Esempio n. 1
 case "xml_tables":
     foreach ($_POST["table"] as $key => $value) {
         if ($key) {
             $export->ExportTable($key, $_POST["e_struct"], $_POST["e_cont"]);
 case "csv_complete":
     $output = $export->ExportCSVComplete(";");
     $export->SendExport($output, "lansuite.csv");
 case "csv_sticker":
     $output = $export->ExportCSVSticker(";");
     $export->SendExport($output, "lansuite_sticker.csv");
 case "csv_card":
     $output = $export->ExportCSVCard(";");
     $export->SendExport($output, "lansuite_card.csv");
 case "ext_inc_data":
     $func->information(t('Der von dir angegebene Dateityp wird nicht unterstützt. Bitte wählen dir eine Datei vom Typ *.xml, oder *.csv aus oder überspringe den Dateiimport.'), "index.php?mod=install&action=import");
Esempio n. 2
 function PrintSearch($working_link, $select_id_field, $multiaction = '')
     global $smarty, $db, $config, $dsp, $templ, $func, $auth, $line, $framework;
     $UrlParas = explode('&', substr($working_link, strpos($working_link, '?') + 1, strlen($working_link)));
     foreach ($UrlParas as $UrlPara) {
         list($key, $val) = explode('=', $UrlPara);
         $this->HiddenGetFields[$key] .= $val;
     #    $working_link .= $this->post_in_get;
     $working_link .= '&ms_number=' . $this->ms_number;
     $min_skipped_items = 99;
     $this->query['from'] = str_replace('%prefix%', $config['database']['prefix'], $this->query['from']);
     ###### Generate Where
     if ($this->query['where'] == '') {
         $this->query['where'] = '1 = 1';
     // Generate where from input fields
     $z = 0;
     if ($this->search_fields) {
         foreach ($this->search_fields as $current_field_list) {
             if ($_GET["search_input"][$z] != '') {
                 $x = 0;
                 $sql_one_search_field = '';
                 if ($current_field_list['sql_fields']) {
                     foreach ($current_field_list['sql_fields'] as $sql_field => $compare_mode) {
                         if ($x > 0) {
                             $sql_one_search_field .= ' OR ';
                         switch ($compare_mode) {
                             case 'aton':
                                 $sql_one_search_field .= "({$sql_field} = INET_ATON('" . $_GET["search_input"][$z] . "'))";
                             case 'exact':
                                 $sql_one_search_field .= "({$sql_field} = '" . $_GET["search_input"][$z] . "')";
                             case 'fulltext':
                                 $sql_one_search_field .= "(MATCH ({$sql_field}) AGAINST ('{$_GET["search_input"][$z]}' IN BOOLEAN MODE))";
                                 $this->AddResultField(t('Score'), "ROUND(MATCH ({$sql_field}) AGAINST ('{$_GET["search_input"][$z]}' IN BOOLEAN MODE), 3) AS score");
                             case '1337':
                                 $key_1337 = $_GET["search_input"][$z];
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace('?', '[?]', $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace('+', '[+]', $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace('*', '[*]', $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace('.', '[.]', $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace('|', '[|]', $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace('[', '[[]', $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("o", "(o|0)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("O", "(O|0)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("l", "(l|1|\\\\||!)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("L", "(L|1|\\\\||!)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("i", "(i|1|\\\\||!)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("I", "(I|1|\\\\||!)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("e", "(e|3|€)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("E", "(E|3|€)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("t", "(t|7)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("T", "(T|7)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("a", "(a|@)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("A", "(A|@)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("s", "(s|5|\$)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("S", "(S|5|\$)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("z", "(z|2)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace("Z", "(Z|2)", $key_1337);
