public function output()
     if (class_exists('DBSearch')) {
     if (class_exists('ExecutionKPI')) {
 public function output()
     if (class_exists('MetaModel')) {
     if (class_exists('ExecutionKPI')) {
 public function output()
     $this->add_header("Content-Length: " . strlen(trim($this->s_content)));
     foreach ($this->a_headers as $s_header) {
     echo trim($this->s_content);
     echo "\n";
     if (class_exists('MetaModel')) {
     if (class_exists('ExecutionKPI')) {
 public function output()
     $this->add_header("Content-Length: " . strlen(trim($this->s_content)));
     // Get the unexpected output but do nothing with it
     $sTrash = $this->ob_get_clean_safe();
     foreach ($this->a_headers as $s_header) {
     echo trim($this->s_content);
     echo "\n";
     if (class_exists('DBSearch')) {
     if (class_exists('ExecutionKPI')) {
Esempio n. 5
     * Outputs (via some echo) the complete HTML page by assembling all its elements
    public function output()
        $sAbsURLAppRoot = addslashes($this->m_sRootUrl);
        $sForm = $this->GetSiloSelectionForm();
        // Compute the menu
        // Call the extensions to add content to the page, so that they can also add styles or scripts
        $sBannerExtraHtml = '';
        foreach (MetaModel::EnumPlugins('iPageUIExtension') as $oExtensionInstance) {
            $sBannerExtraHtml .= $oExtensionInstance->GetBannerHtml($this);
        $sNorthPane = '';
        foreach (MetaModel::EnumPlugins('iPageUIExtension') as $oExtensionInstance) {
            $sNorthPane .= $oExtensionInstance->GetNorthPaneHtml($this);
        if (UserRights::IsAdministrator() && ExecutionKPI::IsEnabled()) {
            $sNorthPane .= '<div id="admin-banner"><span style="padding:5px;">' . ExecutionKPI::GetDescription() . '<span></div>';
        //$sSouthPane = '<p>Peak memory Usage: '.sprintf('%.3f MB', memory_get_peak_usage(true) / (1024*1024)).'</p>';
        $sSouthPane = '';
        foreach (MetaModel::EnumPlugins('iPageUIExtension') as $oExtensionInstance) {
            $sSouthPane .= $oExtensionInstance->GetSouthPaneHtml($this);
        // Put here the 'ready scripts' that must be executed after all others
        $aMultiselectOptions = array('header' => true, 'checkAllText' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:CheckAll'), 'uncheckAllText' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:UncheckAll'), 'noneSelectedText' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:Any'), 'selectedText' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:NbSelected'), 'selectedList' => 1);
        $sJSMultiselectOptions = json_encode($aMultiselectOptions);
\t\t// Since the event is only triggered when the hash changes, we need to trigger
\t\t// the event now, to handle the hash the page may have loaded with.
\t\t\$(window).trigger( 'hashchange' );
\t\t// Some table are sort-able, some are not, let's fix this
\t\t\$('table.listResults').each( function() { FixTableSorter(\$(this)); } );


        if ($this->GetOutputFormat() == 'html') {
            foreach ($this->a_headers as $s_header) {
        $s_captured_output = $this->ob_get_clean_safe();
        $sHtml = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">\n";
        $sHtml .= "<html>\n";
        $sHtml .= "<head>\n";
        // Make sure that Internet Explorer renders the page using its latest/highest/greatest standards !
        $sHtml .= "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />\n";
        $sHtml .= "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n";
        $sHtml .= "<title>" . htmlentities($this->s_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</title>\n";
        $sHtml .= $this->get_base_tag();
        // Stylesheets MUST be loaded before any scripts otherwise
        // jQuery scripts may face some spurious problems (like failing on a 'reload')
        foreach ($this->a_linked_stylesheets as $a_stylesheet) {
            if ($a_stylesheet['condition'] != "") {
                $sHtml .= "<!--[if {$a_stylesheet['condition']}]>\n";
            $sHtml .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$a_stylesheet['link']}\" />\n";
            if ($a_stylesheet['condition'] != "") {
                $sHtml .= "<![endif]-->\n";
        // special stylesheet for printing, hides the navigation gadgets
        $sHtml .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"print\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../css/print.css\" />\n";
        if ($this->GetOutputFormat() == 'html') {
            $sHtml .= $this->output_dict_entries(true);
            // before any script so that they can benefit from the translations
            foreach ($this->a_linked_scripts as $s_script) {
                // Make sure that the URL to the script contains the application's version number
                // so that the new script do NOT get reloaded from the cache when the application is upgraded
                if (strpos($s_script, '?') === false) {
                    $s_script .= "?itopversion=" . ITOP_VERSION;
                } else {
                    $s_script .= "&itopversion=" . ITOP_VERSION;
                $sHtml .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$s_script}\"></script>\n";
            $this->add_script("var iPaneVisWatchDog  = window.setTimeout('FixPaneVis()',5000);\n\$(document).ready(function() {\n{$this->m_sInitScript};\nwindow.setTimeout('onDelayedReady()',10)\n});");
            if (count($this->m_aReadyScripts) > 0) {
