Esempio n. 1
  * Sets the one time password (OTP) – a.k.a. two factor authentication –
  * configuration for a particular user. The $otpConfig object is the same as
  * the one returned by the getOtpConfig method.
  * @param   integer   $user_id    The numeric ID of the user
  * @param   stdClass  $otpConfig  The OTP configuration object
  * @return  boolean  True on success
  * @since   3.2
 public function setOtpConfig($user_id, $otpConfig)
     $user_id = !empty($user_id) ? $user_id : (int) $this->getState('');
     $updates = (object) array('id' => $user_id, 'otpKey' => '', 'otep' => '');
     // Create an encryptor class
     $key = $this->getOtpConfigEncryptionKey();
     $aes = new FOFEncryptAes($key, 256);
     // Create the encrypted option strings
     if (!empty($otpConfig->method) && $otpConfig->method != 'none') {
         $decryptedConfig = json_encode($otpConfig->config);
         $decryptedOtep = json_encode($otpConfig->otep);
         $updates->otpKey = $otpConfig->method . ':' . $aes->encryptString($decryptedConfig);
         $updates->otep = $aes->encryptString($decryptedOtep);
     $db = $this->getDbo();
     $result = $db->updateObject('#__users', $updates, 'id');
     return $result;
  * Method to save the form data.
  * @param   array  $data  The form data.
  * @return  boolean  True on success.
  * @since   1.6
 public function save($data)
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
     // set the metadata to the Item Data
     if (isset($data['metadata']) && isset($data['metadata']['author'])) {
         $data['metadata']['author'] = $filter->clean($data['metadata']['author'], 'TRIM');
         $metadata = new JRegistry();
         $data['metadata'] = (string) $metadata;
     // Set the php_helper_site string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['php_helper_site'])) {
         $data['php_helper_site'] = base64_encode($data['php_helper_site']);
     // Set the php_helper_admin string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['php_helper_admin'])) {
         $data['php_helper_admin'] = base64_encode($data['php_helper_admin']);
     // Set the sql string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['sql'])) {
         $data['sql'] = base64_encode($data['sql']);
     // Set the php_admin_event string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['php_admin_event'])) {
         $data['php_admin_event'] = base64_encode($data['php_admin_event']);
     // Set the php_site_event string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['php_site_event'])) {
         $data['php_site_event'] = base64_encode($data['php_site_event']);
     // Set the php_dashboard_methods string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['php_dashboard_methods'])) {
         $data['php_dashboard_methods'] = base64_encode($data['php_dashboard_methods']);
     // Set the css string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['css'])) {
         $data['css'] = base64_encode($data['css']);
     // Set the php_preflight_install string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['php_preflight_install'])) {
         $data['php_preflight_install'] = base64_encode($data['php_preflight_install']);
     // Set the php_preflight_update string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['php_preflight_update'])) {
         $data['php_preflight_update'] = base64_encode($data['php_preflight_update']);
     // Set the php_postflight_install string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['php_postflight_install'])) {
         $data['php_postflight_install'] = base64_encode($data['php_postflight_install']);
     // Set the php_postflight_update string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['php_postflight_update'])) {
         $data['php_postflight_update'] = base64_encode($data['php_postflight_update']);
     // Set the php_method_uninstall string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['php_method_uninstall'])) {
         $data['php_method_uninstall'] = base64_encode($data['php_method_uninstall']);
     // Set the readme string to base64 string.
     if (isset($data['readme'])) {
         $data['readme'] = base64_encode($data['readme']);
     // Get the basic encription key.
     $basickey = ComponentbuilderHelper::getCryptKey('basic');
     // Get the encription object
     $basic = new FOFEncryptAes($basickey, 128);
     // Encript data update_server_ftp.
     if (isset($data['update_server_ftp']) && $basickey) {
         $data['update_server_ftp'] = $basic->encryptString($data['update_server_ftp']);
     // Encript data whmcs_key.
     if (isset($data['whmcs_key']) && $basickey) {
         $data['whmcs_key'] = $basic->encryptString($data['whmcs_key']);
     // Encript data sales_server_ftp.
     if (isset($data['sales_server_ftp']) && $basickey) {
         $data['sales_server_ftp'] = $basic->encryptString($data['sales_server_ftp']);
     // Set the Params Items to data
     if (isset($data['params']) && is_array($data['params'])) {
         $params = new JRegistry();
         $data['params'] = (string) $params;
     // Alter the uniqe field for save as copy
     if ($input->get('task') == 'save2copy') {
         // Automatic handling of other uniqe fields
         $uniqeFields = $this->getUniqeFields();
         if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($uniqeFields)) {
             foreach ($uniqeFields as $uniqeField) {
                 $data[$uniqeField] = $this->generateUniqe($uniqeField, $data[$uniqeField]);
     if (parent::save($data)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 3
 private function updateTFA($oldsecret, $newsecret)
     $this->container->session->set('tfa_warning', false);
     // There is no TFA in Joomla < 3.2
     $jversion = $this->container->session->get('jversion');
     if (version_compare($jversion, '3.2', 'lt')) {
     $db = $this->getDatabase();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('COUNT(extension_id)')->from($db->qn('#__extensions'))->where($db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q('plugin'))->where($db->qn('folder') . ' = ' . $db->q('twofactorauth'))->where($db->qn('enabled') . ' = ' . $db->q('1'));
     $count = $db->setQuery($query)->loadResult();
     // No enabled plugin, there is no point in continuing
     if (!$count) {
     $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('*')->from($db->qn('#__users'))->where($db->qn('otpKey') . ' != ' . $db->q(''))->where($db->qn('otep') . ' != ' . $db->q(''));
     $users = $db->setQuery($query)->loadObjectList();
     // There are no users with TFA configured, let's stop here
     if (!$users) {
     // Otherwise I'll get a blank page
     if (!defined('FOF_INCLUDED')) {
         define('FOF_INCLUDED', 1);
     include_once APATH_LIBRARIES . '/fof/encrypt/aes.php';
     // Does this host support AES?