                                 $key_1337 = str_replace(']', '[[.right-square-bracket.]]', $key_1337);
                                 $sql_one_search_field .= "({$sql_field} REGEXP '{$key_1337}')";
                             case 'multiword':
                                 // Split at ' ' and use each term as correkt one
                                 $words = explode(' ', $_GET['search_input'][$z]);
                                 $sql_one_search_field .= "({$sql_field} LIKE '%";
                                 $sql_one_search_field .= implode("%') OR ({$sql_field} LIKE '%", $words);
                                 $sql_one_search_field .= "%')";
                                 $sql_one_search_field .= "({$sql_field} LIKE '%" . $_GET["search_input"][$z] . "%')";
                 if ($sql_one_search_field != '') {
                     $this->query['where'] .= " AND ({$sql_one_search_field})";
     // Generate additional where from dropdown fields
     $z = 0;
     if ($this->search_dropdown) {
         foreach ($this->search_dropdown as $current_field_list) {
             if ($_GET["search_dd_input"][$z] != '') {
                 if ($current_field_list['sql_field'] != '') {
                     if (is_array($_GET["search_dd_input"][$z])) {
                         $values = $_GET["search_dd_input"][$z];
                     } else {
                         $values = explode(',', $_GET["search_dd_input"][$z]);
                     $x = 0;
                     $sql_one_search_field = '';
                     foreach ($values as $value) {
                         if ($x > 0) {
                             $sql_one_search_field .= ' OR ';
                         // Negation, greater than, less than
                         $pre_eq = '';
                         $value = $func->AllowHTML($value);
                         # Converts &lt; back to <
                         if (substr($value, 0, 1) == '!' or substr($value, 0, 1) == '<' or substr($value, 0, 1) == '>') {
                             $pre_eq = substr($value, 0, 1);
                             $value = substr($value, 1, strlen($value) - 1);
                         if ($value != '') {
                             if ($value == 'NULL') {
                                 $sql_one_search_field .= "({$current_field_list['sql_field']} IS NULL)";
                             } else {
                                 $sql_one_search_field .= "({$current_field_list['sql_field']} {$pre_eq}= '{$value}')";
                     // If COUNT function is used in select, write this variable in the having statement, otherwise in the where statement
                     if (strpos($current_field_list['sql_field'], 'OUNT(') == 0) {
                         $this->query['where'] .= " AND ({$sql_one_search_field})";
                     } else {
                         $this->query['having'] .= "({$sql_one_search_field}) AND ";
     ###### Modificate Having
     if ($this->query['having'] != '') {
         // Cut off trailing AND, if exists
         if (substr($this->query['having'], strlen($this->query['having']) - 5, 5) == ' AND ') {
             $this->query['having'] = substr($this->query['having'], 0, strlen($this->query['having']) - 5);
         // Write HAVING in front of statement
         $this->query['having'] = 'HAVING ' . $this->query['having'];
     ###### Generate Select
     $this->query['select'] = substr($this->query['select'], 0, strlen($this->query['select']) - 2);
     ###### Generate Group By
     $this->query['group_by'] .= $select_id_field;
     ###### Generate Order By
     if (strpos($_GET['order_by'], "\\'") > 0) {
         $_GET['order_by'] = '';
     # Important for FIND_IN_SET ranking
     // Is $_GET['order_by'] defined in select statement? if not set to default order by value
     if ($_GET['order_by'] and !$this->orderByFieldFound) {
         $func->information(t('Sortieren nach "%1" nicht möglich. Es wird statt dessen nach "%2" sortiert', $_GET['order_by'], $this->query['default_order_by']), NO_LINK);
         $_GET['order_by'] = '';
     // Order by user selection
     if ($_GET['order_by']) {
         $this->query['order_by'] = $_GET['order_by'];
         // Order direction given by user?