                $this->add_script("\nonDelayedReady = function() {\n" . implode("\n", $this->m_aReadyScripts) . "\n}\n");
            if (count($this->a_scripts) > 0) {
                $sHtml .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
                foreach ($this->a_scripts as $s_script) {
                    $sHtml .= "{$s_script}\n";
                $sHtml .= "</script>\n";
        if (count($this->a_styles) > 0) {
            $sHtml .= "<style>\n";
            foreach ($this->a_styles as $s_style) {
                $sHtml .= "{$s_style}\n";
            $sHtml .= "</style>\n";
        $sHtml .= "<link rel=\"search\" type=\"application/opensearchdescription+xml\" title=\"iTop\" href=\"" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/opensearch.xml.php\" />\n";
        $sHtml .= "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "images/favicon.ico\" />\n";
        $sHtml .= "</head>\n";
        $sHtml .= "<body>\n";
        // Render the revision number
        if (ITOP_REVISION == '$WCREV$') {
            // This is NOT a version built using the buil system, just display the main version
            $sVersionString = Dict::Format('UI:iTopVersion:Short', ITOP_VERSION);
        } else {
            // This is a build made from SVN, let display the full information
            $sVersionString = Dict::Format('UI:iTopVersion:Long', ITOP_VERSION, ITOP_REVISION, ITOP_BUILD_DATE);
        // Render the text of the global search form
        $sText = htmlentities(utils::ReadParam('text', '', false, 'raw_data'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        $sOnClick = "";
        if (empty($sText)) {
            // if no search text is supplied then
            // 1) the search text is filled with "your search"
            // 2) clicking on it will erase it
            $sText = Dict::S("UI:YourSearch");
            $sOnClick = " onclick=\"this.value='';this.onclick=null;\"";
        // Render the tabs in the page (if any)
        $this->s_content = $this->m_oTabs->RenderIntoContent($this->s_content);
        if ($this->GetOutputFormat() == 'html') {
            $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext();
            $sUserName = UserRights::GetUser();
            $sIsAdmin = UserRights::IsAdministrator() ? '(Administrator)' : '';
            if (UserRights::IsAdministrator()) {
                $sLogonMessage = Dict::Format('UI:LoggedAsMessage+Admin', $sUserName);
            } else {
                $sLogonMessage = Dict::Format('UI:LoggedAsMessage', $sUserName);
            $sLogOffMenu = "<span id=\"logOffBtn\"><ul><li><img src=\"../images/onOffBtn.png\"><ul>";
            $sLogOffMenu .= "<li><span>{$sLogonMessage}</span></li>\n";
            $aActions = array();
            $oPrefs = new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:Preferences', Dict::S('UI:Preferences'), utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/preferences.php?" . $oAppContext->GetForLink());
            $aActions[$oPrefs->GetUID()] = $oPrefs->GetMenuItem();
            if (utils::CanLogOff()) {
                $oLogOff = new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:LogOffMenu', Dict::S('UI:LogOffMenu'), utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/logoff.php?operation=do_logoff');
                $aActions[$oLogOff->GetUID()] = $oLogOff->GetMenuItem();
            if (UserRights::CanChangePassword()) {
                $oChangePwd = new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:ChangePwdMenu', Dict::S('UI:ChangePwdMenu'), utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php?loginop=change_pwd');
                $aActions[$oChangePwd->GetUID()] = $oChangePwd->GetMenuItem();
            utils::GetPopupMenuItems($this, iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_USER_ACTIONS, null, $aActions);
            $oAbout = new JSPopupMenuItem('UI:AboutBox', Dict::S('UI:AboutBox'), 'return ShowAboutBox();');
            $aActions[$oAbout->GetUID()] = $oAbout->GetMenuItem();
            $sLogOffMenu .= $this->RenderPopupMenuItems($aActions);
            $sRestrictions = '';
            if (!MetaModel::DBHasAccess(ACCESS_ADMIN_WRITE)) {
                if (!MetaModel::DBHasAccess(ACCESS_ADMIN_WRITE)) {
                    $sRestrictions = Dict::S('UI:AccessRO-All');
            } elseif (!MetaModel::DBHasAccess(ACCESS_USER_WRITE)) {
                $sRestrictions = Dict::S('UI:AccessRO-Users');
            $sApplicationBanner = '';
            if (strlen($sRestrictions) > 0) {
                $sAdminMessage = trim(MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('access_message'));
                $sApplicationBanner .= '<div id="admin-banner">';
                $sApplicationBanner .= '<img src="../images/locked.png" style="vertical-align:middle;">';
                $sApplicationBanner .= '&nbsp;<b>' . $sRestrictions . '</b>';
                if (strlen($sAdminMessage) > 0) {
                    $sApplicationBanner .= '&nbsp;<b>' . $sAdminMessage . '</b>';
                $sApplicationBanner .= '</div>';
            if (strlen($this->m_sMessage)) {
                $sApplicationBanner .= '<div id="admin-banner"><span style="padding:5px;">' . $this->m_sMessage . '<span></div>';
            $sApplicationBanner .= $sBannerExtraHtml;
            if (!empty($sNorthPane)) {
                $sNorthPane = '<div id="bottom-pane" class="ui-layout-north">' . $sNorthPane . '</div>';
            if (!empty($sSouthPane)) {
                $sSouthPane = '<div id="bottom-pane" class="ui-layout-south">' . $sSouthPane . '</div>';
