/** * Renders a raw FOFForm and returns the corresponding HTML * * @param FOFForm &$form The form to render * @param FOFModel $model The model providing our data * @param FOFInput $input The input object * @param string $formType The form type e.g. 'edit' or 'read' * * @return string The HTML rendering of the form */ protected function renderFormRaw(FOFForm &$form, FOFModel $model, FOFInput $input, $formType) { $html = ''; foreach ($form->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) { $fields = $form->getFieldset($fieldset->name); if (isset($fieldset->class)) { $class = 'class="' . $fieldset->class . '"'; } else { $class = ''; } $html .= "\t" . '<div id="' . $fieldset->name . '" ' . $class . '>' . PHP_EOL; if (isset($fieldset->label) && !empty($fieldset->label)) { $html .= "\t\t" . '<h3>' . JText::_($fieldset->label) . '</h3>' . PHP_EOL; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $required = $field->required; $labelClass = $field->labelClass; $groupClass = $form->getFieldAttribute($field->fieldname, 'groupclass', '', $field->group); // Auto-generate label and description if needed // Field label $title = $form->getFieldAttribute($field->fieldname, 'label', '', $field->group); $emptylabel = $form->getFieldAttribute($field->fieldname, 'emptylabel', false, $field->group); if (empty($title) && !$emptylabel) { $model->getName(); $title = strtoupper($input->get('option') . '_' . $model->getName() . '_' . $field->id . '_LABEL'); } // Field description $description = $form->getFieldAttribute($field->fieldname, 'description', '', $field->group); /** * The following code is backwards incompatible. Most forms don't require a description in their form * fields. Having to use emptydescription="1" on each one of them is an overkill. Removed. */ /* $emptydescription = $form->getFieldAttribute($field->fieldname, 'emptydescription', false, $field->group); if (empty($description) && !$emptydescription) { $description = strtoupper($input->get('option') . '_' . $model->getName() . '_' . $field->id . '_DESC'); } */ if ($formType == 'read') { $inputField = $field->static; } elseif ($formType == 'edit') { $inputField = $field->input; } if (empty($title)) { $html .= "\t\t\t" . $inputField . PHP_EOL; if (!empty($description) && $formType == 'edit') { $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<span class="help-block">'; $html .= JText::_($description) . '</span>' . PHP_EOL; } } else { $html .= "\t\t\t" . '<div class="control-group ' . $groupClass . '">' . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<label class="control-label ' . $labelClass . '" for="' . $field->id . '">' . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . JText::_($title) . PHP_EOL; if ($required) { $html .= ' *'; } $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '</label>' . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<div class="controls">' . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . $inputField . PHP_EOL; if (!empty($description)) { $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<span class="help-block">'; $html .= JText::_($description) . '</span>' . PHP_EOL; } $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t" . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; } } $html .= "\t" . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; } return $html; }
/** * Renders a raw FOFForm and returns the corresponding HTML * * @param FOFForm &$form The form to render * @param FOFModel $model The model providing our data * @param FOFInput $input The input object * @param string $formType The form type e.g. 'edit' or 'read' * * @return string The HTML rendering of the form */ protected function renderFormRaw(FOFForm &$form, FOFModel $model, FOFInput $input, $formType) { $html = ''; foreach ($form->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) { $fields = $form->getFieldset($fieldset->name); if (isset($fieldset->class)) { $class = 'class="' . $fieldset->class . '"'; } else { $class = ''; } $element = empty($fields) ? 'div' : 'fieldset'; $html .= "\t" . '<' . $element . ' id="' . $fieldset->name . '" ' . $class . '>' . PHP_EOL; if (isset($fieldset->label) && !empty($fieldset->label)) { $html .= "\t\t" . '<h3>' . JText::_($fieldset->label) . '</h3>' . PHP_EOL; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $label = $field->label; $html .= "<div class=\"fof-row\">"; if (!is_null($label)) { $html .= "\t\t\t" . $label . PHP_EOL; } if ($formType == 'read') { $html .= "\t\t\t" . $field->static . PHP_EOL; } elseif ($formType == 'edit') { $html .= "\t\t\t" . $field->input . PHP_EOL; } $html .= "</div>"; } $element = empty($fields) ? 'div' : 'fieldset'; $html .= "\t" . '</' . $element . '>' . PHP_EOL; } return $html; }
/** * Renders a FOFForm for a Browse view and returns the corresponding HTML * * @param FOFForm $form The form to render * @param FOFModel $model The model providing our data * @param FOFInput $input The input object * * @return string The HTML rendering of the form */ protected function renderFormRead(FOFForm &$form, FOFModel $model, FOFInput $input) { // Get the key for this model's table $key = $model->getTable()->getKeyName(); $keyValue = $model->getId(); $html = ''; foreach ($form->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) { $fields = $form->getFieldset($fieldset->name); if (isset($fieldset->class)) { $class = 'class="' . $fieldset->class . '"'; } else { $class = ''; } $html .= "\t" . '<div id="' . $fieldset->name . '" ' . $class . '>' . PHP_EOL; if (isset($fieldset->label) && !empty($fieldset->label)) { $html .= "\t\t" . '<h3>' . JText::_($fieldset->label) . '</h3>' . PHP_EOL; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $label = $field->label; $static = $field->static; $html .= "<div class=\"fof-row\">"; $html .= "\t\t\t" . $label . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t" . $static . PHP_EOL; $html .= "</div>"; } $html .= "\t" . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; } return $html; }