         if ($_GET['order_dir']) {
             if (strtolower($_GET['order_dir']) != 'desc') {
                 $_GET['order_dir'] = 'asc';
             } else {
                 $this->query['order_by'] .= ' ' . $_GET['order_dir'];
             // Get default order direction by sql-field type
         } else {
             if (strpos($this->query['from'], ' ')) {
                 $FirstTable = substr($this->query['from'], 0, strpos($this->query['from'], ' '));
             } else {
                 $FirstTable = $this->query['from'];
             $res = $db->qry("DESCRIBE %plain%", $FirstTable);
             while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
                 $this->SQLFieldTypes[$row['Field']] = $row['Type'];
             if ($this->SQLFieldTypes[$this->query['order_by']] == 'datetime' or $this->SQLFieldTypes[$this->query['order_by']] == 'date' or $this->SQLFieldTypes[$this->query['order_by']] == 'time' or $this->SQLFieldTypes[$this->query['order_by']] == 'timestamp') {
                 $this->query['order_by'] .= ' DESC';
         // Default order by (if non given per URL)
     } elseif ($this->query['default_order_by']) {
         $this->query['order_by'] = $this->query['default_order_by'];
         if ($this->query['default_order_dir']) {
             $this->query['order_by'] .= ' ' . $this->query['default_order_dir'];
     if ($this->query['order_by'] == '') {
         $this->query['order_by'] = $select_id_field . ' ASC';
     if ($this->query['order_by_end']) {
         $this->query['order_by'] .= ', ' . $this->query['order_by_end'];
     if ($_GET['EntsPerPage'] != '') {
         $this->config['EntriesPerPage'] = $_GET['EntsPerPage'];
     ###### Generate Limit
     if (!$this->config['EntriesPerPage'] or $this->isExport) {
         $this->query['limit'] = '';
     } else {
         if ($_GET['ms_page'] != '' and (!$_GET['ms_number'] or $_GET['ms_number'] == $this->ms_number)) {
             $page_start = (int) $_GET['ms_page'] * (int) $this->config['EntriesPerPage'];
         } else {
             $page_start = 0;
         if ($page_start < 0) {
             $page_start = 0;
         $this->query['limit'] = "LIMIT {$page_start}, " . $this->config['EntriesPerPage'];
     ###### Execute SQL
     $res = $db->qry('%plain%', "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$this->query['select']}\n      FROM {$this->query['from']}\n      WHERE {$this->query['where']}\n      GROUP BY {$this->query['group_by']}\n      {$this->query['having']}\n      ORDER BY {$this->query['order_by']}\n      {$this->query['limit']}\n      ");
         echo "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$this->query['select']}<br>
           FROM {$this->query['from']}<br>
           WHERE {$this->query['where']}<br>
           GROUP BY {$this->query['group_by']}<br>
           ORDER BY {$this->query['order_by']}<br>
     $this->HiddenGetFields['order_by'] = $_GET['order_by'];
     $this->HiddenGetFields['order_dir'] = $_GET['order_dir'];
     $this->HiddenGetFields['EntsPerPage'] = $_GET['EntsPerPage'];
     $smarty->assign('action', $working_link);
     ###### Generate Page-Links
     $count_rows = $db->qry_first('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS count');
     if ($this->config['EntriesPerPage']) {
         $count_pages = ceil($count_rows['count'] / $this->config['EntriesPerPage']);
     if ($this->config['EntriesPerPage'] and $count_rows['count'] > $this->config['EntriesPerPage']) {
         $framework->AddToPageTitle(t('Seite') . ' ' . ((int) $_GET['ms_page'] + 1));
         $link = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&ms_page=';
         $link = preg_replace('#mf_step=.\\&?#si', '', $link);
         $link = preg_replace('#mf_id=.\\&?#si', '', $link);
         $link = preg_replace('#ms_page=.\\&?#si', '', $link);
         $pages = t('Seite') . ': ';
         $link_start = ' <a href="index.php?';
         $link_end = '" onclick="loadPage(this.href); return false" class="menu">';
         // Previous page link
         if ((int) $_GET['ms_page'] > 0) {
             $pages .= $link_start . $link . ($_GET['ms_page'] - 1) . $link_end . '<b>&lt;</b></a>';
         // First page link
         if ($_GET['ms_page'] > 4) {
             $pages .= $link_start . $link . '0' . $link_end . '<b>1</b></a> ... ';
             $i = $_GET['ms_page'] - 3;
         } else {
             $i = 0;
         // Direct page link
         while ($i < $count_pages and $i < $_GET['ms_page'] + 4) {
             if ($_GET['ms_page'] == $i) {
                 $pages .= " " . ($i + 1);
             } else {
                 $pages .= $link_start . $link . $i . $link_end . '<b>' . ($i + 1) . '</b></a>';
         // Last page link
         if ($i < $count_pages) {
             if ($i < $count_pages - 1) {
                 $pages .= ' ... ';
             $pages .= $link_start . $link . ($count_pages - 1) . $link_end . '<b>' . $count_pages . '</b></a>';