            $sIconUrl = Utils::GetConfig()->Get('app_icon_url');
            $sOnlineHelpUrl = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('online_help');
            //$sLogOffMenu = "<span id=\"logOffBtn\" style=\"height:55px;padding:0;margin:0;\"><img src=\"../images/onOffBtn.png\"></span>";
            $sDisplayIcon = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'images/itop-logo.png';
            if (file_exists(MODULESROOT . 'branding/main-logo.png')) {
                $sDisplayIcon = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot() . 'branding/main-logo.png';
            $sHtml .= $sNorthPane;
            $sHtml .= '<div id="left-pane" class="ui-layout-west">';
            $sHtml .= '<!-- Beginning of the left pane -->';
            $sHtml .= ' <div class="ui-layout-north">';
            $sHtml .= ' <div id="header-logo">';
            $sHtml .= ' <div id="top-left"></div><div id="logo"><a href="' . htmlentities($sIconUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"><img src="' . $sDisplayIcon . '" title="' . htmlentities($sVersionString, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" style="border:0; margin-top:16px; margin-right:40px;"/></a></div>';
            $sHtml .= ' </div>';
            $sHtml .= ' <div class="header-menu">';
            if (!MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('demo_mode')) {
                $sHtml .= '		<div class="icon ui-state-default ui-corner-all"><span id="tPinMenu" class="ui-icon ui-icon-pin-w">pin</span></div>';
            $sHtml .= '		<div style="text-align:center;">' . self::FilterXSS($sForm) . '</div>';
            $sHtml .= ' </div>';
            $sHtml .= ' </div>';
            $sHtml .= ' <div id="menu" class="ui-layout-center">';
            $sHtml .= '		<div id="inner_menu">';
            $sHtml .= '			<div id="accordion">';
            $sHtml .= self::FilterXSS($this->m_sMenu);
            $sHtml .= '			<!-- Beginning of the accordion menu -->';
            $sHtml .= '			<!-- End of the accordion menu-->';
            $sHtml .= '			</div>';
            $sHtml .= '		</div> <!-- /inner menu -->';
            $sHtml .= ' </div> <!-- /menu -->';
            $sHtml .= ' <div class="footer ui-layout-south"><div id="combodo_logo"><a href="" title="" target="_blank"><img src="../images/logo-combodo.png"/></a></div></div>';
            $sHtml .= '<!-- End of the left pane -->';
            $sHtml .= '</div>';
            $sHtml .= '<div class="ui-layout-center">';
            $sHtml .= ' <div id="top-bar" style="width:100%">';
            $sHtml .= self::FilterXSS($sApplicationBanner);
            $sHtml .= '		<div id="global-search"><form action="' . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php"><table><tr><td></td><td id="g-search-input"><input type="text" name="text" value="' . $sText . '"' . $sOnClick . '/></td>';
            $sHtml .= '<td><input type="image" src="../images/searchBtn.png"/></a></td>';
            $sHtml .= '<td><a style="background:transparent;" href="' . $sOnlineHelpUrl . '" target="_blank"><img style="border:0;padding-left:20px;padding-right:10px;" title="' . Dict::S('UI:Help') . '" src="../images/help.png"/></td>';
            $sHtml .= '<td style="padding-right:20px;padding-left:10px;">' . self::FilterXSS($sLogOffMenu) . '</td><td><input type="hidden" name="operation" value="full_text"/></td></tr></table></form></div>';
            //echo '<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="hidden" name="operation" value="full_text"/></td></tr></table></form></div>';
            $sHtml .= ' </div>';
            $sHtml .= ' <div class="ui-layout-content" style="overflow:auto;">';
            $sHtml .= ' <!-- Beginning of page content -->';
            $sHtml .= self::FilterXSS($this->s_content);
            $sHtml .= ' <!-- End of page content -->';
            $sHtml .= ' </div>';
            $sHtml .= '</div>';
            $sHtml .= $sSouthPane;
            // Add the captured output
            if (trim($s_captured_output) != "") {
                $sHtml .= "<div id=\"rawOutput\" title=\"Debug Output\"><div style=\"height:500px; overflow-y:auto;\">" . self::FilterXSS($s_captured_output) . "</div></div>\n";
            $sHtml .= "<div id=\"at_the_end\">" . self::FilterXSS($this->s_deferred_content) . "</div>";
            $sHtml .= "<div style=\"display:none\" title=\"ex2\" id=\"ex2\">Please wait...</div>\n";
            // jqModal Window
            $sHtml .= "<div style=\"display:none\" title=\"dialog\" id=\"ModalDlg\"></div>";
            $sHtml .= "<div style=\"display:none\" id=\"ajax_content\"></div>";
        } else {
            $sHtml .= self::FilterXSS($this->s_content);
        $sHtml .= "</body>\n";
        $sHtml .= "</html>\n";
        if ($this->GetOutputFormat() == 'html') {
            $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
            echo $sHtml;
            $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('Echoing (' . round(strlen($sHtml) / 1024) . ' Kb)');
        } else {
            if ($this->GetOutputFormat() == 'pdf' && $this->IsOutputFormatAvailable('pdf')) {
                if (@is_readable(APPROOT . 'lib/MPDF/mpdf.php')) {
                    require_once APPROOT . 'lib/MPDF/mpdf.php';
                    $oMPDF = new mPDF('c');
                    $oMPDF->mirroMargins = false;
                    if ($this->a_base['href'] != '') {
                        // Seems that the <BASE> tag is not recognized by mPDF...
