public function __construct($options = null, $users = array()) { parent::__construct($options); $this->addElementPrefixPath('FM', 'FM/'); $states = FM_Components_Util_State::getAll(); $towns = FM_Components_Util_Town::getAll(); $allRegions = FM_Components_Util_Region::getAll(); $allUsers = new Zend_Form_Element_Select(array('label' => 'Administrator :', 'name' => 'admin', 'required' => 1)); $allUsers->addMultiOption(35, ' Carmine ('); foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user->getId() != 35) { $allUsers->addMultiOption($user->getId(), $user->getUserName() . ' (' . $user->getEmail() . ')'); } } $allUsers->setDecorators(array(array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => 'form/users.phtml', 'class' => 'form element')))); $allUsers->setRegisterInArrayValidator(false); $this->addElement($allUsers); $this->addElement('text', 'name', array('label' => 'name :', 'name' => 'name', 'required' => 1)); $this->addElement('text', 'website', array('label' => 'website :', 'name' => 'website', 'required' => 0)); $this->addElement('text', 'address1', array('label' => 'address 1 :', 'name' => 'address1', 'required' => 0)); $this->addElement('text', 'address2', array('label' => 'address 2 :', 'name' => 'address2')); $this->addElement('text', 'city', array('label' => 'city :', 'name' => 'city', 'required' => 0)); $state = new Zend_Form_Element_Select(array('label' => 'state :', 'name' => 'state', 'required' => 1)); foreach ($states as $key => $stateObj) { $state->addMultiOption($stateObj->getAbbr(), $stateObj->getState()); } $state->setValue('NJ'); $this->addElement($state); $town = new Zend_Form_Element_Multiselect(array('label' => 'town :', 'name' => 'town', 'required' => 1, 'onchange' => "FM.Utilities.setRegion(this.value)")); foreach ($towns as $key => $townObj) { $town->addMultiOption($townObj->getId(), $townObj->getName()); } $this->addElement($town); $regions = new Zend_Form_Element_Select(array('label' => 'Region :', 'name' => 'region')); //foreach($users as $user) { //$regions->addMultiOption($user->getId(), $user->getUserName() . ' (' . $user->getEmail() . ')'); //} $regions->setDecorators(array(array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => 'form/regions.phtml', 'class' => 'form element', 'regions' => $allRegions)))); $regions->setRegisterInArrayValidator(false); $this->addElement($regions); $this->addElement('text', 'zip', array('label' => 'zip :', 'name' => 'zip', 'required' => 0)); $this->addElement('text', 'phone', array('label' => 'phone :', 'name' => 'phone')); $this->addElement('text', 'email', array('label' => 'email :', 'name' => 'email', 'required' => 0)); $maillist = new Zend_Form_Element_Select(array('label' => 'mailing list? :', 'name' => 'maillist')); $maillist->addMultiOption('1', ' Yes! '); $maillist->addMultiOption('0', ' No '); $this->addElement($maillist); $limeCard = new Zend_Form_Element_Select(array('label' => 'lime card? :', 'name' => 'limeCard')); $limeCard->addMultiOption('0', ' No '); $limeCard->addMultiOption('1', ' Yes! '); $this->addElement($limeCard); $this->addElement('text', 'slug', array('label' => 'direct link : ', 'name' => 'slug', 'onblur' => 'FM.Client.checkSlug(this)')); $this->addElement('textarea', 'description', array('label' => 'description :', 'name' => 'description', 'id' => 'descriptionr', 'rows' => 3)); $this->addDisplayGroup(array('admin', 'slug', 'limeCard'), 'admingroup'); $this->addDisplayGroup(array('name', 'website', 'address1', 'address2'), 'bizinfo'); $this->addDisplayGroup(array('city', 'state', 'town', 'region', 'zip'), 'locationinfo'); $this->addDisplayGroup(array('phone', 'email', 'maillist'), 'contactinfo'); $admingroup = $this->getDisplayGroup('admingroup'); $bizinfo = $this->getDisplayGroup('bizinfo'); $locationinfo = $this->getDisplayGroup('locationinfo'); $contactinfo = $this->getDisplayGroup('contactinfo'); $admingroup->setDecorators(array('FormElements', array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'h4', 'placement' => 'prepend')), 'Fieldset')); $bizinfo->setDecorators(array('FormElements', array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'h4', 'placement' => 'prepend')), 'Fieldset')); $contactinfo->setDecorators(array('FormElements', array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'h4', 'placement' => 'prepend')), 'Fieldset')); $locationinfo->setDecorators(array('FormElements', array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'h4', 'placement' => 'prepend')), 'Fieldset')); }
