public function onBeforeBrowse() { $result = parent::onBeforeBrowse(); if ($result) { $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_akeeba'); $model = $this->getThisModel(); $view = $this->getThisView(); /** @var AkeebaModelCpanels $model */ $view->setModel($model); $aeconfig = AEFactory::getConfiguration(); // Invalidate stale backups AECoreKettenrad::reset(array('global' => true, 'log' => false, 'maxrun' => $params->get('failure_timeout', 180))); // Just in case the reset() loaded a stale configuration... AEPlatform::getInstance()->load_configuration(); // Let's make sure the temporary and output directories are set correctly and writable... $wizmodel = FOFModel::getAnInstance('Confwiz', 'AkeebaModel'); $wizmodel->autofixDirectories(); // Check if we need to toggle the settings encryption feature $model->checkSettingsEncryption(); // Update the magic component parameters $model->updateMagicParameters(); // Run the automatic database check $model->checkAndFixDatabase(); // Run the automatic update site refresh $model->refreshUpdateSite(); // Check the last installed version $versionLast = null; if (file_exists(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/akeeba.lastversion.php')) { include_once JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/akeeba.lastversion.php'; if (defined('AKEEBA_LASTVERSIONCHECK')) { $versionLast = AKEEBA_LASTVERSIONCHECK; } } if (is_null($versionLast)) { $component = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_akeeba'); if (is_object($component->params) && $component->params instanceof JRegistry) { $params = $component->params; } else { $params = new JParameter($component->params); } $versionLast = $params->get('lastversion', ''); } if (version_compare(AKEEBA_VERSION, $versionLast, 'ne') || empty($versionLast)) { $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_akeeba&view=postsetup'); return true; } } return $result; }
protected function onBeforeBrowse() { $result = parent::onBeforeBrowse(); if ($result) { require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_zlmanager/helpers/extensions.php'; $exts = ZLManagerExtensionsHelper::getExtensionsAndVersions(); $view = $this->getThisView(); $view->assign('jextensions', $exts['extensions']); $view->assign('versions', $exts['versions']); } return $result; }