                    $oMPDF->showWatermarkText = true;
                    if ($this->GetOutputOption('pdf', 'template_path')) {
                        // Allow templates
                        $oMPDF->SetDocTemplate($this->GetOutputOption('pdf', 'template_path'), 1);
                    $sOutputName = $this->s_title . '.pdf';
                    if ($this->GetOutputOption('pdf', 'output_name')) {
                        $sOutputName = $this->GetOutputOption('pdf', 'output_name');
                    $oMPDF->Output($sOutputName, 'I');
Esempio n. 6
 protected function GetSQLQuery($aOrderBy, $aArgs, $aAttToLoad, $aExtendedDataSpec, $iLimitCount, $iLimitStart, $bGetCount, $aGroupByExpr = null)
     // Hide objects that are not visible to the current user
     $oSearch = $this;
     if (!$this->IsAllDataAllowed() && !$this->IsDataFiltered()) {
         $oVisibleObjects = UserRights::GetSelectFilter($this->GetClass(), $this->GetModifierProperties('UserRightsGetSelectFilter'));
         if ($oVisibleObjects === false) {
             // Make sure this is a valid search object, saying NO for all
             $oVisibleObjects = DBObjectSearch::FromEmptySet($this->GetClass());
         if (is_object($oVisibleObjects)) {
             $oSearch = $this->Intersect($oVisibleObjects);
         } else {
             // should be true at this point, meaning that no additional filtering
             // is required
     // Compute query modifiers properties (can be set in the search itself, by the context, etc.)
     $aModifierProperties = MetaModel::MakeModifierProperties($oSearch);
     // Create a unique cache id
     if (self::$m_bQueryCacheEnabled || self::$m_bTraceQueries) {
         // Need to identify the query
         $sOqlQuery = $oSearch->ToOql();
         if (count($aModifierProperties)) {
             $sModifierProperties = json_encode($aModifierProperties);
         } else {
             $sModifierProperties = '';
         $sRawId = $sOqlQuery . $sModifierProperties;
         if (!is_null($aAttToLoad)) {
             $sRawId .= json_encode($aAttToLoad);
         if (!is_null($aGroupByExpr)) {
             foreach ($aGroupByExpr as $sAlias => $oExpr) {
                 $sRawId .= 'g:' . $sAlias . '!' . $oExpr->Render();
         $sRawId .= $bGetCount;
         $sOqlId = md5($sRawId);
     } else {
         $sOqlQuery = "SELECTING... " . $oSearch->GetClass();
         $sOqlId = "query id ? n/a";
     // Query caching
     if (self::$m_bQueryCacheEnabled) {
         // Warning: using directly the query string as the key to the hash array can FAIL if the string
         // is long and the differences are only near the end... so it's safer (but not bullet proof?)
         // to use a hash (like md5) of the string as the key !
         // Example of two queries that were found as similar by the hash array:
         // SELECT SLT JOIN lnkSLTToSLA AS L1 ON JOIN SLA ON L1.sla_id = JOIN lnkContractToSLA AS L2 ON L2.sla_id = JOIN CustomerContract ON L2.contract_id = WHERE SLT.ticket_priority = 1 AND SLA.service_id = 3 AND SLT.metric = 'TTO' AND CustomerContract.customer_id = 2
         // and
         // SELECT SLT JOIN lnkSLTToSLA AS L1 ON JOIN SLA ON L1.sla_id = JOIN lnkContractToSLA AS L2 ON L2.sla_id = JOIN CustomerContract ON L2.contract_id = WHERE SLT.ticket_priority = 1 AND SLA.service_id = 3 AND SLT.metric = 'TTR' AND CustomerContract.customer_id = 2
         // the only difference is R instead or O at position 285 (TTR instead of TTO)...
         if (array_key_exists($sOqlId, self::$m_aQueryStructCache)) {
             // hit!
             $oSQLQuery = unserialize(serialize(self::$m_aQueryStructCache[$sOqlId]));
             // Note: cloning is not enough because the subtree is made of objects
         } elseif (self::$m_bUseAPCCache) {
             // Note: For versions of APC older than 3.0.17, fetch() accepts only one parameter
             $sOqlAPCCacheId = 'itop-' . MetaModel::GetEnvironmentId() . '-query-cache-' . $sOqlId;
             $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
             $result = apc_fetch($sOqlAPCCacheId);
             $oKPI->ComputeStats('Query APC (fetch)', $sOqlQuery);
             if (is_object($result)) {
                 $oSQLQuery = $result;
                 self::$m_aQueryStructCache[$sOqlId] = $oSQLQuery;
     if (!isset($oSQLQuery)) {
         $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
         $oSQLQuery = $oSearch->MakeSQLQuery($aAttToLoad, $bGetCount, $aModifierProperties, $aGroupByExpr);
         $oKPI->ComputeStats('MakeSQLQuery', $sOqlQuery);
         if (self::$m_bQueryCacheEnabled) {
             if (self::$m_bUseAPCCache) {
                 $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
                 apc_store($sOqlAPCCacheId, $oSQLQuery, self::$m_iQueryCacheTTL);
                 $oKPI->ComputeStats('Query APC (store)', $sOqlQuery);
             self::$m_aQueryStructCache[$sOqlId] = $oSQLQuery->DeepClone();
     // Join to an additional table, if required...