/** * Renders a FOFForm for a Browse view and returns the corresponding HTML * * @param FOFForm $form The form to render * @param FOFModel $model The model providing our data * @param FOFInput $input The input object * * @return string The HTML rendering of the form */ protected function renderFormRead(FOFForm &$form, FOFModel $model, FOFInput $input) { // Get the key for this model's table $key = $model->getTable()->getKeyName(); $keyValue = $model->getId(); $html = ''; foreach ($form->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) { $fields = $form->getFieldset($fieldset->name); if (isset($fieldset->class)) { $class = 'class="' . $fieldset->class . '"'; } else { $class = ''; } $html .= "\t" . '<div id="' . $fieldset->name . '" ' . $class . '>' . PHP_EOL; if (isset($fieldset->label) && !empty($fieldset->label)) { $html .= "\t\t" . '<h3>' . JText::_($fieldset->label) . '</h3>' . PHP_EOL; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $title = $field->title; $required = $field->required; $labelClass = $field->labelClass; $description = $field->description; $input = $field->static; if (empty($title)) { $html .= "\t\t\t" . $input . PHP_EOL; if (!empty($description)) { $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<span class="help-block">'; $html .= JText::_($description) . '</span>' . PHP_EOL; } } else { $html .= "\t\t\t" . '<div class="control-group">' . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<label class="control-label ' . $labelClass . '" for="' . $field->id . '">' . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . JText::_($title) . PHP_EOL; if ($required) { $html .= ' *'; } $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '</label>' . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<div class="controls">' . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . $input . PHP_EOL; if (!empty($description)) { $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<span class="help-block">'; $html .= JText::_($description) . '</span>' . PHP_EOL; } $html .= "\t\t\t\t" . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; $html .= "\t\t\t" . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; } } $html .= "\t" . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; } return $html; }
/** * Renders a raw FOFForm and returns the corresponding HTML * * @param FOFForm &$form The form to render * @param FOFModel $model The model providing our data * @param FOFInput $input The input object * @param string $formType The form type e.g. 'edit' or 'read' * * @return string The HTML rendering of the form */ protected function renderFormRaw(FOFForm &$form, FOFModel $model, FOFInput $input, $formType) { $html = ''; foreach ($form->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) { $html .= $this->renderFieldset($fieldset, $form, $model, $input, $formType, false); } return $html; }
/** * Renders a raw FOFForm and returns the corresponding HTML * * @param FOFForm &$form The form to render * @param FOFModel $model The model providing our data * @param FOFInput $input The input object * @param string $formType The form type e.g. 'edit' or 'read' * * @return string The HTML rendering of the form */ protected function renderFormRaw(FOFForm &$form, FOFModel $model, FOFInput $input, $formType) { $html = ''; $tabHtml = array(); // Do we have a tabbed form? $isTabbed = $form->getAttribute('tabbed', '0'); $isTabbed = in_array($isTabbed, array('true', 'yes', 'on', '1')); foreach ($form->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) { if ($isTabbed && $this->isTabFieldset($fieldset)) { continue; } elseif ($isTabbed && isset($fieldset->innertab)) { $inTab = $fieldset->innertab; } else { $inTab = '__outer'; } $tabHtml[$inTab][] = $this->renderFieldset($fieldset, $form, $model, $input, $formType, false); } // If the form is tabbed, render the tabs bars if ($isTabbed) { $html .= '<ul class="nav nav-tabs">' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($form->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) { // Only create tabs for tab fieldsets $isTabbedFieldset = $this->isTabFieldset($fieldset); if (!$isTabbedFieldset) { continue; } // Only create tabs if we do have a label if (!isset($fieldset->label) || empty($fieldset->label)) { continue; } $label = JText::_($fieldset->label); $name = $fieldset->name; $liClass = $isTabbedFieldset == 2 ? 'class="active"' : ''; $html .= "<li {$liClass}><a href=\"#{$name}\" data-toggle=\"tab\">{$label}</a></li>" . PHP_EOL; } $html .= '</ul>' . "\n\n<div class=\"tab-content\">" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($form->getFieldsets() as $fieldset) { if (!$this->isTabFieldset($fieldset)) { continue; } $html .= $this->renderFieldset($fieldset, $form, $model, $input, $formType, false, $tabHtml); } $html .= "</div>\n"; } if (isset($tabHtml['__outer'])) { $html .= implode('', $tabHtml['__outer']); } return $html; }