Esempio n. 1
    if (in_array('CreatedAt', $in_listing)) {
        echo app::dateTimeFormat($tasks['created_at'], 0, true);
    $v = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $tasks['id']);
    echo ExtraFieldsList::renderListingTbody($extra_fields, $v, array('est_time' => $tasks['estimated_time']));
    $totals = ExtraFieldsList::getListingTotals($totals, $extra_fields, $v, array('est_time' => $tasks['estimated_time']));
    if (!$sf_request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
        echo link_to(app::getArrayName($tasks, 'Projects'), 'projectsComments/index?projects_id=' . $tasks['projects_id']);
Esempio n. 2
 public function executeExport(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->columns = array('id' => t::__('Id'), 'UsersGroups' => t::__('Group'), 'name' => t::__('Name'), 'email' => t::__('Email'));
     $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType('users', $this->getUser(), false, array('all' => true));
     foreach ($extra_fields as $v) {
         $this->columns['extra_field_' . $v['id']] = $v['name'];
     if ($fields = $request->getParameter('fields')) {
         $separator = "\t";
         $format = $request->getParameter('format', '.csv');
         $filename = $request->getParameter('filename', 'users');
         header("Content-type: Application/octet-stream");
         header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename . "." . $format);
         header("Pragma: no-cache");
         header("Expires: 0");
         $content = '';
         foreach ($fields as $f) {
             $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $this->columns[$f]) . $separator;
         $content .= "\n";
         if ($format == 'csv') {
             echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
         } else {
             echo $content;
         if (strlen($request->getParameter('selected_items') == 0)) {
         $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Users')->createQuery('u')->leftJoin('u.UsersGroups ug')->whereIn('', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items')));
         $users = $q->orderBy(',')->fetchArray();
         foreach ($users as $u) {
             $ex_values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $u['id']);
             $content = '';
             foreach ($fields as $f) {
                 $v = '';
                 if (in_array($f, array('id', 'name', 'email'))) {
                     $v = $u[$f];
                 } elseif (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                     if ($ex = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ExtraFields')->find(str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f))) {
                         $v = ExtraFieldsList::renderFieldValueByType($ex, $ex_values, array(), true);
                         $v = str_replace('<br>', ', ', $v);
                 } else {
                     $v = app::getArrayName($u, $f);
                 $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
             $content .= "\n";
             if ($format == 'csv') {
                 echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
             } else {
                 echo $content;
Esempio n. 3
 public static function renderFormFileds($bind_type, $object, $sf_user, $extra_fields = null)
     if ($extra_fields === null) {
         $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType($bind_type, $sf_user);
     if ($bind_type == 'events') {
         $values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $object ? $object->getEventId() : false);
     } else {
         $values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $object ? $object->getId() : false);
     $html = '';
     foreach ($extra_fields as $v) {
         if ($v['type'] == 'formula') {
         $html .= '
     <tr id="extra_field_row_' . $v['id'] . '" class="extra_field_row">
       <th>' . $v['name'] . ($v['type'] == 'checkbox' ? '<br><a href="#" onClick="return checkAllInContainer(\'checkboxesList' . $v['id'] . '\')"><small>' . __('Select All') . '</small></a>' : '') . '</th>
       <td>' . ExtraFieldsList::renderFormFieldByType($v, $values) . '</td>
     return $html;
Esempio n. 4
 public function executeExport(sfWebRequest $request)
     /*check access*/
     if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
         $this->forward404Unless($this->projects = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Projects')->createQuery()->addWhere('id=?', $request->getParameter('projects_id'))->fetchOne(), sprintf('Object projects does not exist (%s).', $request->getParameter('projects_id')));
         $this->checkTicketsAccess('view', false, $this->projects);
     } else {
     $this->columns = array('Projects' => t::__('Project Name'), 'id' => t::__('Id'), 'TicketsStatus' => t::__('Status'), 'TicketsTypes' => t::__('Type'), 'name' => t::__('Name'), 'description' => t::__('Description'), 'Departments' => t::__('Department'), 'Users' => t::__('Created By'), 'created_at' => t::__('Created At'));
     $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType('tickets', $this->getUser(), false, array('all' => true));
     foreach ($extra_fields as $v) {
         $this->columns['extra_field_' . $v['id']] = $v['name'];
     if (!$request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
         $this->columns['Projects'] = t::__('Project');
     $this->columns['Projects'] = t::__('Project Name');
     $this->columns['url'] = t::__('Url');
     if ($fields = $request->getParameter('fields')) {
         $separator = "\t";
         $format = $request->getParameter('format', '.csv');
         $filename = $request->getParameter('filename', 'tasks');
         header("Content-type: Application/octet-stream");