public function buildFromNpSearchObj($searchComponent) { if (count($regions = $searchComponent->getRegions())) { foreach ($regions as $key => $regionId) { $towns = FM_Components_Util_Region::getTownIdsByRegion($regionId); foreach ($towns as $index => $town) { $searchComponent->addTown($town); } } } switch ($searchComponent->getType()) { case 3: $table = ' FM.orgdata '; break; } $query = "SELECT o.* FROM FM.orgdata o "; if (count($towns = $searchComponent->getTowns())) { $query .= " JOIN FM.org_town ot ON ot.orgId = "; } if (count($categories = $searchComponent->getCategories())) { $query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN FM.nporg_cat bc ON bc.orgId = "; } if ($sports = count($categories = $searchComponent->getCategories()) && in_array(12, $categories)) { $query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN FM.orgdata_sports sc ON sc.orgId = "; } $query .= "WHERE "; $i = 0; if (count($towns)) { $i++; $query .= " ot.townId IN (" . implode(' , ', $towns) . ") AND "; } if (count($categories) && !$sports) { $i++; $query .= " bc.catId IN (" . implode(' , ', $categories) . ") AND "; } else { if (count($categories)) { $i++; $query .= " (bc.catId IN (" . implode(' , ', $categories) . ") OR sc.category > 0 ) AND "; } } if (count($keywords = $searchComponent->getkeywords())) { $i++; $query .= '('; foreach ($keywords as $index => $value) { $query .= " o.description LIKE ('%" . $value . "%') OR o.keywords LIKE ('%" . $value . "%') OR LIKE ('%" . $value . "%') OR "; } $query = substr($query, 0, -4) . ') AND '; } if ($zip = $searchComponent->getZipcode()) { $i++; $query .= " = {$zip} AND "; } if (($type = $searchComponent->getType()) && !$sports && count($categories)) { $i++; $query .= " o.type = 3 AND "; } else { if (($type = $searchComponent->getType()) && $sports || !count($categories)) { $i++; $query .= " o.type IN (3 , 4) AND "; } } if ($i > 0) { $query = substr($query, 0, -4); } else { $query = substr($query, 0, -6); } $query .= "GROUP BY ORDER BY DESC, ASC "; //print $query;exit; return $this->getMultipleRows($query); }
public static function regionSearch($searchTerm) { if ($searchTerm == 25) { return FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::statenIslandSearch(); } if ($searchTerm == 26) { return FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::oceanCountySearch(); } $regions = array(); $towns = FM_Components_Util_Region::getTownIdsByRegion($searchTerm); foreach ($towns as $index => $town) { $regions[] = $town['id']; } $model = new FM_Models_FM_LimeCard(); $nonOrg = $model->regionSearch($searchTerm); $orgDataModel = new FM_Models_FM_Orgdata(); $orgs = $orgDataModel->regionSearch($regions); $orgArray = array(); foreach (array_merge($orgs, $nonOrg) as $index => $org) { if (array_key_exists($org['name'], $orgArray)) { $orgArray[$org['name']]['categories'][] = $org['catName']; } else { $orgArray[$org['name']]['record'] = $org; $orgArray[$org['name']]['categories'][] = $org['catName']; } } return $orgArray; }
public function limecardAction() { $this->view->form = new FM_Forms_LimeCard(); $this->view->regionsForm = new FM_Forms_LimeCardRegion(); $this->view->results = false; if ($this->_getParam('var') === '0') { $this->view->searchTerm = 'ALL'; $orgs = FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::alphaSearch(''); //print_r($orgs); $this->view->selected = '0'; $this->view->results = $final = FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::sort($orgs, 'name'); } elseif ($this->_getParam('do') == 'alph') { $this->view->searchTerm = $this->_getParam('var'); $orgs = FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::alphaSearch($this->_getParam('var')); $this->view->selected = $this->_getParam('var'); $this->view->results = $final = FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::sort($orgs, 'name'); } elseif ($this->_getParam('do') == 'cat') { $orgs = FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::catSearch($this->_getParam('var')); $this->view->results = $final = FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::sort($orgs, 'name'); $this->view->searchTerm = ucwords(strtolower(FM_Components_Util_Category::getCategoryName($this->_getParam('var'), false))); } elseif ($this->_getParam('do') == 'region') { $orgs = FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::regionSearch($this->_getParam('var')); $this->view->results = $final = FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::sort($orgs, 'name'); $region = new FM_Components_Util_Region(array('id' => $this->_getParam('var'))); $this->view->searchTerm = ucwords(strtolower($region->getName())); if ($this->_getParam('var') == 25) { $this->view->searchTerm = 'Staten Island'; } if ($this->_getParam('var') == 26) { $this->view->searchTerm = 'Ocean County'; } } else { if ($_POST['limecardsearch']) { $this->view->searchTerm = $_POST['limecardsearch']; $bzOrgsModel = new FM_Models_FM_SearchPrimaryCategories(); $npOrgsModel = new FM_Models_FM_SearchPrimaryCategoriesOrgs(); $bzResults = $bzOrgsModel->searchByCat($_POST['limecardsearch']); $npResults = $npOrgsModel->searchByCat($_POST['limecardsearch']); $orgIds = array(); foreach (array_merge($bzResults, $npResults) as $key => $value) { $orgIds[] = $value['orgId']; } $orgDataModel = new FM_Models_FM_Orgdata(); $orgs = $orgDataModel->limecardSearch(array_values($orgIds), $_POST['limecardsearch']); $orgDataModel->alphabeticalSearch(); $nonOrgs = FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::search($_POST['limecardsearch']); $this->view->results = $final = FM_Components_Util_LimeCard::sort(array_merge($orgs, $nonOrgs), 'name'); } } }