     if ($aExtendedDataSpec != null) {
         $sTableAlias = '_extended_data_';
         $aExtendedFields = array();
         foreach ($aExtendedDataSpec['fields'] as $sColumn) {
             $sColRef = $oSearch->GetClassAlias() . '_extdata_' . $sColumn;
             $aExtendedFields[$sColRef] = new FieldExpressionResolved($sColumn, $sTableAlias);
         $oSQLQueryExt = new SQLObjectQuery($aExtendedDataSpec['table'], $sTableAlias, $aExtendedFields);
         $oSQLQuery->AddInnerJoin($oSQLQueryExt, 'id', $aExtendedDataSpec['join_key']);
     return $oSQLQuery;
Esempio n. 7
  * @param string sUser A user login or * for all users	
 public static function SetAllowedUser($sUser)
     self::$m_sAllowedUser = $sUser;
 protected function OnUpdate()
     $sMemPeak = max($this->Get('memory_usage_peak'), ExecutionKPI::memory_get_peak_usage());
     $this->Set('memory_usage_peak', $sMemPeak);
 public function LoadCache()
     if (!is_null($this->m_aProfiles)) {
     // Could be loaded in a shared memory (?)
     $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
     if (self::HasSharing()) {
     $oProfileSet = new DBObjectSet(DBObjectSearch::FromOQL_AllData("SELECT URP_Profiles"));
     $this->m_aProfiles = array();
     while ($oProfile = $oProfileSet->Fetch()) {
         $this->m_aProfiles[$oProfile->GetKey()] = $oProfile;
     $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('Load of user management cache (excepted Action Grants)');
     		echo "<pre>\n";
     		echo "</pre>\n";
     return true;
Esempio n. 10
 public function ToArgs($sArgName = 'this')
     if (is_null($this->m_aAsArgs)) {
         $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
         $aScalarArgs = $this->ToArgsForQuery($sArgName);
         $aScalarArgs[$sArgName] = $this->GetKey();
         $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->id'] = $this->GetKey();
         $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->hyperlink()'] = $this->GetHyperlink('iTopStandardURLMaker', false);
         $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->hyperlink(portal)'] = $this->GetHyperlink('PortalURLMaker', false);
         $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->name()'] = $this->GetName();
         $sClass = get_class($this);
         foreach (MetaModel::ListAttributeDefs($sClass) as $sAttCode => $oAttDef) {
             if ($oAttDef instanceof AttributeCaseLog) {
                 $oCaseLog = $this->Get($sAttCode);
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->' . $sAttCode] = $oCaseLog->GetText();
                 $sHead = $oCaseLog->GetLatestEntry();
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->head(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = $sHead;
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->head_html(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = '<div class="caselog_entry">' . str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "<br/>", htmlentities($sHead, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) . '</div>';
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->html(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = $oCaseLog->GetAsEmailHtml();
             } elseif ($oAttDef->IsScalar()) {
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->' . $sAttCode] = $this->Get($sAttCode);
                 // #@# Note: This has been proven to be quite slow, this can slow down bulk load
                 $sAsHtml = $this->GetAsHtml($sAttCode);
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->html(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = $sAsHtml;
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->label(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = $this->GetEditValue($sAttCode);
                 // "Nice" display value, but without HTML tags and entities
             } elseif ($oAttDef->IsLinkSet()) {
                 $sRemoteName = $oAttDef->IsIndirect() ? $oAttDef->GetExtKeyToRemote() . '_friendlyname' : 'friendlyname';
                 $oLinkSet = clone $this->Get($sAttCode);
                 // Workaround/Safety net for Trac #887
                 $iLimit = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('max_linkset_output');
                 if ($iLimit > 0) {
                 $aNames = $oLinkSet->GetColumnAsArray($sRemoteName);
                 if ($iLimit > 0) {
                     $iTotal = $oLinkSet->Count();
                     if ($iTotal > count($aNames)) {
                         $aNames[] = '... ' . Dict::Format('UI:TruncatedResults', count($aNames), $iTotal);
                 $sNames = implode("\n", $aNames);
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->' . $sAttCode] = $sNames;
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->html(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = '<ul><li>' . implode("</li><li>", $aNames) . '</li></ul>';
         $this->m_aAsArgs = $aScalarArgs;
         $oKPI->ComputeStats('ToArgs', get_class($this));
     return $this->m_aAsArgs;
Esempio n. 11
 public static function LoadConfig($oConfiguration, $bAllowCache = false)
     self::$m_oConfig = $oConfiguration;
     // Set log ASAP
     if (self::$m_oConfig->GetLogGlobal()) {
         if (self::$m_oConfig->GetLogIssue()) {
             self::$m_bLogIssue = true;
             IssueLog::Enable(APPROOT . 'log/error.log');
         self::$m_bLogNotification = self::$m_oConfig->GetLogNotification();
         self::$m_bLogWebService = self::$m_oConfig->GetLogWebService();
         ToolsLog::Enable(APPROOT . 'log/tools.log');
     } else {
         self::$m_bLogIssue = false;
         self::$m_bLogNotification = false;
         self::$m_bLogWebService = false;
     self::$m_bSkipCheckToWrite = self::$m_oConfig->Get('skip_check_to_write');
     self::$m_bSkipCheckExtKeys = self::$m_oConfig->Get('skip_check_ext_keys');
     self::$m_bUseAPCCache = $bAllowCache && self::$m_oConfig->Get('apc_cache.enabled') && function_exists('apc_fetch') && function_exists('apc_store');
     DBSearch::EnableQueryCache(self::$m_oConfig->GetQueryCacheEnabled(), self::$m_bUseAPCCache, self::$m_oConfig->Get('apc_cache.query_ttl'));
     // PHP timezone first...