         header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename . "." . $format);
         header("Pragma: no-cache");
         header("Expires: 0");
         $content = '';
         foreach ($fields as $f) {
             $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $this->columns[$f]) . $separator;
         $content .= "\n";
         if ($format == 'csv') {
             echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
         } else {
             echo $content;
         if (strlen($request->getParameter('selected_items') == 0)) {
         $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Tickets')->createQuery('t')->leftJoin('t.TicketsStatus ts')->leftJoin('t.TicketsTypes tt')->leftJoin('t.Departments td')->leftJoin('t.Projects p')->leftJoin('t.Users')->whereIn('', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items')));
         if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
             $q->addWhere('projects_id=?', $request->getParameter('projects_id'));
             if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'tickets', $this->getUser(), $request->getParameter('projects_id'))) {
                 $q->addWhere("t.departments_id in (" . implode(',', Departments::getDepartmentIdByUserId($this->getUser()->getAttribute('id'))) . ") or t.users_id='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'");
         } else {
             if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'projects', $this->getUser())) {
                 $q->addWhere("find_in_set('" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "',team) or p.users_id='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'");
             if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'tickets', $this->getUser())) {
                 $q->addWhere("t.departments_id in (" . implode(',', Departments::getDepartmentIdByUserId($this->getUser()->getAttribute('id'))) . ") or t.users_id='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'");
         if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
             $q = app::addListingOrder($q, 'tickets', $this->getUser(), (int) $request->getParameter('projects_id'));
         } else {
             $q->orderBy('LTRIM(, ts.sort_order, LTRIM(, LTRIM(');
         $tickets = $q->fetchArray();
         $totals = array();
         $projects_totals = array();
         $current_project_id = 0;
         foreach ($tickets as $t) {
             $ex_values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $t['id']);
             $content = '';
             if ($current_project_id == 0) {
                 $current_project_id = $t['projects_id'];
             if ($current_project_id != $t['projects_id']) {
                 //adding totals
                 if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id])) {
                     foreach ($fields as $f) {
                         $v = '';
                         if (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                             if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) {
                                 $v = $projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)];
                         $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
                     $content .= "\n\n";
                 $current_project_id = $t['projects_id'];
             foreach ($fields as $f) {
                 $v = '';
                 if (in_array($f, array('id', 'name', 'description'))) {
                     $v = $t[$f];
                 } elseif (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                     if ($ex = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ExtraFields')->find(str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f))) {
                         $v = ExtraFieldsList::renderFieldValueByType($ex, $ex_values, array(), true);
                         if (in_array($ex->getType(), array('number', 'formula'))) {
                             if (!isset($totals[$ex->getId()])) {
                                 $totals[$ex->getId()] = 0;
                             if (!isset($projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$ex->getId()])) {
                                 $projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$ex->getId()] = 0;
                             $totals[$ex->getId()] += $v;
                             $projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$ex->getId()] += $v;
                         $v = str_replace('<br>', ', ', $v);
                 } elseif ($f == 'created_at') {
                     if (strlen($t[$f]) > 0) {
                         $v = app::dateTimeFormat($t[$f]);
                 } elseif ($f == 'url') {
                     $v = app::public_url('ticketsComments/index?projects_id=' . $t['projects_id'] . '&tickets_id=' . $t['id']);
                 } else {
                     $v = app::getArrayName($t, $f);
                 $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
             $content .= "\n";
             if ($format == 'csv') {
                 echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
             } else {
                 echo $content;
         $content = '';
         //adding totals
         if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id]) and !$request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
             foreach ($fields as $f) {
                 $v = '';
                 if (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                     if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) {
                         $v = $projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)];
                 $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
             $content .= "\n\n";