     if (!FOFEncryptAes::isSupported()) {
         // If not, set a flag, so we will display a big, fat warning in the finalize screen
         $this->container->session->set('tfa_warning', true);
         // Let's disable them
         $query = $db->getQuery(true)->update($db->qn('#__extensions'))->set($db->qn('enabled') . ' = ' . $db->q('0'))->where($db->qn('type') . ' = ' . $db->q('plugin'))->where($db->qn('folder') . ' = ' . $db->q('twofactorauth'));
     $oldaes = new FOFEncryptAes($oldsecret, 256);
     $newaes = new FOFEncryptAes($newsecret, 256);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $update = (object) array('id' => $user->id, 'otpKey' => '', 'otep' => '');
         list($method, $otpKey) = explode(':', $user->otpKey);
         $update->otpKey = $oldaes->decryptString($otpKey);
         $update->otpKey = $method . ':' . $newaes->encryptString($update->otpKey);
         $update->otep = $oldaes->decryptString($user->otep);
         $update->otep = $newaes->encryptString($update->otep);
         $db->updateObject('#__users', $update, 'id');
Esempio n. 4
  * Sets the OTP settings for the user. This technique is borrowed from totp plugin
  * @access public
  * @since 1.3
 public function setOtpConfig($otpConfig)
     // Create the encryptor class
     $key = FD::jConfig()->getValue('secret');
     $aes = new FOFEncryptAes($key, 256);
     // Create the encrypted option strings
     if (!empty($otpConfig->method) && $otpConfig->method != 'none') {
         $decryptedConfig = json_encode($otpConfig->config);
         $decryptedOtep = json_encode($otpConfig->otep);
         // Bind the values to this user
         $this->otpKey = $otpConfig->method . ':' . $aes->encryptString($decryptedConfig);
         $this->otep = $aes->encryptString($decryptedOtep);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 5
  * Method to save the form data.
  * @param   array  $data  The form data.
  * @return  boolean  True on success.
  * @since   1.6
 public function save($data)
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
     // set the metadata to the Item Data
     if (isset($data['metadata']) && isset($data['metadata']['author'])) {
         $data['metadata']['author'] = $filter->clean($data['metadata']['author'], 'TRIM');
         $metadata = new JRegistry();
         $data['metadata'] = (string) $metadata;
     // Set the empty causesrisks item to data
     if (!isset($data['causesrisks'])) {
         $data['causesrisks'] = '';
     // Set the causesrisks string to JSON string.
     if (isset($data['causesrisks'])) {
         $data['causesrisks'] = (string) json_encode($data['causesrisks']);
     // Get the advanced encription key.
     $advancedkey = CostbenefitprojectionHelper::getCryptKey('advanced');
     // Get the encription object
     $advanced = new FOFEncryptAes($advancedkey, 256);
     // Encript data medical_turnovers_females.
     if (isset($data['medical_turnovers_females']) && $advancedkey) {
         $data['medical_turnovers_females'] = $advanced->encryptString($data['medical_turnovers_females']);
     // Encript data females.
     if (isset($data['females']) && $advancedkey) {
         $data['females'] = $advanced->encryptString($data['females']);
     // Encript data sick_leave_males.
     if (isset($data['sick_leave_males']) && $advancedkey) {
         $data['sick_leave_males'] = $advanced->encryptString($data['sick_leave_males']);
     // Encript data medical_turnovers_males.
     if (isset($data['medical_turnovers_males']) && $advancedkey) {
         $data['medical_turnovers_males'] = $advanced->encryptString($data['medical_turnovers_males']);
     // Encript data total_salary.
     if (isset($data['total_salary']) && $advancedkey) {
         $data['total_salary'] = $advanced->encryptString($data['total_salary']);
     // Encript data sick_leave_females.
     if (isset($data['sick_leave_females']) && $advancedkey) {
         $data['sick_leave_females'] = $advanced->encryptString($data['sick_leave_females']);
     // Encript data total_healthcare.
     if (isset($data['total_healthcare']) && $advancedkey) {
         $data['total_healthcare'] = $advanced->encryptString($data['total_healthcare']);
     // Encript data males.
     if (isset($data['males']) && $advancedkey) {
         $data['males'] = $advanced->encryptString($data['males']);
     // make sure new company does not get locked
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     if ($data['id'] == 0 && !$user->authorise('company.edit.per', 'com_costbenefitprojection')) {
         $data['per'] = 1;
     // Set the Params Items to data
     if (isset($data['params']) && is_array($data['params'])) {
         $params = new JRegistry();
         $data['params'] = (string) $params;
     // Alter the uniqe field for save as copy
     if ($input->get('task') == 'save2copy') {
         // Automatic handling of other uniqe fields
         $uniqeFields = $this->getUniqeFields();
         if (CostbenefitprojectionHelper::checkArray($uniqeFields)) {
             foreach ($uniqeFields as $uniqeField) {
                 $data[$uniqeField] = $this->generateUniqe($uniqeField, $data[$uniqeField]);
     if (parent::save($data)) {
         return true;
     return false;