     $sPHPTimezone = self::$m_oConfig->Get('timezone');
     if ($sPHPTimezone == '') {
         // Leave as is... up to the admin to set a value somewhere...
         //$sPHPTimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
     } else {
     // Note: load the dictionary as soon as possible, because it might be
     //       needed when some error occur
     $sAppIdentity = 'itop-' . MetaModel::GetEnvironmentId();
     $bDictInitializedFromData = false;
     if (!self::$m_bUseAPCCache || !Dict::InCache($sAppIdentity)) {
         $bDictInitializedFromData = true;
         foreach (self::$m_oConfig->GetDictionaries() as $sModule => $sToInclude) {
             self::IncludeModule('dictionaries', $sToInclude);
     // Set the language... after the dictionaries have been loaded!
     // Romain: this is the only way I've found to cope with the fact that
     //         classes have to be derived from cmdbabstract (to be editable in the UI)
     require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
     foreach (self::$m_oConfig->GetAppModules() as $sModule => $sToInclude) {
         self::IncludeModule('application', $sToInclude);
     foreach (self::$m_oConfig->GetDataModels() as $sModule => $sToInclude) {
         self::IncludeModule('business', $sToInclude);
     foreach (self::$m_oConfig->GetWebServiceCategories() as $sModule => $sToInclude) {
         self::IncludeModule('webservice', $sToInclude);
     foreach (self::$m_oConfig->GetAddons() as $sModule => $sToInclude) {
         self::IncludeModule('addons', $sToInclude);
     $sServer = self::$m_oConfig->GetDBHost();
     $sUser = self::$m_oConfig->GetDBUser();
     $sPwd = self::$m_oConfig->GetDBPwd();
     $sSource = self::$m_oConfig->GetDBName();
     $sTablePrefix = self::$m_oConfig->GetDBSubname();
     $sCharacterSet = self::$m_oConfig->GetDBCharacterSet();
     $sCollation = self::$m_oConfig->GetDBCollation();
     if (self::$m_bUseAPCCache) {
         $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
         // Note: For versions of APC older than 3.0.17, fetch() accepts only one parameter
         $sOqlAPCCacheId = 'itop-' . MetaModel::GetEnvironmentId() . '-metamodel';
         $result = apc_fetch($sOqlAPCCacheId);
         if (is_array($result)) {
             // todo - verifier que toutes les classes mentionnees ici sont chargees dans InitClasses()
             self::$m_aExtensionClasses = $result['m_aExtensionClasses'];
             self::$m_Category2Class = $result['m_Category2Class'];
             self::$m_aRootClasses = $result['m_aRootClasses'];
             self::$m_aParentClasses = $result['m_aParentClasses'];
             self::$m_aChildClasses = $result['m_aChildClasses'];
             self::$m_aClassParams = $result['m_aClassParams'];
             self::$m_aAttribDefs = $result['m_aAttribDefs'];
             self::$m_aAttribOrigins = $result['m_aAttribOrigins'];
             self::$m_aExtKeyFriends = $result['m_aExtKeyFriends'];
             self::$m_aIgnoredAttributes = $result['m_aIgnoredAttributes'];
             self::$m_aFilterDefs = $result['m_aFilterDefs'];
             self::$m_aFilterOrigins = $result['m_aFilterOrigins'];
             self::$m_aListInfos = $result['m_aListInfos'];
             self::$m_aListData = $result['m_aListData'];
             self::$m_aRelationInfos = $result['m_aRelationInfos'];
             self::$m_aStates = $result['m_aStates'];
             self::$m_aStimuli = $result['m_aStimuli'];
             self::$m_aTransitions = $result['m_aTransitions'];
             self::$m_aHighlightScales = $result['m_aHighlightScales'];
         $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('Metamodel APC (fetch + read)');
     if (count(self::$m_aAttribDefs) == 0) {
         // The includes have been included, let's browse the existing classes and
         // develop some data based on the proposed model
         $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
         $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('Initialization of Data model structures');
         if (self::$m_bUseAPCCache) {
             $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
             $aCache = array();
             $aCache['m_aExtensionClasses'] = self::$m_aExtensionClasses;
             $aCache['m_Category2Class'] = self::$m_Category2Class;
             $aCache['m_aRootClasses'] = self::$m_aRootClasses;
             // array of "classname" => "rootclass"
             $aCache['m_aParentClasses'] = self::$m_aParentClasses;
             // array of ("classname" => array of "parentclass")
             $aCache['m_aChildClasses'] = self::$m_aChildClasses;
             // array of ("classname" => array of "childclass")
             $aCache['m_aClassParams'] = self::$m_aClassParams;
             // array of ("classname" => array of class information)
             $aCache['m_aAttribDefs'] = self::$m_aAttribDefs;
             // array of ("classname" => array of attributes)
             $aCache['m_aAttribOrigins'] = self::$m_aAttribOrigins;
             // array of ("classname" => array of ("attcode"=>"sourceclass"))
             $aCache['m_aExtKeyFriends'] = self::$m_aExtKeyFriends;
             // array of ("classname" => array of ("indirect ext key attcode"=> array of ("relative ext field")))
             $aCache['m_aIgnoredAttributes'] = self::$m_aIgnoredAttributes;
             //array of ("classname" => array of ("attcode")