         // Next page link
         if ($_GET['ms_page'] + 1 < $count_pages) {
             $pages .= $link_start . $link . ($_GET['ms_page'] + 1) . $link_end . '<b>&gt;</b></a>';
     $EntsPerPage = array();
     if ($count_rows['count'] > 10) {
         $EntsPerPage[10] = t('Zeige %1 von %2', 10, $count_rows['count']);
     if ($count_rows['count'] > 20) {
         $EntsPerPage[20] = t('Zeige %1 von %2', 20, $count_rows['count']);
     if ($count_rows['count'] > 50) {
         $EntsPerPage[50] = t('Zeige %1 von %2', 50, $count_rows['count']);
     if ($count_rows['count'] > 100) {
         $EntsPerPage[100] = t('Zeige %1 von %2', 100, $count_rows['count']);
     if ($count_rows['count'] > 10) {
         $EntsPerPage[0] = t('Zeige alle %1', $count_rows['count']);
     if ($count_rows['count'] <= $this->config['EntriesPerPage']) {
         $EntsFound = t('%1 Einträge', $count_rows['count']);
     } else {
         $EntsFound = '';
     $smarty->assign('EntsFound', $EntsFound);
     $smarty->assign('EntsPerPage', $EntsPerPage);
     $smarty->assign('EntPerPage', $this->config['EntriesPerPage']);
     $smarty->assign('pages', $pages);
     #$smarty->assign('EntPerPageAction', $working_link);
     ###### Output Search
     // Text Inputs
     $SearchInputs = array();
     $z = 0;
     $x = 0;
     $y = 0;
     if ($this->search_fields) {
         foreach ($this->search_fields as $current_field) {
             $arr = array();
             $arr['type'] = 'text';
             $arr['name'] = "search_input[{$z}]";
             $arr['value'] = $_GET['search_input'][$z];
             $arr['caption'] = $current_field['caption'];
             if ($current_field['sql_fields']) {
                 foreach ($current_field['sql_fields'] as $compare_mode) {
                     if ($compare_mode == 'fulltext') {
                         $arr['helpletId'] = 'fulltext';
                         $arr['helpletText'] = 'Fulltext';
             $SearchInputs[$x][$y] = $arr;
             if ($y == 2) {
                 $y = 0;
     // Dropdown Inputs
     $z = 0;
     if ($this->search_dropdown) {
         foreach ($this->search_dropdown as $current_field) {
             $arr = array();
             $arr['type'] = 'select';
             $arr['name'] = "search_dd_input[{$z}]";
             $arr['caption'] = $current_field['caption'];
             $arr['options'] = $current_field['selections'];
             $arr['selected'] = $_GET['search_dd_input'][$z];
             $arr['multiple'] = '';
             if ($current_field['multiple']) {
                 $arr['multiple'] = ' multiple="multiple" rows="' . $current_field['multiple'] . '"';
                 $arr['name'] .= '[]';
             $SearchInputs[$x][$y] = $arr;
             if ($y == 2) {
                 $y = 0;
     // If odd number of input fields, add the last one in a single row
     if ($y == 1) {
         $SearchInputs[$x][$y]['type'] = 'space';
         $SearchInputs[$x][$y]['caption'] = '&nbsp;';
     if ($this->search_fields or $this->search_dropdown) {
         $smarty->assign('quicklinks', $this->quicklinks);
         $smarty->assign('SearchInputs', $SearchInputs);
         $smarty->assign('HiddenGetFields', $this->HiddenGetFields);
         if (!$this->isExport) {
     // Hidden Fields for EntPerPage Box
     $this->HiddenGetFields = array();
     $UrlParas = explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
     foreach ($UrlParas as $UrlPara) {
         list($key, $val) = explode('=', $UrlPara);
         if ($key != 'ms_page') {
             if (!array_key_exists(urldecode($key), $this->HiddenGetFields)) {
                 $this->HiddenGetFields[urldecode($key)] .= urldecode($val);
     $smarty->assign('HiddenGetFields', $this->HiddenGetFields);
     ###### Output Result
     // When no Items were found
     if ($db->num_rows($res) == 0) {
         if ($this->NoItemsText) {
             $func->information($this->NoItemsText, NO_LINK);
     } else {
         #### Generate Result Head
         $head = array();
         // Checkbox Headline (Empty field)
         if (count($this->multi_select_action) > 0) {
             $head[0]['width'] = '16';
             $head[0]['entry'] = '&nbsp;';
             $head[0]['type'] = 'input';
         // Normal headline
         foreach ($this->result_field as $current_field) {
             // Cut out AS
             $first_as = strpos(strtolower($current_field['sql_field']), ' as ');
             if ($first_as > 0) {
                 $current_field['sql_field'] = substr($current_field['sql_field'], $first_as + 4, strlen($current_field['sql_field']));
             // Order Link and Image
             $_GET['ms_page'] == 'all' ? $add_page = '&ms_page=all' : ($add_page = '');
             $order_dir = 'asc';
             if ($_GET['order_by'] == $current_field['sql_field']) {