         foreach ($fields as $f) {
             $v = '';
             if (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                 if (isset($totals[str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) {
                     $v = $totals[str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)];
             $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
         $content .= "\n";
         if ($format == 'csv') {
             echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
         } else {
             echo $content;
Esempio n. 5
    echo app::getArrayName($tickets, 'Departments');
    echo $tickets['Users']['name'];
    echo app::dateTimeFormat($tickets['created_at'], 0, true);
    $v = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $tickets['id']);
    echo ExtraFieldsList::renderListingTbody($extra_fields, $v);
    $totals = ExtraFieldsList::getListingTotals($totals, $extra_fields, $v);
    if (!$sf_request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
        if ($tickets['projects_id'] > 0) {
            echo link_to(app::getArrayName($tickets, 'Projects'), 'projectsComments/index?projects_id=' . $tickets['projects_id']);
Esempio n. 6
    echo app::getArrayName($projects, 'Users');
    echo app::dateTimeFormat($projects['created_at'], 0, true);
    $v = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $projects['id']);
    echo ExtraFieldsList::renderListingTbody($extra_fields, $v);
    $totals = ExtraFieldsList::getListingTotals($totals, $extra_fields, $v);
if (count($projects_list) > 0 and count($totals) > 0) {
      <td colspan="<?php 
Esempio n. 7
    echo renderUserPhoto($users->getPhoto());
    echo link_to_modalbox($users->getName(), 'users/info?id=' . $users->getId());
    echo $users->getEmail();
    $v = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $users->getId());
    echo ExtraFieldsList::renderListingTbody($extra_fields, $v);
    echo renderBooleanValue($users->getActive());
if (sizeof($userss) == 0) {
    echo '<tr><td colspan="100">' . __('No Records Found') . '</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 8
 public function executeExport(sfWebRequest $request)
     /*check access*/
     Users::checkAccess($this, 'view', $this->getModuleName(), $this->getUser());
     $this->columns = array('id' => t::__('Id'), 'ProjectsStatus' => t::__('Status'), 'name' => t::__('Name'), 'description' => t::__('Description'), 'team' => t::__('Team'), 'ProjectsTypes' => t::__('Type'), 'Users' => t::__('Created By'), 'created_at' => t::__('Created At'));
     $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType('projects', $this->getUser(), false, array('all' => true));
     foreach ($extra_fields as $v) {
         $this->columns['extra_field_' . $v['id']] = $v['name'];
     $this->columns['url'] = t::__('Url');
     if ($fields = $request->getParameter('fields')) {
         $separator = "\t";
         $format = $request->getParameter('format', '.csv');
         $filename = $request->getParameter('filename', 'projects');
         header("Content-type: Application/octet-stream");
         header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename . "." . $format);
         header("Pragma: no-cache");
         header("Expires: 0");
         $content = '';
         foreach ($fields as $f) {
             $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $this->columns[$f]) . $separator;
         $content .= "\n";
         if ($format == 'csv') {
             echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
         } else {
             echo $content;
         if (strlen($request->getParameter('selected_items') == 0)) {
         $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Projects')->createQuery('p')->leftJoin('p.ProjectsStatus ps')->leftJoin('p.ProjectsTypes pt')->leftJoin('p.Users')->whereIn('', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items')));
         if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'projects', $this->getUser())) {
             $q->addWhere("find_in_set('" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "', or p.created_by='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'");
         $q = app::addListingOrder($q, 'projects', $this->getUser());
         $projects = $q->fetchArray();
         $totals = array();
         foreach ($projects as $p) {
             $ex_values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $p['id']);
             $content = '';
             foreach ($fields as $f) {
                 $v = '';
                 if (in_array($f, array('id', 'name', 'description'))) {
                     $v = $p[$f];
                 } elseif (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                     if ($ex = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ExtraFields')->find(str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f))) {
                         $v = ExtraFieldsList::renderFieldValueByType($ex, $ex_values, array(), true);
                         if (in_array($ex->getType(), array('number', 'formula'))) {
                             if (!isset($totals[$ex->getId()])) {
                                 $totals[$ex->getId()] = 0;
                             $totals[$ex->getId()] += $v;
                         $v = str_replace('<br>', ', ', $v);
                 } elseif ($f == 'team') {
                     $v = Users::getNameById($p[$f], ', ');
                 } elseif ($f == 'created_at') {
                     if (strlen($p[$f]) > 0) {
                         $v = date(app::getDateTimeFormat(), app::getDateTimestamp($p[$f]));
                 } elseif ($f == 'url') {
                     $v = app::public_url('projectsComments/index?projects_id=' . $p['id']);
                 } else {
                     $v = app::getArrayName($p, $f);