             $aCache['m_aFilterDefs'] = self::$m_aFilterDefs;
             // array of ("classname" => array filterdef)
             $aCache['m_aFilterOrigins'] = self::$m_aFilterOrigins;
             // array of ("classname" => array of ("attcode"=>"sourceclass"))
             $aCache['m_aListInfos'] = self::$m_aListInfos;
             // array of ("listcode" => various info on the list, common to every classes)
             $aCache['m_aListData'] = self::$m_aListData;
             // array of ("classname" => array of "listcode" => list)
             $aCache['m_aRelationInfos'] = self::$m_aRelationInfos;
             // array of ("relcode" => various info on the list, common to every classes)
             $aCache['m_aStates'] = self::$m_aStates;
             // array of ("classname" => array of "statecode"=>array('label'=>..., attribute_inherit=> attribute_list=>...))
             $aCache['m_aStimuli'] = self::$m_aStimuli;
             // array of ("classname" => array of ("stimuluscode"=>array('label'=>...)))
             $aCache['m_aTransitions'] = self::$m_aTransitions;
             // array of ("classname" => array of ("statcode_from"=>array of ("stimuluscode" => array('target_state'=>..., 'actions'=>array of handlers procs, 'user_restriction'=>TBD)))
             $aCache['m_aHighlightScales'] = self::$m_aHighlightScales;
             // array of ("classname" => array of higlightcodes)))
             apc_store($sOqlAPCCacheId, $aCache);
             $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('Metamodel APC (store)');
     if (self::$m_bUseAPCCache && $bDictInitializedFromData) {
     self::$m_sDBName = $sSource;
     self::$m_sTablePrefix = $sTablePrefix;
     CMDBSource::Init($sServer, $sUser, $sPwd);
     // do not select the DB (could not exist)
     CMDBSource::SetCharacterSet($sCharacterSet, $sCollation);
     // Later when timezone implementation is correctly done: CMDBSource::SetTimezone($sDBTimezone);
 function DoShowGrantSumary($oPage, $sClassCategory)
     if (UserRights::IsAdministrator($this)) {
         // Looks dirty, but ok that's THE ONE
     $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
     $aDisplayData = array();
     foreach (MetaModel::GetClasses($sClassCategory) as $sClass) {
         $aClassStimuli = MetaModel::EnumStimuli($sClass);
         if (count($aClassStimuli) > 0) {
             $aStimuli = array();
             foreach ($aClassStimuli as $sStimulusCode => $oStimulus) {
                 if (UserRights::IsStimulusAllowed($sClass, $sStimulusCode, null, $this)) {
                     $aStimuli[] = '<span title="' . $sStimulusCode . ': ' . htmlentities($oStimulus->GetDescription(), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlentities($oStimulus->GetLabel(), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</span>';
             $sStimuli = implode(', ', $aStimuli);
         } else {
             $sStimuli = '<em title="' . Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:NoLifeCycleApplicable+') . '">' . Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:NoLifeCycleApplicable') . '</em>';
         $aDisplayData[] = array('class' => MetaModel::GetName($sClass), 'read' => $this->GetGrantAsHtml($sClass, UR_ACTION_READ), 'bulkread' => $this->GetGrantAsHtml($sClass, UR_ACTION_BULK_READ), 'write' => $this->GetGrantAsHtml($sClass, UR_ACTION_MODIFY), 'bulkwrite' => $this->GetGrantAsHtml($sClass, UR_ACTION_BULK_MODIFY), 'stimuli' => $sStimuli);
     $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('Computation of user rights');
     $aDisplayConfig = array();
     $aDisplayConfig['class'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Class'), 'description' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Class+'));
     $aDisplayConfig['read'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Action:Read'), 'description' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Action:Read+'));
     $aDisplayConfig['bulkread'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Action:BulkRead'), 'description' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Action:BulkRead+'));
     $aDisplayConfig['write'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Action:Modify'), 'description' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Action:Modify+'));
     $aDisplayConfig['bulkwrite'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Action:BulkModify'), 'description' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Action:BulkModify+'));
     $aDisplayConfig['stimuli'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Action:Stimuli'), 'description' => Dict::S('UI:UserManagement:Action:Stimuli+'));
     $oPage->table($aDisplayConfig, $aDisplayData);
Esempio n. 13
  * Outputs (via some echo) the complete HTML page by assembling all its elements
 public function output()
     foreach ($this->a_headers as $s_header) {
     $s_captured_output = $this->ob_get_clean_safe();
     echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">\n";
     echo "<html>\n";
     echo "<head>\n";
     echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n";
     echo "<title>" . htmlentities($this->s_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</title>\n";
     echo $this->get_base_tag();
     foreach ($this->a_linked_scripts as $s_script) {
         // Make sure that the URL to the script contains the application's version number