                 if ($this->SQLFieldTypes[$current_field['sql_field']] == 'datetime' or $this->SQLFieldTypes[$current_field['sql_field']] == 'date' or $this->SQLFieldTypes[$current_field['sql_field']] == 'time' or $this->SQLFieldTypes[$current_field['sql_field']] == 'timestamp') {
                     $_GET['order_dir'] != 'asc' ? $order_dir = 'asc' : ($order_dir = 'desc');
                 } else {
                     $_GET['order_dir'] != 'desc' ? $order_dir = 'desc' : ($order_dir = 'asc');
             // Generate Headlines
             $arr = array();
             if ($current_field['caption']) {
                 $arr['entry'] = $current_field['caption'];
                 $arr['link'] = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
                 $arr['link'] = preg_replace('#order_by=.*\\&#sUi', '', $arr['link']);
                 $arr['link'] = preg_replace('#\\&order_by=.*$#sUi', '', $arr['link']);
                 $arr['link'] = preg_replace('#order_dir=.*\\&#sUi', '', $arr['link']);
                 $arr['link'] = preg_replace('#\\&order_dir=.*$#sUi', '', $arr['link']);
                 $arr['link'] = 'index.php?' . $arr['link'] . "&order_by={$current_field['sql_field']}&order_dir={$order_dir}{$add_page}";
                 $arr['link'] = preg_replace('#mf_step=.\\&?#si', '', $arr['link']);
                 $arr['link'] = preg_replace('#mf_id=.\\&?#si', '', $arr['link']);
                 if ($_GET['order_by'] == $current_field['sql_field']) {
                     if ($order_dir == 'desc') {
                         $arr['entry'] .= " <img src=\"design/{$auth['design']}/images/arrows_orderby_desc_active.gif\" border=\"0\" />";
                     } else {
                         $arr['entry'] .= " <img src=\"design/{$auth['design']}/images/arrows_orderby_asc_active.gif\" border=\"0\" />";
             $head[] = $arr;
         #### Generate Result Body
         $body = array();
         $x = 0;
         $maxIcons = 0;
         while ($line = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
             // Start: Row
             $y = 0;
             if ($this->bgcolor_attr) {
                 $body[$x]['bgcolor'] = 'style="background-color:' . $this->bgcolors[$line[$this->bgcolor_attr]] . '" ';
             // cut of 'table.', befor field name
             if (strpos($select_id_field, '.') > 0) {
                 $select_id_field = substr($select_id_field, strpos($select_id_field, '.') + 1, strlen($select_id_field));
             // Checkbox
             if (count($this->multi_select_action) > 0) {
                 $body[$x]['line'][0]['entry'] = '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="action[' . $line[$select_id_field] . ']">';
                 $body[$x]['line'][0]['type'] = 'input';
             // Normal fields
             foreach ($this->result_field as $k => $current_field) {
                 $arr = array();
                 // cut of 'table.', in front of field name
                 $first_as = strpos(strtolower($current_field['sql_field']), ' as ');
                 $first_dot = strpos($current_field['sql_field'], '.');
                 if ($first_as > 0) {
                     $current_field['sql_field'] = substr($current_field['sql_field'], $first_as + 4, strlen($current_field['sql_field']));
                 } elseif ($first_dot > 0) {
                     $current_field['sql_field'] = substr($current_field['sql_field'], $first_dot + 1, strlen($current_field['sql_field']));
                 // Exec Callback
                 if ($current_field['callback']) {
                     $arr['entry'] = call_user_func($current_field['callback'], $line[$current_field['sql_field']], $line[$select_id_field]);
                 } else {
                     $arr['entry'] = $line[$current_field['sql_field']];
                 // Cut of oversize chars
                 if ($current_field['max_char'] and strlen($arr['entry']) > $current_field['max_char']) {
                     $arr['entry'] = substr($arr['entry'], 0, $current_field['max_char'] - 2) . '...';
                 // Link first row to same target as first icon
                 if ($k == 0 and !$this->config['dont_link_first_line'] and $this->icon_field[0]['link']) {
                     if ($this->TargetPageCount) {
                         $TargetPage = floor($line[$this->TargetPageField] / $this->TargetPageCount);
                     } else {
                         $TargetPage = 0;
                     $arr['link'] = $this->icon_field[0]['link'];
                     if (strpos($arr['link'], '%id%')) {
                         $arr['link'] = str_replace('%id%', $line[$select_id_field], $arr['link']);
                     } else {
                         $arr['link'] .= $line[$select_id_field];
                     if (strpos($arr['link'], '%page%')) {
                         $arr['link'] = str_replace('%page%', $TargetPage, $arr['link']);
                 // Width?