                 $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
             $content .= "\n";
             if ($format == 'csv') {
                 echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
             } else {
                 echo $content;
         $content = '';
         foreach ($fields as $f) {
             $v = '';
             if (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                 if (isset($totals[str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) {
                     $v = $totals[str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)];
             $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
         $content .= "\n";
         if ($format == 'csv') {
             echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
         } else {
             echo $content;
Esempio n. 9
 public function executeExport(sfWebRequest $request)
     /*check access*/
     if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
         $this->forward404Unless($this->projects = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Projects')->createQuery()->addWhere('id=?', $request->getParameter('projects_id'))->fetchOne(), sprintf('Object projects does not exist (%s).', $request->getParameter('projects_id')));
         $this->checkTasksAccess('view', false, $this->projects);
     } else {
     $this->columns = array('Projects' => t::__('Project Name'), 'id' => t::__('Id'), 'TasksGroups' => t::__('Group'), 'Versions' => t::__('Version'), 'ProjectsPhases' => t::__('Phase'), 'TasksPriority' => t::__('Priority'), 'TasksLabels' => t::__('Label'), 'name' => t::__('Name'), 'TasksStatus' => t::__('Status'), 'TasksTypes' => t::__('Type'), 'assigned_to' => t::__('Assigned To'), 'Users' => t::__('Created By'), 'estimated_time' => t::__('Est. Time'), 'work_hours' => t::__('Work Hours'), 'start_date' => t::__('Start Date'), 'due_date' => t::__('Due Date'), 'progress' => t::__('Progress'), 'created_at' => t::__('Created At'));
     $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType('tasks', $this->getUser(), false, array('all' => true));
     foreach ($extra_fields as $v) {
         $this->columns['extra_field_' . $v['id']] = $v['name'];
     $this->columns['url'] = t::__('Url');
     if ($fields = $request->getParameter('fields')) {
         $separator = "\t";
         $format = $request->getParameter('format', '.csv');
         $filename = $request->getParameter('filename', 'tasks');
         header("Content-type: Application/octet-stream");
         header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename . "." . $format);
         header("Pragma: no-cache");
         header("Expires: 0");
         $content = '';
         foreach ($fields as $f) {
             $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $this->columns[$f]) . $separator;
         $content .= "\n";
         if ($format == 'csv') {
             echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
         } else {
             echo $content;
         if (strlen($request->getParameter('selected_items') == 0)) {
         $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Tasks')->createQuery('t')->leftJoin('t.TasksPriority tp')->leftJoin('t.TasksStatus ts')->leftJoin('t.TasksLabels tl')->leftJoin('t.TasksTypes tt')->leftJoin('t.TasksGroups tg')->leftJoin('t.ProjectsPhases pp')->leftJoin('t.Versions v')->leftJoin('t.Projects p')->leftJoin('t.Users')->whereIn('', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items')));
         if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
             $q->addWhere('projects_id=?', $request->getParameter('projects_id'));
             if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'tasks', $this->getUser(), $request->getParameter('projects_id'))) {
                 $q->addWhere("find_in_set('" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "',t.assigned_to) or t.created_by='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'");
         } else {
             if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'projects', $this->getUser())) {
                 $q->addWhere("find_in_set('" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "',team) or p.created_by='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'");
             if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'tasks', $this->getUser())) {
                 $q->addWhere("find_in_set('" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "',t.assigned_to) or t.created_by='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'");
         $tree_order = false;
         if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
             $q = app::addListingOrder($q, 'tasks', $this->getUser(), (int) $request->getParameter('projects_id'));
         } else {
             $q->orderBy('LTRIM(, desc, ts.sort_order, LTRIM(, LTRIM(');
         $tasks = $q->fetchArray();
         $totals = array();
         $projects_totals = array();
         $current_project_id = 0;
         foreach ($tasks as $t) {
             $content = '';
             if ($current_project_id == 0) {
                 $current_project_id = $t['projects_id'];
             if ($current_project_id != $t['projects_id']) {
                 //adding totals
                 if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id])) {
                     foreach ($fields as $f) {
                         $v = '';
                         if (in_array($f, array('estimated_time', 'work_hours'))) {
                             $v = $projects_totals[$current_project_id][$f];
                         } elseif (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                             if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) {