         // so that the new script do NOT get reloaded from the cache when the application is upgraded
         if (strpos($s_script, '?') === false) {
             $s_script .= "?itopversion=" . ITOP_VERSION;
         } else {
             $s_script .= "&itopversion=" . ITOP_VERSION;
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$s_script}\"></script>\n";
     if (count($this->a_scripts) > 0) {
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
         foreach ($this->a_scripts as $s_script) {
             echo "{$s_script}\n";
         echo "</script>\n";
     foreach ($this->a_linked_stylesheets as $a_stylesheet) {
         if ($a_stylesheet['condition'] != "") {
             echo "<!--[if {$a_stylesheet['condition']}]>\n";
         echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$a_stylesheet['link']}\" />\n";
         if ($a_stylesheet['condition'] != "") {
             echo "<![endif]-->\n";
     if (count($this->a_styles) > 0) {
         echo "<style>\n";
         foreach ($this->a_styles as $s_style) {
             echo "{$s_style}\n";
         echo "</style>\n";
     if (class_exists('MetaModel') && MetaModel::GetConfig()) {
         echo "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "images/favicon.ico\" />\n";
     echo "</head>\n";
     echo "<body>\n";
     echo self::FilterXSS($this->s_content);
     if (trim($s_captured_output) != "") {
         echo "<div class=\"raw_output\">" . self::FilterXSS($s_captured_output) . "</div>\n";
     echo '<div id="at_the_end">' . self::FilterXSS($this->s_deferred_content) . '</div>';
     echo "</body>\n";
     echo "</html>\n";
     if (class_exists('DBSearch')) {
     if (class_exists('ExecutionKPI')) {
Esempio n. 14
    $aForm[] = array('label' => "CIs for the big ticket:", 'input' => "<input id=\"to\" type=\"text\" name=\"plannedbigticketcis\" value=\"200\">", 'help' => 'Number of CI for the single big ticket');
    $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"operation\" value=\"create_tickets\">\n");
    $oP->add("<button type=\"submit\">Next >></button>\n");
 * Main program
// Check user rights and prompt if needed
$sOperation = Utils::ReadParam('operation', 'step1');
$oP = new SetupPage('iTop benchmark utility');
$oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
try {
    switch ($sOperation) {
        case 'step1':
        case 'create_structure':
            $iPlannedContacts = Utils::ReadParam('plannedcontacts');
            $iPlannedContracts = Utils::ReadParam('plannedcontracts');
            $oDataCreation = new BenchmarkDataCreation();
            $oDataCreation->PlanStructure($iPlannedContacts, $iPlannedContracts);
            $oDataCreation->ShowForm($oP, 'create_structure_go');
        case 'create_structure_go':
Esempio n. 15
 public final function CheckToWrite()
     if (MetaModel::SkipCheckToWrite()) {
         return array(true, array());
     if (is_null($this->m_bCheckStatus)) {
         $this->m_aCheckIssues = array();
         $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
         $oKPI->ComputeStats('CheckToWrite', get_class($this));
         if (count($this->m_aCheckIssues) == 0) {
             $this->m_bCheckStatus = true;
         } else {
             $this->m_bCheckStatus = false;
     return array($this->m_bCheckStatus, $this->m_aCheckIssues, $this->m_bSecurityIssue);
Esempio n. 16
 public static function QueryToArray($sSql)
     $aData = array();
     $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
     try {
         $oResult = self::$m_oMysqli->query($sSql);
     } catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) {
         $oKPI->ComputeStats('Query exec (mySQL)', $sSql);
         MySQLException('Failed to issue SQL query', array('query' => $sSql, $e));
     $oKPI->ComputeStats('Query exec (mySQL)', $sSql);
     if ($oResult === false) {
         throw new MySQLException('Failed to issue SQL query', array('query' => $sSql));
     while ($aRow = $oResult->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
         $aData[] = $aRow;
     return $aData;
Esempio n. 17
 * Main user interface page, starts here
 * ***********************************************************************************/
try {
    require_once '../';
    require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
    require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
    require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
    require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
    $operation = utils::ReadParam('operation', '');
    $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
    $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('Data model loaded');
    $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
    require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
    $sLoginMessage = LoginWebPage::DoLogin();
    // Check user rights and prompt if needed
    $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext();
    $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('User login');
    $oP = new iTopWebPage(Dict::S('UI:WelcomeToITop'));
    // All the following actions use advanced forms that require more javascript to be loaded
    switch ($operation) {
        case 'new':
            // Form to create a new object
        // Form to create a new object
        case 'modify':
            // Form to modify an object
        // Form to modify an object