<?php require_once getenv('MW_INSTALL_PATH') !== false ? getenv('MW_INSTALL_PATH') . "/maintenance/commandLine.inc" : dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../maintenance/commandLine.inc'; require 'Expr.php'; $tests = file('exprTests.txt'); $pass = $fail = 0; // Each test is on one line. The test must always evaluate to '1'. $parser = new ExprParser(); foreach ($tests as $test) { $test = trim($test); if (in_string(';', $test)) { list($input, $expected) = explode(';', $test); } else { $input = $test; $expected = 1; } $expected = trim($expected); $input = trim($input); $result = $parser->doExpression($input); if ($result != $expected) { print "FAILING test -- {$input}\n gave a final result of {$result}, instead of {$expected}.\n"; $fail++; } else { print "PASSED test {$test}\n"; $pass++; } } print "Passed {$pass} tests, failed {$fail} tests, out of a total of " . ($pass + $fail) . "\n";
/** * @dataProvider provideExpressions */ function testExpression($input, $expected) { $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->parser->doExpression($input)); }