                                 $v = $projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)];
                         $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
                     $content .= "\n\n";
                 $current_project_id = $t['projects_id'];
             $name_adding = '';
             $ex_values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $t['id']);
             foreach ($fields as $f) {
                 $v = '';
                 if ($f == 'name') {
                     $v = $name_adding . $t[$f];
                 } elseif (in_array($f, array('id', 'description', 'estimated_time', 'work_hours'))) {
                     if ($f == 'work_hours') {
                         $v = TasksComments::getTotalWorkHours($t['id']);
                     } else {
                         $v = $t[$f];
                     if (in_array($f, array('estimated_time', 'work_hours'))) {
                         if (!isset($totals[$f])) {
                             $totals[$f] = 0;
                         if (!isset($projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$f])) {
                             $projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$f] = 0;
                         $totals[$f] += $v;
                         $projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$f] += $v;
                 } elseif (in_array($f, array('start_date', 'due_date', 'created_at'))) {
                     $v = app::dateTimeFormat($t[$f]);
                 } elseif ($f == 'progress') {
                     $v = (int) $t['progress'] . '%';
                 } elseif (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                     if ($ex = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ExtraFields')->find(str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f))) {
                         $v = ExtraFieldsList::renderFieldValueByType($ex, $ex_values, array(), true);
                         if (in_array($ex->getType(), array('number', 'formula'))) {
                             if (!isset($totals[$ex->getId()])) {
                                 $totals[$ex->getId()] = 0;
                             if (!isset($projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$ex->getId()])) {
                                 $projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$ex->getId()] = 0;
                             $totals[$ex->getId()] += $v;
                             $projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$ex->getId()] += $v;
                         $v = str_replace('<br>', ', ', $v);
                 } elseif ($f == 'assigned_to') {
                     $v = Users::getNameById($t[$f], ', ');
                 } elseif ($f == 'url') {
                     $v = app::public_url('tasksComments/index?projects_id=' . $t['projects_id'] . '&tasks_id=' . $t['id']);
                 } elseif ($f == 'actual_time') {
                     if ($t['work_hours'] > 0 and $t['togo_hours'] == 0) {
                         $v = $t['work_hours'];
                     } else {
                         $v = (double) $t['estimated_time'] - (double) $t['work_hours'] + (double) $t['togo_hours'];
                     if (!isset($totals[$f])) {
                         $totals[$f] = 0;
                     $totals[$f] += $v;
                     $projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$f] += $v;
                 } else {
                     $v = app::getArrayName($t, $f);
                 $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
             $content .= "\n";
             if ($format == 'csv') {
                 echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
             } else {
                 echo $content;
         $content = '';
         //adding totals
         if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id]) and !$request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
             foreach ($fields as $f) {
                 $v = '';
                 if (in_array($f, array('estimated_time', 'work_hours'))) {
                     $v = $projects_totals[$current_project_id][$f];
                 } elseif (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                     if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) {
                         $v = $projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)];
                 $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
             $content .= "\n\n";
         foreach ($fields as $f) {
             $v = '';
             if (in_array($f, array('estimated_time', 'work_hours'))) {
                 $v = $totals[$f];
             } elseif (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) {
                 if (isset($totals[str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) {
                     $v = $totals[str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)];
             $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator;
         $content .= "\n";
         if ($format == 'csv') {
             echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
         } else {
             echo $content;
Esempio n. 10
    if ($has_comments_access) {
        echo ' ' . app::getLastCommentByTable('DiscussionsComments', 'discussions_id', $discussions['id']);
    echo $discussions['Users']['name'];
    $v = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $discussions['id']);
    echo ExtraFieldsList::renderListingTbody($extra_fields, $v);
    $totals = ExtraFieldsList::getListingTotals($totals, $extra_fields, $v);
    if (!$sf_request->hasParameter('projects_id')) {
        echo link_to(app::getArrayName($discussions, 'Projects'), 'projectsComments/index?projects_id=' . $discussions['projects_id']);