                 if ($current_field['width']) {
                     $arr['width'] = $current_field['width'];
                 // Output from template
                 if ($arr['entry'] == '') {
                     $arr['entry'] = '&nbsp;';
                 $body[$x]['line'][$y] = $arr;
             // Icon fields
             $y = 0;
             foreach ($this->icon_field as $current_field) {
                 $arr = array();
                 if (!$current_field['callback'] or call_user_func($current_field['callback'], $line[$select_id_field])) {
                     if (substr($current_field['link'], 0, 11) == 'javascript:') {
                         $arr['link'] = '#" onclick="' . $current_field['link'];
                     } else {
                         $arr['link'] = $current_field['link'];
                     if ($this->TargetPageCount) {
                         $TargetPage = floor($line[$this->TargetPageField] / $this->TargetPageCount);
                     } else {
                         $TargetPage = 0;
                     if (strpos($arr['link'], '%id%')) {
                         $arr['link'] = str_replace('%id%', $line[$select_id_field], $arr['link']);
                     } else {
                         $arr['link'] .= $line[$select_id_field];
                     if (strpos($arr['link'], '%page%')) {
                         $arr['link'] = str_replace('%page%', $TargetPage, $arr['link']);
                     $arr['name'] = $current_field['icon_name'];
                     $arr['title'] = $current_field['tooltipp'];
                     $body[$x]['icons'][$y] = $arr;
             if ($y > $maxIcons) {
                 $maxIcons = $y;
         // End: Row
         $smarty->assign('maxIcons', $maxIcons);
         $smarty->assign('head', $head);
         $smarty->assign('body', $body);
         // Multi-Select Dropdown
         $MultiOptions = array();
         if (count($this->multi_select_action) > 0) {
             $smarty->assign('MultiCaption', t('Bitte auswählen'));
             $z = 0;
             foreach ($this->multi_select_action as $current_action) {
                 $arr = array();
                 if ($z == 0) {
                     $multi_select_actions = '"' . $current_action['action'] . '"';
                 } else {
                     $multi_select_actions .= ', "' . $current_action['action'] . '"';
                 if ($z == 0) {
                     $security_questions = '"' . $current_action['security_question'] . '"';
                 } else {
                     $security_questions .= ', "' . $current_action['security_question'] . '"';
                 $arr['BGIcon'] = $current_action['icon'];
                 $arr['caption'] = $current_action['caption'];
                 $arr['value'] = $z;
                 $MultiOptions[] = $arr;
             $smarty->assign('multi_select_actions', $multi_select_actions);
             $smarty->assign('security_questions', $security_questions);
             $smarty->assign('MultiOptions', $MultiOptions);
         $smarty->assign('ms_number', $this->ms_number);
         if (!$this->isExport) {
     // Generate Exports
     if ($this->isExport) {
         switch ($this->isExport) {
             case 'csv':
                 include "modules/install/class_export.php";
                 $export = new Export();
                 $output = '';
                 $y = 0;
                 foreach ($head as $field) {
                     if ($field['type'] != 'input' and $field['type'] != 'space') {
                         if ($y > 1) {
                             $output .= ';';
                         if ($field['entry'] == '&nbsp;') {
                             $field['entry'] = '';
                         $output .= '"' . str_replace('"', '""', strip_tags(utf8_decode($field['entry']))) . '"';
                 foreach ($body as $row) {
                     $y = 0;
                     $output .= "\n";
                     foreach ($row['line'] as $field) {
                         if ($field['type'] != 'input' and $field['type'] != 'space') {
                             if ($y > 1) {
                                 $output .= ';';
                             if ($field['entry'] == '&nbsp;') {
                                 $field['entry'] = '';
                             $output .= '"' . str_replace('"', '""', strip_tags(utf8_decode($field['entry']))) . '"';
                 $export->SendExport($output, 'lansuite-' . $_GET['mod'] . '.csv');