
             $subject = "Informasi Data Login";
             $message = "<p>Hi, {$_POST['user']},</p> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>Terimakasih sudah bergabung bersama kami di {$siteName}.</p>";
             if ($activator == 0) {
                 $message = $message . "<p>Akun anda masih menunggu persetujuan untuk diaktifkan.</p>";
Esempio n. 10
    } else {
        notice('error', Status_Invalid);
/*				Add User				*/
if (isset($_POST['save']) or isset($_POST['apply'])) {
    $us = strlen("{$_POST['user']}");
    $ps = strlen("{$_POST['password']}");
    $user = $_POST['user'];
    $name = $_POST['name'];
    preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', $user, $matches);
    if (!empty($_POST['password']) and !empty($_POST['user']) and !empty($_POST['name']) and !empty($_POST['email']) and !empty($_POST['level']) and $_POST['password'] == $_POST['kpassword'] and $us > 2 and $ps > 3 and @ereg("^.+@.+\\..+\$", $_POST['email']) and !$matches) {
        $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'user', array("", "{$user}", "{$name}", MD5("{$_POST['password']}"), "{$_POST['email']}", "{$_POST['status']}", "{$_POST['level']}", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), '', "{$_POST['bio']}"));
        if ($qr and isset($_POST['save'])) {
            notice('success', User_Added);
        } else {
            if ($qr and isset($_POST['apply'])) {
                $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . 'user', 'id', '', 'id DESC');
                $qr = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
                notice('success', User_Added);
                redirect('?app=user&act=edit&id=' . $qr['id']);
            } else {
                notice('error', Status_Fail);
    } else {
        notice('error', Status_Invalid);
Esempio n. 11
* @version		2.0
* @package		Fiyo CMS
* @copyright	Copyright (C) 2014 Fiyo CMS.
* @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.
defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied');
$db = new FQuery();
/*			   Add permalink			*/
if (isset($_POST['save_new']) or isset($_POST['apply_new'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['permalink']) and !empty($_POST['link'])) {
        $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'permalink', array("", "{$_POST['link']}", "{$_POST['permalink']}", "{$_POST['page']}", "{$_POST['status']}", "{$_POST['lock']}"));
        if ($qr and isset($_POST['save_new'])) {
            notice('success', Status_Added);
        } else {
            if ($qr and isset($_POST['apply_new'])) {
                $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . 'permalink', 'id', '', 'id DESC');
                $qr = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
                notice('success', Status_Added);
                redirect('?app=permalink&act=edit&id=' . $qr['id']);
            } else {
                notice('error', Status_Fail, 2);
    } else {
        notice('error', Status_Invalid, 2);
Esempio n. 12
function load_login()
    if (isset($_POST['fiyo_login'])) {
        $db = new FQuery();
        $user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user']);
        $sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . "user", "*", "status=1 AND user='******' AND password='******'pass']) . "'");
        $qr = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
        $jml = mysql_affected_rows();
        if ($jml > 0) {
            $_SESSION['USER_ID'] = $qr['id'];
            $_SESSION['USER'] = $qr['user'];
            $_SESSION['USER_NAME'] = $qr['name'];
            $_SESSION['USER_EMAIL'] = $qr['email'];
            $_SESSION['USER_LEVEL'] = $qr['level'];
            $_SESSION['USER_LOG'] = $qr['time_log'];
            $time_log = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            $db->update(FDBPrefix . 'user', array("time_log" => "{$time_log}"), "id={$qr['id']}");
            $db->delete(FDBPrefix . "session_login", "user_id={$qr['id']}");
            $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . "session_login", array("{$qr['id']}", "{$qr['user']}", "{$qr['level']}", date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
        if ($qr or !empty($_SESSION['USER_ID']) and $_SESSION['USER_LEVEL'] <= 3 and userInfo()) {
        } else {
            alert('error', Login_Error);
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['theme']) and $_GET['theme'] == 'blank') {
            echo "Redirecting...";
        } else {