Esempio n. 1
 function Compress($script, $constantsProcessor)
     // Concatenates all string with escaping new lines strings (ending with \).
     $script = preg_replace('/\\\\[\\n\\r]+/s', '\\n', $script);
     $stringsProc = new FCKStringsProcessor();
     // Protect the script strings.
     $script = $stringsProc->ProtectStrings($script);
     // Remove "/* */" comments
     $script = preg_replace('/(?<!\\/)\\/\\*.*?\\*\\//s', '', $script);
     // Remove "//" comments
     $script = preg_replace('/\\/\\/.*$/m', '', $script);
     // Remove spaces before the ";" at the end of the lines
     $script = preg_replace('/\\s*(?=;\\s*$)/m', '', $script);
     // Remove spaces next to "="
     $script = preg_replace('/^([^"\'\\r\\n]*?)\\s*=\\s*/m', '$1=', $script);
     // Remove spaces on "()": "( content )" = "(content)"
     $script = preg_replace('/^([^\\r\\n""\']*?\\()\\s+(.*?)\\s+(?=\\)[^\\)]*$)/m', '$1$2', $script);
     // Concatenate lines that doesn't end with [;{}] using a space
     $script = preg_replace('/(?<![;{}\\n\\r\\s])\\s*[\\n\\r]+\\s*(?![\\s\\n\\r{}])/s', ' ', $script);
     // Concatenate lines that end with "}" using a ";", except for "else",
     // "while", "catch" and "finally" cases, or when followed by, "'", ";",
     // "}" or ")".
     $script = preg_replace('/\\s*}\\s*[\\n\\r]+\\s*(?!\\s*(else|catch|finally|while|[}\\),;]))/s', '};', $script);
     // Remove blank lines, spaces at the begining or the at the end and \n\r
     $script = preg_replace('/(^\\s*$)|(^\\s+)|(\\s+$\\n)/m', '', $script);
     // Remove the spaces between statements.
     $script = FCKJavaScriptCompressor::_RemoveInnerSpaces($script);
     // Process constants.	// CHECK
     if ($constantsProcessor->HasConstants) {
         $script = $constantsProcessor->Process($script);
     // Replace "new Object()".
     $script = preg_replace('/new Object\\(\\)/', '{}', $script);
     // Replace "new Array()".
     $script = preg_replace('/new Array\\(\\)/', '[]', $script);
     // Process function contents, renaming parameters and variables.
     $script = FCKJavaScriptCompressor::_ProcessFunctions($script);
     // Join consecutive string concatened with a "+".
     $script = $stringsProc->ConcatProtectedStrings($script);
     // Restore the protected script strings.
     $script = $stringsProc->RestoreStrings($script);
     return $script;
Esempio n. 2
 function _ProcessFunctionMatch($match)
     // Creates an array with the parameters names ($match[1]).
     if (strlen(trim($match[1])) == 0) {
         $parameters = array();
     } else {
         $parameters = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', trim($match[1]));
     $hasfuncProcessor = isset($GLOBALS['funcProcessor']);
     if ($hasfuncProcessor != TRUE) {
         $GLOBALS['funcProcessor'] = new FCKFunctionProcessor($match[0], $parameters, false);
     } else {
         $GLOBALS['funcProcessor']->_Function = $match[0];
         $GLOBALS['funcProcessor']->_Parameters = $parameters;
     $processed = $GLOBALS['funcProcessor']->Process();
     $processed = substr_replace($processed, '', 0, 8);
     $processed = FCKJavaScriptCompressor::_ProcessFunctions($processed);
     if ($hasfuncProcessor != TRUE) {
     return 'function' . $processed;